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Occurrence of Cretaceous basalts in Fuxin County, Liaoning Province provides us an opportunity to understand Mesozoic mantle processes beneath the northern margin of the North China Craton (NNCC). Fuxin Jianguo basalts occur as volcanic channel phases with well-developed columnar jointings and contain few spinel lherzolite and pyroxenite xenoliths. They are poor in silica and rich in alkalis, Ti and Al, belonging to alkaline basalts. In trace element compositions, Jianguo basalts are moderately enriched in LREE and LILE, but not depleted in HFSE. They have low Sr and high Nd and Pb isotopic ratios. These geochemical characteristics suggest that Jianguo basalts originated from the depleted asthenosphere, representing an undifferentiated and uncontaminated primitive magma. Presence of these basalts indicates that the lithosphere beneath the region had thickness less than 65 km at the time of basalt eruption and was mainly composed of fertile pargasite-bearing spinel Iherzolite and plagioclase pyroxenite. The voluminous basaltic-andesitic magmatism during the early Jurassic-late Cretaceous time indicates that the commencement and accomplishment of lithosphere thinning in the NNCC was much earlier than that in the southern margin, since the mafic-intermediate volcanism only occurred at the Cretaceous time in the southern margin and the basalts with an asthenosphere isotopic signature at the Tertiary. This shows that highly spatial and temporal heterogeneity existed in the Mesozoic lithosphere evolution.  相似文献   

~~U-Pb ages of Kude and Sajia leucogranites in Sajia dome from North Himalaya and their geological implications~~ FallMeetingSuppl.Abstr.,2001,0830h. 10.Lee,J.,Hacker,B.R.,Dinklage,W.S. et al.,Evolution of theKangmarDome, southernTibet:Structural, petrologic, and ther- mochronologic constraints,Tectonics,2000,19:872—895. 11.Parrish,R.R.,Roddick,J.C.,Loveridge,W.D. et al.,Ura- nium-lead analytical techniques at the geochronology laboratory,GeologicalSurvey ofCanada,Geol.Sur…  相似文献   

Leucogranites play a significant role in understanding crustal thickening, melting within continental collisional belts, and plateau uplift. Field investigations show that Miocene igneous rocks from the Hoh Xil Lake area mainly consist of two-mica leucogranites and rhyolites. We studied the Bukadaban two-mica leucogranites and the Kekao Lake, Malanshan and Hudongliang rhyolites by zircon U-Pb, muscovite and sanidine 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, and whole-rock geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic analysis. Results yielded crystallization and cooling ages for the Bukadaban leucogranites of 9.7±0.2 and 6.88±0.19 Ma, respectively. Extrusive ages of the Kekao Lake and Malanshan rhyolites are 14.5±0.8 and 9.37±0.30 Ma, respectively. All rocks are enriched in SiO2 (70.99%-73.59%), Al2O3 (14.39%-15.25%) and K2O (3.78%-5.50%) but depleted in Fe2O3 (0.58%-1.56%), MgO (0.11%- 0.44%) and CaO (0.59%-1.19%). The rocks are strongly peraluminous (A/CNK=1.11?1.21) S-type granites characterized by negative Eu anomalies (δ Eu=0.18-0.39). In also considering their Sr-Nd isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sri=0.7124 to 0.7143; δ Nd (9 Ma) =-5.5 to -7.1), we propose that these igneous rocks were generated through dehydration melting of muscovite in the thickened middle or lower crust of northern Tibet. Melting was probably triggered by localized E-W stretching decompression in the horse tails of Kunlun sinistral strike-slip faults. Reactivation of the Kunlun strike-slip faults, accompanied by emplacement of leucogranite and eruption of rhyolite in the Hoh Xil Lake area, indicates that large-scale crustal shortening and thickening in northern Tibet mainly occurred before 15 Ma. In addition, these findings suggest that the northern Tibetan Plateau attained its present elevation (~5000 m) at least 15 Ma ago.  相似文献   

