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Summary A method is described for separating the white elements of cow's blood. Addition of water causes a complete haemolysis. About 30 sec later, isotonic conditions are restored by admixing appropriate concentrations of physiological solutions. Differential centrifugation follows for separating the leucocytes.  相似文献   

Summary For the isolation of chloroplasts in non-aqueous media the following organic solvents are suitable: pentane, hexane, heptane, petroleum ether and carbon tetrachloride. These solvents cause a minimum loss of lipids.The loss of lipids and some lipid components of frozendried and ground shoots fromElodea canadensis during the isolation of chloroplasts in non-aqueous media (petroleum ether b. r. 60–80°C and petroleum ether-carbon tetrachloride mixtures) is reported.  相似文献   

Summary A simple arrangement for testing the function of a non-rebreathing valve during intermittent positive pressure ventilation is described.The correlation between the valve delay (the period from the beginning of expiration until total closure of the inspiratory channel) and the degree of rebreathing is pointed out.  相似文献   

Summary The macromolecules of high molecular polyamide films obtained in contact with (100) of KCl, KBr, and sucrose as a matrix are oriented by overgrowth in the form of a characteristic network of fibrils. This network formation of polyamides in contact with the atomic arrangement in crystal lattice planes as a matrix is proposed as a model for antibody formation.  相似文献   

Summary According to recent geological and paleontological investigations thePithecanthropus-beds of Java are pleistocene in age. The examinations of the fossil mammalian faunæ of the island are of utmost importance for this age-determination and the following faunæ can be recognized:Tji Djolang-fauna: Middle Pliocene.Kali Glagah-fauna: Upper Pliocene.Djetis-fauna withPithecanthropus: Lower Pleistocene.Trinil-fauna withPithecanthropus: Middle Pleistocene.Ngandong-fauna withHomo neanderthalensis soloensis: Upper Pleistocene.Sampoeng-fauna with a primitive type of the Wedda-Dravida-Australoid group: Subrecent. — Micropaleontological examinations of smallerForaminifera from marine equivalents of thePithecanthropus-beds confirm the age-determinations based on mammalia. — Recent field investigations prove that the lower and middle pleistocenePithecanthropus-beds are distinctlyfolded by a post-middle-pleistocene movement; the upper pleistocene Ngandong-terraces are not folded at all.  相似文献   

Summary A simple method is described for obtaining the ecdysial fluid of the honeybee. For this purpose, full-grown worker and drone larvae are taken out of the cells and their cocoons as young prepupae shortly after termination of spinning. They are raised at a temperature of 34.5° to 35° C. The secretion of the moulting fluid begins 12 to 24 h later in all larvae which are ready to pupate. In larvae without a cocoon, the casting of the old cuticle does often not occur, or is incomplete. The secretion gathers abundantly in the body region under the larval skin and can be sucked off without difficulty with fine glass pipettes in a completely pure state for the biochemical analysis.  相似文献   

Summary The binding energy of the HCl molecule has been recalculated based onGombás's andNeugebauer's statistical method. We now useHartree's andFock's Eigenfunktionen, and our numerical results are better by some percent than the old ones.  相似文献   

Summary A short mathematical theory is given of an apparatus developed bySigner et al.1 used for the separation of chemical mixtures. This theory explains in particular the reduction from the true number of cells of this apparatus to its effective number as established by experimental tests.  相似文献   

Summary The catalysis of the reaction between H2O2 and nucleotides by biologically important metal ions has been studied spectrophotometrically, the importance of complex-formation equilibria for this catalysis was demonstrated. Radiobiological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The temperature, which leads to 50% reduction of catalytic activity by heat denaturation, has been determined for 8 different enzymes from cod muscle, as being in the range between 30 and 52°C. Therefore, there are no indications of a generally different heat resistance of enzymes from cold-blooded animals as compared with those from warm-blooded animals. The same conclusion is derived from calculations ofQ 10-values, measured between +37 and – 37°C for cathepsin and glycylglycine dipeptidase.

