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Wang YC  Ferguson EL 《Nature》2005,434(7030):229-234
In many developmental contexts, a locally produced morphogen specifies positional information by forming a concentration gradient over a field of cells. However, during embryonic dorsal-ventral patterning in Drosophila, two members of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) family, Decapentaplegic (Dpp) and Screw (Scw), are broadly transcribed but promote receptor-mediated signalling in a restricted subset of expressing cells. Here we use a novel immunostaining protocol to visualize receptor-bound BMPs and show that both proteins become localized to a sharp stripe of dorsal cells. We demonstrate that proper BMP localization involves two distinct processes. First, Dpp undergoes directed, long-range extracellular transport. Scw also undergoes long-range movement, but can do so independently of Dpp transport. Second, an intracellular positive feedback circuit promotes future ligand binding as a function of previous signalling strength. These data elicit a model in which extracellular Dpp transport initially creates a shallow gradient of BMP binding that is acted on by positive intracellular feedback to produce two stable states of BMP-receptor interactions, a spatial bistability in which BMP binding and signalling capabilities are high in dorsal-most cells and low in lateral cells.  相似文献   

Drosophila neuroblasts and ovarian stem cells are well characterized models for stem cell biology. In both cell types, one daughter cell self-renews continuously while the other undergoes a limited number of divisions, stops to proliferate mitotically and differentiates. Whereas neuroblasts segregate the Trim-NHL (tripartite motif and Ncl-1, HT2A and Lin-41 domain)-containing protein Brain tumour (Brat) into one of the two daughter cells, ovarian stem cells are regulated by an extracellular signal from the surrounding stem cell niche. After division, one daughter cell looses niche contact. It undergoes 4 transit-amplifying divisions to form a cyst of 16 interconnected cells that reduce their rate of growth and stop to proliferate mitotically. Here we show that the Trim-NHL protein Mei-P26 (refs 7, 8) restricts growth and proliferation in the ovarian stem cell lineage. Mei-P26 expression is low in stem cells but is strongly induced in 16-cell cysts. In mei-P26 mutants, transit-amplifying cells are larger and proliferate indefinitely leading to the formation of an ovarian tumour. Like brat, mei-P26 regulates nucleolar size and can induce differentiation in Drosophila neuroblasts, suggesting that these genes act through the same pathway. We identify Argonaute-1, a component of the RISC complex, as a common binding partner of Brat and Mei-P26, and show that Mei-P26 acts by inhibiting the microRNA pathway. Mei-P26 and Brat have a similar domain composition that is also found in other tumour suppressors and might be a defining property of a new family of microRNA regulators that act specifically in stem cell lineages.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrices (ECMs), which form the supportive meshwork around the cells, are largely composed of proteins and polysaccharide secreted by cells, while, growth factors, which almost all exist in ECMs, are polypeptides synthesized and secreted…  相似文献   

N A Johnson  D E Perez  E L Cabot  H Hollocher  C I Wu 《Nature》1992,358(6389):751-753
Elucidation of the nature of the gene interactions that underly the sterility of interspecific hybrids is important in evolutionary biology. The interactions between the heterospecific X and Y (or Z and W) chromosomes are often used as an explanation for two reasons. First, the fertility of the hybrids of the heterogametic sex is much more often affected than that of the homogametic sex (Haldane's rule) and X-Y interactions are specific to the heterogametic sex. Second, sex chromosomes, especially the X chromosome, are often considered to be of special importance in determining the fertility of hybrids. X-Y interactions have been addressed in studies of males with a heterospecific Y chromosome in a mixed genetic background. A more stringent test of the X-Y interaction model requires each X chromosome sterility factor to be tested separately for its interaction with the Y chromosome in a homogeneous background of the pure species. Here we report such a test of the X-Y interaction model and conclude that X-Y interactions should not be assumed to be the only or even the most common cause of hybrid sterility.  相似文献   

讨论了参心坐标系 (195 4年北京坐标系、1980年西安坐标系、独立坐标系等 )内部及其与地心坐标系 (GPS坐标系等 )相互间的坐标变换的实用方法和精度 ,简单介绍了工程控制网和像片控制测量等工作中坐标变换的实际应用  相似文献   

Hsu YC  Chern JJ  Cai Y  Liu M  Choi KW 《Nature》2007,445(7129):785-788
Cellular growth and proliferation are coordinated during organogenesis. Misregulation of these processes leads to pathological conditions such as cancer. Tuberous sclerosis (TSC) is a benign tumour syndrome caused by mutations in either TSC1 or TSC2 tumour suppressor genes. Studies in Drosophila and other organisms have identified TSC signalling as a conserved pathway for growth control. Activation of the TSC pathway is mediated by Rheb (Ras homologue enriched in brain), a Ras superfamily GTPase. Rheb is a direct target of TSC2 and is negatively regulated by its GTPase-activating protein activity. However, molecules required for positive regulation of Rheb have not been identified. Here we show that a conserved protein, translationally controlled tumour protein (TCTP), is an essential new component of the TSC-Rheb pathway. Reducing Drosophila TCTP (dTCTP) levels reduces cell size, cell number and organ size, which mimics Drosophila Rheb (dRheb) mutant phenotypes. dTCTP is genetically epistatic to Tsc1 and dRheb, but acts upstream of dS6k, a downstream target of dRheb. dTCTP directly associates with dRheb and displays guanine nucleotide exchange activity with it in vivo and in vitro. Human TCTP (hTCTP) shows similar biochemical properties compared to dTCTP and can rescue dTCTP mutant phenotypes, suggesting that the function of TCTP in the TSC pathway is evolutionarily conserved. Our studies identify TCTP as a direct regulator of Rheb and a potential therapeutic target for TSC disease.  相似文献   

