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通过改变一维光子晶体的周期排列常数、两种介质的折射率比观察了电磁波在光子晶体中的光子带隙(PBG)行为.当两种介质的排列周期常数a:b=1:1和1:2时,发现光子晶体在可见光区存在一个很宽的频率截止带,即光子带隙区.另外,当两种介质的介电常数比εα:εb小于1:5,在可见光区无光子带隙存在;而当该比率大于1:5时则出现一个很宽的光子带隙.说明两种介质的介电常数比对光子带隙的影响很大,该比例越大,越容易获得光子带隙.  相似文献   

1Introduction InthestudyoftheEMwavepropagationintheearly 1 9thcentury,thephasevelocityofwavesisbroughtforward ,whichisdefinedasthepropagationvelocityofthephaseofharmonicwavesandcanbewrittenas:Vp =ω β (1 )Whereβisaphaseconstant.In 1 839,W .R .Hamiltonbroughtforwardaconceptofgroupvelocitytoexplainsomeofsuchcomplexphenomenaastwowavesofdifferentfrequen ciespropagatetogetherinonemedium .In 1 877,Rayleighgavethedefinitionofthegroupvelocityinhisfamousbook“TheoryofSound”andthegroupvelocityis…  相似文献   

一维光子晶体的缺陷模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从传输矩阵出发,详细推导了一维光子晶体的缺陷模,得出了光子晶体的缺陷模位置、数目和组成光子晶体缺陷层的光学厚度,缺陷层数目的关系。  相似文献   

In this review article,we summarized the study of the weak light nonlinear properties associated with group velocity change in the ruby.The ruby could be reduced to a two-level system,in which population oscillations could lead to a subluminal result.With the modulated TEM00 beam introduced into the ruby,self-phase modulation together with Fraunhofer diffractions and nondegenerate two-wave coupling between different spatial frequency components of the beam occurs at the same time.Population oscillations,sel...  相似文献   

Study on the Superluminal Group Velocity in a Coaxial Photonic Crystal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, the superluminal group velocity in a coaxial photonic crystal is studied. The simulation of the effective refraction index in coaxial photonic crystal is performed. The group velocity is calculated based on the transmission line equations and compared with experimental results.  相似文献   

光子晶体是一种具有光子能带和能隙的一种新型材料,其典型结构为一个折射率周期变化的物体,周期为光波长量级. 光子在这类材料中的作用类似于电子在凝聚态物质中的作用,应用前景极为广泛,将是新一代的光子器件的基础. 而太赫兹也是近年来大家关注的波段,本文就研究光子晶体的Smith-Purcell效应出发,看其辐射频率,探求能否通过这种效应制作太赫兹源,并从Magic模拟得出了一些数据,说明可行.  相似文献   

The optical reflective spectra and microstruc- tures of polystyrene opal photonic crystals treated with dif- ferent temperatures have been investigated. With tempera- ture increasing, the polystyrene spheres in opal structure transform to dodecahedrons, and the peak of reflective spec- trum moves to shorter wavelength. The experiment result testifies the effect of the effective refractive index and the filling ratio to the bandgap position, and it corresponds to the theoretical simulative result.  相似文献   

在近简并的封闭三能级V系统中,一束弱激光探测场的群速度可以通过控制一单色驱动场的强度实现慢光速到超光速的转换.采用修饰态的方法在物理上解释了产生这种现象的可能原因.  相似文献   

Recent progress made in research on negative refraction in two-dimensional photonic crystals is reviewed. Special attentions are paid to the research results of our group. We explore the underlying mechanism governing the occurrence of negative refraction in periodic and quasiperiodic photonic crystals. These results may be useful references for the application of photonic crystals. The perspectives of future research on negative refraction are briefly predicted.  相似文献   

介电常数沿不同方向周期性变化的woodpile结构三维光子晶体存在完全带隙,可以实现立体空间中对光的控制传输。鉴于此,采用时域有限差分方法研究了椭圆截面和长方形截面介质柱形成的光子晶体的完全带隙。结果发现,这两种情况都存在很好的完全带隙,且带隙的宽度受到介质柱不同截面形状的有效调节。  相似文献   

提出了方形二维光子晶体的结构,并引入缺陷形成耦合腔波导和线缺陷波导。应用时域有限差分(FDTD)法研究其传输特性,结果表明对于耦合腔波导,当缺陷周围介质柱直径变化时,第一光子禁带中会出现宽频缺陷模。并且当介质柱直径减小时,缺陷模会向高频移动,而导模宽度则会有规律地扩展或者缩小。在线缺陷波导中,逐渐减小缺陷两侧介质柱的直径或介电常数,发现导带向高频移动,并且带宽逐渐减小  相似文献   

