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Luo ZX  Chen P  Li G  Chen M 《Nature》2007,446(7133):288-293
Detachment of the three tiny middle ear bones from the reptilian mandible is an important innovation of modern mammals. Here we describe a Mesozoic eutriconodont nested within crown mammals that clearly illustrates this transition: the middle ear bones are connected to the mandible via an ossified Meckel's cartilage. The connected ear and jaw structure is similar to the embryonic pattern in modern monotremes (egg-laying mammals) and placental mammals, but is a paedomorphic feature retained in the adult, unlike in monotreme and placental adults. This suggests that reversal to (or retention of) this premammalian ancestral condition is correlated with different developmental timing (heterochrony) in eutriconodonts. This new eutriconodont adds to the evidence of homoplasy of vertebral characters in the thoraco-lumbar transition and unfused lumbar ribs among early mammals. This is similar to the effect of homeobox gene patterning of vertebrae in modern mammals, making it plausible to extrapolate the effects of Hox gene patterning to account for homoplastic evolution of vertebral characters in early mammals.  相似文献   

A Chinese triconodont mammal and mosaic evolution of the mammalian skeleton   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Ji Q  Luo ZX  Ji SA  Luo Z 《Nature》1999,398(6725):326-330
Here we describe a new triconodont mammal from the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous period of Liaoning, China. This new mammal is represented by the best-preserved skeleton known so far for triconodonts which form one of the earliest Mesozoic mammalian groups with high diversity. The postcranial skeleton of this new triconodont shows a mosaic of characters, including a primitive pelvic girdle and hindlimb but a very derived pectoral girdle that is closely comparable to those of derived therians. Given the basal position of this taxon in mammalian phylogeny, its derived pectoral girdle indicates that homoplasies (similarities resulting from independent evolution among unrelated lineages) are as common in the postcranial skeleton as they are in the skull and dentition in the evolution of Mesozoic mammals. Limb structures of the new triconodont indicate that it was probably a ground-dwelling animal.  相似文献   

Höner OP  Wachter B  East ML  Streich WJ  Wilhelm K  Burke T  Hofer H 《Nature》2007,448(7155):798-801
Dispersal has a significant impact on lifetime reproductive success, and is often more prevalent in one sex than the other. In group-living mammals, dispersal is normally male-biased and in theory this sexual bias could be a response by males to female mate preferences, competition for access to females or resources, or the result of males avoiding inbreeding. There is a lack of studies on social mammals that simultaneously assess these factors and measure the fitness consequences of male dispersal decisions. Here we show that male-biased dispersal in the spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) most probably results from an adaptive response by males to simple female mate-choice rules that have evolved to avoid inbreeding. Microsatellite profiling revealed that females preferred sires that were born into or immigrated into the female's group after the female was born. Furthermore, young females preferred short-tenured sires and older females preferred longer-tenured sires. Males responded to these female mate preferences by initiating their reproductive careers in groups containing the highest number of young females. As a consequence, 11% of males started their reproductive career in their natal group and 89% of males dispersed. Males that started reproduction in groups containing the highest number of young females had a higher long-term reproductive success than males that did not. The female mate-choice rules ensured that females effectively avoided inbreeding without the need to discriminate directly against close kin or males born in their own group, or to favour immigrant males. The extent of male dispersal as a response to such female mate preferences depends on the demographic structure of breeding groups, rather than the genetic relatedness between females and males.  相似文献   

早期成岩作用研究进展及发展方向   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
早期成岩作用作为一个重要的研究领域受到广泛关注。概括总结了早期成岩作用的主要特点、地质响应和研究思路,介绍了在元素的迁移转化、硫酸盐还原反应、数学模型及微生物成岩等理论领域和多金属结核及早期成岩成矿、环境沉积学、土壤性质评价与改良等应用领域的主要研究进展。早期成岩作用研究具有广阔的发展前景,未来可能在以下3方面快速取得突破:研究区域将进一步扩大,湖泊、三角洲及土壤中的相应研究将得以加强;多层的稳态或非稳态的一维、二维或三维的早期成岩数学模型将得以建立;其研究方法和理论成果将被广泛应用于环境沉积学及环境监测和治理等领域中。  相似文献   

早期成岩作用作为一个重要的研究领域受到广泛关注。概括总结了早期成岩作用的主要特点、地质响应和研究思路,介绍了在元素的迁移转化、硫酸盐还原反应、数学模型及微生物成岩等理论领域和多金属结核及早期成岩成矿、环境沉积学、土壤性质评价与改良等应用领域的主要研究进展。早期成岩作用研究具有广阔的发展前景,未来可能在以下3方面快速取得突破:研究区域将进一步扩大,湖泊、三角洲及土壤中的相应研究将得以加强;多层的稳态或非稳态的一维、二维或三维的早期成岩数学模型将得以建立;其研究方法和理论成果将被广泛应用于环境沉积学及环境监测和治理等领域中。  相似文献   

