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河南孟津邙山黄土台塬上发现的全新世湖沼沉积保存有丰富的古环境信息。根据其中所含水生、两栖与陆生软体动物化石的系统研究,作者着重讨论了距今5000—4000年间古代湖沼演化的历史,并进一步根据软体动物化石的古生态分析,指出古代湖沼的演化与当时气候的变化一致。这一研究为探讨中原地区环境演变的历史及华夏文明起源的环境背景提供了重要的资料。  相似文献   

化石群落的识别是古代生物群落研究的基础.目前缺少普遍遵循的化石群落识别的原则,识别方法差异很大,这影响了古代群落研究的广度及深度.根据广西六寨泥盆系东岗岭组化石群落的研究实例,所提出的海相化石群落的一种识别方法,为解决识别方法上存在的分歧,提供了一条途径.该方法以注重群落与环境的整体性为原则,在沉积环境确定的基础上,依据化石群总体面貌(化石类型及其相对丰度)与沉积相带类型的对应性,来识别化石群落.  相似文献   

以环境变化为出发点去探讨人类演化是一种新兴的研究方法.生态环境、气候、东非裂谷的地质运动都对古人类演化有着深刻的影响.早期的古人类化石许多都发现在东非裂谷湖边,以裂谷湖的生态变化为出发点去审视古人类演化,无疑具有创新性意义.东非裂谷湖中图尔卡纳湖处于一个关键地段,笔者通过对古人类化石发掘地的统计分析,提出了图尔卡纳湖人类起源假说,将人类起源地设定在东非的图尔卡纳湖可以合理地解释人类演化的许多重要问题.探讨图尔卡纳湖盆地的古环境变化,对研究人类起源与演化有着重要意义.  相似文献   

本文系统地研究了闽江河口琅岐岛钻孔揭示的第四纪地层。根据孢粉、微古、硅藻和~(14)C测年等资料分析了沉积物形成时的气候波动、沉积相和沉积物年代,将闽江河口第四纪地层划分为上更新统上段(厚>15米)和全新统(厚49.80米)。全新统又可分为下全新统下段和上段、中全新统和上全新统。气候演化为:冷干→温暖略干→温暖湿润→炎热潮湿→温暖略干。沉积相演化为:冲积相、冲洪积相、湖沼相→冲积相、湖沼相→河口相、湖沼相→海湾相→河口相。  相似文献   

本文系统地研究了闽江河口琅岐岛钻孔揭示的第四纪地层。根据孢粉、微古、硅藻和~(14)C测年等资料分析了沉积物形成时的气候波动、沉积相和沉积物年代,将闽江河口第四纪地层划分为上更新统上段(厚>15米)和全新统(厚49.80米)。全新统又可分为下全新统下段和上段、中全新统和上全新统。气候演化为:冷干→温暖略干→温暖湿润→炎热潮湿→温暖略干。沉积相演化为:冲积相、冲洪积相、湖沼相→冲积相、湖沼相→河口相、湖沼相→海湾相→河口相。  相似文献   

化石群落的识别是古代生物群落研究的基础。上前缺少普遍遵循的化厂 落识别的原则,识别方法差异很大,这影响了古代群落研究的广度及深度。根据文本六寨泥盆系东岗 化石群落的研究实例,所提出的海相化石群落的一种识别方法 ,为解决识别方法上存在的分歧,提供了玫条途径。  相似文献   

盐井沟古生物化石遗址发现至今已有近百年历史,目前在重庆市、万州区各级政府的支持下,古生物化石得到了有效保护。文章通过对盐井沟古生物化石遗址的历史、成因、时代、特征等研究,揭示几十万年前盐井沟地区动物的生存状态。从地质背景上看,盐井沟地区保存了早更新世晚期至现代较为完整的生物演化序列,有望建立我国南方第四纪生物地层学的标尺。  相似文献   

李建军 《大自然》2013,(1):28-35
恐龙足迹化石及含化石地层的特点,它所承载的地球历史和生命演化信息,以及化石所揭示的充满传奇色彩的遥远过去,深深吸引着恐龙足迹爱好者。  相似文献   

记述了与大荔人头骨化石共生的双壳类化石3属12种。通过与现生的相近双壳类生活环境的对比,得出大荔地区当时的气候环境主要受夏季风控制的暖湿气候的结论。结合对沉积特征的分析,引出了对该地区地貌演化模式的讨论。  相似文献   

