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海螺沟地质公园低碳旅游开发模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球性气候变暖的背景下,冰川消融已成为人类面临的重大环境问题。海螺沟冰川是我国典型的季风海洋性冰川,也是世界范围内最完整的山岳冰川,具有高度的观赏性和科研性。据观察,近百年来该冰川表现出持续消融的状态,保护已迫在眉睫。从规模、结构及分布3个方面论述了海螺沟冰川的地质特征,并探讨了冰川的形成和物质平衡的条件。根据温度、海拔以及表面覆盖物质成份3项对冰川消融起主要作用的因子,针对海螺沟冰川消融的严峻现状和冰川地质遗迹开发和保护具体情况,提出低碳旅游产品开发方案与保护建议。  相似文献   

贡嘎山海螺沟冰川沉积的石英砂扫描电镜形态特征分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对贡嘎山海螺沟冰川沉积物中石英砂进行扫描电镜形态特征分析, 获得海洋性山岳冰川沉积的标志性形态特征如下: 尖锐的棱角状颗粒形态占绝对优势, 边棱尖锐、表面起伏度高; 大型-中型贝壳状断口极发育, 多见平行解理面、阶梯状断口; 具有标志冰川磨蚀作用的擦痕、新月形凿口和压裂深坑有明显的化学溶蚀和沉淀形态, 如溶蚀坑、溶蚀沟, 硅质薄膜、硅质球和黏土矿物。结果表明海螺沟冰川具有强烈的侵蚀作用, 机械压碎、研磨在侵蚀和搬运过程具有绝对优势;同时海螺沟冰川底部存在丰富的冰下融水, 起到化学溶蚀和沉淀的作用。石英砂表面结构统计分析结果与河流、湖泊、海岸、风沙等沉积明显不同, 与青藏高原、南极等地大陆性冰川沉积分析结果亦存在差异。  相似文献   

中国季风海洋性冰川区近百年来气温呈明显上升趋势,20世纪80年代以后升温明显加速.而降水量变化则相对比较复杂,20世纪初至80年代,降水量在波动中缓慢增加,20世纪80年代以后研究区西部降水量呈下降趋势,东部降水量仍保持上升趋势.由此反映出季风海洋性冰川区西部向暖干方向发展,而东部则向暖湿方向发展.在气候变暖背景下,冰川表现出以退缩和物质亏损为主要特征的阶段性变化.20世纪初至30年代,冰川处于稳定或前进状态,20世纪30~60年代处于后退,60~80年代初期则处于稳定或减速后退状态。80年代中期以来又转入后退.白水1号冰川区和海螺沟冰川区50年来累积物质亏损分别达18000 mm和11000 mm水当量.冰川表面形态也表现出显著变化,贡嘎山海螺沟流域和玉龙雪山漾弓江流域径流年际和季节变化表明,径流增加明显且主要是冰雪融水增加的结果.  相似文献   

帕隆藏布流域位于中国海洋性冰川最为发育的藏东南地区,近年来随着全球温室效应加剧,帕隆藏布流域冰川变化极为显著。采用多期遥感影像,对1994~2015年间帕隆藏布流域波密至然乌段的冰川变化趋势、原因及其影响进行研究。结果表明:(1)20余年间冰川总面积减少了451. 72 km2,各冰川每年大约退缩2. 48%~2. 95%,气温升高以及降雨量减少是导致冰川面积持续退缩的主要原因。(2)由于帕隆藏布江南岸山坡所接收的太阳辐射热量更少,但降水却更加充沛,使得帕隆藏布江南岸冰川分布面积及覆盖率远大于北岸,而冰川退缩速率远小于北岸。(3)冰川的不断退缩使得沟道上游大量冻融松散物源在冰雪融水的外动力条件下,进入沟道形成松散堆积物源,导致流域内大规模发育冰川泥石流。由于帕隆藏布江南岸冰川规模更大,导致帕隆藏布江南岸冰川泥石流更为发育。(4)冰川变化动态监测对冰川泥石流机理分析以及预警研究工作有着重要的参考指导价值。  相似文献   

已经发现的冰川沉积和黄土记录证明冷龙岭至少经历了3次冰期的冰川作用,其中倒数第3次冰期与沉积黄土L4(或L5)的时期相当,其时冰川规模最大,随后各个冰期冰川规模逐渐小,即使在倒数第三次冰期,冰川末端也只在达冷龙陇南侧门源盆地的边缘,未能覆盖整个盆地形成冰盖。  相似文献   