直接配合图示给出球坐标中单位矢量r0,θ0,β0(当然也包括柱坐标中的单位矢量r0,θ0)随角度θ,β改变时的变化率,并同时给出在微机上成立体画面的操作程序.  相似文献   

海图坐标系问题的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了有关海图坐标系的某些概念,从理论上分析了海图坐标系误差的形成因,并介绍了其对航海的影响及相应解决方法,使航海工作对这一在现代导航中日益突出的问题有充分的认识。  相似文献   

为满足虎门口小尺度动力结构和双向射流系统的研究,采用求解泊松方程方法生成黄埔-伶仃洋区域的曲线网格.并应用得到广泛认同的Ecomsed模式对该区域进行了二维流场试算,得到了合理的结果.结果表明,生成的伶仃洋曲线网格可以反映虎门的射流流态,可用于对虎门小尺度动力结构和双向射流系统进一步的深入研究.  相似文献   

Wolbachia在Drosophila auraria复合种和Drosophila simulans中的感染   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用 P C R 方法检测了多种果蝇中共生菌 W olbachia 的感染,发现 Drosophila auraria 复合种以及采集于北京地区的 Drosophila sim ulans为 Wolbachia 所感染, R F L P分析证实为单一感染.克隆了编码 W olbachia 外膜蛋白质的 w sp 基因并进行了序列测定.同时比较了 Drosophila auraria 复合种内 4 个种和采集于北京及美国加州的 Drosophila sim ulans 的线粒体的细胞色素氧化酶 2 亚基基因的部分序列. 进而讨论了 Wolbachia 对 Drosophila auraria 复合种成员之间进化关系的影响.  相似文献   

工件坐标系是编程人员在编程和加工时使用的坐标系,是程序的参考坐标系。工件坐标系的设定应根据零件特点,利于编程和尺寸的直观性,并且应便于操作人员在机床上找到。本文通过对工件坐标系的分析,提出一种在数控机床上,通过人工快速、准确地建立工件坐标系的方法。  相似文献   

Murphy KG  Bloom SR 《Nature》2006,444(7121):854-859
Food intake, energy expenditure and body adiposity are homeostatically regulated. Central and peripheral signals communicate information about the current state of energy balance to key brain regions, including the hypothalamus and brainstem. Hunger and satiety represent coordinated responses to these signals, which include neural and hormonal messages from the gut. In recent years our understanding of how neural and hormonal brain-gut signalling regulates energy homeostasis has advanced considerably. Gut hormones have various physiological functions that include specifically targeting the brain to regulate appetite. New research suggests that gut hormones can be used to specifically regulate energy homeostasis in humans, and offer a target for anti-obesity drugs.  相似文献   

AutoCAD中多义线的坐标标注   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高艳  顾有兵 《工程与建设》2007,21(6):875-876
文章提出在AutoCAD图形中,通过选择实体多义线的方式对多义线所有节点自动进行坐标标注的方法,该方法在极大提高多义线坐标标注效率的同时,更保证了标注坐标的正确性.  相似文献   

Gerton JM  Strekalov D  Prodan I  Hulet RG 《Nature》2000,408(6813):692-695
Quantum theory predicts that Bose-Einstein condensation of a spatially homogeneous gas with attractive interactions is precluded by a conventional phase transition into either a liquid or solid. When confined to a trap, however, such a condensate can form, provided that its occupation number does not exceed a limiting value. The stability limit is determined by a balance between the self-attractive forces and a repulsion that arises from position-momentum uncertainty under conditions of spatial confinement. Near the stability limit, self-attraction can overwhelm the repulsion, causing the condensate to collapse. Growth of the condensate is therefore punctuated by intermittent collapses that are triggered by either macroscopic quantum tunnelling or thermal fluctuation. Previous observations of growth and collapse dynamics have been hampered by the stochastic nature of these mechanisms. Here we report direct observations of the growth and subsequent collapse of a 7Li condensate with attractive interactions, using phase-contrast imaging. The success of the measurement lies in our ability to reduce the stochasticity in the dynamics by controlling the initial number of condensate atoms using a two-photon transition to a diatomic molecular state.  相似文献   

为了解决CORS/RTK/PDA在土地变更调查中调查数据与数据库底图坐标系统不一致的问题,研究了二维七参数坐标转换模型.采用4 322个公共点精密解算了模型参数,并研制了服务器-客户端模式的在线坐标转换软件.在转换模型参数及大地水准面模型保密的情况下,用户将数据发送到服务器进行转换并自动接收结果,从而得到与土地调查底图匹配的一致坐标.本模型大范围适用,可在省级范围内统一坐标转换参数,与现有局部四参数转换方法相比具有优势.实践表明本模型及软件使用方便,能提高土地变更调查工作效率.  相似文献   

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