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It can not provide dynamic view mechanism in previous dataspace information system. In this paper, the dynamic extendable view mechanism provided by object deputy model is proposed for personalized dataspace information system which can provide rich semantics and enough flexibility. The flexible inheritance avoids a lot of data redundancy. The cross class query mechanism allows users to find more related data based on complex relationships. The personalized dataspace service provides less storage space consumption and shorter query response time. The experiment result shows that our approach is more feasible and efficient than the traditional one.  相似文献   

Aiming at providing theoretical basis for effective protection of biodiversity, the study presents a cascade method which combines both qualitative and quantitative methods, incorporates basic data with RS(remote sense) technology, and ranks the ecosystems according to its ability of biodiversity sustainability in Hebei Province. The results indicate that the most important areas for protection in Hebei Province are forest and meadow ecosystems in some highlands around Xiaowutai Mountain, Wuling Mountain, North Hebei, Taihang Mountain and East Hebei; grass ecosystems in part of plateau area and North Hebei; and some scattered wetlands in the plain and inshore areas. This method is suitable for undertaking large-scale investigations especially when the data are not adequate or unevenly distributed spatially.  相似文献   

张悦 《海峡科学》2001,(5):24-25
婚姻不是一种契约而是制度.婚姻契约论是特定历史条件下资产阶级反封建斗争的手段,但在今天看来有失偏颇.我们应还其本来面目,承认婚姻是一种制度.  相似文献   

Acritarchs are organic-walled cysts of unicellular pro- tists that cannot be assigned to any known group of or- ganisms. Most acritarchs are probably the resting cysts of marine eukaryotic phytoplankton. Because of their small size, abundance and diversity, as well as widespread distri- bution, acritarchs are very useful in biostratigraphic cor- relation, as well as paleobiogeographic and paleoenviron- mental studies. Furthermore, they represent the fossil re- cord of the base of the marine fo…  相似文献   

美国当地时间10月15日至23日,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡和巴勒斯坦总统阿拉法特在美国总统克林顿和国务卿奥尔布赖特的直接参与下,在美国马里兰州怀伊种植园就以色列从约旦河西岸撤军等问题举行全封闭式的艰难谈判。会谈最终达成所谓“临时和平协议”,长期陷于僵局(长达19个月)的巴以和平进程得以重新启动。挽救《奥斯陆协议》的一次努力怀伊种植园的谈判是巴以美三方挽救《奥斯陆协议》的一次努力。众所周知,巴以1993年9月签署的《奥斯陆协议》,是有关各方和国际社会广泛承认的国际性条约。根据该协议,巴勒斯坦自治分三个阶段进  相似文献   

2007年1月1日,罗马尼亚正式加入欧盟。新年前夜,罗马尼亚举行了盛大的焰火晚会。假如把欧盟比作一列火车,那么坐在前面的是头等舱的15位客人,除去英国、丹麦和瑞典,欧元是头等舱客人手里必备的“车票”。只有经济总体运行良好,国内价格、财政、汇率、利率稳定的国家,才有资格捏着这张“车票”,挤到头等舱里。2004年5月1日欧盟第一次东扩增加的十个新成员,一直在为“升舱”而努力。  相似文献   

前不久在日本参院选举中失利的秘鲁前总统藤森真是个不甘寂寞的人物——虽然身在大洋彼岸,被软禁在智利,却以"最后的武士"自诩,参加了  相似文献   

最近,很多大家电厂商纷纷撤离百货商场,因为他们有“国美”、“苏宁”等销售火爆的专业卖场。 世界连锁巨头“万客隆”日前宣布,北京第3家店将落户西北部,而“普尔斯玛特”在京第6家店于9月末开业。此外,世界闻名的日本最主要的便利店7—11可望明年亮相北京街头。风靡欧美的ShoppingMall也将进入中国市场。  相似文献   

