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在原岩为大陆地壳的高级变质岩中发现柯石英和金刚石这类超高压标志矿物,使人们认识到低密度大陆地壳曾经俯冲到大于80 km的地幔深部,是20世纪末大陆动力学研究的最大进展,因此革新了板块构造理论.大陆碰撞和超高压变质研究已成为21世纪发展板块构造理论的前沿和核心课题.大别-苏鲁造山带出露有世界上最大的超高压变质构造单元,中国科学家以此为基地,在大陆碰撞和超高压变质的一些重要领域取得了国际上有影响力的系列成果.这些包括大陆地壳俯冲的深度和规模、大陆深俯冲过程的时间序列、大陆碰撞过程中的流体活动、深俯冲陆壳的流变学特征等.本文评述了大陆地壳经历深俯冲的矿物学记录,概括了近年来大别-苏鲁造山带研究的突出进展,从四个方面对大陆碰撞和超高压变质研究进行了展望:①超高压变质带的构造-变质演化,②大陆碰撞过程中的流体活动,③大陆碰撞带数值模型,④超高压变质矿物微区分析的新技术.  相似文献   

Although tectonic models were presented for exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks during the continental collision, there is increasing evidence for the decoupling between crustal slices at various depths within deeply subducted continental crust. This lends support to the multi-slice successive exhumation model of the UHP metamorphic rocks in the Dabie-Sulu orogen. The available evidence is summarized as follows: (1) the low-grade metamorphic slices, which have geotectonic affinity to the South China Block and part of them records the Triassic metamorphism, occur in the northern margin of the Dabie-Sulu UHP metamorphic zone, suggesting decoupling of the upper crust from the underlying basement during the initial stages of continental subduction; (2) the Dabie and Sulu HP to UHP metamorphic zones comprise several HP to UHP slices, which have an increased trend of metamorphic grade from south to north but a decreased trend of peak metamorphic ages correspondingly; and (3) the Chinese Continental Science Drilling (CCSD) project at Donghai in the Sulu orogen reveals that the UHP metamorphic zone is composed of several stacked slices, which display distinctive high and low radiogenic Pb from upper to lower parts in the profile, suggesting that these UHP crustal slices were derived from the subducted upper and middle crusts, respectively. Detachment surfaces within the deeply subducted crust may occur either along an ancient fault as a channel of fluid flow, which resulted in weakening of mechanic strength of the rocks adjacent to the fault due to fluid-rock interaction, or along the low-viscosity zones which resulted from variations of geotherms and lithospheric compositions at different depths. The multi-slice successive exhumation model is different from the traditional exhumation model of the UHP metamorphic rocks in that the latter assumes the detachment of the entire subducted continental crust from the underlying mantle lithosphere and its subsequent exhumation as a whol  相似文献   

The studies of continental deep subduction and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism have not only promoted the development of solid earth science in China, but also provided an excellent opportunity to advance the plate tectonics theory. In view of the nature of subducted crust, two types of subduction and collision have been respectively recognized in nature. On one hand, the crustal subduction occurs due to underflow of either oceanic crust (Pacific type) or continental crust (Alpine type). On the other hand, the continental collision proceeds by arc-continent collision (Himalaya-Tibet type) or continent-continent collision (Dabie-Sulu type). The key issues in the future study of continental dynamics are the chemical changes and differential exhumation in continental deep subduction zones, and the temporal-spatial transition from oceanic subduction to continental subduction.  相似文献   

The study of subduction-zone processes is a key to development of the plate tectonic theory. Plate interface interaction is a basic mechanism for the mass and energy exchange between Earth's surface and interior. By developing the subduction channel model into continental collision orogens, insights are provided into tectonic processes during continental subduction and its products. The continental crust, composed of felsic to mafic rocks, is detached at different depths from subducting continental lithosphere and then migrates into continental subduction channel. Part of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle wedge, composed of perido- tile, is offscrapped from its bottom. The crustal and mantle fragments of different sizes are transported downwards and upwards inside subduction channels by the corner flow, resulting in varying extents of metamorphism, with heterogeneous deformation and local anatexis. All these metamorphic rocks can be viewed as tectonic melanges due to mechanical mixing of crust- and man- lie-derived rocks in the subduction channels, resulting in different types of metamorphic rocks now exposed in the same orogens. The crust-mantle interaction in the continental subduction channel is realized by reaction of the overlying ancient subcontinental lithospheric mantle wedge peridotite with aqueous fluid and hydrous melt derived from partial melting of subducted continental basement granite and cover sediment. The nature of premetamorphic protoliths dictates the type of collisional orogens, the size of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic terranes and the duration of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism.  相似文献   

目的研究秦岭造山带的岩石圈流变学结构以探索其地球动力学意义。方法通过岩石圈温度结构约束,计算了岩石圈流变学结构。结果秦岭北半部的后陆冲断褶带和厚皮叠瓦逆冲带的莫霍界面温度为305℃,以冷地温、厚岩石圈和流变分层不明显的C模型为特征;南秦岭莫霍界面平均温度642℃,最高达826℃,具有显著的热地温、薄岩石圈和中下地壳及其上地幔顶部强烈流变的H模型特点。结论在后造山阶段,北秦岭是华北和扬子二地块相向向秦岭造山带陆内俯冲的前锋会聚区域,现今处于以岩石圈加厚为主、拆沉作用初始发动的共存状态;南秦岭可能在地幔柱作用下发生新的拆沉作用和部分底侵作用,其轴部区域的地壳内现今存在部分熔融,壳-幔之间正在进行物质、能量(热传导和热对流方式)等的再循环。  相似文献   

