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The extensive range of specificities of T-cell receptors is generated, as for immunoglobulins, by rearrangement of genetic information. Much valuable information about rearrangement processes has been inferred by comparing DNA from (monoclonal) lymphoid lines with germ-line DNA and, for B cells, from rearrangements in some Abelson murine leukaemia virus-transformed cell lines. However, because it is difficult to isolate and grow precursor populations, it has not proved possible to study rearrangements occurring in normal untransformed cells in vitro. Here we show that a single T-cell precursor colonizing an alymphoid thymus lobe in organ culture can generate multiple receptor beta-chain gene rearrangements. These observations provide unequivocal evidence for the intra-thymic diversification of the T-cell repertoire. They also offer the possibility of investigating rearrangement and its control in the clonal progeny of a single normal T-cell precursor without the perturbations involved in the use of viral transformation or the production of T-cell hybridomas.  相似文献   

Klimanskaya I  Chung Y  Becker S  Lu SJ  Lanza R 《Nature》2006,444(7118):481-485
The derivation of human embryonic stem (hES) cells currently requires the destruction of ex utero embryos. A previous study in mice indicates that it might be possible to generate embryonic stem (ES) cells using a single-cell biopsy similar to that used in preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), which does not interfere with the embryo's developmental potential. By growing the single blastomere overnight, the resulting cells could be used for both genetic testing and stem cell derivation without affecting the clinical outcome of the procedure. Here we report a series of ten separate experiments demonstrating that hES cells can be derived from single blastomeres. In this proof-of-principle study, multiple biopsies were taken from each embryo using micromanipulation techniques and none of the biopsied embryos were allowed to develop in culture. Nineteen ES-cell-like outgrowths and two stable hES cell lines were obtained. The latter hES cell lines maintained undifferentiated proliferation for more than eight months, and showed normal karyotype and expression of markers of pluripotency, including Oct-4, SSEA-3, SSEA-4, TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81, nanog and alkaline phosphatase. These cells retained the potential to form derivatives of all three embryonic germ layers both in vitro and in teratomas. The ability to create new stem cell lines and therapies without destroying embryos would address the ethical concerns of many, and allow the generation of matched tissue for children and siblings born from transferred PGD embryos.  相似文献   

Developmental genetics has shown that the Brachyury (T) gene has a key role in mesoderm formation during gastrulation in the mouse. Homozygous embryos have a defective allantois, degenerate or absent notochord and disrupted primitive streak and node. The neural tube is kinked and somite formation interrupted. The T gene has been cloned and is expressed during the early stages of gastrulation, being restricted to the primitive streak region, nascent mesoderm and notochord. Neither the sequence of the gene nor its expression pattern define its developmental function. To study the cell autonomy of the T mutation we have isolated and genetically characterized embryonic stem cell lines and studied their behaviour in chimaeras. T/+ embryonic stem cells form normal chimaeras, whereas T/T in equilibrium with +/+ chimaeras mimic the T/T mutant phenotype. The results indicate that the T gene acts cell autonomously in the primitive streak and notochord but may activate a signalling pathway involved in the specification of other mesodermal tissues.  相似文献   

To develop a targeting vector for breast cancer biotherapy, MDA-MB-231 cell, a human breast cancer cell line, was co-cultured with pC89 (9 aa) phage display library of random peptides. In multiple inde-pendent peptide-presenting phage screening trials, subtilisin was used as a protease to inactivate extra-cellular phages. The internalized phages were collected by cell lysising and amplified in E. coli XLI-Blue. Through five rounds of selection, the pepUde-presenting phages which could be internalized in MDA-MB-231 cells were isolated. A comparison was made between internalization capacities of peptide-presenting phages isolated from MDA-MB-231 cells and RGD-integrin binding phage by coculturing them with other human tumor cell lines and normal cells. The nucleoUde sequences of isolated peptide-presenting phages were then determined by DNA sequencing. To uncover whether phage coat protein or amino acid order was required for the character of the pepUde to MDA-MB-231 cells, three peptides were synthesized. They are CASPSGALRSC, ASPSGALRS and CGVIFDHSVPC (the shifted sequence of CASPSGALRSC), and after coculturing them with different cell lines, their targeting capacities to MDA-MB-231 cells were detected. These data suggested that the internalization process was highly selective, and capable of capturing a specific peptide from parent peptide variants. Moreover, the targeting internalization event of pepUdes was an amino acid sequence dependent manner. The results demonstrated the feasibility of using phage display library of random peptides to develop new targeting system for intracellular delivery of macromolecules, and the peptide we obtained might be modified as a targeting vector for breast cancer gene therapy.  相似文献   

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