狄华 《科技潮》2001,(8):41-42
去海螺沟涉险探奇,是我多年来魂牵梦萦的向往。——应四川甘孜藏族自治州政府的邀请,我终于圆了我的梦。贡嘎山在四川省境内,海拔7556米,是浩浩荡荡的横断山脉的主峰,它统领群山,巍峨雄峙,被誉为“蜀山之王”。贡嘎山有冰川45条,面积290平方公里,规模虽然算不得庞大,但却是我国最大的海洋冰川区,最接近人烟稠密地区。海螺沟是其中最壮丽的一条,它全长14.7公里。冰川底端位置低达2850米,延伸到原始森林中,长达6公里,这种冰川与森林共存的奇异景象在世界上也是罕见的。冰川给人的印象是高寒荒寂,然而海螺沟却给人温和易攀之感。我去海螺沟时年已过六旬,连我这样的老人也能“轻易”地攀登上去,更何况年轻人!从北京飞往成都,再坐汽车到甘孜区首府康定,仅用了不到两天的时间。从康定到泸定县麻西乡,也才60多公里,路面还可以。当地乡政府为我们准备好了毛驴,将我们的摄影器材、食品、防寒衣物分别驮在3头毛驴上。接待雏位还专为我们北京的新闻记者每人搭配一头毛驴乘坐。山上的路抉窄、崎岖、陡峭、险阻,人空身行走尚且气喘不止,更何况毛驴还要驮上100多斤重的壮汉!从乡政府到冰川一号营地,不过7公里左右,毛驴走走停停,中途休息好几次,整整走了5个来小时。山路全部用大小石块铺垫,凸凹不平且不说,石头面光滑、坚硬,毛驴行走时经常打滑,特别是下崖时,路的一而紧靠山壁,一面是万丈深渊,一不小心就会从毛驴上摔出去,后果不堪设想。一路上我们胆战心惊。谁也没有顾上拍照,更没有闲情观赏景色。到了一号营地,大家都已疲惫不堪,尽管都渴望停下来休息片刻,但考虑等到天色昏暗,山路更不好走便不敢耽搁,于是再乘上毛驴直奔二号营地。抵达二号营地时,宿营地已亮起灯火。为我们安排的宿营地是一排  相似文献   

以Landsat影像、冰川编目数据以及DEM数据为依据,通过遥感图像计算机辅助分类和目视解译等方法进行了不同时期乔戈里峰北坡冰川边界的提取,对比分析了1978—2014年不同时期冰川末端变化,发现研究区内有12条冰川出现过快速前进现象.重点监测这12条冰川在1978—2014年18个时段的运动状况后,发现12条冰川都出现过前进速度为200~3 000 m/a的快速运动过程,且大部分快速前进现象集中发生在2004年以后,这12条冰川可能为跃动冰川.研究区内冰川内部结构不稳定、长度长、面积大、末端海拔低的几何形态特征以及先降后升的气温与持续增加的降水是导致研究区内冰川发生跃动的可能原因.  相似文献   

末次冰盛期青藏高原冰川变化对亚洲气候的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以末次冰盛期(约2.6~1.9万年前)的气候为背景, 利用大气模式CAM4耦合陆面模式CLM4, 对青藏高原冰川规模扩大对气候产生的影响进行研究。结果表明, 末次冰盛期青藏高原冰川对北半球夏季的气候影响较显著, 除在冰川分布区引起显著的降温外, 通过遥相关作用, 还使得白令海峡附近显著升温。另外, 冰川产生的扰动会显著地增强南亚夏季风, 增加南亚地区降水。对比末次冰盛期与工业革命前时期不同气候态下青藏高原冰川规模扩大对气候的影响, 发现工业革命前时期的影响显著小于末次冰盛期, 说明青藏高原冰川对气候的影响与背景气候态有关。  相似文献   

王伟财 《大自然》2011,(4):16-18
全球气候变暖直接导致冰川消融退缩,由此产生的冰川融水不仅会引起海平面上升、水资源变化等环境问题,而且会导致大量冰湖的形成和扩张,从而加剧冰湖溃决洪水等冰川灾害的发生频率和影响程度。  相似文献   

在晴日里,远眺玉龙雪山,可见两条淡绿晶莹的冰川悬挂于主峰扇子陡的两侧,这便是玉龙十三景中的“绿雪奇峰”。位于云南西北部地区的玉龙山是北半球最南的一座雪山,纬度已近北回归线,地史上的冰河期中,曾有发达的冰川下延到海拔2700米的地方。浩荡的冰流,借助于陡峭的山体斜坡,以万钧之力刻削出奇特的冰川谷和千姿百态的冰川地貌。随着气候变暖,冰川融化退缩,便留下了冰川谷;冰川中挟带的石块泥沙也一路沉积下来,形成各种“冰碛”地貌。还有在岩石上留下的各种  相似文献   

