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Rotational breakup as the origin of small binary asteroids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Walsh KJ  Richardson DC  Michel P 《Nature》2008,454(7201):188-191
Asteroids with satellites are observed throughout the Solar System, from subkilometre near-Earth asteroid pairs to systems of large and distant bodies in the Kuiper belt. The smallest and closest systems are found among the near-Earth and small inner main-belt asteroids, which typically have rapidly rotating primaries and close secondaries on circular orbits. About 15 per cent of near-Earth and main-belt asteroids with diameters under 10 km have satellites. The mechanism that forms such similar binaries in these two dynamically different populations was hitherto unclear. Here we show that these binaries are created by the slow spinup of a 'rubble pile' asteroid by means of the thermal YORP (Yarkovsky-O'Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack) effect. We find that mass shed from the equator of a critically spinning body accretes into a satellite if the material is collisionally dissipative and the primary maintains a low equatorial elongation. The satellite forms mostly from material originating near the primary's surface and enters into a close, low-eccentricity orbit. The properties of binaries produced by our model match those currently observed in the small near-Earth and main-belt asteroid populations, including 1999 KW(4) (refs 3, 4).  相似文献   

Murray BJ  Knopf DA  Bertram AK 《Nature》2005,434(7030):202-205
An important mechanism for ice cloud formation in the Earth's atmosphere is homogeneous nucleation of ice in aqueous droplets, and this process is generally assumed to produce hexagonal ice. However, there are some reports that the metastable crystalline phase of ice, cubic ice, may form in the Earth's atmosphere. Here we present laboratory experiments demonstrating that cubic ice forms when micrometre-sized droplets of pure water and aqueous solutions freeze homogeneously at cooling rates approaching those found in the atmosphere. We find that the formation of cubic ice is dominant when droplets freeze at temperatures below 190 K, which is in the temperature range relevant for polar stratospheric clouds and clouds in the tropical tropopause region. These results, together with heat transfer calculations, suggest that cubic ice will form in the Earth's atmosphere. If there were a significant fraction of cubic ice in some cold clouds this could increase their water vapour pressure, and modify their microphysics and ice particle size distributions. Under specific conditions this may lead to enhanced dehydration of the tropopause region.  相似文献   

Trail D  Watson EB  Tailby ND 《Nature》2011,480(7375):79-82
Magmatic outgassing of volatiles from Earth's interior probably played a critical part in determining the composition of the earliest atmosphere, more than 4,000 million years (Myr) ago. Given an elemental inventory of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur, the identity of molecular species in gaseous volcanic emanations depends critically on the pressure (fugacity) of oxygen. Reduced melts having oxygen fugacities close to that defined by the iron-wüstite buffer would yield volatile species such as CH(4), H(2), H(2)S, NH(3) and CO, whereas melts close to the fayalite-magnetite-quartz buffer would be similar to present-day conditions and would be dominated by H(2)O, CO(2), SO(2) and N(2) (refs 1-4). Direct constraints on the oxidation state of terrestrial magmas before 3,850?Myr before present (that is, the Hadean eon) are tenuous because the rock record is sparse or absent. Samples from this earliest period of Earth's history are limited to igneous detrital zircons that pre-date the known rock record, with ages approaching ~4,400?Myr (refs 5-8). Here we report a redox-sensitive calibration to determine the oxidation state of Hadean magmatic melts that is based on the incorporation of cerium into zircon crystals. We find that the melts have average oxygen fugacities that are consistent with an oxidation state defined by the fayalite-magnetite-quartz buffer, similar to present-day conditions. Moreover, selected Hadean zircons (having chemical characteristics consistent with crystallization specifically from mantle-derived melts) suggest oxygen fugacities similar to those of Archaean and present-day mantle-derived lavas as early as ~4,350?Myr before present. These results suggest that outgassing of Earth's interior later than ~200?Myr into the history of Solar System formation would not have resulted in a reducing atmosphere.  相似文献   

Satheesh SK  Ramanathan V 《Nature》2000,405(6782):60-63
The effect of radiative forcing by anthropogenic aerosols is one of the largest sources of uncertainty in climate predictions. Direct observations of the forcing are therefore needed, particularly for the poorly understood tropical aerosols. Here we present an observational method for quantifying aerosol forcing to within +/-5 per cent. We use calibrated satellite radiation measurements and five independent surface radiometers to quantify the aerosol forcing simultaneously at the Earth's surface and the top of the atmosphere over the tropical northern Indian Ocean. In winter, this region is covered by anthropogenic aerosols of sulphate, nitrate, organics, soot and fly ash from the south Asian continent. Accordingly, mean clear-sky solar radiative heating for the winters of 1998 and 1999 decreased at the ocean surface by 12 to 30 Wm(-2), but only by 4 to 10 Wm(-2) at the top of the atmosphere. This threefold difference (due largely to solar absorption by soot) and the large magnitude of the observed surface forcing both imply that tropical aerosols might slow down the hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