The Yunmengshan metamorphic core complex in the middle part of the Yanshan Fold and Thrust Belt records crust extension processes of the eastern North China Craton during its peak destruction.Development of the metamorphic core complex was controlled by the generally NNE-striking Dashuiyu Shear Zone.The shear zone dips SE and becomes shallower NE-wards,leading to exposures of a ductile shear zone in the southern and middle parts and brittle faults in the northern part.Exposure structures,microstructures,and quartz C-axis fabrics indicate that the ductile shear zone belongs to an extensional shear zone with a top-to-the-SE shear sense.Deformation temperatures of 300–520°C suggest a midcrustal origin for the ductile shear zone.A ductile deformation belt in the footwall of the shear zone is only as wide as 1–3 km,indicating no widespread mid-crustal ductile flow in the region during the deformation.Zircon U–Pb dating of dykes and plutons as well as hornblende and biotite40Ar/39Ar dating demonstrate that the metamorphic core complex originated at 135 Ma and experienced intense shearing of the Dashuiyu Shear Zone,development of the supradetachment basins,and synkinematic intrusion during 135–125 Ma.The metamorphic core complex was subjected to rapid exhumation during 125–114 Ma when the Dashuiyu Shear Zone suffered continuous activity and passive doming.The shear zone and its hanging wall were cut or replaced by a series of brittle faults when they wereuplifted to a brittle regime,showing that exhumation took place in continuous extensional activities.The metamorphic core complex turned into slow exhumation in an extensional regime in the following latest Early Cretaceous.The evolution history suggests that the Yunmengshan metamorphic core complex was developed by the rolling-hinge model,a common formation mechanism for intraplate metamorphic core complexes in the North China Craton,under the continuous NW–SE extension during the Early Cretaceous(135–100 Ma).  相似文献   

In situ U-Pb dating and Lu-Hf isotopic analysis were carried out for detrital zircons from quartzite in the Paleoproterozoic Songshan Group on the southern margin of the North China Craton (NCC). The results provide further constraints on the crustal formation and evolution history of NCC. Four ^207Pb/^206Pb age populations were obtained from 99 analyses, with clusters at -3.40 Ga, 2.77-2.80 Ga, -2.50 Ga and 2.34 Ga, respectively. The 3.40 Ga old zircons have similar Hf isotopic compositions to those from Archean rocks in the Jidong and Anshan areas of NCC. However, crustal remnants older than 3.6 Ga have been identified in the southern margin of NCC, the South China Craton, the northwestern part of the Qinling Orogen and its adjacent area. Thus, it is not easy to trace the source rock from which the 3.40 Ge detrital zircons were derived. It can be inferred that the crustal remnants older than 3.40 Ga might have been widely distributed in the North China Craton. The 2.77-2.80 Ga zircons make up a relatively small proportion and have the highest εHf(t) values (up to 6.1±1.6), consistent with the Hf isotopic composition of the depleted mantle at 2.83 Ga. Their single-stage Hf model age of 2.83 Ga is close to their crystallized age, suggesting that their source rocks were extracted from the contemporaneous depleted mantle. The -2.50 Ga zircon grains constitute about 85% of the total grain population and their Hf isotopic compositions indicate major growth of juvenile crust at -2.50 Ga but minor reworking of ancient crust. The youngest zircon dated in this study gave an U-Pb age of 2337±2.3 Ma, which can be considered the maximum depositional age of the formation of the Songshan Group.  相似文献   

Delamination and destruction of the North China Craton   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
This article presents an overview on recent developments in studies of chemical and physical processes of lithospheric delamination with respect to destruction of the North China Craton. It is emphasized that the pyroxenite source resulting from interaction between eclogite-derived melt and peridotite is a direct consequence of delamination. The pyroxenite source thus formed has unique mineralogical and geochemical features, which characterize Mesozoic basalts of the North China Craton. Melt-peridotite interaction played an important role in refertilization of cratonic lithospheric mantle, leading to density increase, weakening and final destabilization of the North China Craton. The nature of the melt is the key to distinguish mechanisms of destructing this craton.  相似文献   