By comparing digitized glacier outlines from the Chinese Glacier Inventory (CGI) during the 1960s–1970s and Landsat Enhance Thematic Mapper (ETM+) images from 1999 to 2001, we investigated changes for about 7665 alpine glaciers among 11665 glaciers in seven sub-basins of the Tarim Interior River basin (TIRB). The results showed that the total glacier area was reduced by 3.3% from the 1960s/ 1970s to 1999/2001 and area losses for 1–5 km2 glaciers accounted for 48.3% of the total glacier area loss in the TIRB. However, the glacier area reductions varied from 0.7% to 7.9% among the seven sub-basins of the TIRB during the study period. The glacier area changing with altitude showed that the maximum contribution of area shrinkage occurred at 4900–5400 m. Data from 25 meteorological stations in the TIRB showed increases in both the annual mean air temperature and annual precipitation during 1960–2000. This indicates that the glacier shrinkage in the TIRB over the last 40 years was largely due to regional climate warming that enhanced glacier ablation and overcame the effects of increased precipitation on the glacier mass balance.  相似文献   

慕士塔格峰冰川变化遥感研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以位于新疆维吾尔族自治区西南部的慕士塔格峰冰川为例,利用研究区1965年经航片校对的地形图和2001年5月的ASTER遥感影像为信息源,通过遥感图像处理技术和专家指导下的人工解译得到1965,2001年两期冰川边界图,用GIS统计该地区冰川面积,并分析冰川变化总趋势.结果表明,近36年来,慕士塔格峰冰川整体呈现退缩趋势,冰川面积减少了1.11%,而山峰西侧和南侧的部分冰川有前进的现象.  相似文献   

The causes and timing of tropical glacier fluctuations during the Holocene epoch (10,000 years ago to present) are poorly understood. Yet constraining their sensitivity to changes in climate is important, as these glaciers are both sensitive indicators of climate change and serve as water reservoirs for highland regions. Studies have so far documented extra-tropical glacier fluctuations, but in the tropics, glacier-climate relationships are insufficiently understood. Here we present a (10)Be chronology for the past 11,000?years (11?kyr), using 57 moraines from the Bolivian Telata glacier (in the Cordillera Real mountain range). This chronology indicates that Telata glacier retreated irregularly. A rapid and strong melting from the maximum extent occurred from 10.8?±?0.9 to 8.5?±?0.4?kyr ago, followed by a slower retreat until the Little Ice Age, about 200 years ago. A dramatic increase in the rate of retreat occurred over the twentieth century. A glacier-climate model indicates that, relative to modern climate, annual mean temperature for the Telata glacier region was -3.3?±?0.8 °C cooler at 11?kyr ago and remained -2.1?±?0.8 °C cooler until the end of the Little Ice Age. We suggest that long-term warming of the eastern tropical Pacific and increased atmospheric temperature in response to enhanced austral summer insolation were the main drivers for the long-term Holocene retreat of glaciers in the southern tropics.  相似文献   

The maritime glaciers are sensitive to climate change because of high annual precipitation and high air temperature in the region. A combined comprehensive study was carried out based on glacier mass balance observation, GPS-based glacier terminus position survey, glacier Ground Penetrating Radar, topography maps and RS satellite images in the Kangri Karpo Mountains, Southeast Tibet. The study revealed a strong ice mass loss and quick glacier retreat since the 1970s. Ata Glacier, one glacier from the south slope of the Kangri Karpo Mountains, has formed a 6-km-long terminal moraine zone at the end of the glacier since the 1970s, and the accelerating retreat is largely due to the strong glacier surface melting. Mass balance study on the other four glaciers on the northern side of the Kangri Karpo Mountains shows that they are in large negative mass balance and the glaciers had retreated 15--19 m from May 2006 to May 2007. The in-situ glacier observation also shows that the glacier retreat is more obvious in small glaciers. The enhanced ice mass deficit caused by climate warming and the ongoing extinction of many small glaciers in this region could seriously affect the water resources, environ- ments, local climate and regional sustainable development in the near future.  相似文献   

