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Role for mouse macrophage IgG Fc receptor as ligand-dependent ion channel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J D Young  J C Unkeless  T M Young  A Mauro  Z A Cohn 《Nature》1983,306(5939):186-189
The interaction of ligands with the mouse macrophage Fc receptor which binds IgG2b and IgG1 immune complexes (FcR gamma 2b/gamma 1) triggers phagocytosis and secretion of various mediators of inflammation. FcR gamma 2b/gamma 1 has been purified using a monoclonal anti-FcR antibody, 2.4G2, and seems to be an integral membrane glycoprotein of molecular weight (Mr) 47,000-60,000 (ref. 6). Monoclonal antibody 2.4G2 is suitable as a tool for functional studies of FcR because it binds to a functional site of the receptor and induces cellular responses that are normally associated with the occupied receptor. We reported previously that binding of ligands to the macrophage FcR resulted in Na+/K+ ion fluxes through the plasma membrane, and that similar ion fluxes were observed in proteoliposomes containing reconstituted FcR. We have now incorporated FcR into planar lipid bilayers and report here that FcR gamma 2b/gamma 1 forms ligand-dependent cation-selective ion channels, with a conductance of 60 pS in 1 M KCl and an average open channel lifetime of 250 ms. The conductance decays to baseline levels within a few minutes. These results suggest a receptor-ionophore model for the signalling of phagocytosis and inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

The initiation of immunoglobulin-E (IgE)-mediated allergic responses requires the binding of IgE antibody to its high-affinity receptor, Fc epsilonRI. Crosslinking of Fc epsilonRI initiates an intracellular signal transduction cascade that triggers the release of mediators of the allergic response. The interaction of the crystallizable fragment (Fc) of IgE (IgE-Fc) with Fc epsilonRI is a key recognition event of this process and involves the extracellular domains of the Fc epsilonRI alpha-chain. To understand the structural basis for this interaction, we have solved the crystal structure of the human IgE-Fc-Fc epsilonRI alpha complex to 3.5-A resolution. The crystal structure reveals that one receptor binds one dimeric IgE-Fc molecule asymmetrically through interactions at two sites, each involving one C epsilon3 domain of the IgE-Fc. The interaction of one receptor with the IgE-Fc blocks the binding of a second receptor, and features of this interaction are conserved in other members of the Fc receptor family. The structure suggests new approaches to inhibiting the binding of IgE to Fc epsilonRI for the treatment of allergy and asthma.  相似文献   

W Born  C Miles  J White  R O'Brien  J H Freed  P Marrack  J Kappler  R T Kubo 《Nature》1987,330(6148):572-574
Although most mature peripheral T lymphocytes express a major histocompatibility complex restricted, CD3-associated, antigen receptor (TCR) which has been well characterized, some T cells carry a different CD3-associated heterodimer on their surface. One of the two disulphide-linked chains of this putative second receptor, which in mice has relative molecular mass (Mr) 35,000 (35K), has been identified as a product of the group of gamma genes. The other chain, termed delta (Mr 45K in mice), is not as well characterized. Although gamma/delta-bearing cells are a minor subset among peripheral T lymphocytes, they are the only CD3+ cells in the thymus early in ontogeny. Taking advantage of these kinetics, we have generated gamma/delta-bearing hybridomas, using a new TCR alpha chain-negative variant of the AKR thymoma BW5147 as tumour parent, fetal thymocytes as normal cell partners, and an anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (mAb) as screening reagent. Gamma and delta chains from one of these hybrids have been purified and partially sequenced. The sequences obtained indicate that delta is indeed identical to the polypeptide encoded by the recently described gene X, as suggested by Chien et al.  相似文献   

