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INTRODUCTIONHydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a "green" bleaching agent which is widely used in the bleaching of various pulps. Since H2O2 is easy to decompose, stabilizer is necessary to inhabit the decomposing of H2O2 during the bleaching process. There are many kinds of stabilizer and Na2SiO3 is one of the common used stabilizers. However, the dissolution of Na2SiO3 is relative worse, which brings many troubles to the application. This study uses a new stabilizer for H2O2 bleaching and…  相似文献   

This paper uses a new stabilizer of H2O2 bleaching and compares the stabilizing effect of the new stabilizer with that of Na2SiO3. The results show that the new stabilizer is better than the conventional Na2SiO3. The optimum conditions of the stable latter process bleaching of H2O2 as follow: NaOH 3%,MgSO4 0.05%, H2O2 3%, stabilizer 3%, temperature 80℃, concentration 12%, time 3h.  相似文献   

SUMMARYWith the development of paper machine and the enlarger of cooking capability, higher requirement of bleaching system in paper mill is brought forward. At present, many straw-pulp mills completed single-stage hypochlorite bleaching through horizontal bleaching machine, which had the disadvantages of large area and low product ability. So there always was no enough space for paper mills to increase the product ability. Bleaching process became the key handicap to increase the product a…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONNowadays, under the pressure of energy crisis, Methods押The pulp was put in the high-density polyethylene plastic bag in the of thermostatic water bath where the pulp was treated with chelated environment pollution and market competition, the pulp industry has being developed in the direction of "Three Highness" and " Three Lowness". "Three Highness" means high yield, high strength and high brightness; on the other hand, " Three Lowness" means low energy consumption, low wa…  相似文献   

生物化学方法处理硫酸盐苇浆漂白废水   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了硫酸盐苇浆三段漂白(氟化C、碱处理E、次氯酸盐漂白H)各段废水的污染负荷,设计连续完全混合工曝气系统对其进行生物化学处理。通过对活性污泥的培养驯化、废水的进料速度及浓度、通气量等工艺条件的正交试验研究,并结合工业生产实际情况,得出了用该法处理漂白废水的最佳条件:经稀释后废水浓度40%(CAD值在2000左右)、温度25℃ ̄30℃,通气量76L/h、废水停留时间3h。废水COD去除率达87%。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONChina is a country using the most variety of non-wood fiber raw material and is the largest country producing non-wood fiber pulp and paper in the world[1]. Bamboo is one kind of the main non-wood species for papermaking in China. Although the structure of raw materials for papermaking has being adjusted through increasing the proportion of wood pulp and by effectively utilizing waste paper source, non-wood species will still remain an important fiber resource[1,2].At present…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONAt present, the pulp industry is facing to the large stress against using bleaching agents which contain the chlorine. And the paper making industry has fixed the attention to lighten the environment pollution. To reduce the pollution, many countries have carry through the TCF (total chlorine free bleaching), and that the oxygen-alkali bleaching is one of the maturate technology of TCF by now. To obtain clean produce the oxygen-alkali bleaching of NaOH-AQ straw pulp has b…  相似文献   

在麦草KP浆的无氯和少氯漂白程序中使用活化剂,可促进脱木素作用并提高浆的白度。在氧脱木素前用NO2,硫酸和过氧酸进行预处理比较,以NO2效果最佳。NO2用量2%,处理后浆的卡伯值比未处理降低了6%,白度提高4%,粘度只下降1.6%。在D/CEDD漂白程序中,漂前用对有效氯用量8%的S12预处理,白度提高2.3%ISD,粘度基本无变化;活化剂TA用于NOP三段漂的P段,用量4%(对浆),可提高白度4.3%ISO,粘度也有明显提高。本试验采用GOPAPTA无氯漂白程序,可使麦草kp浆漂后白度达80%ISO,但粘度下降较大  相似文献   

针叶木硫酸盐浆用木聚糖酶Irgazyme40_X4进行预处理,然后进行各种无元素氯(ECF)和全无氯(TCF)漂白.实验结果表明,酶预处理能提高后续漂白效果,提高白度,降低卡伯值,并改善纸浆的粘度,在不用元素氯的情况下,能将纸浆漂白到88%ISO以上的白度  相似文献   

采用发光细菌法对纸浆CEH漂白废水进行毒性研究,其中C段废水的毒性最大,其EC50为28 83%,属于强毒级别;E段、H段废水的EC50分别为68 92%、267 9%,分别属于毒、无毒级别;其中C段的毒性排放负荷约占总废水毒性排放负荷的67 5%左右;结果表明,漂白废水的毒性排放负荷较大,约为423 92TU·m3·t(浆)-1,相当于42 93gHgCl2·t(浆)-1,对其治理不容忽视.  相似文献   

