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This paper examined the forecasting performance of disaggregated data with spatial dependency and applied it to forecasting electricity demand in Japan. We compared the performance of the spatial autoregressive ARMA (SAR‐ARMA) model with that of the vector autoregressive (VAR) model from a Bayesian perspective. With regard to the log marginal likelihood and log predictive density, the VAR(1) model performed better than the SAR‐ARMA( 1,1) model. In the case of electricity demand in Japan, we can conclude that the VAR model with contemporaneous aggregation had better forecasting performance than the SAR‐ARMA model. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper applies the GARCH‐MIDAS (mixed data sampling) model to examine whether information contained in macroeconomic variables can help to predict short‐term and long‐term components of the return variance. A principal component analysis is used to incorporate the information contained in different variables. Our results show that including low‐frequency macroeconomic information in the GARCH‐MIDAS model improves the prediction ability of the model, particularly for the long‐term variance component. Moreover, the GARCH‐MIDAS model augmented with the first principal component outperforms all other specifications, indicating that the constructed principal component can be considered as a good proxy of the business cycle. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The estimation of hurricane intensity evolution in some tropical and subtropical areas is a challenging problem. Indeed, the prevention and the quantification of possible damage provoked by destructive hurricanes are directly linked to this kind of prevision. For this purpose, hurricane derivatives have been recently issued by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, based on the so‐called Carvill hurricane index. In our paper, we adopt a parametric homogeneous semi‐Markov approach. This model assumes that the lifespan of a hurricane can be described as a semi‐Markov process and also it allows the more realistic assumption of time event dependence to be taken into consideration. The elapsed time between two consecutive events (waiting time distributions) is modeled through a best‐fitting procedure on empirical data. We then determine the transition probabilities and so‐called crossing states probabilities. We conclude with a Monte Carlo simulation and the model is validated through a large database containing real data coming from HURDAT. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper compares the in‐sample fitting and the out‐of‐sample forecasting performances of four distinct Nelson–Siegel class models: Nelson–Siegel, Bliss, Svensson, and a five‐factor model we propose in order to enhance the fitting flexibility. The introduction of the fifth factor resulted in superior adjustment to the data. For the forecasting exercise the paper contrasts the performances of the term structure models in association with the following econometric methods: quantile autoregression evaluated at the median, VAR, AR, and a random walk. As a pattern, the quantile procedure delivered the best results for longer forecasting horizons. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an adjustment of linear autoregressive conditional mean forecasts that exploits the predictive content of uncorrelated model residuals. The adjustment is motivated by non‐Gaussian characteristics of model residuals, and implemented in a semiparametric fashion by means of conditional moments of simulated bivariate distributions. A pseudo ex ante forecasting comparison is conducted for a set of 494 macroeconomic time series recently collected by Dees et al. (Journal of Applied Econometrics 2007; 22: 1–38). In total, 10,374 time series realizations are contrasted against competing short‐, medium‐ and longer‐term purely autoregressive and adjusted predictors. With regard to all forecast horizons, the adjusted predictions consistently outperform conditionally Gaussian forecasts according to cross‐sectional mean group evaluation of absolute forecast errors and directional accuracy. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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