J Rhodes 《Nature》1975,257(5527):597-599

V A Lewis  T Koch  H Plutner  I Mellman 《Nature》1986,324(6095):372-375
Macrophages, granulocytes and many lymphocytes express or secrete receptors for the Fc domain of immunoglobulins (Ig). These Fc receptors (FcRs) are heterogeneous and can be distinguished on the basis of their cellular distribution and specificities for different immunoglobulin isotypes. Although their functions are not completely understood, FcRs are known to be involved in triggering various effector cell functions and in regulating differentiation and development of B-cells. One of the best characterized is the mouse macrophage-lymphocyte receptor for IgG1 and IgG2b (ref. 5). On macrophages, this FcR mediates the endocytosis of antibody-antigen complexes via coated pits and coated vesicles, the phagocytosis of Ig-coated particles, and the release of various inflammatory and cytotoxic agents. It is possible that the receptor possesses an intrinsic ligand-activated ion channel activity responsible for some of these functions. The IgG1/IgG2b FcR has been isolated and shown to be a transmembrane glycoprotein of relative molecular mass (Mr) 47,000-60,000 (47-60 K) containing four N-linked oligosaccharide chains and a large (greater than 10K) cytoplasmic domain. It is also immunologically indistinguishable from the murine Ly-17 alloantigen which, in turn, is tightly linked to the Mls lymphocyte activation locus. Here we describe the isolation and characterisation of a complementary DNA clone encoding the whole of the IgG1/IgG2b FcR expressed by the mouse macrophage-like cell line P388D1. The receptor is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily and, like Ly-17, maps to the distal portion of chromosome 1. cDNA probes detect one or two mRNA species in FcR+ macrophage and B-cell lines, but not in FcR- cells or a receptor-deficient variant derived from a FcR+ B-cell line. Finally, DNA hybridization analysis indicates the receptor gene is partially deleted or rearranged in the FcR- variant.  相似文献   

D G Orloff  C S Ra  S J Frank  R D Klausner  J P Kinet 《Nature》1990,347(6289):189-191
Stimulation of T cells by antigen activates many signalling pathways. The capacity for this range of biochemical responses may reside in the complex structure of the seven-chain T-cell antigen receptor (TCR). In addition to the complexity shared by all TCRs, coexpression of zeta (zeta) and the distinct but related eta (eta) chains creates structural diversity among the TCR complexes expressed on a given cell. In most murine T cells that we have studied, about 90% of the heptameric receptor complexes contain a zeta zeta disulphide homodimer, whereas 10% contain a zeta eta disulphide heterodimer. Recent studies suggest that zeta has a critical role in allowing antigen to activate the cell, whereas eta expression has been correlated with the capacity for antigen-induced phosphoinositide turnover. A third zeta-related protein, the gamma (gamma) chain of the Fc epsilon and some Fc gamma receptors, exists as a disulphide homodimer in those complexes. The structural relatedness of zeta and gamma is emphasized by the recent demonstration of zeta zeta in association with CD16 in TCR-negative natural killer cells. Here we identify T cells lacking Fc receptors but coexpressing zeta, gamma, and eta, document the formation of novel heterodimers between zeta and gamma and between eta and gamma and show their association with the TCR. A greater range of homologous coupling structures than previously thought may be one way of achieving the variety of TCR-mediated (and possibly Fc receptor-mediated) biochemical responses and effector functions.  相似文献   

The amino acids L-glutamic and L-aspartic acids form the most widespread excitatory transmitter network in mammalian brain. The excitation produced by L-glutamic acid is important in the early development of the nervous system, synaptic plasticity and memory formation, seizures and neuronal degeneration. The receptors activated by L-glutamic acid are a target for therapeutic intervention in neurodegenerative diseases, brain ischaemia and epilepsy. There are two types of receptors for the excitatory amino acids, those that lead to the opening of cation-selective channels and those that activate phospholipase C (ref. 11). The receptors activating ion channels are NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) and kainate/AMPA (alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate)-sensitive receptors. The complementary DNAs for the kainate/AMPA receptor and for the metabotropic receptor have been cloned. We report here on the isolation and characterization of a protein complex of four major proteins that represents an intact complex of the NMDA receptor ion channel and on the cloning of the cDNA for one of the subunits of this receptor complex, the glutamate-binding protein.  相似文献   

A new subunit of the human T-cell antigen receptor complex   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
A M Weissman  L E Samelson  R D Klausner 《Nature》1986,324(6096):480-482
The T-cell antigen receptor binds antigen in association with a cell surface molecule encoded by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). MHC restricted recognition of antigen by this receptor leads to the complex pattern of programmed gene expression that characterizes T-cell activation. The eventual understanding of human T-cell function will require the complete elucidation of the structure of the human T-cell antigen receptor. On human T cells, clonally determined, disulphide-linked alpha and beta chains of the receptor are non-covalently and stoichiometrically associated with three additional polypeptides known as the T3 complex. These receptor subunits are glycoproteins of relative molecular mass (Mr) 25,000 (25K) and 20K (gamma and delta) and a non-glycosylated 20K protein (epsilon). Our studies of murine T cells show that the mouse T-cell antigen receptor consists of at least seven distinct polypeptide chains. In addition to clonotypic alpha and beta chains, the murine complex consists of glycoproteins of 26K and 21K and endoglycosaminidase F (endo F)-insensitive polypeptides of 25K, 21K and 16K. The latter, which we have termed zeta (zeta), exists as a homodimer within the complex. The 26K component (gp26) has been shown to be the murine analogue of the human delta chain. Other cross species homologies remain to be established, however none of the described human receptor components appear similar to the murine zeta polypeptide. We report here the use of an antiserum raised against the murine zeta subunit to identify a previously unrecognized component of the human T-cell antigen receptor. This human protein is T-cell specific and biochemically similar to the murine zeta polypeptide.  相似文献   