Qian Yi 《科学通报(英文版)》2001,46(24):2103-2106
The holotype of Yangtzedonta Yu, 1985 and its type species, Y. primitiva Yu, 1985, is an incomplete specimen of Xianfengella prima He et Yang, 1982. Therefore, based on the principle of priority, the names Yangtzedonta and Y. primitiva Yu (1985) should be abandoned. The fact that ventral valve of Xianfengella is bilaterally symmetrical indicates that they are not the left valve of a bivalved mollusc, as originally proposed by Yu. At present, the oldest certain bivalve is Xianfengoconcha elliptica Zhang, which occurs in the Early Cambrian Qiongzhusi Stage in China. The oldest known rostroconch is Heraultipegma yunnanensis He et Yang, which first occurs in the third small shelly fossil assemblage zone of the Early Cambrian Meishucunian Stage. The oldest known monoplacophoran, Maikhanella pristinis (Jiang), first occurs in the first small shelly fossil assemblage zone (Meishucunian Stage). Evidence derived from analyses of shell morphology, mode of growth, histology, and stratigraphic occurrence suggests that bivalves evolved from a branch of rostroconchs, and that rostroconchs in turn evolved from a branch of monoplacophorans. The hypothesis that these three groups originated simultaneously and independently at the beginning of the Cambrian and subsequently evolved in parallel, probably is incorrect.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of eutriconodont mammal, Chaoyangodens lii gen. et sp. nov., from the Dawangzhangzi bed of Yixian Formation, Lingyuan, Liaoning, is reported. The new species has a tooth formula I5-C1-P1-M3/i4-c1-p1-m4, unique among eutriconodonts in having only one premolar in lower and upper jaws, respectively, and a distinctive diastema between the canine and the premolar. Its simple incisors and reduced premolars show a mosaic combination of primitive and derived features. This new taxon adds to the diverse group of Jehol eutriconodonts. Among the known species from at least three horizons, there seems no evolutionary trend in morphology that is recognizable, except for that larger species are all from the Lujiatun bed of the Yixian Fm. A thorough and systematic analysis involving all the Jehol eutriconodonts is needed to understand their phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of eutriconodont mammal, Chaoyangodens lii gen. et sp. nov., from the Dawangzhangzi bed of Yixian Formation, Lingyuan, Lia- oning, is reported. The new species has a tooth formula I5- C1-P1-M3/i4-cl-pl-m4, unique among eutriconodonts in having only one premolar in lower and upper jaws, respectively, and a distinctive diastema between the canine and the premolar. Its simple incisors and reduced premolars show a mosaic combination of primitive and derived fea- tures. This new taxon adds to the diverse group of Jehol eutriconodonts. Among the known species from at least three horizons, there seems no evolutionary trend in mor- phology that is recognizable, except for that larger species are all from the Lujiatun bed of the Yixian Fro. A thorough and systematic analysis involving all the Jehol eu- triconodonts is needed to understand their phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

Key steps in atmospheric evolution occurred in the Archaean. The Hadean atmosphere was created by the inorganic processes of volatile accretion from space and degassing from the interior, and then modified by chemical and photochemical processes. The air was probably initially anoxic, though there may have been a supply of oxidation power as a consequence of hydrodynamic escape to space of hydrogen from water. Early subduction may have removed CO2 and the Hadean planet may have been icy. In the Archaean, as anoxygenic and then oxygenic photosynthesis evolved, biological activity remade the atmosphere. Sedimentological evidence implies there were liquid oceans despite the faint young Sun. These oceans may have been sustained by the greenhouse warming effect of biologically-made methane. Oxygenesis in the late Archaean would have released free O2 into the water. This would have created oxic surface waters, challenging the methane greenhouse. After the Great Oxidation Event around 2.3 to 2.4 billion years ago, the atmosphere itself became oxic, perhaps triggering a glacial crisis by cutting methane-caused greenhouse warming. By the early Proterozoic, all the key biochemical processes that maintain the modern atmosphere were probably present in the microbial community.  相似文献   

Scanlon JD  Lee MS 《Nature》2000,403(6768):416-420
The Madtsoiidae were medium sized to gigantic snakes with a fossil record extending from the mid-Cretaceous to the Pleistocene, and spanning Europe, Africa, Madagascar, South America and Australia. This widely distributed group survived for about 90 million years (70% of known ophidian history), and potentially provides important insights into the origin and early evolution of snakes. However, madtsoiids are known mostly from their vertebrae, and their skull morphology and phylogenetic affinities have been enigmatic. Here we report new Australian material of Wonambi, one of the last-surviving madtsoiids, that allows the first detailed assessment of madtsoiid cranial anatomy and relationships. Despite its recent age, which could have overlapped with human history in Australia, Wonambi is one of the most primitive snakes known--as basal as the Cretaceous forms Pachyrhachis and Dinilysia. None of these three primitive snake lineages shows features associated with burrowing, nor do any of the nearest lizard relatives of snakes (varanoids). These phylogenetic conclusions contradict the widely held 'subterranean' theory of snake origins, and instead imply that burrowing snakes (scolecophidians and anilioids) acquired their fossorial adaptations after the evolution of the snake body form and jaw apparatus in a large aquatic or (surface-active) terrestrial ancestor.  相似文献   