Pedersenbreen is a small polythermal valley glacier, located in Svalbard, which has been one of the two glaciers monitored by Chinese Arctic expedition members since 2004. This study estimates its area and volume and analyzes its change during 1936-1990-2009, using field collected GPS/GPR data in 2009 and historical topographic maps published by the Norwegian Polar Institute. We have found that Pedersenbreen is just like many other valley glaciers in Svalbard, having experienced a significant recession since the end of Little Ice Age in the early 20th century. The glacier tongue has retreated more than 0.6 km, while ice volume has decreased by approximately 13%. The overall thinning rate of Pedersenbreen has shown acceleration during the recent decades. Further analysis shows that the ice tongue in the downstream area of Pedersenbreen is melting at the highest rate, while a simultaneous accumulation occurred in the upstream. However, as global temperatures increase, the accumulation area is reducing year by year.  相似文献   

A Kääb  E Berthier  C Nuth  J Gardelle  Y Arnaud 《Nature》2012,488(7412):495-498
Glaciers are among the best indicators of terrestrial climate variability, contribute importantly to water resources in many mountainous regions and are a major contributor to global sea level rise. In the Hindu Kush-Karakoram-Himalaya region (HKKH), a paucity of appropriate glacier data has prevented a comprehensive assessment of current regional mass balance. There is, however, indirect evidence of a complex pattern of glacial responses in reaction to heterogeneous climate change signals. Here we use satellite laser altimetry and a global elevation model to show widespread glacier wastage in the eastern, central and south-western parts of the HKKH during 2003-08. Maximal regional thinning rates were 0.66?±?0.09 metres per year in the Jammu-Kashmir region. Conversely, in the Karakoram, glaciers thinned only slightly by a few centimetres per year. Contrary to expectations, regionally averaged thinning rates under debris-mantled ice were similar to those of clean ice despite insulation by debris covers. The 2003-08 specific mass balance for our entire HKKH study region was -0.21?±?0.05?m?yr(-1) water equivalent, significantly less negative than the estimated global average for glaciers and ice caps. This difference is mainly an effect of the balanced glacier mass budget in the Karakoram. The HKKH sea level contribution amounts to one per cent of the present-day sea level rise. Our 2003-08 mass budget of -12.8?±?3.5 gigatonnes (Gt) per year is more negative than recent satellite-gravimetry-based estimates of -5?±?3?Gt?yr(-1) over 2003-10 (ref. 12). For the mountain catchments of the Indus and Ganges basins, the glacier imbalance contributed about 3.5% and about 2.0%, respectively, to the annual average river discharge, and up to 10% for the Upper Indus basin.  相似文献   

Ren  JiaWen  Ye  BaiSheng  Ding  YongJian  Liu  ShiYin 《科学通报(英文版)》2011,56(16):1661-1664
Recent studies have shown that cryospheric melting is becoming the dominant factor responsible for sea level rise,and that the melt-water from mountain glaciers and ice caps has comprised the majority of the cryospheric contribution since 2003.Analysis of the estimations of cryospheric melt-water and precipitation in glacier regions indicated that the potential contribution of the cryosphere in China is 0.14 to 0.16 mm a–1,of which approximately 0.12 mm a–1 is from glaciers.The contribution of glaciers in the outflow river basins is about 0.07 mm a–1,accounting for 6.4%of the total from global glaciers and ice caps.  相似文献   

Late Pleistocene glaciation of the Changbai Mountains in northeastern China   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Zhang  Wei  Niu  Yunbo  Yan  Ling  Cui  Zhijiu  Li  ChuanChuan  Mu  Kehua 《科学通报(英文版)》2008,53(17):2672-2684
The Changbai Mountains (2749 m a.s.l.) in northeastern China are one of the typical mountain regions with glaciation since late Pleistocene as evidenced by well-preserved erosive and accumulative landforms at elevations above 2000 m a.s.l, formed by glaciers around the crater lake, Tianchi Lake. Cirque glaciers developed on both the inner and outer sides of the volcanic cone. Well-preserved cirques, glacial trough valleys, glacial threholds, polished surfaces of the glacial erratics and the moraine ridges indicate that several glaciation processes took place during the last glacial period in this region. Resuits of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating on the moraine sediments, and the K/Ar, thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS), electronic spinning resonance (ESR) dating on the volcanic rocks suggest two periods of glacier advances. One is named the Black Wind Mouth glacier advance taking place on the west and north slopes of the volcanic cone at an elevation of 2000-2100 m a.s.l., which is dated to about 20 ka, being the result of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The other is named the Meteorological Station glacier advance at the elevation of 2400-2600 m a.s.l., dated to 11 ka during the late glacial period, and is tentatively correlated to the Younger Dryas stage. The scope of the former glacier advance is larger than that of the latter. Regional comparisons showed that the glacial sequences in the Changbai Mountains are similar to other glaciated areas in eastern Asia during the later part of the last glacial cycle.  相似文献   

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