A R Duncan  J M Woof  L J Partridge  D R Burton  G Winter 《Nature》1988,332(6164):563-564
A major pathway in the clearance of pathogens involves the coating of the pathogen with specific antibodies, and the binding of the antibody Fc region to cell receptors. This can trigger engulfment of the pathogen by phagocytes or lysis by killer cells. By oligonucleotide site-directed mutagenesis we have engineered a single amino acid change in a mouse IgG2b antibody (Glu 235----Leu) which now enables the antibody to bind to the FcRI (high affinity) receptor on human monocytes with a 100-fold improvement in affinity. This indicates that Leu 235 is a major determinant in the binding of antibody to FcRI and that the receptor may interact directly with the region linking the CH2 domain to the hinge. Tailoring the affinity of antibodies for cell receptors could help dissect their role in clearing pathogen.  相似文献   

T Kurosaki  J V Ravetch 《Nature》1989,342(6251):805-807
Cell-surface proteins are associated with the lipid bilayer either as membrane-spanning molecules or as glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPtdIns)-linked proteins. Proteins destined for GPtdIns anchoring are synthesized as precursors with a hydrophobic C-terminal transmembrane domain, which is removed during the processing of these proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ref. 1). We have investigated the structural requirements for GPtdIns anchoring through the study of two closely related proteins which exhibit alternative membrane attachment. The IgG Fc receptor, Fc gamma RIII, is GPtdIns-linked on neurophils (III-1) whereas on natural killer (NK) cells and macrophages it is found as a transmembrane-anchored molecule (III-2), able to mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and phagocytosis. At the primary structural level, the III-1 gene differs from that encoding III-2 by only nine nucleotide substitutions, which result in six amino-acid differences, and the absence of 21 amino acids at the C terminus. We have analysed a series of III-1 and III-2 mutants in transient expression assays, and show that Ser 203 in the GPtdIns attachment domain is the dominant residue in determining whether the molecule can be GPtdIns-anchored. As in the case of its murine homologue, Fc gamma RII alpha, surface expression of the III-2 molecule is dependent on co-expression of a second subunit, the gamma chain of F epsilon RI. Our data also suggest that gamma chain can associate with the III-1 precursor, preventing GPtdIns attachment, favouring instead a transmembrane form.  相似文献   

D I Martin  L I Zon  G Mutter  S H Orkin 《Nature》1990,344(6265):444-447

得到一个正规定则:设α(z)和F分别是区域D上的解析函数与解析函数族,P(z)是次数P不低于2的多项式.如果对族F中函数f(z)和g(z),Pf(z)和P g(z)分担α(z)IM,并且下述条件之一成立:①对任何z0∈D,P(z)-α(z0)有至少两个不同的零点;②存在z0∈D使得P(z)-α(z0)仅有一个零点β0,同时k≠lp,其中l和k分别是f(z)-β0和α(z)-α(z0)在z0处的零点重数,α(z)不是常数.那么F在D内正规.  相似文献   

Y Kitamura  M Yokoyama  H Matsuda  T Ohno  K J Mori 《Nature》1981,291(5811):159-160
The haematopoietic stem cells which produce colonies in the spleen of irradiated mice (CFU-S) can differentiate into erythrocytes, granulocytes, megakaryocytes and B lymphocytes. Although mast cell precursors are known to be present in the bone marrow, spleen, fetal liver and peripheral blood of mice, the relationship between the mast cell precursor and CFU-S has remained unclear. We have now made use of mice of two mutant genotypes to determine whether or not the tissue mast cell is a progeny of CFU-S. Giant granules of beige (C57BL/6-bg/bg, Chediak-Higashi syndrome) mice can be used for identification of the origin of both tissue mast cells and granulocytes, and WBB6F1-W/Wv mice are useful recipients because they lack tissue mast cells owing to a defect in mast cell precursors. We injected the cells from a single spleen colony into each WBB6F1-W/Wv mouse and demonstrated directly that the tissue mast cell is a progeny of CFU-S.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells are defined by their ability to lyse certain tumour cells in vitro without previous exposure to them, and have been postulated as effectors of immune surveillance against spontaneous neoplasms. Because they kill some non-neoplastic lymphoid cells, they may also have a role in immunoregulation. NK cell activity resides in a small proportion of normal mouse spleen cells (less than 5%) that have been difficult to characterize completely. They may represent a heterogeneous group of effector cells whose precise relationship to other myelopoietic or immunological cells has remained obscure. We have previously described a cloned mouse cell line (Cl. Ly 1-2-NK-1+/11) with the functional characteristics of natural killer cells activated by interferon or other factors. We now find that this cloned line, like basophils and mast cells, expresses high-affinity plasma membrane receptors (Fc epsilon R) specific for IgE antibody. In addition, the clone contains cytoplasmic granules similar by ultrastructure to those of basophils of the mouse and other species. Our findings indicate that cells sharing morphological and biochemical features of basophilic granulocytes can mediate NK lysis.  相似文献   

