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侯银华 《科技信息》2009,(34):119-119,121
In William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily,we can read his attitude to Southern traditional civilization and patriarchal social system.William Faulkner revealed that the root of women's tragic fate was the brutality and cruelty of Southern tradition,and opened out corrupting and perverting of Southern aristocrat according drawing many vivid characters.This thesis analyzes these insensible figures to fulminate against the inhuman society tradition in South America at that time.  相似文献   

Peishaoyan 《科技信息》2009,(32):I0164-I0164,I0166
The short story "A Rose for Emily" draws a vivid picture of the southern descendents. It attracts readers' attention successfiully and makes us immersed in the whole story. And the ingenious usage of symbolism is a distinctive feature, which makes the story filled with pro- found implications. This paper intends to make a brief analysis the symbolic significance ofth erose in the short story.  相似文献   

William Faulkner is regarded as one of the leading American authors of the Twentieth Century and the leading representative of"Southern Literature. "His writings draw the attention of not only the Americans but also the whole world. From many aspects, he is an original writer. His subject matter, his originality of working out the plot, and his unusual artistic style let him stand like a firm and erect reef in the fast changing Western literary currents. It is owing to his outstanding contribution to world litreature that he was awarded The Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950.  相似文献   

袁芳  孟静 《科技信息》2009,(15):187-187,190
William Fanlkner is one of the greatest modern American writers and the Nobel Prize winner for literature in 1949. His skillful use of "Stream of Consciousness" and smart creation of the whole Yoknapatawpha County stories make him an enduring monument in American Literature. "A Rose for Emily", though short it is, is undoubtedly one of the most sparkling strokes on the monument. "A Rose for Emily" was first published on "Forum" in April, 1930; however, it can still arouse great aesthetie sympathy and inspirations today. In this novel, Miss Emily, the heroine, is depicted as a noble heiress of the Old South, a protector as well as a victim of stale southern traditions. She cut herself off society, muted voices, repressed feelings, and twisted her own heart all throughout the life in a gloomy, musky house. Miss Emily herself is a tragedy. We see her rosy youth faded, bit by bit, in that house. In this paper, analysis from stylistic perspective may give us some light in how and why the rose faded.  相似文献   

“ThereisnoregionintheU.S.thatcontainsasmuchbeauty,violence,passion,courageandfinally,tragedyastheAmericanSouth.Andinthetwentiethcentury,thereisnonovelistwhomorepowerfullyandeloquentlyrepresentsthisregioninhisfictionthanWilliamFaulkner.”(WanPeide,1986)FaulknerranksamongtheleadingAmericanauthorsofthetwentiethcentury.Hewasaregionalist,whospentmostofhislifeinasmall,particularareaoftheUnitedStates,writingaboutthescenesandpeopleheknewbest.BornintoadistinguishedMississippi…  相似文献   

刘洪莲 《科技信息》2009,(15):210-210,211
New Criticism is an approach to literature which was developed by a group of American critics, most of whom taught at southern universities during the years following the First World War. The New Critics wanted to avoid impressionistic criticism, which risked being shallow and arbitrary, and social/historical approaches which might easily be subsumed by other disciplines. Thus, they attempted to systematize the study of literature, to develop an approach which was centered on the rigorous study of the text itself. They were given their name by John Crowe Ransom, who describes the new American formalists in The New Criticism (1941).  相似文献   

李岩 《科技信息》2009,(30):172-173
In the novel The French Lieutenant's Woman,the two major female role--Ernestina and Sarah,can be the representative images of Victorian women. Sarah's speech and behaviors reveal the spirit of emancipation and freedom,while Ernestina is the conservative and depressed women in that period. Through the analysis of them,the social values of Victorian period are presented clearly. This also reflects John Fowles'attitude towards women.  相似文献   

EmilyBronte,whodiedoftuberculosisin1848attheageofthirty,wasadaughterofapoorclergymaninthelittlevillageofHaworth,Yorkshire,innorthEngland.Whenshewasthree,hermotherdiedandleftsixchildrentothecareoftheiraunt,awomanwhowasafraidofcatchingcoldandwhothereforekepttoherownroommuchofthetime.Mr.Brontetookhismealsinhisownroom,andthechildren,generallylefttotheirowndevices,formedamongthemselvesaclosecompanionship.Later,allthegirlsexceptAnne,theyoungest,weresenttocharityschool,averitableprisonwherethechild…  相似文献   

