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Cutaneous oxygen consumption (Mo2) and cutaneous oxygen uptake from the external medium were investigated in an elasmobranch Scyliorhinus caniculus L. In spite of an important Mo2 (2.75 +/- 0.28 nmol.mn-1 cm-2 ; n=6) a positive net flux of oxygen through the skin takes place (2.98 +/- 0.33 nmol. mn-1 .cm-2). The skin of the dogfish in an exchanger for oxygen supplying 10% of oxygen requirements of other organs of the body in these experimental conditions (t = 13 degrees C).  相似文献   

The detailed topography of the tecto-tectal component of the Frog's ipsilateral visual pathway is electrophysiologically obtained by mapping the optic lobes. This linkage transfers the visual information explored along a transversal tectal row on to an homologous line oriented at 130 degrees on the opposite tectum. The ipsilateral projection of the temporo-nasal axis of the retina, but not of the antero-posterior axis of the visual field, is reversed compared to its contralateral projection. Finally, the majority of the homologous tectal points are asymmetrical with respect to the animal's sagittal axis.  相似文献   

The Genet testis shows a spermatogenic activity throughout the year. The plasmatic androgen level presents two periods where the values are higher; one in spring the other in autumn. The spring testosterone rise co?ncides with a mating period.  相似文献   

The topographic organization of the frog's primary visual system has been reexamined in Rana esculenta using autoradiographic technique. 10 to 24 hrs following an intraocular injection of tritiated proline, an intense labelling was observed contralaterally in the various retinal projection centres (preoptic area); neuropils of Bellonci; corpus geniculatum of the thalamus; posterior thalamus; posterodorsal preoptic area; magnocellular pretectal nucleus and basal optic nucleus; tectal laminae A to G of Potter), as already described. Furthermore, the presence of a ipsilateral projection within the hypothalamus (preoptic area), the thalamus (neuropils of Bellonci and corpus geniculatum) and the pretectium (posterior thalami neuropil, pretectal optic area) is confirmed. On the other hand, the existence of ipsilateral retinotectal (to Potter's lamina F) and retino-tegmentomescencephalic projections (to the basal optic nucleus), which were thusfar questioned, has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

In the male European Badger there are important variations in the plasma testosterone and thyroxine levels during the annual cycle. During the summer, plasma testosterone concentrations are low while plasma thyroxine rises to a very high level. In winter, when the thyroid activity is minimal, testicular activity increases. From February to May, the plasma testosterone remains at a high level, and then, after a sudden fall, a second peak occurs in June at which time the concentration of thyroxine is low.  相似文献   

Purified gonadotropin subunits of a teleost Fish, the Carp, reassociated in vitro, according to a second order rate reaction. The rate constant was temperature dependent. Compared to ovine LH, the Q10 was about three times less and the rate constant much greater (160 times for instance at 20 degrees C). The possible physiological significance of these differences is underlined.  相似文献   

Two successives injections of 10 microng/g of ecdysterone induce precocious ecdysis in 66% of Crabs. This induction of precocious ecdysis is always accompanied by an inhibiting effect on regeneration: tiny abnormal regenerates or none are obtained. A majority of recipients of ecdysterone underwent successful ecdysis. Experimental results are discussed; a morphological and cytological study of ecdysterone effects on regeneration is announced.  相似文献   

The intracardiac injection (50 microgram/g) of GABA to Carps clearly inhibits the rise of the plasma cortisol level which occurs usually in response to the blood sampling manipulations. The inhibition starts thirty minutes after injection and lasts till the end of the experiment two hours later. The hypothesis that this neurotransmitter has a regulatory function on the corticotrop cells, especially on the excretion of ACTH has to be considered.  相似文献   

In the flexor carpi radialis muscle of the Frog, extra-fusal muscular fibres with histochemical characteristics of tonic fibres were identified by reactions for enzyme activities, especially for myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase. This evidence suggests no difference between the sexes in the organization of this muscle, in spite of a strongly marked sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

At 15 degrees C, the oxygen uptake rate of Carcinus maenas was practically independent of the ambient oxygen pressure betueen 50 and 500 Torr. Within this range, hyperventilatory and hypoventilatory responses were observed in hypoxic and hyperoxic conditions respectively whereas the oxygen extraction coefficient remained more or less constant.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei Untersuchungen der elektrophysiologischen Reaktion des Facettenauges beim MehlkäferTenebrio molitor wurde die Maximalreaktion zwischen 510 und 530 nm gefunden. Latenz und Amplitude dienten als Kriterien der facettären Spektraleffizienz.  相似文献   

The fluorescent products formed from biogenic amines treated with formaldehyde according to the method of Falck and Owman have been studied in the brain of Crepidula fornicata. The microspectrophotometric analysis of cellular indolamines shows excitation emission maxima at 385--525 nm (serotonine) and catecholamine at 410--475 nm upon HCl treatment catecholamine products show a shift of the excitation peak from 410 to 370 nm (dopamine).  相似文献   

In the Frog, after unilateral optic nerve and tract section, contralateral visual responses were recorded in the tectum ipsilateral to the section. These responses were elicited by stimulation of a unique spatial region located near the projection of the contralateral eye optic axis and could be randomly recorded on the tectal surface. The possible pathways and the role of such retino-tectal afferences are discussed.  相似文献   

Retinofugal pathways of Polypterus senegalus C. have been examined by means of the radioautographic method. Contralaterally the retina projects to the hypothalamus, thalamus, pretectum and tectum. An important ipsilateral component has been observed. No retinal projection to the mesencephalic tegmentum has been identified. Comparing the primary optic system of Polypterus with that of other body Fish, indicates that this species possesses a combination of characteristics which are both actinopterygian and sarcopterygian. The significance of this mozaic arrangement is discussed.  相似文献   

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