The Earth accretes about 30,000 tons of dust particles per year, with sizes in the range of 20-400 microm (refs 1, 2). Those particles collected at the Earth's surface--termed micrometeorites--are similar in chemistry and mineralogy to hydrated, porous meteorites, but such meteorites comprise only 2.8% of recovered falls. This large difference in relative abundances has been attributed to 'filtering' by the Earth's atmosphere, that is, the porous meteorites are considered to be so friable that they do not survive the impact with the atmosphere. Here we report shock-recovery experiments on two porous meteorites, one of which is hydrated and the other is anhydrous. The application of shock to the hydrated meteorite reduces it to minute particles and explosive expansion results upon release of the pressure, through a much broader range of pressures than for the anhydrous meteorite. Our results indicate that hydrated asteroids will produce dust particles during collisions at a much higher rate than anhydrous asteroids, which explains the different relative abundances of the hydrated material in micrometeorites and meteorites: the abundances are established before contact with the Earth's atmosphere.  相似文献   

Rhie J  Romanowicz B 《Nature》2004,431(7008):552-556
The Earth undergoes continuous oscillations, and free oscillation peaks have been consistently identified in seismic records in the frequency range 2-7 mHz (refs 1, 2), on days without significant earthquakes. The level of daily excitation of this 'hum' is equivalent to that of magnitude 5.75 to 6.0 earthquakes, which cannot be explained by summing the contributions of small earthquakes. As slow or silent earthquakes have been ruled out as a source for the hum (except in a few isolated cases), turbulent motions in the atmosphere or processes in the oceans have been invoked as the excitation mechanism. We have developed an array-based method to detect and locate sources of the excitation of the hum. Our results demonstrate that the Earth's hum originates mainly in the northern Pacific Ocean during Northern Hemisphere winter, and in the Southern oceans during Southern Hemisphere winter. We conclude that the Earth's hum is generated by the interaction between atmosphere, ocean and sea floor, probably through the conversion of storm energy to oceanic infragravity waves that interact with seafloor topography.  相似文献   

B A Buffett  H R Wenk 《Nature》2001,413(6851):60-63
Elastic anisotropy in the Earth's inner core has been attributed to a preferred lattice orientation, which may be acquired during solidification of the inner core or developed subsequent to solidification as a result of plastic deformation. But solidification texturing alone cannot explain the observed depth dependence of anisotropy, and previous suggestions for possible deformation processes have all relied on radial flow, which is inhibited by thermal and chemical stratification. Here we investigate the development of anisotropy as the inner core deforms plastically under the influence of electromagnetic (Maxwell) shear stresses. We estimate the flow caused by a representative magnetic field using polycrystal plasticity simulations for epsilon-iron, where the imposed deformation is accommodated by basal and prismatic slip. We find that individual grains in an initially random polycrystal become preferentially oriented with their c axes parallel to the equatorial plane. This pattern is accentuated if deformation is accompanied by recrystallization. Using the single-crystal elastic properties of epsilon-iron at core pressure and temperature, we average over the simulated orientation distribution to obtain a pattern of elastic anisotropy which is similar to that observed seismologically.  相似文献   

Slivan SM 《Nature》2002,419(6902):49-51
Studies of asteroid families--groups of asteroids that formed from the fragmentation of larger bodies--are of broad interest to solar system researchers because they can provide insights into collisional processes, as well as the interior structures, strengths, and compositions of asteroids. It is generally accepted that members of the Koronis family were created by collisional disruption of a homogeneous parent body and therefore share the same formation age and subsequent collisional history. The temporal variations in observed brightness of the Koronis family members (a consequence of their rotation) are, however, larger than expected. Preferential alignment of spin vectors had been proposed as a possible explanation, but recent modelling predicted that family formation yields random spin vectors among the resulting fragments. Both hypotheses have been untested by observations. Here I show that the actual distribution of spin vectors among the largest members of the Koronis family falls within markedly nonrandom 'spin clusters'. Reconciling models of family formation and evolution with the unexpected alignments of spin obliquity and correlations with spin rates presents a new challenge in understanding asteroid collisional processes.  相似文献   

