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Structure of a bacterial multidrug ABC transporter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dawson RJ  Locher KP 《Nature》2006,443(7108):180-185
Multidrug transporters of the ABC family facilitate the export of diverse cytotoxic drugs across cell membranes. This is clinically relevant, as tumour cells may become resistant to agents used in chemotherapy. To understand the molecular basis of this process, we have determined the 3.0 A crystal structure of a bacterial ABC transporter (Sav1866) from Staphylococcus aureus. The homodimeric protein consists of 12 transmembrane helices in an arrangement that is consistent with cross-linking studies and electron microscopic imaging of the human multidrug resistance protein MDR1, but critically different from that reported for the bacterial lipid flippase MsbA. The observed, outward-facing conformation reflects the ATP-bound state, with the two nucleotide-binding domains in close contact and the two transmembrane domains forming a central cavity--presumably the drug translocation pathway--that is shielded from the inner leaflet of the lipid bilayer and from the cytoplasm, but exposed to the outer leaflet and the extracellular space.  相似文献   

Lu F  Li S  Jiang Y  Jiang J  Fan H  Lu G  Deng D  Dang S  Zhang X  Wang J  Yan N 《Nature》2011,472(7342):243-246
The nucleobase/ascorbate transporter (NAT) proteins, also known as nucleobase/cation symporter 2 (NCS2) proteins, are responsible for the uptake of nucleobases in all kingdoms of life and for the transport of vitamin C in mammals. Despite functional characterization of the NAT family members in bacteria, fungi and mammals, detailed structural information remains unavailable. Here we report the crystal structure of a representative NAT protein, the Escherichia coli uracil/H(+) symporter UraA, in complex with uracil at a resolution of 2.8??. UraA has a novel structural fold, with 14 transmembrane segments (TMs) divided into two inverted repeats. A pair of antiparallel β-strands is located between TM3 and TM10 and has an important role in structural organization and substrate recognition. The structure is spatially arranged into a core domain and a gate domain. Uracil, located at the interface between the two domains, is coordinated mainly by residues from the core domain. Structural analysis suggests that alternating access of the substrate may be achieved through conformational changes of the gate domain.  相似文献   

S A Lloyd  F G Whitby  D F Blair  C P Hill 《Nature》1999,400(6743):472-475
Many motile species of bacteria are propelled by flagella, which are rigid helical filaments turned by rotary motors in the cell membrane. The motors are powered by the transmembrane gradient of protons or sodium ions. Although bacterial flagella contain many proteins, only three-MotA, MotB and FliG-participate closely in torque generation. MotA and MotB are ion-conducting membrane proteins that form the stator of the motor. FliG is a component of the rotor, present in about 25 copies per flagellum. It is composed of an amino-terminal domain that functions in flagellar assembly and a carboxy-terminal domain (FliG-C) that functions specifically in motor rotation. Here we report the crystal structure of FliG-C from the hyperthermophilic eubacterium Thermotoga maritima. Charged residues that are important for function, and which interact with the stator protein MotA, cluster along a prominent ridge on FliG-C. On the basis of the disposition of these residues, we present a hypothesis for the orientation of FliG-C domains in the flagellar motor, and propose a structural model for the part of the rotor that interacts with the stator.  相似文献   

The 30S ribosomal subunit binds messenger RNA and the anticodon stem-loop of transfer RNA during protein synthesis. A crystallographic analysis of the structure of the subunit from the bacterium Thermus thermophilus is presented. At a resolution of 5.5 A, the phosphate backbone of the ribosomal RNA is visible, as are the alpha-helices of the ribosomal proteins, enabling double-helical regions of RNA to be identified throughout the subunit, all seven of the small-subunit proteins of known crystal structure to be positioned in the electron density map, and the fold of the entire central domain of the small-subunit ribosomal RNA to be determined.  相似文献   