华北克拉通是我国大陆最古老的克拉通之一,是研究大陆岩石圈形成与演化的一个天然实验室。利用华北地震科学台阵在2007年1月13日记录到的地震微动信号的垂向分量,采用空间自相关法(SPAC法)获得了华北克拉通中部块体7~33 s的瑞雷波相速度频散曲线。总体而言,研究区的频散曲线随周期增加而增大。7~12 s ±的相速度增加梯度较陡,可能反映了该区域地表太古宙至古生代早期的古老基岩露头的影响; 13~16 s ±的相速度反映中地壳的速度变化,中部块体的相速度值随周期增大而逐渐减小,并在16 s ±时达到最小值,这与该地区中地壳发育低速层的地质背景较吻合。  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of recent studies dealing with different ages of mantle peridotitic xenoliths and xenocrysts from the North China Craton, with aim to provide new ideas for further study on the destruction of the North China Craton. Re-Os isotopic studies suggest that the lithospheric mantle of the North China Craton is of Archean age prior to its thinning. The key reason why such a low density and highly refractory Archean lithospheric mantle would be thinned is changes in composition, thermal regime, and physical properties of the lithospheric mantle due to interaction of peridotites with melts of different origins. Inward subduction of circum craton plates and collision with the North China Craton provided not only the driving force for the destruction of the craton, but also continuous melts derived from partial melting of subducted continental or oceanic crustal materials that resulted in the compositional change of the lithospheric mantle. Regional thermal anomaly at ca. 120 Ma led to the melting of highly modified lithospheric mantle. At the same time or subsequently lithospheric extension and asthenospheric upwelling further reinforced the melting and thinning of the lithospheric mantle. Therefore, the destruction and thinning of the North China Craton is a combined result of per- idotite-melt interaction (addition of volatile), enhanced regional thermal anomaly (temperature increase) and lithospheric extension (decompression). Such a complex geological process finally produced a "mixed" lithospheric mantle of highly chemical heterogeneity during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. It also resulted in significant difference in the composition of mantle peridotitic xenoliths between different regions and times.  相似文献   

Widely distributed on the southern margin of the North China Craton, the Taihua complex extends roughly in an east-west direction and the relatively complete successions are found in Lushan County, Henan Province. Like many other Archean terranes, the Taihua Complex can be divided into two major lithological units along the Dangze River, namely gneisses series and supracrustal rocks. The former is located on the north side of the river and chiefly composed of TTG gneisses and amphibolites; the latter on the south side of the river is mainly supracrustal rock. Coupled with the previous studies, the results obtained by this study show that the Taihua complex was formed in a large time span from Neoarchean to Palaeoproterozoic. The TTG gneisses and amphibolites are dated at Neoarchean (2794–2752 Ma). The 2.9 Ga and 3.1 Ga zircons in amphibolites could be xenocrysts. In the North China Craton, the 2.8–2.7 Ga old rocks crop out in several areas e.g. western Shandong Province, Jiaodong Peninsula and Lushan area of Henan Province. In addition, 2.8–2.7 Ga detrital zircons or xenocryst zircons have been recognized in Huai’an, Fuping, Wutai areas of North China Craton and also reported in the Early Paleozoic diamondiferous kimberlites in Mengyin and Fuxian. All these age results indicate that the 2.8–2.7 Ga rocks may have been developed much broader region than today’s outcrops. Zircon Hf and whole rock Nd isotopes show that the 2.8–2.7 Ga tectono-thermal event represents an important period of crustal growth with minor ancient crust reworked in the North China Craton. However the formation of supracrustal rocks is limited to 2.2–2.0 Ga in the Palaeoproterozoic time, not the Archaean, as previously believed. Combined with the chronological data of aluminium-rich metamorphic rocks (Khondalite series) on the southern margin of the North China Craton and adjacent areas, it is suggested that the above areas have widely developed Paleoproterozoic passive continental margin environment.  相似文献   

Zircom U-Pb age and Hf isotope analyses were made on gneissic granite and garnet-mica two-feldspar gneiss from the Helanshan Group in the Bayan Ul-Helan Mountains area, the western block of the North China Craton (NCC). Zircons from the gneissic granite commonly show core-mantle-rim structures, with magmatic core, metamorphic mantle and rim having ages of 2323±20 Ma, 1923±28 Ma and 1856±12 Ma, respectively. The core, mantle and rim show similar Hf isotope compositions, with single-stage depleted mantle model ages (TDM1) of 2455 to 2655 Ma (19 analyses). Most of the detrital zircons from the garnet-mica two-feldspar paragneiss have a concentrated U-Pb age distribution, with a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 1978±17 Ma. A few detrital zircons are older (2871 to 2469 Ma). The age for metamorphic overgrown rim was not determined because of strong Pb loss due to their high U content. The zircons show large variation in Hf isotope composition, with TDM1 ages of 1999 to 3047 Ma. In com- bination with previous studies, the main conclusions are as follows: (1) protolith of the khondalite se- ries in the Helanshan Group formed during Palaeoproterozoic rather than the Archaean as previously considered; (2) The results lend support to the contention that there is a huge Palaeoproterozoic Khondalite (metasedimentary) Belt between the Yinshan Mountains Block and the Ordos Block in the Western Block of NCC; (3) The widely-distributed bodies of early Palaeoproterozoic orthogneisses in the Khondalite Belt might be one of the important sources for detritus material in the khondalite series; (4) Collision between the Yinshan Block, the Ordos Block and the Eastern Block occurred in the same tectonothermal event of late Palaeoproterozoic, resulting in the final assembly of the NCC.  相似文献   

