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In present paper, the disturbance attenuation problem of uncertain nonlinear cascaded systems is studied. Based on the adding one power integrator technique and recursive design, a feedback controller that solves the disturbance attenuation problem is constructed for uncertain nonlinear cascaded systems with internal stability.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionThecolltrolproblemofnonlinearuncertainsystemshasbeenextensivelyresearchedformanyyears.Manymethodshavebeenproposedandsomeprogresshasbeenmade.[1]poiedsoutthatsomesecondordersystemshaveaninherelltpropertythatthereexistscertainregioninwhichalltrajectoriesofthesystemremaininginitaftercertaintimeTwillconvergetotheorigin.Basedonthisproperty,anewapproachhajsbeenputforwardtoconstructacolltinuousfeedbacklawsuchthatallsystem'strajectoriesmovetowardtheregionandeventuallyremaininit.In[2,3],a…  相似文献   

1.IntroductionInrecentyears,thesynthesisproblemforuncertainsystemshasbeendeeplystudied.ManymethodssuchasLyapunov,thevariablestructurecontrol,theadaptivecontrolandtherobustcontrolmethodshavebeenproposed[IMS].Sincetheadaptivecontrolandtherobustcontrolmethod…  相似文献   

1 Formulation of Dirichlet Problem and Neumann Problem fOrParabolic SystemsLet O be a bounded domain in Rn and the boundary On E C2. Denote Q = g x I,I =0 < t 5 T, 0 < T < ool 0Q = Sl U S2 is the parabolic boundary where S1 = a x {t = 0} is thebottom and S2 = an x I is the lateral boundary. We consider the nonlinear parabolic systemof second order equationsFh(t, xl ut D.u, D:u) -- Hukt = 0 in Q, k = 1, 2,'',m. (l.l)Under certain conditions, system (1.1) can be reduced to the fOrmw…  相似文献   

1.TheirregularObliqueDerivativeProblemanditsWell-PosednessforNonlinearEllipticSystemsLabDbean(N 1)-connectedboundeddomaininthez=x ic-planeCwithboundaryFECI(0相似文献   

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