Mast cells have a central role in allergic diseases mediated by specific immunoglobulin E antibody responses to allergens. The binding of IgE to the high-affinity receptor for IgE (Fc epsilon R) on mast cells and basophils enables these cells to react specifically to allergens. Such contact leads to the activation of mast cells and the release of histamine and other pharmacological mediators, causing an immediate hypersensitivity and acute inflammatory reactions, accompanied by the development of allergic symptoms. Here we show that Fc epsilon R-mediated activation of murine mast cells results in the production of the haemopoietic growth factors granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and interleukin-3 (IL-3). IL-3 and GM-CSF, in addition to their role in bone marrow haemopoiesis, also influence inflammation as they have the capacity to recruit, prime and activate inflammatory cells such as neutrophils, macrophages and eosinophils. Secretion of these factors by mast cells in response to allergens may therefore have an important role in local tissue defense.  相似文献   

PPARγ激动剂诱导HT-29凋亡及周期阻滞的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PPAR属于核受体超家族,与特异配体结合后调控一些基因的表达,这些受调控的基因涉及脂质的代谢,糖尿病以及肿瘤等多个方面.目的是研究PPAR γ激动剂罗格列酮诱导结肠癌细胞HT-29凋亡及细胞周期阻滞的作用,并对其机制做相应的探讨.试验结果显示,罗格列酮可诱导HT-29细胞发生凋亡,并阻滞细胞于G1期,此效果伴随着Bcl-2的表达降低,p21的表达升高.罗格列酮在升高PPAR γ表达的同时,也激活了细胞内ERK的传导通路.因此,罗格列酮是通过诱导结肠癌细胞凋亡及周期阻滞而发挥其抗肿瘤作用,此作用为PPAR γ依赖的,并且与激活ERK通路有关.这些研究结果提示PPAR γ有望成为结肠癌治疗的分子靶点.  相似文献   

文章构建小鼠肥大细胞蛋白酶4(mMCP-4)原核表达体系,获得原核表达蛋白,并制备兔抗mMCP-4多克隆抗体,提取小鼠脾细胞总 RNA ,运用 RT-PCR技术获得目的基因 mMCP-4,构建重组原核表达载体pET28a-mMCP-4,将其转化到大肠杆菌BL21中诱导表达。mMCP-4融合蛋白经Ni亲和层析法纯化后,作为抗原免疫兔子获得mMCP-4多克隆抗体。采用ELISA法测抗体效价,western blot检测抗体特异性。结果表明,构建重组表达质粒pET28a-mMCP-4,经大规模原核表达获得大量mMCP-4融合蛋白,制备的兔抗血清效价达1∶128000,并表现出较好特异性。研究结果为进一步研究mMCP-4生物学功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The primary event in the pathogenesis of severe malaria in Plasmodium falciparum infection is thought to be adherence of trophozoite- and schizont-infected erythrocytes to capillary endothelium, a process called sequestration. Identifying the endothelial molecules used as receptors is an essential step in understanding this disease process. Recent work implicates the membrane glycoprotein CD36 (platelet glycoprotein IV; refs 2-5) and the multi-functional glycoprotein thrombospondin as receptors. Although CD36 has a widespread distribution on microvascular endothelium, it may not be expressed on all capillary beds where sequestration occurs, especially in the brain. The role of thrombospondin in cell adhesion, in vitro or in vivo, is less certain. We have noticed that some parasites bind to human umbilical-vein endothelial cells independently of CD36 or thrombospondin. To screen for alternative receptors, we have developed a novel cell-adhesion assay using transfected COS cells, which confirms that CD36 is a cell-adhesion receptor. In addition, we find that an endothelial-binding line of P. falciparum binds to COS cells transfected with a complementary DNA encoding intercellular adhesion molecule-1. As this molecule is widely distributed on capillaries and is inducible, this finding may be relevant to the pathogenesis of severe malaria.  相似文献   

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