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A melatonin rhythm was observed in the pineals of 18-day-old chick embryos incubated under a light-dark regime of 186 h. A low pineal melatonin content was found during the light phase of the day. Concentrations started to increase 2 h after dark onset and reached maximum levels after 4 h of darkness. The amplitude of the pineal melatonin rhythm increased considerably after 2 days and night-time concentrations in 20-day-old embryos were more than 5 times higher than in 18-day-old ones. Significant day/night differences in melatonin production were found both in pineals and eyes. Exposure of eggs to 1 h of light during the dark period decreased the high melatonin concentrations in the eyes but not in the pineals of the 20-day-old chick embryo. The results suggest that in this precocial bird at least part of the circadian system may already operate during embryonic life.  相似文献   

The melatonin rhythm: both a clock and a calendar   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
The paper briefly reviews the data which shows that the circadian production and secretion of melatonin by the pineal gland can impart both daily, i.e., clock, and seasonal, i.e., calendar, information to the organism. The paper summarizes the 3 patterns of nocturnal melatonin production that have been described. Clearly, regardless of the pattern of nocturnal melatonin production a particular species normally displays, the duration of nightime elevated melatonin is proportional to the duration of the night length. Since daylength under natural conditions changes daily the melatonin rhythm, which adjusts to the photoperiod sends time of year information to the organism. The melatonin receptors which subserve the clock message sent by the pineal gland in the form of a melatonin cycle may reside in the biological clock itself, namely, the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). The melatonin receptors that mediate seasonal changes in reproductive physiology are presumably those that are located on the pars tuberalis cells of the anterior pituitary gland. Besides these receptors which likely mediate clock and calendar information, melatonin receptors have been described in other organs. Interestingly, the distribution of melatonin receptors is highly species-specific. Whereas the clock and calendar information that the melatonin cycle imparts to the organism relies on cell membrane receptors, a fact that is of some interest considering the high lipophilicity of melatonin, recent studies indicate that other functions of melatonin may require no receptor whatsoever.  相似文献   

Summary The pineal has been identified as a major circadian pacemaker within the circadian system of a number of lower vertebrates although other pacemaking sites have been implicated as well. The rhythmic synthesis and secretion of the pineal hormone, melatonin, is suggested as the mechanism by which the pineal controls circadian oscillators located elsewhere. Both light and temperature cycles can entrain the pineal melatonin rhythm. The pineal, therefore, acts as a photo and thermoendocrine transducer which functions to synchronize internal cycle with cycles in the environment. A model is presented which portrays the pineal as a major component of a multioscillator circadian system and which suggests how these multiple circadian clocks are coupled to each other and to cycles of light and temperature in the external world.  相似文献   

Summary The pineal has been identified as a major circadian pacemaker within the circadian system of a number of lower vertebrates although other pacemaking sites have been implicated as well. The rhythmic synthesis and secretion of the pineal hormone, melatonin, is suggested as the mechanism by which the pineal controls circadian oscillators located elsewhere. Both light and temperature cycles can entrain the pineal melatonin rhythm. The pineal, therefore, acts as a photo and thermoendocrine transducer which functions to synchronize internal cycle with cycles in the environment. A model is presented which portrays the pineal as a major component of a multioscillator circadian system and which suggests how these multiple circadian clocks are coupled to each other and to cycles of light and temperature in the external world.  相似文献   

Administration of melatonin in the drinking water (200 g/ml in 1% ethanol) decreased the time of re-entrainment of the circadian rhythm of the metabolic rate (measured as oxygen uptake) of domestic canaries (Serinus canaria) after 10-h delay phase shifts of the light-dark (LD) cycle by 1.3 days on average. Associated with faster re-entrainment, the amplitude of the metabolic rhythm was attenuated by 46% on, average on the first day after the shift as compared with about 25% in the controls. After re-entrainment, the amplitude of the metabolic rhythm during melatonin administration was about 23% lower than in the controls. The minimum resting metabolic rate increased by ca 5% on average during treatment with melatonin. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that constant high plasma levels of melatonin act on higher levels of the circadian oscillatory system rather than by directly affecting peripheral or central photoreceptors.  相似文献   