The metamorphic cycle associated with the formation of mountain belts produces a lower crust containing little or no free fluid. The introduction of external fluids to dry and impermeable volumes of the Earth's crust is thus a prerequisite for the retrogressive metamorphism later observed in such regimes. Such metamorphism can cause significant changes in the crust's physical properties, including its density, rheology and elastic properties. On a large scale, the introduction of fluids requires the presence of high-permeability channels, such as faults or fractures, which are the result of external tectonic stresses. But extensive interaction between externally derived fluids and the fractured rock requires efficient mass transport away from the initial fractures into the rock itself, and this transport often occurs over distances much longer than expected from grain-boundary diffusion. Here we present both field observations and a simple network model that demonstrate how the transport of fluids into initially dry rock can be accelerated by perturbations in the local stress field caused by reactions with fluids. We also show that the morphology of reaction fronts separating 'dry' from 'wet' rocks depends on the anisotropy of the external stress field.  相似文献   


Deng XH  Matsumoto H 《Nature》2001,410(6828):557-560
Magnetic reconnection has a crucial role in a variety of plasma environments in providing a mechanism for the fast release of stored magnetic energy. During reconnection the plasma forms a 'magnetic nozzle', like the nozzle of a hose, and the rate is controlled by how fast plasma can flow out of the nozzle. But the traditional picture of reconnection has been unable to explain satisfactorily the short timescales associated with the energy release, because the flow is mediated by heavy ions with a slow resultant velocity. Recent theoretical work has suggested that the energy release is instead mediated by electrons in waves called 'whistlers', which move much faster for a given perturbation of the magnetic field because of their smaller mass. Moreover, the whistler velocity and associated plasma velocity both increase as the 'nozzle' becomes narrower. A narrower nozzle therefore no longer reduces the total plasma flow-the outflow is independent of the size of the nozzle. Here we report observations demonstrating that reconnection in the magnetosphere is driven by whistlers, in good agreement with the theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

Melting in the Earth's deep upper mantle caused by carbon dioxide   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Dasgupta R  Hirschmann MM 《Nature》2006,440(7084):659-662
The onset of partial melting beneath mid-ocean ridges governs the cycling of highly incompatible elements from the mantle to the crust, the flux of key volatiles (such as CO2, He and Ar) and the rheological properties of the upper mantle. Geophysical observations indicate that melting beneath ridges begins at depths approaching 300 km, but the cause of this melting has remained unclear. Here we determine the solidus of carbonated peridotite from 3 to 10 GPa and demonstrate that melting beneath ridges may occur at depths up to 330 km, producing 0.03-0.3% carbonatite liquid. We argue that these melts promote recrystallization and realignment of the mineral matrix, which may explain the geophysical observations. Extraction of incipient carbonatite melts from deep within the oceanic mantle produces an abundant source of metasomatic fluids and a vast mantle residue depleted in highly incompatible elements and fractionated in key parent-daughter elements. We infer that carbon, helium, argon and highly incompatible heat-producing elements (such as uranium, thorium and potassium) are efficiently scavenged from depths of approximately 200-330 km in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

McNamara AK  van Keken PE  Karato S 《Nature》2002,416(6878):310-314
Seismological observations reveal highly anisotropic patches at the bottom of the Earth's lower mantle, whereas the bulk of the mantle has been observed to be largely isotropic. These patches have been interpreted to correspond to areas where subduction has taken place in the past or to areas where mantle plumes are upwelling, but the underlying cause for the anisotropy is unknown-both shape-preferred orientation of elastically heterogeneous materials and lattice-preferred orientation of a homogeneous material have been proposed. Both of these mechanisms imply that large-strain deformation occurs within the anisotropic regions, but the geodynamic implications of the mechanisms differ. Shape-preferred orientation would imply the presence of large elastic (and hence chemical) heterogeneity whereas lattice-preferred orientation requires deformation at high stresses. Here we show, on the basis of numerical modelling incorporating mineral physics of elasticity and development of lattice-preferred orientation, that slab deformation in the deep lower mantle can account for the presence of strong anisotropy in the circum-Pacific region. In this model-where development of the mineral fabric (the alignment of mineral grains) is caused solely by solid-state deformation of chemically homogeneous mantle material-anisotropy is caused by large-strain deformation at high stresses, due to the collision of subducted slabs with the core-mantle boundary.  相似文献   

Laser--Raman imagery of Earth's earliest fossils   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Unlike the familiar Phanerozoic history of life, evolution during the earlier and much longer Precambrian segment of geological time centred on prokaryotic microbes. Because such microorganisms are minute, are preserved incompletely in geological materials, and have simple morphologies that can be mimicked by nonbiological mineral microstructures, discriminating between true microbial fossils and microscopic pseudofossil 'lookalikes' can be difficult. Thus, valid identification of fossil microbes, which is essential to understanding the prokaryote-dominated, Precambrian 85% of life's history, can require more than traditional palaeontology that is focused on morphology. By combining optically discernible morphology with analyses of chemical composition, laser--Raman spectroscopic imagery of individual microscopic fossils provides a means by which to address this need. Here we apply this technique to exceptionally ancient fossil microbe-like objects, including the oldest such specimens reported from the geological record, and show that the results obtained substantiate the biological origin of the earliest cellular fossils known.  相似文献   