Simpson AG  MacQuarrie EK  Roger AJ 《Nature》2002,419(6904):270
Spliceosomal introns, one of the hallmarks of eukaryotic genomes, were thought to have originated late in evolution and were assumed not to exist in eukaryotes that diverged early -- until the discovery of a single intron with an aberrant splice boundary in the primitive 'protozoan' Giardia. Here we describe introns from a close relative of Giardia, Carpediemonas membranifera, that have boundary sequences of the normal eukaryotic type, indicating that canonical introns are likely to have arisen very early in eukaryotic evolution.  相似文献   

Ricklefs RE 《Nature》2004,430(6997):338-341
Morphological diversity tends to increase within evolving lineages over time, but the relative roles of gradual evolutionary change (anagenesis) and abrupt shifts associated with speciation events (cladogenesis, or 'punctuated equilibrium') have not been resolved for most groups of organisms. However, these two modes of evolution can be distinguished by the fact that morphological variance increases in proportion to time under anagenesis, and in proportion to the logarithm of the number of species under cladogenesis. Although species and time are themselves correlated, multiple regression analysis provides a statistical framework for partitioning their relative contributions. In this study, I use multiple regressions to evaluate the effects of time and species number on morphological diversity within clades of passerine birds. The results show clearly that number of species exerts a strong influence on morphological variance independent of time, but that time has no unique effect. Thus, morphological evolution in birds seems to be associated with cladogenesis. How lineage splitting promotes morphological diversification poses an important challenge to ecologists and evolutionary biologists.  相似文献   

Spoor F  Bajpai S  Hussain ST  Kumar K  Thewissen JG 《Nature》2002,417(6885):163-166
Early cetaceans evolved from terrestrial quadrupeds to obligate swimmers, a change that is traditionally studied by functional analysis of the postcranial skeleton. Here we assess the evolution of cetacean locomotor behaviour from an independent perspective by looking at the semicircular canal system, one of the main sense organs involved in neural control of locomotion. Extant cetaceans are found to be unique in that their canal arc size, corrected for body mass, is approximately three times smaller than in other mammals. This reduces the sensitivity of the canal system, most plausibly to match the fast body rotations that characterize cetacean behaviour. Eocene fossils show that the new sensory regime, incompatible with terrestrial competence, developed quickly and early in cetacean evolution, as soon as the taxa are associated with marine environments. Dedicated agile swimming of cetaceans thus appeared to have originated as a rapid and fundamental shift in locomotion rather than as the gradual transition suggested by postcranial evidence. We hypothesize that the unparalleled modification of the semicircular canal system represented a key 'point of no return' event in early cetacean evolution, leading to full independence from life on land.  相似文献   

A ceratopsian dinosaur from China and the early evolution of Ceratopsia   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Xu X  Makovicky PJ  Wang Xl XL  Norell MA  You Hl HL 《Nature》2002,416(6878):314-317
Ceratopsians (horned dinosaurs) represent one of the last and the most diverse radiations of non-avian dinosaurs. Although recent systematic work unanimously supports a basal division of Ceratopsia into parrot-like psittacosaurids and frilled neoceratopsians, the early evolution of the group remains poorly understood, mainly owing to its incomplete early fossil record. Here we describe a primitive ceratopsian from China. Cladistic analysis posits this new species as the most basal neoceratopsian. This new taxon demonstrates that some neoceratopsian characters evolved in a more incremental fashion than previously known and also implies mosaic evolution of characters early in ceratopsian history.  相似文献   

Calcium and the control of mitosis in the mammal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A D Perris  J F Whitfield 《Nature》1967,216(5122):1350-1351

运用蒙特卡罗方法计算模拟了Al-Mg-Si-Zn合金时效初期微结构的演化过程。模拟结果表明:Al-Mg-Si-Zn合金中Si在早期延缓了Mg/Zn形成复合团簇的进程速度,降低了Al-Mg-Si-Zn合金中Mg、Zn原子结合的程度,但未能显著改变Al-Mg-Si-Zn合金时效早期Zn/Mg团簇的演化过程,这可能是由Si原子与Mg、Zn原子之间相互作用都较弱造成的。研究表明,空位在微结构演化过程中对形成原子偏聚团起到重要作用。  相似文献   

Friedman WE 《Nature》2006,441(7091):337-340
Recent advances in angiosperm phylogeny reconstruction, palaeobotany and comparative organismic biology have provided the impetus for a major re-evaluation of the earliest phases of the diversification of flowering plants. We now know that within the first fifteen million years of angiosperm history, three major lineages of flowering plants-monocotyledons, eumagnoliids and eudicotyledons-were established, and that within this window of time, tremendous variation in vegetative and floral characteristics evolved. Here I report on a novel type of embryo sac (angiosperm female gametophyte or haploid egg-producing structure) in Amborella trichopoda, the sole member of the most ancient extant angiosperm lineage. This is the first new pattern of embryo sac structure to be discovered among angiosperms in well over half a century. This discovery also supports the emerging view that the earliest phases of angiosperm evolution were characterized by an extensive degree of developmental experimentation and structural lability, and may provide evidence of a critical link to the gymnospermous ancestors of flowering plants.  相似文献   

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