Die Untersuchungen wurden dankenswerterweise durch eine Beihilfe des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums Bonn unterstützt. HerrnDegener, i. Fa. Hanseatische Hochseefischerei A.G., Bremerhaven-F., verdanken wir das Untersuchungsmaterial.  相似文献   

Summary Thin-layer chromatography on silica gel is described as a new method for the separation and identification of the gibberellins A1, A3, A4, A5, A7, A8, and A9.  相似文献   

Summary Amino acid separation with 6 different solvents on chromatoplates prepared from Kieselgel G (Merck) is described. As demonstrated in Figur 8 and discussed in the text, this technique is equal or superior to paper chromatography.  相似文献   

Summary Ouabagenin (I) has been degraded stepwise to the known 3-methoxy-17-carbomethoxy-1,3,5:10-estratriene (XII). Thus the presence of a normal steroid skeleton and the -configuration of the butenolidering at C-17 is proven. The 14-configuration of the hydroxyl at C-14 was also proven. As a result of these and earlier findings, structure I can be definitely assigned to ouabagenin.

Glykoside und Aglykone, 178. Mitteilung.  相似文献   

Summary The molecular weight of various steroids (sterols, steroidal sapogenins, and alkaloids) as well as the molecular weight distribution in complex mixtures of similar steroids, has been exactly determined by application of molecule mass spectrography. In this technique, negatively-charged (p – 1) ions are formed, usually without further fragmentation. The advantages and new possibilities of this method are discussed.

I. Mitteilung.  相似文献   

Summary Conditions are discussed which influence Rf1 on thinlayer chromatograms, and directions are given to guarantee good reproducibility. Variance of Rf on thinlayer chromatograms is of the same order of magnitude as on paper chromatograms.

Der Ausdruck Rf-Wert ist bei häufiger Wiederholung umständlich. Wir gebrauchen an seiner Stelle: das Rf (Singular), die Rf (Plural).

Die Mittel zur Durchführung dieser Arbeit verdanken wir Arbeitsbeschaffungskrediten des Bundes (M.B.) sowie einer Studienbeihilfe vom Land Baden-Württemberg (A.N.).  相似文献   

Summary The permeability of jellies of known structure can be determined by experiments on models by application of a principle of hydrodynamical similarity.  相似文献   

Summary A method is described which allows not only to determine the radius of curvature but also to recognize and eliminate impacts at angles larger than 1°, which the particle suffers in the cloud chamber gas. The size of the angles can be determined. It is shown, moreover, that the sum of the squares of the angles of scattering (for unit of length, calculated from the measured angles) is larger by a factor of 10–100 than the one calculated according to theory.  相似文献   

Summary Absorption tests have shown that those receptors of the erythrocytes which can be oxydised with JO4-ions cannot be regarded as identical with the virus receptors.  相似文献   

Summary On the basis of nuclear magnetic resonance measurements and in agreement with recently reported mass-spectrometric investigations it is shown that the molecular formulae of Helvolic acid and Cephalosporin P1 must be revised to C33H44O8 and C33H50O8 respectively, and that the additional carbon atom is present as an angular methyl group.A comparison with the data obtained with fusidic acid points to a similarity among the three substances which is closer than hitherto suspected.  相似文献   

Summary Tyramine enhanced the production of acetoin from pyruvate in rat liver homogenates. A stimulation of acetoin synthesis was only observed, when tyramine was oxidized during the incubation. Tyrosol (p-hydroxyphenylethanol) stimulated acetoin synthesis whereasp-hydroxyphenylacetic acid and ammonia were ineffective.

Mit Unterstützung des »Schweizerischen Nationalfonds» und der Firma F. Hoffmann-La Roche & Co. AG, Basel.

8. Mitteilung. 1. Mitt.:H. Thölen, F. Bigler undH. Staub, Path. Microbiol. (Basel)24, 262 (1961). — 2. Mitt.:F. Bigler, H. Thölen undH. Staub, Helv. physiol. Acta19, C 11 (1961). — 3. Mitt.:H. Thölen, F. Bigler undH. Staub, Exper.17, 359 (1961). — 4. Mitt.:F. Bigler, H. Thölen undH. Staub, Schweiz. med. Wschr.91, 1259 (1961). — 5. Mitt.:H. Thölen, F. Bigler, A. Heusler, W. Stauffacher undH. Staub, Exper.18, 454 (1962). — 6. Mitt.:F. Bigler, H. Thölen undH. Staub, Schweiz. med. Wschr.92, 746 (1962). — 7. Mitt.:F. Bigler, H. Thölen undH. Staub, in Vorbereitung.  相似文献   

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