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Long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are associated with type Ic supernovae that are more luminous than average and that eject material at very high velocities. Less-luminous supernovae were not hitherto known to be associated with GRBs, and therefore GRB-supernovae were thought to be rare events. Whether X-ray flashes--analogues of GRBs, but with lower luminosities and fewer gamma-rays--can also be associated with supernovae, and whether they are intrinsically 'weak' events or typical GRBs viewed off the axis of the burst, is unclear. Here we report the optical discovery and follow-up observations of the type Ic supernova SN 2006aj associated with X-ray flash XRF 060218. Supernova 2006aj is intrinsically less luminous than the GRB-supernovae, but more luminous than many supernovae not accompanied by a GRB. The ejecta velocities derived from our spectra are intermediate between these two groups, which is consistent with the weakness of both the GRB output and the supernova radio flux. Our data, combined with radio and X-ray observations, suggest that XRF 060218 is an intrinsically weak and soft event, rather than a classical GRB observed off-axis. This extends the GRB-supernova connection to X-ray flashes and fainter supernovae, implying a common origin. Events such as XRF 060218 are probably more numerous than GRB-supernovae.  相似文献   

Past studies have suggested that long-duration gamma-ray bursts have a 'standard' energy of E(gamma) approximately 10(51) erg in the ultra-relativistic ejecta, after correcting for asymmetries in the explosion ('jets'). But a group of sub-energetic bursts, including the peculiar GRB980425 associated with the supernova SN1998bw (E(gamma) approximately 10(48) erg), has recently been identified. Here we report radio observations of GRB030329 that allow us to undertake calorimetry of the explosion. Our data require a two-component explosion: a narrow (5 degrees opening angle) ultra-relativistic component responsible for the gamma-rays and early afterglow, and a wide, mildly relativistic component that produces the radio and optical afterglow more than 1.5 days after the explosion. The total energy release, which is dominated by the wide component, is similar to that of other gamma-ray bursts, but the contribution of the gamma-rays is energetically minor. Given the firm link of GRB030329 with SN2003dh, our result indicates a common origin for cosmic explosions in which, for reasons not yet understood, the energy in the highest-velocity ejecta is extremely variable.  相似文献   

When a massive star explodes as a supernova, substantial amounts of radioactive elements--primarily (56)Ni, (57)Ni and (44)Ti--are produced. After the initial flash of light from shock heating, the fading light emitted by the supernova is due to the decay of these elements. However, after decades, the energy powering a supernova remnant comes from the shock interaction between the ejecta and the surrounding medium. The transition to this phase has hitherto not been observed: supernovae occur too infrequently in the Milky Way to provide a young example, and extragalactic supernovae are generally too faint and too small. Here we report observations that show this transition in the supernova SN 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud. From 1994 to 2001, the ejecta faded owing to radioactive decay of (44)Ti as predicted. Then the flux started to increase, more than doubling by the end of 2009. We show that this increase is the result of heat deposited by X-rays produced as the ejecta interacts with the surrounding material. In time, the X-rays will penetrate farther into the ejecta, enabling us to analyse the structure and chemistry of the vanished star.  相似文献   

Trombka JI 《Nature》1970,226(5248):827-828
Changes in the slope of a measured distribution may be explained partially by the effect of the measurement process itself.  相似文献   

Now that gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been determined to lie at cosmological distances, their isotropic burst energies are estimated to be as high as 1054 erg (ref. 2), making them the most energetic phenomena in the Universe. The nature of the progenitors responsible for the bursts remains, however, elusive. The favoured models range from the merger of two neutron stars in a binary system to the collapse of a massive star. Spectroscopic studies of the afterglow emission could reveal details of the environment of the burst, by indicating the elements present, the speed of the outflow and an estimate of the temperature. Here we report an X-ray spectrum of the afterglow of GRB011211, which shows emission lines of magnesium, silicon, sulphur, argon, calcium and possibly nickel, arising in metal-enriched material with an outflow velocity of the order of one-tenth the speed of light. These observations strongly favour models where a supernova explosion from a massive stellar progenitor precedes the burst event and is responsible for the outflowing matter.  相似文献   

用明胶模拟肌肉作为标靶,使用正交的闪光X射线和ns级数字化闪光X射线成像系统,拍摄模拟弹创的明胶空腔,以弥补传统的胶片成像之不足。在获取明胶空腔投影图像的基础上,对弹创空腔截面进行椭圆近似,建立了弹创空腔的非均匀B样条曲面模型,提取非均匀B样条曲面控制节点,然后采用OpenGL虚拟现实技术实现了明胶弹创空腔的三维重建。为研究创伤弹道提供了有力的手段和工具。  相似文献   

小型化管激发X射线荧光仪的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新一代的小型化管激发X射线荧光测量仪,是为适应地质大调查的需要而研制的.该仪器采用了低功率小型X射线管及35kV高压电源构成的可控X射线源,小型低功耗电致冷Si-PIN半导体探测器,袖珍型计算机为工作平台构成X射线荧光能谱分析系统,根据工作环境的要求,在驻地可直接使用笔记本微机,使其功能强大,直接成图成像及解释.在野外使用掌上电脑,实现仪器的便携化及原位测量.分析元素范围可从S(Z=16)至U(Z=92),检出限为1/106~1/105,可用于地质矿产调查、大比例尺化探测量、环境调查、工业、考古等领域.  相似文献   