We examined levels of melatonin in the pineal, eyes and plasma over a 24 h period during development in the altricial zebra finch. Beginning as early as 2 days after hatching there was a distinct 24 h rhythm in melatonin in the pineal and plasma. Beginning at day seven after hatching there was also a 24 h rhythm present in the eyes. In the pineal and eyes the amplitude of the 24 h rhythm increased with age. In contrast, the amplitude of the plasma melatonin rhythm at 2 days was already within the range of adults and did not increase with age. These results confirm and expand earlier findings in the European starling and parallel those from precocial birds indicating that the circadian system is already competent at or shortly after hatching even in atricial birds.  相似文献   

While the production of melatonin in higher vertebrates occurs in other organs and tissues besides the pineal, the contribution of extrapineal sites of melatonin synthesis such as the retina, the Harderian glands and the gut to circulating melatonin levels is still a matter of debate. The amount of melatonin found in the gastrointestinal tract is much higher than in any other organ including the pineal and the gut appears to make a significant contribution to circulating melatonin at least under certain conditions. The gut has been identified to be the major source of the elevated plasma concentrations of melatonin seen after tryptophan administration and of the changes of circulating melatonin level induced by the feeding regime. Whereas the circadian and circannual fluctuations of the concentration of melatonin in the blood seem to be triggered by changes of the photoenvironment and its effect of pineal melatonin formation, basal daytime melatonin levels and the extent of their elevation at nighttime appear to be additionally controlled by nutritional factors, such as the amount and the composition of ingested food and therefore availability of tryptophan as a rate-limiting precursor of melatonin formation by the enterochromaffin cells of the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Melatonin from the retina and the pineal gland functions in neuroendocrine hierarchies. Photoreceptors — eyes and extraretinal — detect light. Oscillators — pineal and suprachiasmatic nuclei — act as pacemakers. Driven neuroendocrine rhythms carry temporal hormone signals throughout the body. Light controls melatonin: light sets the phase of the melatonin rhythm and determines the duration of melatonin synthesis. By these means, circadian rhythms (e.g. in locomotor activity and body temperature) and seasonal rhythms (e.g. in reproduction) are controlled.  相似文献   

The effect of melatonin on the formation of gastric stress lesions in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Prior melatonin administration (1,5 and 10 mg/kg b. wt) causes a significant reduction in gastric ulceration induced in male rats by restraint immobilization in the presence of low temperatures.  相似文献   

During the last decade we have learned much on physiological changes in the secretion of the pineal hormone melatonin (MLT) in man. Reportedly, there is little or no MLT secreted before age 3 months. Then MLT production commences, becmes circadian, and reaches highest nocturnal levels at the age of 1–3 years. During all of childhood nocturnal peak levles drop progressively by 80% until adult levels are reached. This alteration appears to be the consequence of increasing body size in face of constant MLT production during childhood. The biological significance of this MLT alteration is presently unknown. Because of conceptual considerations, major depressive syndrome (MDS) and seasonal affective disorder (SAD) have been in the focus of pineal research for several years. Although in these disorders alterations in MLT levels could not be substantiated, light therapy, a consequence of this research, was discovered as an effective treatment for SAD and perhaps for MDS. In addition, there is some recent evidence for low MLT levels in schizophrenia. Finally, the potential effect of MLT in neuroimmunoendocrine interactions is presently explored. Reportedly, in vitro studies and animal experiments give evidence for a modulatory role of MLT in the immune response. However, the exact way of this possible action of MLT remains to be clarified. Clinical studies are too scant for a meaningful estimation of MLT's involvement in human neuroimmunoendocrine interactions.  相似文献   

Melatonin: presence and formation in invertebrates   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In vertebrates, it is now clearly demonstrated that the pineal gland is implicated in conveying photoperiodic information via the daily pattern of melatonin secretion. Invertebrates, like vertebrates, use photoperiodic changes as a temporal cue to initiate physiological processes such as reproduction or diapause. How this information is integrated in invertebrates remains an unsolved question. Our review will be an attempt to evaluate the possible role of melatonin in conveying photoperiodic information in invertebrates. It is now well demonstrated in both vertebrates and invertebrates that melatonin as well as its precursors or synthesizing enzymes are present in various organs implicated in photoreceptive processes or in circadian pacemaking. Melatonin, serotonin or N-acetyltransferase have been found in the head, the eyes, the optic lobe and the brain of various invertebrate species. In some species it has also been shown that melatonin is produced rhythmically with high concentrations reached during the dark period. Moreover, the physiological effects of melatonin on various periodic processes such as rhythmic contractions in coelenterates, fissioning of asexual planarians or reproductive events in flies have been reported in the literature. All these results support the hypothesis (refs 36, 37) that melatonin is not solely a pineal hormone but that it may be an evolutionary conservative molecule principally involved in the transduction of photoperiodic information in all living organisms.  相似文献   

