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我国开放式基金投资者赎回的影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在2003年和2004年股市一直处于低迷状态时,我国开放式基金业绩在整体上仍然能够跑赢大盘,给投资者的回报收益率大于同期银行存款利率,可是基金市场却遇到投资者的大量赎回.利用2003年至2004年的面板数据对投资者的赎回行为进行研究发现:基金净值和分红均与赎回率显著正相关;基金累计净值与赎回率显著负相关;债券型基金对整个市场赎回的贡献显著正相关,股票型基金则不显著;投资者并不注意投资成本,表现为赎回费率和申购费率根本没有起到阻止赎回的作用。  相似文献   

具有可赎回特征的美式期权又称作博弈期权或以色列期权,它是给予了期权持有人可提前赎回的一种美式期权.本文分析了这种新型期权的定价行为,讨论了期权的持有区域和最优执行策略,并给出了期权价格的积分表达式.  相似文献   

我国开放式基金赎回与成熟资本市场表现不同,存在业绩越好,赎回越大的"优汰劣胜"的异象,显然这不利于激励基金管理人提高基金绩效,为投资者创造更大的价值,这也有违开放式基金设立的初衷和目的。本文尝试从行为金融学的角度分析这种异象,并提出一些解决的思路。  相似文献   

应用Bayes理论预测开放式基金大额赎回量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了开放式基金的大额赎回量和Bayes大额赎回量的概念,将复合泊阿松分布和极限理论运用在大额赎回量的计算之中,得到了计算公式·由于开放式基金赎回量的分布中的参数不断变化,因此用Bayes方法预测未来近期的大额赎回量更合适·推导出了正态分布下Bayes大额赎回量的计算公式·为基金管理人合理规避这种流动性风险提供了一种预测方法·  相似文献   

针对《合并报表暂行规定),债券投资余额与应付债券余额之间的差额应当作为合并价差列示在合并报表中,会导致在抵消利息费用和利息收入时之间产生差额,且不能通过合并抵消分录抵消这一差额的做法,通过举例,提出了在赎回债券的当期,应在合并损益表中单独设置项目披露赎回损益,并构成企业集团合并净损益的一部分,同时进一步成为企业集团当年合并未分配利润的一部分的思路。  相似文献   

考虑到沉没成本效应可以影响不同调节导向的消费者对电子优惠券的使用意愿,运用事件相关电位(ERP)方法探究了在线上购物环境下,不同调节导向的消费者在沉没成本效应发生时的脑内神经机制.行为数据显示,沉没成本对优惠券的赎回率有显著影响,防御型导向的消费者受其影响更大.脑电生理数据也为行为数据提供了进一步的解释.通过对N2、ERN组件的分析可以体现消费者在进行优惠券使用决策时,缘于厌恶损失心理从感知风险到反馈阶段的处理过程.在实际网络购物环境下,沉没成本与消费者偏好诱发的认知冲突会显著影响优惠券的赎回率.  相似文献   

可转换公司债券兼具债券、股票和期权3个方面的部分特征,再加上可转债的赎回条款和回售条款,使其定价更为复杂.利用二叉树模型,给出了附有赎回条款和回售条款的可转债的定价方法,分析了赎回条款和回售条款对可转债的影响.  相似文献   

建立了一类与短期利率相关的期权型外汇存款条约定价的偏微分方程数学模型,当短期利率模型为无套利的Hull-White时,得到了一个精确的表达式,当短期利率模型为一般的模型时,可用差分方法求解,并且得到了价格的一个上界与下界,讨论了可能存在的套利行为.最后还研究了可赎回存款条约及其他的情形.  相似文献   

本土多数投资机构在募集资金时,设定的管理年限基本是3+2(三年投资期、两年退出期)或者4+2。这个时间太短,在火爆了四年后的今天,很多机构面临赎回的压力,巧的是今天中国的二级市场处在低迷中,所以,  相似文献   

开放式基金外部效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开放式基金的运作过程中投资者需要面对外部效应的影响,投资者的收益与基金基他投资者及基金管理者的行为相关,特别是当投资者的赎回行为将迫使开放式基金变现部分投资,以满足资产的流动性时,部分潜在的资本收益被迫变现并分配给退出者,同时新投资者的进入也会稀释基金当前的潜在收益,这些对原来的投资者都将产生直接的外部效应。另一方面,在开放式基金的整个运作过程中,基金管理者采取怎样的成本计价方式也将对基金的投资者产生不可低估的外部效应。  相似文献   

介绍了日本式公司治理的现状与结构特征,总结了其优势与劣势,分析了其未来发展趋势。认为将日本经济的长期低迷完全归罪于日本式公司管理模式有失公允。与美国式公司治理模式的注重企业短期市场价值相比,日本式公司管理模式更着眼于企业长期发展,同样有其可取之处。  相似文献   

