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Summary Brush border sucrase and lactase activities are significantly elevated in alloxan-induced chronic diabetes and are restored to control levels after insulin treatment. Alkaline phosphatase and Mg-ATPase levels remain unchanged in diabetes, compared to a control group. Insulin treatment alone to control animals also led to enhanced activities of these enzymes.  相似文献   

Brush border sucrase and alkaline phosphatase activities are considerably enhanced in the intestine of ascorbic acid deficient guinea-pigs. Similar increase in the uptake of D-glucose and L-alanine also occurs in chronic vitamin C deficiency. However the permeability of D-glucose and L-alanine in the intestine of animals fed with large doses of vitamin C is severely depressed, with a reduction in the levels of sucrase and alkaline phosphatase activities.  相似文献   

Summary Brush border sucrase and alkaline phosphatase activities are considerably enhanced in the intestine of ascorbic acid deficient guinea-pigs. Similar increase in the uptake of D-glucose and L-alanine also occurs in chronic vitamin C deficiency. However the permeability of D-glucose and L-alanine in the intestine of animals fed with large doses of vitamin C is severely depressed, with a reduction in the levels of sucrase and alkaline phosphatase activities.  相似文献   

Summary Decreased content of the adipose tissue lipids was observed in chronic alloxan diabetic rats and was restored to normal with insulin treatment. Prolonged insulin treatment in normal rats also resulted in increase of the lipid content of the adipose tissue.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Während Alloxan Diabetes die Sensitivität der Ratten für die Wirkung des Hexadimethrin-Bromid (HB) nicht steigert, bewirkt Insulinbehandlung eine starke Erhöhung der HB-Empfindlichkeit. Die Mehrzahl der mit Insulin + HB simultan behandelten Ratten starb innerhalb von 2 Tagen, und in den Adenohypophysen zeigten sich häufig Nekrosen. Da die potenzierende Wirkung des Insulins bei Ratten, deren Histamin-Depots durch Vorbehandlung mit Polymyxin und Substanz 48/80 depletiert worden waren, nicht zur Geltung kam, wird angenommen, dass beim HB-potenzierenden Effekt des Insulins auch das Histamin eine Rolle spielt.  相似文献   

Summary Heterospecific recombinants between fetal rat intestinal endoderm and chick mesenchyme, and also undissociated fetal rat intestine, were submitted to different hormonal environments. The present study shows that exogenouslysupplied dexamethasone in organ culture, like endogenous hormones provided by the adult rat (grafting experiments) led to similar qualitative and quantitative results, i.e., a 9-fold stimulation of maltase and a precocious induction of sucrase activity in comparison with anhormonal conditions.Supported by grant CRL 80 70 17 from the INSERM and by the CNRS. This work was presented in part at the XVth EDBO International Embryological Conference.  相似文献   

Heterospecific recombinants between fatal rat intestinal endoderm and chick mesenchyme, and also undissociated fetal rat intestine, were submitted to different hormonal environments. The present study shows that exogenously-supplied dexamethasone in organ culture, like endogenous hormones provided by the adult rat (grafting experiments) led to similar qualitative and quantitative results, i.e., a 9-fold stimulation of maltase and a precocious induction of sucrase activity in comparison with an hormonal conditions.  相似文献   

Renal function at the brush border membrane level has been studied using characteristic enzymes, such as alkaline phosphatase, leucine-aminopeptidase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase. Urinary enzyme studies were performed using leprosy patients, classified on the basis of bacteriological index (BI>3; n=20,BI<3; n=12, BI-ve; n=10) and compared with control subjects (n=10). The role of enzymuria in monitoring WHO-recommended multidrug therapy (MDT) has been evaluated in these patients. A significant increase in the enzyme activities (p<0.01), as well as significant (p<0.01) proteinurea in 24-hour urine samples of both the smear positive groups (BI>3,BI<3) prior to therapy compared to control subjects, indicates proximal tubular functional impairment at brush border membrane level. In the smear negative (BI-ve) grou, no significant difference was observed in enzyme activities as compared with the control group. In a follow-up study (BI>3; n=13, BI<3; n=4) the activities of all the enzymes decreased significantly in all the groups when compared to a corresponding untreated group. The follow-up study was not carried out on the smear negative group. The surprising finding was the differential behaviour of r-glutamyl transpeptidase, whose activity increased significantly (p<0.01) even after therapy inBI>3 group when compared with untreated patients. However in a detailed work-up including hepatic and renal function tests, the serum biochemistry was found to be normal both before and after therapy. Urinary excretion of brush border enzymes seems to be related to bacterial load, and their potential in studying the effect of MDT remains unclear.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Natrium- und Glucoseabsorption in Dünndarmsegmenten alloxandiabetischer Ratten war erhöht. Durch Insulininjektionen wurde bei diesen Tieren die Natriumabsorption herabgesetzt, während bei normalen Ratten Insulin die Glucoseabsorption erhöhte und die Natriumabsorption erniedrigte.  相似文献   

Résumé On a étudié chez des rats rendus diabétiques par l'alloxane le métabolisme du collagène de la peau et la guérison des blessures. Le métabolisme du collagène fut évalué par la lysine et la proline dans des biopsies de la peau, par la solubilité du collagène, par l'excrétion journalière de l'hydroxyproline, et par le degré apparent de «crosslinking» du collagène. Chez les diabétiques, on observe souvent une dépression et une vascularisation de la peau, mais la vitesse de guérison des blessures et de formation des fibrilles du collagène a paru normale.  相似文献   

K T Augusti 《Experientia》1975,31(11):1263-1265
On oral administration to alloxan diabetic rabbits, allicin produces an increase in its hypoglycemic action with relation to dose. A short-term treatment with allicin, as well as with tolbutamide, significantly reduced the blood sugar levels and glucose nitrogen ratio of the above animals.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the toxicity of lectin from Phaseolus vulgaris seeds has been investigated on rat enterocytes. Cell isolation procedures showed a selectivity in the loss of brush border hydrolases; this indicated that the microvilli blebbing was not the only mechanism of action of lectins on rat enterocytes.  相似文献   

Summary The mechanism of the toxicity of lectin fromPhaseolus vulgaris seeds has been investigated on rat enterocytes. Cell isolation procedures showed a selectivity in the loss of brush border hydrolases; this indicated that the microvilli blebbing was not the only mechanism of action of lectins on rat enterocytes.  相似文献   

Resumé Un taux faible d'insuline immunoréactive (IRI) et d'activité semblable à l'insuline (ILA) a été décelé dans la muqueuse duodénale du rat, mais non pas dans celles du lapin, du chat et du chien. Les autres régions du tractus digestif de toutes ces expèces présentaient un taux extrèmement bas d'insuline. Le traitement par l'alloxane entraîne le vidage de l'IRI et l'ILA duodénales.  相似文献   

Summary Induction of -glycosidases by hydrocortisone in suckling rats is inhibited by the daily administration of an antiglucocorticoid (RU-38486). Conversely, RU-38486 injected daily in 15-day-old rats for 7 days does not prevent the spontaneous development of -glycosidases.  相似文献   

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