Melting of the Earth's inner core   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gubbins D  Sreenivasan B  Mound J  Rost S 《Nature》2011,473(7347):361-363
The Earth's magnetic field is generated by a dynamo in the liquid iron core, which convects in response to cooling of the overlying rocky mantle. The core freezes from the innermost surface outward, growing the solid inner core and releasing light elements that drive compositional convection. Mantle convection extracts heat from the core at a rate that has enormous lateral variations. Here we use geodynamo simulations to show that these variations are transferred to the inner-core boundary and can be large enough to cause heat to flow into the inner core. If this were to occur in the Earth, it would cause localized melting. Melting releases heavy liquid that could form the variable-composition layer suggested by an anomaly in seismic velocity in the 150 kilometres immediately above the inner-core boundary. This provides a very simple explanation of the existence of this layer, which otherwise requires additional assumptions such as locking of the inner core to the mantle, translation from its geopotential centre or convection with temperature equal to the solidus but with composition varying from the outer to the inner core. The predominantly narrow downwellings associated with freezing and broad upwellings associated with melting mean that the area of melting could be quite large despite the average dominance of freezing necessary to keep the dynamo going. Localized melting and freezing also provides a strong mechanism for creating seismic anomalies in the inner core itself, much stronger than the effects of variations in heat flow so far considered.  相似文献   

基于GIS技术的大气环境质量评价方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探讨了GIS技术在大气环境质量评价中的应用。依据大气环境质量指数评价模型,在利用GIS空间分析和属性查询功能的基础之上,对大气环境进行多因素复合分析,将城市大气污染因子的权重随区域差异按污染贡献率法进行赋值,即采用了一种基于"变权"思想的城市大气环境质量评价方法,并以合肥市为例进行了研究。研究表明该方法简单、合理,评价的结果与合肥市实际情况基本一致。  相似文献   

Webb SC 《Nature》2007,445(7129):754-756
Observations show that the seismic normal modes of the Earth at frequencies near 10 mHz are excited at a nearly constant level in the absence of large earthquakes. This background level of excitation has been called the 'hum' of the Earth, and is equivalent to the maximum excitation from a magnitude 5.75 earthquake. Its origin is debated, with most studies attributing the forcing to atmospheric turbulence, analogous to the forcing of solar oscillations by solar turbulence. Some reports also predicted that turbulence might excite the planetary modes of Mars to detectable levels. Recent observations on Earth, however, suggest that the predominant excitation source lies under the oceans. Here I show that turbulence is a very weak source, and instead it is interacting ocean waves over the shallow continental shelves that drive the hum of the Earth. Ocean waves couple into seismic waves through the quadratic nonlinearity of the surface boundary condition, which couples pairs of slowly propagating ocean waves of similar frequency to a high phase velocity component at approximately double the frequency. This is the process by which ocean waves generate the well known 'microseism peak' that dominates the seismic spectrum near 140 mHz (refs 11, 12), but at hum frequencies, the mechanism differs significantly in frequency and depth dependence. A calculation of the coupling between ocean waves and seismic modes reproduces the seismic spectrum observed. Measurements of the temporal correlation between ocean wave data and seismic data have confirmed that ocean waves, rather than atmospheric turbulence, are driving the modes of the Earth.  相似文献   

Dynamical resonances in the asteroid belt are the gateway for the production of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs). To generate the observed number of NEAs, however, requires the injection of many asteroids into those resonant regions. Collisional processes have long been claimed as a possible source, but difficulties with that idea have led to the suggestion that orbital drift arising from the Yarkovsky effect dominates the injection process. (The Yarkovsky effect is a force arising from differential heating-the 'afternoon' side of an asteroid is warmer than the 'morning' side.) The two models predict different rotational properties of NEAs: the usual collisional theories are consistent with a nearly isotropic distribution of rotation vectors, whereas the 'Yarkovsky model' predicts an excess of retrograde rotations. Here we report that the spin vectors of NEAs show a strong and statistically significant excess of retrograde rotations, quantitatively consistent with the theoretical expectations of the Yarkovsky model.  相似文献   

The quantitative result of annual polar motion excitation by the ocean is presented for the first time. The atmospheric excitation amounts to more than double of the oceanic excitation. The sum of atmospheric and oceanic excitations approximates more to the observed annual polar motion excitation, compared with atmospheric excitation only. This suggests that the atmosphere and ocean are the main excitation sources of annual polar motion.  相似文献   

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