果粒果汁饮料的稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了黄原胶、CMC、C型悬浮剂等4种稳定剂在果粒果汁饮料中的稳定效果。研究结果表明:C型悬浮剂的悬浮效果最好,是果粒果汁饮料的首选浮剂;黄原胶、A 悬浮剂有较好稳定效果,也可作悬浮剂使用,但用量大,液体透明度较差;而CMC不能单独做果粒果汁的悬浮剂。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONXylanase pretreatment can produce many small holes on pulp surfaces and cross section by removing part xylose that may be sucked back or exists in style of LCC. Thus penetrability of following chemicals. Olsen [1] observed coordinated pretreatment of xylanase and lignin enzyme (compound of lignin peroxide enzyme and manganese peroxide enzyme) had better delignification than sole xylanase and sole laccase lignin enzyme. So we can forecast that coordinated pretreatment of xylan…  相似文献   

对山楂悬浮果肉饮料进行了研究。结果证明:经筛选使用琼脂与羧甲基纤维素(CMC-Na)复合效果最佳;果粒尺寸为3mm×3mm×3mm~4mm×4mm×4mm,其效果最佳;试验经统计优选出山楂悬浮果肉饮料最佳配方为:山楂原汁含量60%,果粒含量6%,糖含量14%。采用合理的工艺加工出的饮料风味纯正,无糊口感,色泽鲜艳,真实感强。  相似文献   

The influences of chlorine dioxide bleaching of NaOH-AQ wheat straw pulp were studied in this paper. The results showed that the optimal conditions were as follows: chlorine dioxide dosage 1.0%,initial pH 4.0, pulp consistency 8% and 70℃ for 150 minutes. Furthermore, some ways of rebuild the conventional CEH bleaching sequence were put forward, such as CED, DED, DCED, and we draw a conclusion that CED, DCED has higher bleaching efficiency than the CEH bleaching process.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONChina is the country that produces the largest amount of wheat-straw pulp in the world. In North China, wheat-straw is used as the main row material for pulping. At present, the dominating pulping method of straw-wheat is soda-AQ. This method has many drawbacks. Its yield is difficult to reach 40%, its original pulp has low brightness (lower than 30%SBD), and its bleachability is also low. Three-stage bleaching sequence (CEH) is needed to obtain high brightness pulp. It c…  相似文献   

A series of Reed Pulps were prepared in which the level of Non-Process Elements (NPEs), including calcium, manganese,copper,iron were seclectively enriched and depleted, these pulps were then oxygen delignification,and the pulps were characterized according to kappa number, viscosity,brightness. The results indicated that the enrichment of NPEs have an important effulence on delignification,pulp viscosity and brightness, iron is the most harmful during oxygen delignification but manganese is just like a kind of aid and can enhance brightness and delignification.  相似文献   

对以小杂鱼为原料制作的鱼糜进行了增白处理研究.用自制富脂增白剂在4种不同的加入量下,对制作出的鱼糜进行质量指标对比实验分析,实验结果显示加入5%增白剂后增白效果最佳.  相似文献   

江蓠藻酸化漂白及其琼胶分子结构保护的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对江蓠藻的NaClO漂白法和H2O2漂白法的漂白工艺和机理进行了深入的研究,NaClO漂白法和H2O2漂白法均应在弱碱性条件下漂白,然后再酸化,既可达到好的漂白效果(白度>48)和容易出胶的目的,又能避免琼胶分子在漂白过程中分子结构的破坏,得到高强度的琼胶,这样可以协调解决琼胶白度与凝胶强度之间的矛盾。  相似文献   

威宁草芦选育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
威宁草芦是以贵州省威宁地方野(逸)生草芦为原始材料,通过栽培驯化定向育成的多年生牧草新品种.该牧草四季青绿、耐热、抗旱、耐瘠薄,耐伏旱高温,鲜草产量7386.48 kg/667m2,比法恩苇状羊茅增产32.5 %,较原始群体增产133.12%;分蘖期-抽穗期,粗蛋白含量13.42~16.96%,,粗脂肪含量均在4.56%以上,粗纤维含量21.05~34.66%,营养丰富,适口性好.适合我国长江中下游低山、丘陵等地区种植,是建立人工草地、改良天然草场和生态建设的优良牧草.  相似文献   

Laccase has been proven that it has a good selectivity and efficiency in pulp bleaching. In this paper, the effects of LMS (Laccase Mediator System) treatment on delignification and bleaching of wheat straw pulp at various conditions, such as laccase dosage,temperature, oxygen pressure and pH, were investigated. The TCF sequence including LMS can bleach the wheat straw pulp to 81% ISO brightness with good strength. The synergetic biobleaching of LMS and xylanase of wheat straw pulp was also investigated. It was found that the final brightness and strength of synergetic biobleaching pulps increased to a certain extent and the bleaching selectivity was improved. The combination of the enzymes is feasible for the delignification and bleaching.  相似文献   

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