The bacterial flagellum is a motile organelle, and the flagellar hook is a short, highly curved tubular structure that connects the flagellar motor to the long filament acting as a helical propeller. The hook is made of about 120 copies of a single protein, FlgE, and its function as a nano-sized universal joint is essential for dynamic and efficient bacterial motility and taxis. It transmits the motor torque to the helical propeller over a wide range of its orientation for swimming and tumbling. Here we report a partial atomic model of the hook obtained by X-ray crystallography of FlgE31, a major proteolytic fragment of FlgE lacking unfolded terminal regions, and by electron cryomicroscopy and three-dimensional helical image reconstruction of the hook. The model reveals the intricate molecular interactions and a plausible switching mechanism for the hook to be flexible in bending but rigid against twisting for its universal joint function.  相似文献   

AcrB is a principal multidrug efflux transporter in Escherichia coli that cooperates with an outer-membrane channel, TolC, and a membrane-fusion protein, AcrA. Here we describe crystal structures of AcrB with and without substrates. The AcrB-drug complex consists of three protomers, each of which has a different conformation corresponding to one of the three functional states of the transport cycle. Bound substrate was found in the periplasmic domain of one of the three protomers. The voluminous binding pocket is aromatic and allows multi-site binding. The structures indicate that drugs are exported by a three-step functionally rotating mechanism in which substrates undergo ordered binding change.  相似文献   

Dong C  Huang F  Deng H  Schaffrath C  Spencer JB  O'Hagan D  Naismith JH 《Nature》2004,427(6974):561-565
Fluorine is the thirteenth most abundant element in the earth's crust, but fluoride concentrations in surface water are low and fluorinated metabolites are extremely rare. The fluoride ion is a potent nucleophile in its desolvated state, but is tightly hydrated in water and effectively inert. Low availability and a lack of chemical reactivity have largely excluded fluoride from biochemistry: in particular, fluorine's high redox potential precludes the haloperoxidase-type mechanism used in the metabolic incorporation of chloride and bromide ions. But fluorinated chemicals are growing in industrial importance, with applications in pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and materials products. Reactive fluorination reagents requiring specialist process technologies are needed in industry and, although biological catalysts for these processes are highly sought after, only one enzyme that can convert fluoride to organic fluorine has been described. Streptomyces cattleya can form carbon-fluorine bonds and must therefore have evolved an enzyme able to overcome the chemical challenges of using aqueous fluoride. Here we report the sequence and three-dimensional structure of the first native fluorination enzyme, 5'-fluoro-5'-deoxyadenosine synthase, from this organism. Both substrate and products have been observed bound to the enzyme, enabling us to propose a nucleophilic substitution mechanism for this biological fluorination reaction.  相似文献   

Yernool D  Boudker O  Jin Y  Gouaux E 《Nature》2004,431(7010):811-818
Glutamate transporters are integral membrane proteins that catalyse the concentrative uptake of glutamate from the synapse to intracellular spaces by harnessing pre-existing ion gradients. In the central nervous system glutamate transporters are essential for normal development and function, and are implicated in stroke, epilepsy and neurodegenerative diseases. Here we present the crystal structure of a eukaryotic glutamate transporter homologue from Pyrococcus horikoshii. The transporter is a bowl-shaped trimer with a solvent-filled extracellular basin extending halfway across the membrane bilayer. At the bottom of the basin are three independent binding sites, each cradled by two helical hairpins, reaching from opposite sides of the membrane. We propose that transport of glutamate is achieved by movements of the hairpins that allow alternating access to either side of the membrane.  相似文献   

Structure of the Fe-S complex in a bacterial ferredoxin   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
L C Sieker  E Adman  L H Jensen 《Nature》1972,235(5332):40-42