选取物种丰富度、生态系统类型多样性、物种特有性、受威胁物种丰富度、外来物种入侵度5个评价指标,以县域为评价单元,对河南省伊洛河流域13个县区展开生物多样性调查并进行综合评价,旨在系统掌握伊洛河流域生物多样性现状,为管理部门制定有效保护策略提供决策依据,并且进一步检验环保部已建立的生物多样性评价指标和方法.结果表明:流域内共有野生维管植物2882种;各类脊椎动物514种;自然分布的生态系统类型114种;中国特有物种1 107种;受威胁物种252种;外来入侵植物53种.上游卢氏、嵩县和栾川生物多样性评价结果为“高”,中游的洛宁、宜阳、伊川为“中”,而下游7个县区生物多样性均为“一般”.流域内生物多样性地域性差异较大.  相似文献   

The Xiaoyang section, located in Zhenba County of Shaanxi Province, is important both for documenting the biodiversity of the Qiongzhusian Stage (Lower Cambrian) and for analyzing lithofacies-biofacies links in carbonate depositing environments on the Yangtze Platform.The skeletal fossils from the Xihaoping Member, including linguloid valves, cambroclavid and chancelloriid sclerites, genal and occipital spines of polymerid trilobites, and tubular fossils, are described here as the Eoobolus-Cambroclavus fauna, which mainly occurred in peritidal environments.The fossils from the argillaceous limestones of the lower Shuijingtuo Formation, containing lingulate brachiopods, eodiscoid trilobites, bivalved arthropods, microdictyoniid sclerites and siliceous sponge spicules, are regarded as the Palaeobolus-Hupeidiscus-Kunmingella fauna, which presumably lived in subtidal or deeper water environments.The faunal diversity in the Xihaoping Member is lower than that in the lower Shuijingtuo Formation.The investigations of the skeletal fossil assemblages from carbonate lithofacies in southern Shaanxi will significantly contribute to a detailed documentation of the biodiversity during the Qiongzhusian interval on the Yangtze Platform and add new knowledge on the Cambrian bioradiation.  相似文献   

<正>1月26日,现年40岁的希腊左翼联盟党政治家阿莱克斯·齐普拉斯宣誓就任希腊新一任总理,成为希腊150年来最年轻的总理,以及首位公开反对紧缩措施的欧元区国家政府首脑。自从齐普拉斯在希腊议会选举中获胜,有关希腊退出欧元区的话题就成为国际社会关注的焦点之一。齐普拉斯的获胜是希腊社会各界对于国家长期陷入衰退、公共福利严重缩水的愤怒反映,但这种由于普遍的愤怒而带来的情绪性的选择,并不意味着齐普拉  相似文献   

在人们以往的印象中,垄断和高科技企业似乎并无太多关联,小而灵活的高科技企业似乎更易于在激烈的市场竞争中立稳脚跟。然而近些年来在高科技领域内日益强劲的兼并风的吹袭下,人们开始意识到问题似乎并非那么简单。以信息技术(IT)业界为例,我们来看看高科技领域内的垄断意味着什么?世纪之交,世界正处在由工业社会向信息社会转变的历史关头。在知识经济时代,科学技术的创新成  相似文献   

如月 《世界知识》2013,(17):60-61
新西兰最近“摊上大事了”!8月2日,新西兰最大的原料奶供应商恒天然公司称其一个工厂2012年5月生产的浓缩乳清蛋白粉检出肉毒杆菌,随后这一事件持续发酵.多个国家对新西兰乳制品下达进口禁令,新西兰货币在金融市场上也受到了打压.乳制品出口占新西兰出口总额的1/4,中国则是新西兰乳制品最大的出口市场.新西兰总理约翰·基在接受中国中央电视台采访时表示要深入调查事件的原因,追究相关责任,希望中国消费者能尽快恢复对新西兰食品安全性的信心.  相似文献   

The effect of four-dimensional variational data assimilation on the reduction of the forecast errors is investigated for both stable and unstable flows. Numerical results show that the effect is generally positive. Particularly,its effect is much more significant in the presence of nonlinear instability  相似文献   

目前,泰国政府处于两难的境地:如果当前的不稳定局势得不到控制,军人政变的合法性将遭质疑,政府的支持率也必然降低,但如果临时政府加强对国内的控制,又不利于国内的政治和解与局势稳定。  相似文献   

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