Recent findings concerning human slow wave sleep (hSWS-stages 3+4; delta EEG activity) are critically reviewed. Areas covered include the significance of the first hSWS cycle; hSWS in extended sleep; relationship between hSWS, prior wakefulness and sleep loss; hSWS influence on sleep length; problems with hSWS deprivation; influence of the circadian rhythm; individual differences in hSWS, especially, age, gender and constitutional variables such as physical fitness and body composition. Transient increases in hSWS can be produced by increasing both the quality and quantity of prior wakefulness, with an underlying mechanism perhaps relating to the waking level of brain metabolism. Whilst there may also be thermoregulatory influences on hSWS, hypotheses that energy conservation and brain cooling are major roles for hSWS are debatable. hSWS seems to offer some form of cerebral recovery, with the prefrontal cortex being particularly implicated. The hSWS characteristics of certain forms of major psychiatric disorders may well endorse this prefrontal link.  相似文献   

This paper reports the effect of acclimatization on the evening fall in core temperature under the influence of two different types of clothing. Two groups of subjects dressed in either knee-length skirts or full trousers during the daytime for the three months from April to June. To compare the circadian rhythm of core temperature, the experiments were carried out before and after the three month program of acclimatization. It was found that the subjects who had worn knee-length skirts showed lower rectal temperatures during the nighttime and a bigger amplitude of circadian rhythm in July than in March.  相似文献   

Summary Bright light (2000–3000 lux) of sufficient intensity to suppress human melatonin secretion, acts as a strong zeitgeber in the entrainment of circadian rhythms in man. In polar conditions, light of this intensity is not experienced for several weeks during the winter. The entrainment of human circadian rhythms, in particular that of melatonin, is clearly of interest in these circumstances. Urinary 6-hydroxy melatonin sulphate (aMT6s) is a good index of melatonin secretion in man. In a limited study of seven male volunteers living on an Antarctic base the overall 24-h rhythm of aMT6s excretion was maintained at four different times of year (spring, summer, autumn and winter) and no significant seasonal effects were noted. Cortisol excretion, appeared to be markedly affected by the season although other factors such as social and environmental stress cannot be discounted. These observations suggest that in the absence of a strong light-dark cycle melatonin production may be entrained by other factors.  相似文献   

Summary Male Djungarian hamsters, reared under long (16L/8D) or short (10L/14D) days, were sacrificed at various ages during the day or night, or at night following a 30-min light pulse. The pineal melatonin rhythm matured similarly under long and short days by 20 days of age. The results are discussed in context of the hypothesis that melatonin mediates the photoperiod effects which forestall puberty in short-day reared hamsters.Supported by NIH research grant HD-05481.  相似文献   

