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本文论述了剑齿象的一新种并描述了它的特征(diagnosis),这一新种代表了由乳齿象演化为剑齿象的关键,具有重要意义,从而进一步修订了国内已发现19种剑齿象的材料,肯定了其中的9个种,进行了分类方面的工作。  相似文献   

本文以分支系统学为理论依据,分析了剑齿象演化中的近裔性状及其演化极向。以简约性原则建立了反映剑齿象属(Stegodon)各种间系统发育关系的分支图解。与传统的系统学不同,分支图解中不仅表明了某些种之间的租裔序列,而且主要反映了相应的“姐妹群”。同时,进一步运用国外较新的方法,对所建立的分支图解作了检验,并结合地质时代的分布将分支图解转化为系统树。  相似文献   

广东乐昌第四纪大熊猫-剑齿象动物群计有5目15属16种,主要属种有大熊猫洞穴亚种、东方剑齿象、中国犀、中国黑熊、水鹿和水牛等,这些都是南方大熊猫-剑齿象动物群的典型分子,与曲江马坝动物群、封开黄岩洞动物群比较接近,时代为中更新世末期或晚更新世早期.动物群反映的当时的生态环境除了森林比较茂密外,水草也比较丰富,气候温凉而不很干燥.该动物群是广东粤北地区继曲江马坝动物群、罗坑动物群以及灵溪暗岩动物群之后又一重要发现,对研究华南地区第四纪动物群的分布、变迁以及当时的古气候和古环境等具有一定意义.  相似文献   

利益置于个人利益之上,便是其职责要求。但公务员 作用。中国的市场经济体制的建立和形成是在政府作为公民,又有其个人特殊利益,由于手中的行政权 的行政权力推动下而进行的变革。在初创阶段,市场潘集剑齿象  相似文献   

距今300万年前,地球的气候温暖而湿润。茂密的植被为众多的动物提供了理想的栖息地。大熊猫、剑齿象和巨猿组成的群体漫游在东至台湾,南至广东,西至缅甸,北至秦岭淮河的广大地域里。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的高速发展,科学技术水平的快速提高,社会各行各业为了适应社会以及市场所提出的更高要求,也对自身的发展做出了相应的调整。在新时代、新背景的大环境下,我国电力行业着力于技术创新,致力于新技术、新工艺、新流程的研究和应用,以此来提高电力生产活动的效率。10kV带电搭接引线固定器具的研制从多方面考虑,满足了简化配电线路带电作业中搭接引线的工序,提高了电网工作人员的工作安全,减少了电网工作人员的作业时间等,因此,研制10kV带电线路搭接引线固定器具制具有十分重要的意义。文章主要从传统的带电搭接引线中显现的弊端进行分析探究以及带电搭接引线固定器具的研制两个方面来分析了10kV带电搭接引线固定器具的研制。  相似文献   

本文论述了安微巢县等地第四纪沉积中哺乳动物化石群同属淮河过渡区中的古菱齿象——披毛犀动物群。根据性状接引原则的论点,淮河过渡区这一生物地理分异具重要演化、生物迁移和古生态意义。自然史工程的主要内容指在漫长地质年代中相邻生物区及过渡生物区中亲近种的长期接触导致了新种(或新亚种)的产生。对生物系统分类有重要意义。  相似文献   

(?)县动物群(一)(二)两文论述了巢县第四纪洞穴堆积中哺乳动物的新种,均属于淮河过渡区古菱齿象——披毛犀动物群的新分子。它们的演化和迁移证明了:①坚特生物地域分异和过渡区存在的必要。②性状接引原则有大量例证存在。 论文补充了性状接引的内容和方法,提出“自然史工程”这一新概念。再度强调安徽第四系沉积的主要层位为Q_2而不是Q_1或Q_3,并建立一地层新名——猫儿洞组。文末建议动物群命名的优先原则,突出分类学命名对动物群的重要作用。  相似文献   

详细介绍了采用压力传感器间接引压监测储油罐有关参数的原理;计算机监测系统的结构及参数检测,数据处理,通信管理等功能。  相似文献   

在考察华南山洞时,常常可以在洞穴堆积中发现化石,当地群众把它叫做“龙骨”和“龙齿”,其实就是第四纪哺乳动物的骨骼和牙齿。由于动物骨骼中有机质的腐解和挥发,碳酸钙等矿物质的渗透和填充,使骨骼中矿物质增加,天长日久,使其坚硬如石,  相似文献   

Rich paleoanthropological materials were unearthed in primary context from the Xinglongdong Cave in Fengjie County, Chongqing, South China, including a human tooth, numerous mammalian fossils, some stone artifacts and a Stegodon tusk exhibiting intentional engravings.Based on biostratigraphic data and uranium series dating,the cave was utilized as a human shelter about 120000-150000 years ago. It is the first time that an archaic Homo sapiens fossil has been unearthed from the Three Gorges Region. Engravings on the Stegodon tusk appear in groups,making up simple and abstract images. It is the earliest known engravings created by human beings; it exhibits great potential for the study of the origin of art and the development of ancient cultures in south China and bears important implications for the origin of modern humans in East Asia.  相似文献   

