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Huntington disease (HD) is caused by expansion of a glutamine repeat in the amino-terminal region of huntingtin. Despite its widespread expression, mutant huntingtin induces selective neuronal loss in striatal neurons. Here we report that, in mutant mice expressing HD repeats, the production and aggregation of N-terminal huntingtin fragments preferentially occur in HD-affected neurons and their processes and axonal terminals. N-terminal fragments of mutant huntingtin form aggregates and induce neuritic degeneration in cultured striatal neurons. N-terminal mutant huntingtin also binds to synaptic vesicles and inhibits their glutamate uptake in vitro. The specific processing and accumulation of toxic fragments of N-terminal huntingtin in HD-affected striatal neurons, especially in their neuronal processes and axonal terminals, may contribute to the selective neuropathology of HD.  相似文献   

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 10 (SCA10; MIM 603516; refs 1,2) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by cerebellar ataxia and seizures. The gene SCA10 maps to a 3.8-cM interval on human chromosome 22q13-qter (refs 1,2). Because several other SCA subtypes show trinucleotide repeat expansions, we examined microsatellites in this region. We found an expansion of a pentanucleotide (ATTCT) repeat in intron 9 of SCA10 in all patients in five Mexican SCA10 families. There was an inverse correlation between the expansion size, up to 22.5 kb larger than the normal allele, and the age of onset (r2=0.34, P=0.018). Analysis of 562 chromosomes from unaffected individuals of various ethnic origins (including 242 chromosomes from Mexican persons) showed a range of 10 to 22 ATTCT repeats with no evidence of expansions. Our data indicate that the new SCA10 intronic ATTCT pentanucleotide repeat in SCA10 patients is unstable and represents the largest microsatellite expansion found so far in the human genome.  相似文献   

There is emerging evidence that people with successfully treated HIV infection age prematurely, leading to progressive multi-organ disease, but the reasons for this are not known. Here we show that patients treated with commonly used nucleoside analog anti-retroviral drugs progressively accumulate somatic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, mirroring those seen much later in life caused by normal aging. Ultra-deep re-sequencing by synthesis, combined with single-cell analyses, suggests that the increase in somatic mutation is not caused by increased mutagenesis but might instead be caused by accelerated mtDNA turnover. This leads to the clonal expansion of preexisting age-related somatic mtDNA mutations and a biochemical defect that can affect up to 10% of cells. These observations add weight to the role of somatic mtDNA mutations in the aging process and raise the specter of progressive iatrogenic mitochondrial genetic disease emerging over the next decade.  相似文献   

Myotonic dystrophy (DM) is the only disease reported to be caused by a CTG expansion. We now report that a non-coding CTG expansion causes a novel form of spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA8). This expansion, located on chromosome 13q21, was isolated directly from the genomic DNA of an ataxia patient by RAPID cloning. SCA8 patients have expansions similar in size (107-127 CTG repeats) to those found among adult-onset DM patients. SCA8 is the first example of a dominant SCA not caused by a CAG expansion translated as a polyglutamine tract.  相似文献   

Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS or Ondine's curse; OMIM 209880) is a life-threatening disorder involving an impaired ventilatory response to hypercarbia and hypoxemia. This core phenotype is associated with lower-penetrance anomalies of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) including Hirschsprung disease and tumors of neural-crest derivatives such as ganglioneuromas and neuroblastomas. In mice, the development of ANS reflex circuits is dependent on the paired-like homeobox gene Phox2b. Thus, we regarded its human ortholog, PHOX2B, as a candidate gene in CCHS. We found heterozygous de novo mutations in PHOX2B in 18 of 29 individuals with CCHS. Most mutations consisted of 5-9 alanine expansions within a 20-residue polyalanine tract probably resulting from non-homologous recombination. We show that PHOX2B is expressed in both the central and the peripheral ANS during human embryonic development. Our data support an essential role of PHOX2B in the normal patterning of the autonomous ventilation system and, more generally, of the ANS in humans.  相似文献   

Although advances have been made in understanding cell differentiation, only rudimentary knowledge exists concerning how differentiated cells form tissues and organs. We studied liver organogenesis because the cell and tissue architecture of this organ is well defined. Approximately 60% of the adult liver consists of hepatocytes that are arranged as single-cell anastomosing plates extending from the portal region of the liver lobule toward the central vein. The basal surface of the hepatocytes is separated from adjacent sinusoidal endothelial cells by the space of Disse, where the exchange of substances between serum and hepatocytes takes place. The hepatocyte's apical surface forms bile canaliculi that transport bile to the hepatic ducts. Proper liver architecture is crucial for hepatic function and is commonly disrupted in disease states, including cirrhosis and hepatitis. Here we report that hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha (Hnf4alpha) is essential for morphological and functional differentiation of hepatocytes, accumulation of hepatic glycogen stores and generation of a hepatic epithelium. We show that Hnf4alpha is a dominant regulator of the epithelial phenotype because its ectopic expression in fibroblasts induces a mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition. Most importantly, the morphogenetic parameters controlled by Hnf4alpha in hepatocytes are essential for normal liver architecture, including the organization of the sinusoidal endothelium.  相似文献   

Notch and the m9/10 gene (groucho) of the Enhancer of split (E(spI)) complex are members of the "Notch group" of genes, which is required for a variety of cell fate choices in Drosophila. We have characterized human cDNA clones encoding a family of proteins, designated TLE, that are homologous to the E(spI) m9/10 gene product, as well as a novel Notch-related protein. The TLE genes are differentially expressed and encode nuclear proteins, consistent with the presence of sequence motifs associated with nuclear functions. The structural redundancy implied by the existence of more than one TLE and Notch-homologous gene may be a feature of the human counterparts of the developmentally important Drosophila Notch group genes.  相似文献   

Péterfy M  Phan J  Xu P  Reue K 《Nature genetics》2001,27(1):121-124
Mice carrying mutations in the fatty liver dystrophy (fld) gene have features of human lipodystrophy, a genetically heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by loss of body fat, fatty liver, hypertriglyceridemia and insulin resistance. Through positional cloning, we have isolated the gene responsible and characterized two independent mutant alleles, fld and fld(2J). The gene (Lpin1) encodes a novel nuclear protein which we have named lipin. Consistent with the observed reduction of adipose tissue mass in fld and fld(2J)mice, wild-type Lpin1 mRNA is expressed at high levels in adipose tissue and is induced during differentiation of 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes. Our results indicate that lipin is required for normal adipose tissue development, and provide a candidate gene for human lipodystrophy. Lipin defines a novel family of nuclear proteins containing at least three members in mammalian species, and homologs in distantly related organisms from human to yeast.  相似文献   

Therapeutic cloning, whereby somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is used to generate patient-specific embryonic stem cells (ESCs) from blastocysts cloned by nuclear transfer (ntESCs), holds great promise for the treatment of many human diseases. ntESCs have been derived in mice and cattle, but thus far there are no credible reports of human ntESCs. Here we review the recent literature on nuclear reprogramming by SCNT, including studies of gene expression, DNA methylation, chromatin remodeling, genomic imprinting and X chromosome inactivation. Reprogramming of genes expressed in the inner cell mass, from which ntESCs are derived, seems to be highly efficient. Defects in the extraembryonic lineage are probably the major cause of the low success rate of reproductive cloning but are not expected to affect the derivation of ntESCs. We remain optimistic that human therapeutic cloning is achievable and that the derivation of patient-specific ntESC lines will have great potential for regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

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