A continuous flow method, by a combination of thermal conversion elemental analyzer (TC/EA) with isotope ratio mass spec- trometry (MS), was developed to determine both H isotope composition and H2O concentration of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks in the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt. By using the developed step-heating technique, we have studied H2O concen- tration and H isotope composition of the different forms of water (structural OH and molecular H2O) in garnet. The quantitative measurements of HzO concentration and H isotope composition of minerals in UHP metamorphic rocks from several typical out- crops indicate that the gneisses can release more amounts of water than the eclogites during exhumation of the deeply subducted continental crust. Therefore, by decompression dehydration at the contact between eclogite and gneiss, the released water could flow from the gneiss to the eclogite and result in significant hydration of the eclogite adjacent to the gneiss. The measured maxi- mum water contents of minerals in eclogites indicate that garnet and omphacite have the maximum water solubilities of 2500 and 3500 ppm, respectively, under the peak UHP metamorphic conditions.  相似文献   

The orogenic belt of northern China is characterized by widely developed postorogenic Ⅰ fractionated and A-type granites in the Phanerozoic. The isotopic data display relatively high ε Nd(t) and 206Pb/ 204Pb values and low I Sr ratio. The low T DM model ages (<100 Ma) suggest that the Neo-Proterozoic-Phanerozoic is one of the main stages in the continental growth.  相似文献   

西藏地壳模型及其化学成分初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西藏地壳是指西藏高原内中-新生代造山带的地壳。其面积210万km~2,地壳平均厚度63.5km,地壳体积1.32亿km~3,地壳内的岩石平均密度2.775g/cm~3,地壳质量3663地克(=3.663×10~(17)吨)。西藏地壳由五个槽壳构成。它们是松潘甘孜槽壳、三江槽壳,喀拉昆仑唐古拉槽壳,冈底斯念青唐古拉槽壳和喜马拉雅槽壳。根据现有的地质学、地球物理学、地球化学和地理学资料,本文概略地给出了西藏地壳模型及其化学成分。  相似文献   

以丙烯酸和正丁醇的酯化反应为例 ,系统地研究了杂多酸及其盐的催化性能 ,并对影响催化性能的因素进行了系统的考察。实验结果表明 ,H3PW12 O40 ·nH2 O(简写为PW12 ,其它类同 ) ,PMo12 ,SiW12 ,BW12 具有较高的催化活性。杂多酸的催化性能是由杂多酸的质子和杂多阴离子共同作用的  相似文献   

不同加工形式茶叶茶多酚含量及抗氧化活性比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:比较不同加工形式茶叶中茶多酚含量及其抗氧化活性,为不同需求人群提供选择依据。方法:茶叶粉碎后用95%乙醇超声提取,以没食子酸作为对照品,采用福林酚比色法在波长765 nm处测定各种茶叶中茶多酚的含量。抗氧化活性通过紫外分光光度法测定茶叶提取物对Fe3+的还原能力进行评价。结果:不同加工形式茶叶中茶多酚含量及抗氧化活性差异较大,其中绿茶茶多酚含量最高,其抗氧化活性也最好。结论:茶叶中多酚含量与茶叶发酵程度密切相关,发酵程度越大,茶多酚含量越低;茶叶提取物的抗氧化活性与茶多酚含量呈现良好的量效关系,说明茶叶的抗氧化能力主要与其中的茶多酚含量有关。  相似文献   

基于不同的文化传统,中西方古代生死观也呈现各自的内蕴.儒家和道家在中国古代文化中的地位举足轻重,因此他们的生死现在中国颇具代表性.儒家注重人现世的生活,强调做到"三立",以求获得永生;而道家则更看重生死顺应天道,是一种自然之道生死观.而西方古代文化中的生死观主要是从终极(即死亡)的角度出发,主张"灵魂不灭"的思想.在不同生死观的影响下,中西方文学作品也呈现了不同的态势.  相似文献   

为研究桂北地区夏秋过渡季校园景观对局地微气候的影响,选取桂林市某高校校园内具有典型代表的水域、林地、草地和架空楼层为校园微气候研究的监测对象,通过实测数据对比了不同景观类型对营造局地微气候的差异,利用数值模拟分析了不同景观布局对校园微气候热舒适的影响.结果显示:不同景观类型下垫面的形成肌理,是造成其局部微气候产生差异的根本原因;相比其他园林景观,架空楼层底部能营造一个更为舒适稳定的空间环境;草地景观对于营造校园微气候环境和提高人群活动空间的舒适性效果最为显著.研究结果对于桂北地区校园景观设计和校园微气候研究具有一定参考意义,可为改善校园微气候和提高校园人群活动空间的舒适性提供科学依据.  相似文献   

采用肾上腺素自氧化法对蒜头SOD进行活力测定及某些性质研究。结果表明:蒜头粗提取液富含SOD,其比活力为4.602×104u/g蛋白质;它在30~65℃及pH5~pH9时活力较强;用PAGE分离出两条酶带;能被高浓度的KCN、H2O2完全抑制,但对氯仿-乙醇液不敏感,说明此酶为Cu、Zn-SOD。  相似文献   

在幼穗分化过程中,特别是育性转换敏感时期,“安农S—1”可育株与不育株叶片中过氧化物酶、α—淀粉酶及苹果酸脱氢酶等三种同工酶,其酶带数目和酶带活性都存在着明显的差异.据此认为“安农S—1”发生育性转换与这些酶的变化有关.可育及不育穗中上述三种同工酶差异不明显,且它们对温度的敏感反应迟于叶片.  相似文献   

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