Although the link between long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and supernovae has been established, hitherto there have been no observations of the beginning of a supernova explosion and its intimate link to a GRB. In particular, we do not know how the jet that defines a gamma-ray burst emerges from the star's surface, nor how a GRB progenitor explodes. Here we report observations of the relatively nearby GRB 060218 (ref. 5) and its connection to supernova SN 2006aj (ref. 6). In addition to the classical non-thermal emission, GRB 060218 shows a thermal component in its X-ray spectrum, which cools and shifts into the optical/ultraviolet band as time passes. We interpret these features as arising from the break-out of a shock wave driven by a mildly relativistic shell into the dense wind surrounding the progenitor. We have caught a supernova in the act of exploding, directly observing the shock break-out, which indicates that the GRB progenitor was a Wolf-Rayet star.  相似文献   

宇宙线的能谱延展到超过1015电子伏特(PeV)的能段,这表明银河系中存在超高能的宇宙线加速源.而近期的甚高能伽马射线观测表明,长期以来被认为是主要宇宙线加速源的超新星遗迹很难把宇宙线加速到超高能.因此,寻找超高能(PeV)宇宙线加速源是宇宙线起源研究中的核心问题.其中一个最直接的方法就是寻找加速源附近宇宙线与星际气体相互作用产生的超高能伽马射线辐射.我国的高海拔宇宙线观测站(LHAASO),由于其在超高能伽马射线能段世界领先的灵敏度,成为这一研究的理想工具.LHAASO半阵列建成后一年之内,已经在银盘上观测到了十二个超高能伽马射线源,在这一领域取得了突破性的进展.本文将介绍这些已得到的观测结果,并对LHAASO全阵列建成后可能的新进展进行展望.  相似文献   

能量色散型X射线荧光光谱仪(XRF)是基于有关X射线进行能谱分析,关于能量色散型 X 射线荧光光谱仪在定量分析方面的报道较少。试验采用pH=1.1的盐酸和25%的氨水溶液作为D390树脂中Fe和Pd的洗脱剂,运用有关数学校正方法,绘制标准曲线,通过试验所得的X 射线荧光强度数据表明,pH=1.1的盐酸对Fe的解吸率约为88.6%,25%的氨水溶液对Pd的解吸率可达90.6%,此结果与用分光光度法测定的结果相吻合。XRF技术在D390树脂定量分析Fe和贵金属Pd方面有良好的稳定性和分析数据的准确性。  相似文献   

The blackbody radiation left over from the Big Bang has been transformed by the expansion of the Universe into the nearly isotropic 2.73 K cosmic microwave background. Tiny inhomogeneities in the early Universe left their imprint on the microwave background in the form of small anisotropies in its temperature. These anisotropies contain information about basic cosmological parameters, particularly the total energy density and curvature of the Universe. Here we report the first images of resolved structure in the microwave background anisotropies over a significant part of the sky. Maps at four frequencies clearly distinguish the microwave background from foreground emission. We compute the angular power spectrum of the microwave background, and find a peak at Legendre multipole Ipeak = (197 +/- 6), with an amplitude delta T200 = (69 +/- 8) microK. This is consistent with that expected for cold dark matter models in a flat (euclidean) Universe, as favoured by standard inflationary models.  相似文献   

The nature of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) at energies >10(20) eV remains a mystery. They are likely to be of extragalactic origin, but should be absorbed within approximately 50 Mpc through interactions with the cosmic microwave background. As there are no sufficiently powerful accelerators within this distance from the Galaxy, explanations for UHECRs range from unusual astrophysical sources to exotic string physics. Also unclear is whether UHECRs consist of protons, heavy nuclei, neutrinos or gamma-rays. To resolve these questions, larger detectors with higher duty cycles and which combine multiple detection techniques are needed. Radio emission from UHECRs, on the other hand, is unaffected by attenuation, has a high duty cycle, gives calorimetric measurements and provides high directional accuracy. Here we report the detection of radio flashes from cosmic-ray air showers using low-cost digital radio receivers. We show that the radiation can be understood in terms of the geosynchrotron effect. Our results show that it should be possible to determine the nature and composition of UHECRs with combined radio and particle detectors, and to detect the ultrahigh-energy neutrinos expected from flavour mixing.  相似文献   

玻璃熔融X射线荧光光谱法测定萤石中各组分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜燕  阚斌 《科学技术与工程》2006,6(18):2938-29392975
采用X射线荧光光谱法,使用PANalytical MagiXPm顺序型X射线荧光光谱仪测定萤石中的F、Ca、Si、P、S、Fe、K、Na等8个元素.以元素的Kα线为分析线,分析结果的精密度、准确度高,分析速度快。  相似文献   

对铍原子波函数包含多个Slater基函数的复杂情形,利用不可约张量理论导出了铍原子(含类铍离子)谱项能量的相对论修正(包括相对论质量修正、达尔文修正、自旋-自旋接触相互作用)的解析表达式,具体计算了类铍(Z=4~8)体系(1s)22s2p1P态和(1s)2(2p)21S态的总能量,计算结果与实验数据符合得较好.  相似文献   

嵌入式系统设计中引入操作系统以实现复杂的控制功能,启动加载程序主要完成操作系统引导启动任务。目前嵌入式系统中主流的启动加载程序都只支持Nor Flash启动,不支持Nand Flash启动。针对Nand Flash和Nor Flash的各自特点,给出了使启动加载程序在启动时自己识别自身所处于何种Flash而采取相应的动作的启动方案。弥补了目前的启动加载程序只支持单一Flash启动的不足,增加了启动加载程序的通用性。  相似文献   

Flash spectra of the total solar eclipse throughout all its phases have been obtained in the extreme ultraviolet for the first time.  相似文献   

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