 白垩纪缅甸琥珀中内含物研究是当前古生物研究的热点之一。隐翅虫形态多样、分布广泛、种类繁多,目前是动物界最大的一个科。近些年,在缅甸琥珀中发现了种类丰富多样的隐翅虫化石,为研究陆地生态系统中的生物多样性的演化提供了重要材料。通过对保存精美的隐翅虫化石的研究,不仅可以揭示隐翅虫科昆虫的起源和演化,而且有助于认识早期陆地生态系统中昆虫与真菌以及昆虫之间的复杂关系,揭示高等真菌和社会性昆虫的早期演化历史。先进的成像技术和分析方法可以帮助人们深入认识缅甸琥珀昆虫的形态功能,理解远古昆虫与周围环境的复杂关系,进而重建远古陆地森林生态系统的整体面貌。  相似文献   

通过对东洞庭湖地区ZK01钻孔沉积物的粒度、磁化率、孢粉等古环境指标的分析, 初步揭示了该地区6000 aBP以来湖泊环境及气候演变的历史: 6000~4000 aBP, ZK01钻孔所在区域为水深较大的湖泊环境, 湖泊周围地区分布有亚热带常绿阔叶林植被, 代表较为湿热的气候; 4000~1000 aBP仍为深湖环境, 但后期水深有所减小, 其中4000 aBP的气候有明显变干变凉的趋势, 植被也发生了明显的变化; 1000~600 aBP湖泊演变为浅湖环境, 600 aBP之后进一步演变为浅滩与湖沼交互相环境。 该地区环境演变同史前及历史时期人类活动的相互关系研究表明, 6000~1000 aBP的水文环境及气候变化显著地影响了区域的古代人类文化与历史的进程, 其中4000 aBP的气候变凉及水文环境的变化可能是该地区史前文明迅速衰落的原因; 1000 aBP以来, 人类在长江两岸的筑堤和围垦等活动明显影响了洞庭湖地区的水沙过程及河湖环境的演变历史。  相似文献   

Based on pollen records in B-3GC gravity core, environmental change since 9500 aBP of Okinawa Trough and its adjacent islands was derived. The result showed that the most time during this period was in a warm temperate climate except in middle Holocene (6800-4400 aBP) that was under subtropical climate control. During 9500–8300 aBP and 3100–2000 aBP periods, it appeared colder and drier than the rest time. The original area of pollen sources surrounding Okinawa Trough was covered by evergreen and deciduous broadleaf forest alternatively with mixed broad-leaf-conifer forest distributed in high mountainous areas. Usually, these three kinds of forests existed at the same time with difference in altitude. Pollen from subtropical and tropical plants increased obviously in about 5000–6000 aBP, reflecting a great lifting of vegetation zone and expansion of evergreen broad-leaf forest in the study area. However, there was a slight descending of plant zone and shrinking of evergreen broadleaf forest during 9500-8300 aBP and 3000-2000 aBP. During the remaining periods vegetation zone was higher than the present but in a limited range.  相似文献   

Comprehensive field investigations and laboratory analyses show that palaeolakes, including fresh- mesohaline water Megalake Tengger and other semi-con- nected, isolated water bodies, during late Pleistocene covered an area of more than 20000 km2, which is more than half of the Tengger Desert in NW China. Stratigraphic correlation and chronological evidence indicate that before ca. 42000 aBP the area was more arid. The palaeolakes started to develop around 40000 uncal. 14C aBP but until 37000 14C aBP their scope was limited. High water levels established from 35000 14C aBP lasted until 22000 14CaBP. Lake levels regressed between 22000 and 20000 14C aBP but transgressed from 20000 to 18600 14C aBP. Subsequently, water level declined further and the Megalake Tengger finally desiccated at around 18000 14C aBP. Megalake Tengger possessed a fresh-mesohaline water property, implying that the regional precipitation increased significantly. During the period of Megalake Tengger, the climate was warmer-humid than present. The annual rainfall was 250 to 350 mm more than that of today and the temperature was 1.5 to 3.0℃ higher.  相似文献   

The temporal-spatial distribution of Neolithic sites shows a long period of absence of human settlements during the early Holocene on the Yangtze Delta, and the area has not been colonized until 7000 aBP, corresponding to the onset of the Majiabang culture. Besides the regions east to the sandbar of Maqiao Site in Shanghai, foraminifera are not found in Neolithic cultural layers since 7000 aBP, indicating a widespread transgression between 10000 and 7000 aBP Evidence of radiocarbon-dated cultural relics, foraminifera and pollen records from the Hemudu Site suggests that the Hemudu culture emerged and developed during the mid-Holocene Climatic Optimum. Therefore, the hypothesis of a mid-Holocene sea-level highstand along the Yangtze Delta and Ningshao Plain from 7000 to 5000 aBP is an open debate. New evidence from archaeological excavations and bio-stratigraphy suggests that, prior to 7000 aBP, a high sea level occurred along the Ningshao Plain. Subsequently, the sea level was lowered between 7000 and 5000 aBP, and the area suffered from freauent floods from 5000 to 3900 aBP.  相似文献   