SiO2 photonic crystal were successfully prepared by vertical deposition and then used as a template to fabricate SiO2-ZnO composite photonic crystals on ITO substrates by electrodeposition and subsequent calcination. A number of different deposition times were used. The morphologies of the silica opals and SiO2-ZnO composite photonic crystals were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. It was found that ZnO particles grew randomly on the surfaces of the silica spheres when the deposition time was short. As the deposition time was increased, the ZnO particles grew evenly on the surfaces of the silica spheres so that the interstitial space of the silica template was filled with ZnO particles. Reflectance spectra of the SiO2-ZnO composite crystals revealed that all of the fabricated photonic crystals exhibit a photonic band gap in the normal direction.  相似文献   

光子晶体的许多应用与缺陷模相关,研究缺陷模可为光子器件的设计提供参考.利用传输矩阵法,研究了光波在包含掺杂缺陷的厚度渐变准周期结构一维光子晶体中的传播规律,分析了缺陷层的位置和光学厚度对缺陷模的影响.结果表明,在准周期结构光子晶体引入缺陷,光子晶体禁带中也产生了缺陷模;随着掺杂缺陷层位置和光学厚度的变化,缺陷模的位置和共振透射峰也随之变化.  相似文献   

二维光子晶体不可约布里渊区及其能带结构的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在固体物理中,通常认为对于给定的晶格来说,晶体的不可约布里渊区(IBZ)是给定的,是不变化的.实际上,对于由同样的晶格构成的不同的晶体(晶体=晶格+基元)而言,由于基元的对称性以及取向和配置等原因,使得晶体的对称性不同于晶格,此时,晶体的IBZ要发生变化.本文通过一个二维光子晶体的具体事例说明,随着基元取向的改变,IBZ也在随着变化.当晶体的对称性低于其晶格的对称性时,晶体的IBZ扩大为整个第一布里渊区.  相似文献   

Monodisperse silica spheres of 252 nm with a standard deviation of 5.7% are prepared by Stber method. By compari-son of both of media, ethanol instead of water is used to assemble opal, and the artiflcial opal has been prepared by the sedimentation inethanol of silica spheres. The structure of the opal prepared has been examined and discussed. The results show that the artificial opal hasa structure similar to the face-centered cubic (fcc) type packed system with silica spheres. Transmission measurements of the artificial opalhave been conducted, which shows that the artificial opal is quasi-full band gap silica photonic crystals in the visible region.  相似文献   

研究设计了适用于近红外光区(1 000~2 000nm)且具有异质结构的一维光子晶体宽禁带高反射镜.选取TiO2和SiO2两种常见材料构造一维光子晶体的异质结构,采用传输矩阵的方法计算光子晶体的反射率;并通过数值模拟分析横磁波(TM)和横电波(TE)从空气介质中入射时光子晶体的反射谱.结果表明:设计的具有异质结构的一维光子晶体对TM波在0°~20°和TE波在0°~25°均有较高的反射率(大于0.999 98).设计的宽禁带高反射镜是为了适应可调红外气体激光器和半导体红外可调器谐振腔激光技术发展的需要,也可代替带宽窄、反射率低的传统反射镜应用于各种近红外光谱仪.  相似文献   

利用传输矩阵法,研究了具有复数电常数缺陷对称一维三元光子晶体的透射谱和增益特性.结果显示,无论加入奇数个还是偶数个缺陷,在第一禁带和第二禁带中分别出现了透射峰A和透射峰B.在缺陷层介电常数的虚部为负值时,缺陷模B表现出良好的增益效果;在缺陷层介电常数的虚部为正值时,缺陷模A表现出一定的增益特性,含6缺陷的增益效果比较明显.  相似文献   

一维光子晶体滤波器滤波性能的影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用光学传输矩阵法研究了一维光子晶体滤波器滤波性能的影响因素,研究结果表明:光子晶体单元周期数对滤波器品质因数和滤波波长透过率均有重要影响,是光子晶体滤波器设计的关键因素;光子晶体单元厚度增加将使滤波波长红移,与光子晶体禁带中心波长并不重合,禁带中心波长相对于滤波波长蓝移;入射波角度对滤波性能也有影响,随入射角增大,滤波波长的透过率逐渐增大,垂直入射时达最大值.  相似文献   

Numericalevaluationontheinterspecificrelation-shipintheD.furfuraceagroupofneotropicalAn-nonaceaeHeping(DeptartmentofLifeScien...  相似文献   

报道我们通过实验观察到了光脉冲在铯原子气体电磁感应透明(EIT)介质中减慢(减到了c/30000)和在电磁感应吸收(EIA)介质中的负群速传播(-c/3000)现象。  相似文献   

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