Much attention has been paid in the last two decades to the physical and chemical processes as well as temporal-spatial variations of the lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton. In order to provide insights into the geodynamics of this variation, it is necessary to thoroughly study the state and structure of the lithospheric crust and mantle of the North China Craton and its adjacent regions as an integrated unit. Based on the velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle constrained from seismological studies, this paper presents various available geophysical results regarding the lithosphere thickness, the nature of crust-mantle boundary, the upper mantle structure and deformation characteristics as well as their tectonic features and evolution systematics. Combined with the obtained data from petrology and geochemistry, a mantle flow model is proposed for the tectonic evolution of the North China Craton during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic. We suggest that subduction of the Pacific plate made the mantle underneath the eastern Asian continent unstable and able to flow faster. Such a regional mantle flow system would cause an elevation of melt/fluid content in the upper mantle of the North China Craton and the lithospheric softening, which, subsequently resulted in destruction of the North China Craton in different ways of delamination and thermal erosion in Yanshan, Taihang Mountains and the Tan-Lu Fault zone. Multiple lines of evidence recorded in the crust of the North China Craton, such as the amalgamation of the Archean eastern and western blocks, the subduction of Paleo-oceanic crust and Paleo-continental residue, indicate that the Earth in the Paleoproterozoic had already evolved into the plate tectonic system similar to the present plate tectonics.  相似文献   

南华北地区奥陶系古喀斯特广泛发育,为油气成藏提供了有利条件.通过野外露头剖面观测、钻井岩心观察,奥陶系古喀斯特主要发育于下奥陶统亮甲山组和奥陶系顶部,表现为不整合面(风化壳)残积物、喀斯特角砾、溶蚀孔洞缝等特征.将奥陶系古喀斯特划分为同生期、表生期和埋藏期喀斯特三类,同时讨论了影响和控制奥陶系古喀斯特发育的因素,其中构造、岩性、气候和古地貌为主要因素.研究区受构造隆升控制的表生期喀斯特和同生期喀斯特在横向上分布连续,有利于喀斯特储层发育;另外,奥陶系埋藏期喀斯特广泛发育,也有可能形成有利储层.  相似文献   

新建本科高校科学定位要立足于自身实际,找准位置,不断创新发展。华北科技学院作为国家安全生产监督管理总局惟一直属本科高校,在发展规划、教学改革、人才培养等方面不断探索和实践,定位为具有安全科技特色的多科性现代大学、一流安全生产培训基地。  相似文献   

依据华北东部中、新生代盆地叠合过程分析及沉积区与剥蚀区的叠加关系,对华北东部渤海湾地区进行叠合单元划分,并选择处于不同叠合单元的苏桥潜山-文安斜坡、孔西潜山、林樊家凸起等地区,从叠合单元的角度对上古生界烃源岩生排烃史、油气成藏及保存条件进行总结,探讨盆地叠合单元的石油地质意义.研究认为:华北东部渤海湾地区可划分为持续沉降型、复合沉剥型、持续隆剥型3大类型叠合单元,其中复合沉剥型又可分为中沉新剥型、中复新沉型、中复新剥型和中剥新沉型4个次级类型;对于寻找源自上古生界煤系烃源岩的气藏而言,复合沉剥型中的中剥新沉、中复新沉型叠合单元最为有利,若中生代沉积厚度较薄,持续沉降型叠合单元也较为有利.  相似文献   

以西北太平洋打转台风(分为顺时针与逆时针两类)为例,研究了1949~2011年期间打转台风的时空规律.结果表明:打转台风主要发生在洋面,主要分布在110°E~150°E、10°N~30°N区域范围内.台风打转后的发展方向以偏北为主,也有一部分打转后西行,绝大多数顺时针打转台风的打转中心位置随纬度的增加而偏东.打转台风生成的高发期为7~10月,占总数的73.7%,8月份生成次数最多,2月份生成次数最少.我国的南海区域和菲律宾以东洋面是生成打转台风的两个高频区,夏季和秋季是打转台风活动的高发期,夏季的打转台风生成次数稍低于秋季,但是其深入内陆的范围广于秋季,并且台风打转中心位置在夏季达到最北.  相似文献   