In this study, to reconstruct the paleoclimatic history, pollen and oxygen isotope were analyzed on the 160 samples of a 2.7 m peat core from Taishizhuang, Huailai County, Hebei Province. Combining our data with other information of climate history and archaeology from this area, we found that there is a close linkage between cultural development and the mid-Holocene (6000-3000 cal. aBP) environment changes. The main results and conclusions are presented as the following: The climate during 5678-5400 cal. aBP was unstable and in general colder and drier than today. From 5400 to 4800 cal. aBP the climate was much warmer and wetter than before. The climate during 4800-4300 cal. aBP was persistently cold, with an exceptional cold event occurring at 4600-4300 cal. aBP. This cold event was recorded at several other localities in Northern China even the Northern Hemisphere and played an important role in the cultural development. After the cold event, there was a return to warmer conditions between 4200 and 3300 cal.aBP.  相似文献   

Today, the central part of Inner Mongolia has a continental climate, with cold winters, hot summers, and approximately 70% of the precipitation falling in the summer months. Vegetation is dominated by steppe vegetation with Stipa bungeana and Stipa breviflora. Scattered individuals of Quercus liaotungensis, Populus davidiana, Betula platyplylla are distributed in the mountains, with some Pinus tabluaoformis, near Miaoyu, and with fragmentary Picea above 1700—1800 m a.s.l. The Huitenglian…  相似文献   

河南孟津地区中全新世环境变化及其对人类活动的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在河南孟津地区发现全新世古土壤-黄土沉积剖面和湖沼相沉积剖面。作者对这2个剖面之间进行了野外调查,绘制了其间的地层图,并在古土壤-黄土沉积剖面采样,对样品做了粒度、磁化率以及CaCO3含量分析。通过古土壤-黄土沉积剖面与湖沼相沉积剖面的对比,研究了中全新世孟津地区环境变化及其对人类活动的影响。结果表明孟津地区在7020~5660aBP和4610~3755aBP是古湖泊形成和古土壤发育的时期,气候温暖湿润;在5660~4610aBP孟津地区经历了一次气候波动,湖泊缩小为零星湖沼, 古土壤发育中断;3755~3055aBP湖泊萎缩干涸,黄土开始沉积,气候转向冷干。河南龙山文化时代晚期,湖面水位较高,人类在古土壤上活动;二里头文化时期湖泊萎缩,人类活动向低处转移,湖泊完全干涸时人类开始在干涸的湖相沉积层上活动。  相似文献   

The results of sedimentary characteristics,grain-size,clay mineral,C/N and pollen analysis reveal the evolution history of the Shuangchi Maar Lake of Hainan Island as well as the short-term climate variations in tropical areas.It is testified that the Maar sediment system was sensitive in recording the rapid climate changes in the Holocene.These multidisciplinary results demonstrate that the thermal maximum in the Holocene climate lasted from 7200 to 2700 aBP,with serveral abrupt ephemeral vibrations occurring between 7250-6120aBP and at around 4460,3850 and 2700 aBP.In the late Holocent,particularly at -2700 aBP,a distinct environmental change indicating an important climate transition in the tropical eastern Asia was recorded,probably responding to the enhancement of ENSO phenomena in the Pacific Ocean.In addition,the high-resolution algae record clearly indicates periodical climate fluctuations at 500 a cyclicity during the last 2500 years.  相似文献   

水文脉冲影响着湖泊水生态系统,人工调水工程引起的水文脉冲使这种影响更加复杂. 本研究分别调研了南四湖在非调水期和调水期内的浮游植物和大型底栖动物以及相应的水质和底泥中的重金属,分析了调水引起的水文脉冲影响下浮游植物和大型底栖动物群落的变化特征. 结果显示:在一个脉冲周期内,调水期的浮游植物总密度减小,群落中蓝藻门占比下降,而绿藻门和硅藻门占比增加,优势种更替剧烈,这些变化更多的是由脉冲式调水引起的水质改变和季节变化引起的温度差异共同导致的. 南四湖中大型底栖动物群落主要包括软体动物、水生昆虫类和水生寡毛类,且由软体动物主导. 一个脉冲周期内的大型底栖动物群落结构稳定,优势种更替较弱,物种多样性指数变化较小. 对比南水北调工程实施之前的结果,南四湖中浮游植物群落年内变化更明显,且物种多样性整体下降. 大型底栖动物群落随着水质的优化和底泥中重金属分布的改变,逐渐由小体型的水生昆虫主导变为由大体型的软体动物主导. 这些结果表明调水引起的水文脉冲对浮游植物的影响在短期和长期均有明显体现,对大型底栖动物更多的体现在长期累积性影响.   相似文献   

WesternChina,includingtheQinghaiXizangPlateau,theLoesplateau,andtheotherpartwestofthem(suchastheHexicoridorofGansuprovincean...  相似文献   

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