Ma D  Lu P  Yan C  Fan C  Yin P  Wang J  Shi Y 《Nature》2012,483(7391):632-636
Food-borne hemorrhagic Escherichia coli, exemplified by the strains O157:H7 and O104:H4 (refs?1, 2), require elaborate acid-resistance systems (ARs) to survive the extremely acidic environment such as the stomach (pH?≈?2). AR2 expels intracellular protons through the decarboxylation of L-glutamate (Glu) in the cytoplasm and exchange of the reaction product γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) with extracellular Glu. The latter process is mediated by the Glu-GABA antiporter GadC, a representative member of the amino-acid-polyamine-organocation superfamily of membrane transporters. The functional mechanism of GadC remains largely unknown. Here we show, with the use of an in vitro proteoliposome-based assay, that GadC transports GABA/Glu only under acidic conditions, with no detectable activity at pH values higher than 6.5. We determined the crystal structure of E.?coli GadC at 3.1?? resolution under basic conditions. GadC, comprising 12 transmembrane segments (TMs), exists in a closed state, with its carboxy-terminal domain serving as a plug to block an otherwise inward-open conformation. Structural and biochemical analyses reveal the essential transport residues, identify the transport path and suggest a conserved transport mechanism involving the rigid-body rotation of a helical bundle for GadC and other amino acid antiporters.  相似文献   

Flagellar rotation and the mechanism of bacterial motility   总被引:104,自引:0,他引:104  
M Silverman  M Simon 《Nature》1974,249(452):73-74

Crystal structure of bacterial multidrug efflux transporter AcrB   总被引:59,自引:0,他引:59  
Murakami S  Nakashima R  Yamashita E  Yamaguchi A 《Nature》2002,419(6907):587-593
AcrB is a major multidrug exporter in Escherichia coli. It cooperates with a membrane fusion protein, AcrA, and an outer membrane channel, TolC. We have determined the crystal structure of AcrB at 3.5 A resolution. Three AcrB protomers are organized as a homotrimer in the shape of a jellyfish. Each protomer is composed of a transmembrane region 50 A thick and a 70 A protruding headpiece. The top of the headpiece opens like a funnel, where TolC might directly dock into AcrB. A pore formed by three alpha-helices connects the funnel with a central cavity located at the bottom of the headpiece. The cavity has three vestibules at the side of the headpiece which lead into the periplasm. In the transmembrane region, each protomer has twelve transmembrane alpha-helices. The structure implies that substrates translocated from the cell interior through the transmembrane region and from the periplasm through the vestibules are collected in the central cavity and then actively transported through the pore into the TolC tunnel.  相似文献   

Transfer RNA (tRNA) is produced as a precursor molecule that needs to be processed at its 3' and 5' ends. Ribonuclease P is the sole endonuclease responsible for processing the 5' end of tRNA by cleaving the precursor and leading to tRNA maturation. It was one of the first catalytic RNA molecules identified and consists of a single RNA component in all organisms and only one protein component in bacteria. It is a true multi-turnover ribozyme and one of only two ribozymes (the other being the ribosome) that are conserved in all kingdoms of life. Here we show the crystal structure at 3.85 A resolution of the RNA component of Thermotoga maritima ribonuclease P. The entire RNA catalytic component is revealed, as well as the arrangement of the two structural domains. The structure shows the general architecture of the RNA molecule, the inter- and intra-domain interactions, the location of the universally conserved regions, the regions involved in pre-tRNA recognition and the location of the active site. A model with bound tRNA is in agreement with all existing data and suggests the general basis for RNA-RNA recognition by this ribozyme.  相似文献   

Site-specific recognition of DNA in eukaryotic organisms depends on the arrangement of nucleosomes in chromatin. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ISW1a and related chromatin remodelling factors are implicated in establishing the nucleosome repeat during replication and altering nucleosome position to affect gene activity. Here we have solved the crystal structures of S. cerevisiae ISW1a lacking its ATPase domain both alone and with DNA bound at resolutions of 3.25?? and 3.60??, respectively, and we have visualized two different nucleosome-containing remodelling complexes using cryo-electron microscopy. The composite X-ray and electron microscopy structures combined with site-directed photocrosslinking analyses of these complexes suggest that ISW1a uses a dinucleosome substrate for chromatin remodelling. Results from a remodelling assay corroborate the dinucleosome model. We show how a chromatin remodelling factor could set the spacing between two adjacent nucleosomes acting as a 'protein ruler'.  相似文献   