The neurohormone melatonin plays a fundamental role in neuroimmunomodulation of several mammalian species, including mice. This effect is supported by the existence of specific melatonin-binding sites in murine immunocompetent organs. Moreover, using melatonin receptor analogues, several effects of the neurohormone on mice physiology through its membrane and nuclear receptors have been described. The expression of these receptors has never been studied, despite indirect evidence showing the presence of melatonin receptor in the murine immune system. At present, the MT1 and MT2 membrane receptors, and nuclear receptors belonging to the RZR/ROR family have been related to the immunomodulator effect of melatonin. Here, we show the presence of membrane and nuclear melatonin-binding sites in mouse thymus and spleen, using the specific melatonin membrane (S 20098) and nuclear (CGP 52608) receptor agonist. To confirm the presence of melatonin receptors, we analyzed the presence of membrane and nuclear receptor mRNA and protein by RT-PCR, Southern blot, and Western blot. Thus, we show that MT1 and ROR receptor mRNA and protein are expressed in both thymus and spleen, while MT2 receptor mRNA is only detected in the thymus. This expression of melatonin receptors strongly supports the idea of an immunomodulatory role of melatonin through its receptors.Received 2 June 2003; received after revision 6 August 2003; accepted 14 August 2003  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the effect of intracerebroventricular (i.c.v) injection of melatonin and/or ACTH1–10 and ACTH4–10 on [3H]flunitrazepam binding sites in the cerebral cortex of hypophysectomized rats. Hypophysectomy increased the Bmax (maximum number of binding sites) of benzodiazepine (BNZ) receptors for at least 7 days after surgery, without changing KD (dissociation constant). The i.c.v. injection of melatonin to hypophysectomized rats significantly increased Bmax, whereas the same doses of melatonin were ineffective in sham-operated animals. In both cases, KD values were unchanged. The i.c.v injection of ACTH1–10 to hypophysectomized animals significantly increased Bmax, an effect that was enhanced by simultaneous i.c.v. injection of ACTH1–10+melatonin, reaching higher values of Bmax than the i.c.v. injection of these hormones individually. No significant changes in KD values were found after ACTH1–10 and/or melatonin administration. However, the i.c.v. injection of ACTH4–10 to hypophysectomized rats did not change Bmax, although it significantly increased KD values, indicating a decrease in the BNZ binding affinity. Melatonin injection counteracted this effect of ACTH4–10, returning KD to the control value. Moreover, although the lower dose of i.c.v. melatonin used, 10 ng, was unable to modify Bmax of BNZ binding in the ACTH4–10-injected group, the higher dose, 20 ng, significantly increased Bmax. The results suggest that these ACTH-derived peptides can modulate the effect of melatonin on brain benzodiazepine receptors.  相似文献   

Summary Polygraphic monitoring of several physiological variables was done throughout an experiment investigating the effects of caffeine on mental performance. The experiment started with a mental maze learning task. Then the subjects were given the test beverages according to the group design (CC group (N=16)300 mg caffeine in decaffeinated coffee, DC group (N=16): decaffeinated coffee, WW group (N=8): warm water, and NB group (N=8): no beverage). The experiment continued with a letter cancellation task which was followed by a second mental maze learning task. The caffeine treated subjects differed from the other groups by increased regularity of letter cancellation performance, as indicated by decreases in intraindividual variance. They also differed from the other groups by a slight but significant acrodermal vasoconstriction. No intergroup differences were obtained for mental maze learning, heart rate, respiration, muscle tension, and skin conductance. The results suggest therefore that the drug at this dose level improves behavioral routine and speed rather than cognitive functions and that the vegetative side effects are minimal.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the influence of various environmental parameters on melatonin excretion, the night-time urinary melatonin excretion of 16 healthy volunteers was measured in samples collected monthly over a period of one year. No significant interindividual differences were detected in the monthly rate of change of melatonin excretion. A seasonal bimodal pattern did, however, emerge. Peak values were observed in June and November. In these months a combination of high daylength stability and low values of the vertical component of the geomagnetic field was recorded. Trough values were found in April and August–October when low daylength stability was combined with high values of the vertical component of the geomagnetic field. We propose that the daylength variation rate, and the fluctuations of the vertical component of the geomagnetic field, interact to induce the changes in melatonin secretion which signalize the different seasons in humans.  相似文献   

Summary The pineal gland is a universal feature of vertebrate organization and has been implicated in the control of rhythmic adaptations to daily and seasonal cycles. This paper considers three aspects of pineal function; the generation of a rhythmical endocrine signal (the nocturnal synthesis of melatonin) and the use of the signal in the regulation of circadian and photoperiodic functions. The shape of the nocturnal signal is determined by an interaction of afferent neural control and biochemical processes intrinsic to the pinealocyte. The nature of the effect of the signal upon circadian systems is unclear, and in adult mammals may not be a specific, direct influence upon the entrainment pathways of the oscillator. In the foetus, strong evidence exists for a physiological role of the maternal melatonin signal as a true internal zeitgeber, remnants of which may persist in the adult. Photoperiodic time measurement in adult and foetal mammals is critically dependent upon the melatonin signal. Indirect evidence indicates that several neural systems may be involved in the response to melatonin and consistent with this, a variety of central melatonin binding sites have been identified in the brain and pituitary. The intra-cellular actions of melatonin and the properties of melatonin responsive neural systems have yet to be identified, but in the context of photoperiodic time measurement, it is clear that the neural responses to melatonin are not dependent upon the circadian clock. The two central effects of melatonin; photoperiodic time measurement and circadian entrainment are probably mediated through completely separate mechanisms.The Editors wish to thank Dr M. Hastings for coordinating this multi-author review.  相似文献   

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