Car-following models describe how one vehicle follows the preceding vehicles.ln order to better model and explain car-following dynamics,this paper categorizes the state of a traveling vehicle into three sub-processes:the starting(acceleration)process,the car-folloing process,and the stopping(deceleration)process.The stating process primarily involves vehicle acceleration behavior.The stopping process involves not only car-following behavior but also deceleration behavior.This paper regards both the stopping process and the starting process as spring systems.The car-following dynamics during the starting process and the stopping process is modeled in this paper.The parameters of the proposed models,which are represented in the form of trigonometric functions,possess explicit hysical meaning and definitive ranges.We have calibrated the model of the starting process using data form the Traffic Engineering Handbook and ob-tained reasonable results.Compared with traditional stimulus-response car-following mo  相似文献   

法家的实用是一个系统论的视野,它不仅把实用设计为道德的理论目标,而且精细运思了实用的实践世界。实用的驱动需要定分尤其是确立公私之分。在动态的层面,堵塞私门、私便是抑制人性趋利特点肆意活动的需要;这不是大公无私,而是在保证"私作"权利条件下的行为;在社会的层面,按能授事、循名而督实最为重要,实用实践的持久力来源于赏罚。实用是俭约的基础,而实用的源头在老子。在已经进入不得不实行俭约之道的今天,法家的实用思想具有积极的价值和意义。  相似文献   

学校体育教学改革要根据我国的国情,从实际出发,走有中国特色的社会主义道路.我们在进行改革的过程中就应该总结和保留以往教学中的可取之处.又要在继承传统的基础上有所改革创新,努力达到最优化的教学.  相似文献   

Two different complex maps were obtained by generalizing 3x+1 function to the complex plane, and fractal images for this two complex maps were constructed by using escape time, stopping time and total stopping time arithmetic. The dynamics of the generalized 3x+1 function based on the structural characteristics of the fractal images was studied. We found that: (1) The size and structure of the stable regions, stopping regions, total stopping regions, and divergent regions for the three types of fractal images depend on convergence rate of the map on the x and y axes. (2) The black stable regions constructed respectively by escape time and total stopping time are almost overlapped, demonstrating that 3x + 1 function converged steadily. (3) All of the three fractal images are symmetric to the real axis. The structures on the neighborhood of positive integer number are symmetric to a perpendicular line, which is corresponding to the point or its nearby points on the x axis. And the structures have complicated fractal structure characteristics. These findings indicate that the generalized 3x + 1 function on integer number and its neighborhood contains plentiful information in the complex plane.  相似文献   

Two different complex maps were obtained by generalizing 3x + 1 function to the complex plane, and fractal images for these two complex maps were constructed by using escape time, stopping time and total stopping time arithmetic. The dynamics of the generalized 3x+1 function based on the structural characteristics of the fractal images was studied. We found that:(1) the size and structure of the stable regions, stopping regions, total stopping regions, and divergent regions for the three types of fractal images depend on convergence rate of the map on the x and y axes. (2) The black stable regions constructed, respectively, by escape time and total stopping time are almost overlapped, demonstrating that 3x +1 function converged steadily. (3) All of the three fractal images are symmetric to the real axis. The structures on the neighborhood of positive integer number are symmetric to a perpendicular line, which is corresponding to the point or its nearby points on the x axis. And the structures have complicated fractal structure characteristics. These findings indicate that the generalized 3x+1 function on integer number and its neighborhood contains plentiful information in the complex plane.  相似文献   

In this paper, the surface and cross-section, pore size and distribution, contact angle and hydrostatic pressure of the membrane were tested. Then the membrane's working principle was analyzed and the stopping height of membranes with different pore sizes was calculated. It was found that the surface tension and pore size of the membrane were key factors to determine its stopping height.  相似文献   

结合史料,论证了金朝中期,为了遏止女真人的汉化趋势,挽救本民族的传统,金世宗进行的不懈努力,认为这些努力主要集中在文化方面,即大力倡导学习和使用女真族的语言和文字,保持骑射风俗和崇尚节俭等。结果虽然没有达到预期目的,但对女真族的社会发展仍有重要意义。  相似文献   

针对杜儿坪矿副斜井斜坡防跑车装置存在的缺陷,对其进行了改装,即在原有的KHG7型防跑车保护装置的基础上再安装一套缓冲式挡车器,保证电动提升挡车栏在停止斜井运输工作时处于常闭状态。通过缓冲式挡车器和KHG7型斜井防跑车安全保护装置联合使用,在发生跑车事故时对野车进行二次拦截,减小副斜井跑车事故的破坏程度。  相似文献   

介绍各种二指标鞅关于停点、强停点的停止定理,主要结果有弱鞅、强鞅关于停点、强停点的停止定理.  相似文献   

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