The bacterial flagellar filament is a helical propeller constructed from 11 protofilaments of a single protein, flagellin. The filament switches between left- and right-handed supercoiled forms when bacteria switch their swimming mode between running and tumbling. Supercoiling is produced by two different packing interactions of flagellin called L and R. In switching from L to R, the intersubunit distance ( approximately 52 A) along the protofilament decreases by 0.8 A. Changes in the number of L and R protofilaments govern supercoiling of the filament. Here we report the 2.0 A resolution crystal structure of a Salmonella flagellin fragment of relative molecular mass 41,300. The crystal contains pairs of antiparallel straight protofilaments with the R-type repeat. By simulated extension of the protofilament model, we have identified possible switch regions responsible for the bi-stable mechanical switch that generates the 0.8 A difference in repeat distance.  相似文献   

Protein translocation across the bacterial membrane, mediated by the secretory translocon SecYEG and the SecA ATPase, is enhanced by proton motive force and membrane-integrated SecDF, which associates with SecYEG. The role of SecDF has remained unclear, although it is proposed to function in later stages of translocation as well as in membrane protein biogenesis. Here, we determined the crystal structure of Thermus thermophilus SecDF at 3.3?? resolution, revealing a pseudo-symmetrical, 12-helix transmembrane domain belonging to the RND superfamily and two major periplasmic domains, P1 and P4. Higher-resolution analysis of the periplasmic domains suggested that P1, which binds an unfolded protein, undergoes functionally important conformational changes. In vitro analyses identified an ATP-independent step of protein translocation that requires both SecDF and proton motive force. Electrophysiological analyses revealed that SecDF conducts protons in a manner dependent on pH and the presence of an unfolded protein, with conserved Asp and Arg residues at the transmembrane interface between SecD and SecF playing essential roles in the movements of protons and preproteins. Therefore, we propose that SecDF functions as a membrane-integrated chaperone, powered by proton motive force, to achieve ATP-independent protein translocation.  相似文献   

A component of innate immunity prevents bacterial biofilm development   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
Singh PK  Parsek MR  Greenberg EP  Welsh MJ 《Nature》2002,417(6888):552-555
Antimicrobial factors form one arm of the innate immune system, which protects mucosal surfaces from bacterial infection. These factors can rapidly kill bacteria deposited on mucosal surfaces and prevent acute invasive infections. In many chronic infections, however, bacteria live in biofilms, which are distinct, matrix-encased communities specialized for surface persistence. The transition from a free-living, independent existence to a biofilm lifestyle can be devastating, because biofilms notoriously resist killing by host defence mechanisms and antibiotics. We hypothesized that the innate immune system possesses specific activity to protect against biofilm infections. Here we show that lactoferrin, a ubiquitous and abundant constituent of human external secretions, blocks biofilm development by the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This occurs at lactoferrin concentrations below those that kill or prevent growth. By chelating iron, lactoferrin stimulates twitching, a specialized form of surface motility, causing the bacteria to wander across the surface instead of forming cell clusters and biofilms. These findings reveal a specific anti-biofilm defence mechanism acting at a critical juncture in biofilm development, the time bacteria stop roaming as individuals and aggregate into durable communities.  相似文献   

Structure of the core and central channel of bacterial flagella   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
K Namba  I Yamashita  F Vonderviszt 《Nature》1989,342(6250):648-654
X-ray fibre diffraction analysis of bacterial flagellar filaments has allowed the subunit packing and secondary structure arrangement in the filament core to be determined. The central hole, presumably a channel for flagellin transport, is large enough to accommodate the folded elongated flagellin molecules during their transport to the distal end for filament growth.  相似文献   

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