The rare fossil Miraluolishania described by Liu et ah from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte in 2004 is regarded as an arthropod sphinx because it bears mosaic features of both Iobopods and arthropods. The discovery of this rare transitional form offers direct fossil evidence for exploring the relationship between Iobopods and arthropods. However, some scientists consider Miraluolishania to be a junior synonym of Luolishania because the former superficially resembles the latter in general appearance. Considering the significant differences between the two taxa, a thorough comparative study of Miraluolishania and Luolishania leads to the conclusion that there are definitely two different genera. Nevertheless, the "Luolishania" of the Haikou area is indeed "Miraluolishania", whereas Luolishania is most likely the typical genus of the Maotianshan area of Chengjiang County.  相似文献   

The Late Devonian genus Ichthyostega was for many decades the earliest known tetrapod, and the sole representative of a transitional form between a fish and a land vertebrate. However, despite being known since 1932 (ref. 1) from a large collection of specimens, its morphology remained enigmatic and not what was expected of a very primitive tetrapod. Its apparent specializations led it to be considered as a "blind offshoot" or "sidebranch" off the tetrapod family tree, and recent cladistic analyses have disagreed about its exact phylogenetic position within the tetrapod stem group. In particular, its braincase and ear region defied interpretation, such that conventional anatomical terms seemed inapplicable. Using new material collected in 1998 (ref. 9), preparation of earlier-collected material, and high-resolution computed tomography scanning, here we identify and interpret these problematic anatomical structures. They can now be seen to form part of a highly specialized ear, probably a hearing device for use in water. This represents a structurally and functionally unique modification of the tetrapod otic region, unlike anything seen in subsequent tetrapod evolution. The presence of deeply grooved gill bars as in its contemporary Acanthostega suggest that Ichthyostega may have been more aquatically adapted than previously believed.  相似文献   

Among the most important faunas in the Late Cenozoic, the Gigantopithecus faunas have received a good deal of attention. The Gigantopithecus fauna recently discovered in Sanhe Cave consists of more than 80 mammal species, including cf. Hominidae, Pongo sp., Hylobates sp., Sinomastodon yangzien-sis, Stegodon preorientalis, Cervavitus fenqii, Dicoryphochoerus ultimus and Sus xiaozhu. It is the southernmost Gigantopithecus fauna found so far in China. Its geological age is estimated to be Early Pleistocene bas...  相似文献   

种属式复合词论略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉语的复合词除联合式、述宾式、主谓式、偏正式、述补式外,还有种属式.种属式可分为稳定型和非稳定型两类.这类复合词不全是加类名语素的结果,前语素成为原词的简称也是种属式的一个重要来源.非稳定型种属式与对应的前语素可形成等义词.这类等义词为多种情况下的必要语码选择提供了条件.类名语素有帮助理解词义.区分同形同音成分、使种属式复合词单义化的作用.  相似文献   

据对南平市81处样地、24048m~2面积的森林各类型群落调查统计,共含维管束植物342种,分隶84科195属,单种和寡种属占总属数的92.3%.群落区系以壳斗、樟、山茶和茜草等科的属种以及热带、泛热带分布地理成分(分别占总属数的40.3%和26.0%)为主.优势树种有栲、木荷、石栎、润楠等属和马尾松.全市群落类型可分为10个植被型,含66个群系.植被具福建中亚热带南、北部亚地带过渡性区域特点.  相似文献   

威权政治是后发国家在现代化进程早期形成的一种特殊的政治形态,它在新加坡向现代化迈进的过程中发挥了重要作用。但作为一种过渡性的政治形态,它必然会随着经济的发展,社会结构的分化,逐步向多元民主政治过渡。新加坡正经历着这一变革。  相似文献   

A new genus within the family Mesosciophilidae,Jurasciophila gen.nov.,with two new species,J.curvula gen.et sp.nov.and J.lepida gen.et sp.nov.,are described and illustrated.They are established based on fossil specimens with bodies and complete wings.All of them were collected from the late Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Daohugou in southeastern Inner Mongolia,China.Comparing with two known genera,Mesosciophilina (Kovalev,1985) and Mesosciophilopsis (Blagoderov,1994),the new genus has transitional characters.The distribution pattern of Mesosciophilidae is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

成矿动力系统的定态与失定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
成矿系统与生物等自然系统都是不断地与环境进行斗争和妥协,从而适应了经常变化的环境达到自我生存和发展的目的。这就是演化或进化,失定就是系统自适应能力的表现形式。是由一种定(稳)态向另一种定态过渡的行为,过渡可以是平稳的或非平稳的,其中非平稳过渡是系统耗散能量而发生随机涨落的必然结果,过渡可以是平稳的或非平稳的。其中非平稳过渡是系统耗散能量而发生随机涨落的必然结果,促成了成矿物质的自组织作用。因此,成  相似文献   

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