Anne Bront? was the youngest of the Bront? sisters.Together the three sisters left a brilliant page in the history of English literature.Her work The Tenant of Wildfell Hall was a great success the moment it was published and was highly praised by many outstanding British critics.He heroine in the book,Helen Huntingdon,was a young lady with noble-minded and gentle nature.With her spirit of self-esteem and self-reliance as well as her wonderful deed of slamming her bedroom door against her husband,Helen fought bravely with the inequality between men and women in the old British society in the mid 19th century.The purpose of this article is to pay good tribute to Helen's great personality,and moreover,to acknowledge and reorganize the almost forgotten literary genius Anne Bront?.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to demonstrate the importance of introducing cultural sense in translation practice, English to Chinese in particular, by examining the problem of non-equivalence at word level in associated meanings and to unveil the cultural aspects projected within. It is also argued that greater importance should be attached to the cultural perspectives in translation and flexible strategies should be adopted in dealing with the problems of non-equivalence in the associated meanings of words of different cultures.  相似文献   

0 IntroductionCurrently al most all medical i mage analysis systems usequantified color , shape and texture-based features orcombination of thosefeatures . We call thosefeatures as quan-tified features , which have several disadvantages :to extractlocal quantifiedfeatures needs the basic operation such as i m-age segmentation or edge extraction (for example,shape fea-ture) ; some features are based on the ground of one traitwithout consideration of other traits (For example,gray sta-tistic fea…  相似文献   

A new method for forecasting non-stationary series is developed.Its steps are as follows.Step 1.Data delaminating.Non-stationary series is delaminated into several multi-scale steady data layers and one trend layer.Step 2.Modeling and forecasting each stationary data layer.Step 2.Imitating trend layer using polynomial.Step4.Combining the forecasting layers and imitating layer into one series,The EMD(Empirical Mode Decomposition) method suitable to preocess non-stationary series is selected to delaminate data,while ARMA(Auto Regressive Moving Aver age)model is employed to model and forecast stationary data layer and least square error method for trend layer regression.Aiming at forecasting length,forecasting orientation and selective method,experiments are performed for SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar) images.Finally,an example is provided,in which the whole SAR image is restored via the method proposed by this paper.  相似文献   

Although the World Wide Web is now accessible almost everywhere, on - line instruction is not catching on so rapidly. In large part this is because courses must be assembled manually and cannot be adapted easily to individual student needs. The article points out that with the development of ww\v and computer technology, adaptive learning is necessary and possible for online education. Construction of adaptive program is described and some teaching strategies for adaptive learning is proposed.  相似文献   

A case of remanufacturing used lathes via CNC technology is introduced, whose environmental and economic benefits are evaluated respectively. The results indicate that these environmental and economic benefits are remarkable, which are directly affected by remanufacturing design, more than 90% materials in used lathes are reused. Finally, the causes of economic and environmental benefits of remanufacturing machine tools are put forward. The remanufacturing design method, implementation procedure, and evaluation method of economic and environmental benefits presented are helpful for other equipment remanufacturing.  相似文献   

冯涛  沈刚 《科技信息》2009,(34):I0120-I0120
Among students' abilities,the important one is the ability of studying independently.It is the teachers' indispensable task to foster students' ability of studying independently.This essay deals with the problem that how a teacher can foster the ability of student self-study,especially English study,from these perspectives:the nature,the characteristics,the conditions and the structure of the ability of independent study.The appropriate methods that the teacher should take in the process of fostering the ability are discussed in the last part of this essay.  相似文献   

IntroductionImagesegmentationisoneofthemostimportantstepsleadingtotheanalysisofprocessedimagedata—itsmaingoalistodivideanimageintopartsthathaveastrongcorrelationwithobjectsorareasoftherealworldcontainedintheimage.Therefore,imagesegmentationisusefulinmanyapplicationsforidentifyingregionsorobjectsofinterestinasceneorannotatingthedata,includingobjectdetectionandextraction,motiontracking,objectbasedvideocodingetc.However,imagesegmentationisalongstandingproblemincomputervisionanditsverydifficultto…  相似文献   

刘昀 《科技信息》2007,(32):138
A Streetcar Named Desire is a tragedy.Blanche,a beautiful woman,finally goes insane.She has an indecent past.She tells lies and is indulgent in her behavior toward men.All these seem to suggest that she deserves such a consequence.However,the fact is that Blanche once was a pure girl who dreamed of true love and happy family.It is the cruel reality that results in her tragedy.Compared with her,Stella's tragedy is a tragedy of toleration.Unlike Blanche,Stella prefers to tolerate when confronting with the reality.The tragedy of Blanche and Stella is typical of the time in which women cannot enjoy the same rights as men.  相似文献   

Field observation of the macromorphology and analyses of micromorphology and geochemistry were conducted to the worm-shaped veins (WSVs) in the red earth of South China. The WSVs exhibit outward features of root traces and contain the traces of stele that can be used as the definite evidence of root traces. Surrounding the worm-shaped veins there are some micro-features pressed by past root growth. Geochemical analyses indicate that the white part in the WSV was depleted in Fe content. These lines of evidence suggest the WSVs in the red earth of South China are the root traces of past forest.  相似文献   

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