冀北凤山地区侵位于前寒武纪岩石组合中的晚古生代的闪长岩-花岗质岩石,具有富Na,高Sr,低Y和重稀土元素等地球化学特征,Sr/Y在37.15~151.22之间变化,绝大多数样品均显示正Eu异常(一个样品例外),Eu·在0.92~1.53之间变化.LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素测年和锆石Hf同位素分析表明闪长岩(JB6024)和二长花岗岩(样品JB6037-1)分别形成于315±2.8Ma和306.6±6Ma,即该区晚古生代存在两个岩浆作用幕.地球化学、全岩Sr-Nd同位素和锆石Hf同位素研究揭示凤山晚古生代闪长岩是EMI型富集岩石圈地幔部分熔融形成的岩浆与古老下地壳部分熔融形成的长英质岩浆混合作用结果,而花岗质岩石则是闪长质岩浆发生分离结晶作用的残余岩浆同化上部地壳岩石形成的.  相似文献   

The northern margin of the North China Craton (NCC), located between the Paleo-Asian Ocean tectonic region on the north and the NCC on the south, is a key region for studying the tectonic evolution of NCC. A Pre-cambrian retrograded eclogite (2500 Ma or 1800 Ma) was reported in Baimashi near Hengshan Mountain in the NCC, which is characterized by the vermicular symplec-tite of diopside and plagioclase with absence of ompha-cite[1,2]. In Hongqiyingzi Group from the middle part of the …  相似文献   

对呈小规模岩株状产出的宁家湾岩体进行野外地质、岩石学、岩石地球化学、锆石U-Pb同位素年代学和Hf同位素组成研究, 目的是确定其岩石成因及地球动力学意义。两件样品的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果分别为2364±6 Ma (MSWD=0.13)和2360±23 Ma (MSWD =4.0), 属古元古代岩浆活动的产物。研究结果表明, 宁家湾岩体富碱、高K和Si, 具有高FeOT/MgO 比值和高的高场强元素(HFSE)含量, 富集Rb, Ba, Th和U等元素, 具有低的Ca和Mg含量, 明显亏损P和Ti, 具弱轻重稀土分异和强Eu负异常(δEu=0.13~0.36)的海鸥型稀土分配模式, 显示高分异I型花岗岩的特征。较高的Y/Nb值(1.2~2.8)、锆石的εHf(t)均为正值(+1.6~+6.4)以及单阶段模式年龄tDM1(Hf)和二阶段模式年龄tDM2(Hf)分别为2449~2629 Ma和2474~2711 Ma的特点, 表明源区可能为壳幔混合。明显的Nb, P 和 Ti负异常及Ce, Nd和Zr正异常, 反映出大陆边缘弧岩浆岩的特征。结合区域地质背景, 认为宁家湾岩体很可能形成于岛弧构造环境。  相似文献   

Li  HongYan  Xu  YiGang  Huang  XiaoLong  He  Bin  Luo  ZhenYu  Yan  Bin 《科学通报(英文版)》2009,54(4):677-686
LA-MC-ICPMS U-Pb dating has been performed on detrital zircons from the Upper Carboniferous Tai-yuan Formation (N-8) in the Ningwu-Jingle Basin, west of the North China Craton (NCC). The ages of 72 detrital zircon grains are divided into three groups: 303―320 Ma (6 grains), 1631―2194 Ma (37 grains, peaked at 1850 Ma), 2318―2646 Ma (29 grains, peaked at 2500 Ma). Detrital zircons of Group 2 and Group 3 were likely derived from the basement of the NCC. Group 1 zircons exhibit 176Hf/177Hf ratios ranging from 0...  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the rainfall spectrum and its evolution of North China in rainy season with summer monsoon decaying in interdecadal time scale. The interannual component of the rainfall is the dominant part, accounting for 85% of the total variance, and has been changed significantly during the last 30 years. According to wavelet analysis its 5a periodic spectrum suddenly disappeared in the late 1960s, and its biennial oscillation gradually become weaker and weaker since 1970, accompanied by the summer monsoon decaying. Contrarily, the interdecadal component is principal in the summer monsoon over North China and is very similar to the counterpart of the rainfall. Their interdecadal parts are significantly correlated, and the correlation coefficient is nearly equal to the one of the original sequences.Besides, the dry and wet climate alternated with the monsoon abrupt changes in the 1960s and the 1970s over East Asia, apart from North China, climate drifted from a light drought to a severe drought during the past 30 years.  相似文献   

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