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Basic research is one of the key components in a-gricultural sciences. It is the source of the development of agricultural technology, and the driving force for the sustainable development of agriculture. The internationalization of basic research is one of the characteristics of the times. The international cooperation and exchange is very important for the development of basic research of agricultural sciences, since China is a developing country, and the input in basic research of agricultural sciences cannot meet the demand for the social and  相似文献   

Soil,as a survival natural resource for the existent of human beings,is always highly concerned by contemporary scientists.Being a tag to symbolize the development level of soil science,research in soil classification is a focus in today's international soil science.  相似文献   

<正>NSFC President Chen Yiyu met with Dr.Francis Collins,Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Beijing on October 14,2010 and signed a MoU of cooperation in medical research between the two agencies. Prof.Chen welcomed Dr.Collins' visit to NSFC and pointed out that the recently increasing communication and exchanges between the two agencies have paved a solid foundation for substantial collaboration. Especially since the establishment of NSFC's Department of Health Sciences in 2009,a new platform for effective support to basic research in medical sciences is now in place.Prof.Chen further mentioned that to address diseases threatening the mankind,establishing partnership between the two agencies is an action that conforms to the trend of the times.  相似文献   

<正>The regional differentiation of global warming is a hot topic for climate change research due to its important scientific value and potential practical significance in policy-making.Prof.Liu Xiaodong's research group at the Institute of Earth Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences,worked together with international scientists from several countries,and reported a greater and faster warming in the high mountainous  相似文献   

In accordance with the agreement entered into by China and Russia on the utilization of "Mir" space station for development of cooperative research in April 1998, the Institute of Mechanics, CAS and Keldysh Research Center of Russian Space Agency accomplished the experiment of two-phase flow pattern in different gravity conditions aboard "Mir" space station and gained a complete success after more than one year of research and cooperation. In this cooperative research, the Chinese side is responsible for presenting the aca-  相似文献   

Soil, as a survival natural resource for the existent of human beings, is always highly concerned by contemporary scientists. Being a tag to symbolize the development level of soil science, research in soil classification is a focus in today's international soil science. In demand by development of China's science and economy, NSFC has supported 3 Major Program projects as well as 3 General Program projects in this area  相似文献   

International cooperation is an important strategy for all the funding agencies in the world. It plays a key role in the internationalization of China's scientific research. Since its establishment in 1986, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) has been developing international cooperation to fulfill its mission of supporting basic research, fostering talented scientists, and promoting socioeconomic develop-ment.  相似文献   

Mr.Chairman,colleagues,ladies and gentlemen, Good morning, It is a great honor for me to be invited to attend this Global Summit on Merit Review.As the topic for this summit,merit review or peer review constitutes the core mechanism for science funding and functions as the life line of the quality of research projects funded. We are delighted to see that,after a series of regional meetings,6 principles for scientific merit review are proposed and will be established by a common declaration at this summit upon the consensus reached  相似文献   

Under a research project funded by NSFC,Prof.Zhu Jiankang and his team of Shanghai Center for Plant Stress Biology and Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology,Shanghai Institutes of Biological Sciences,CAS,achieved remarkable progress and their latest findings is published on Science online recently. Active DNA demethylation is an important part of epigenetic regulation in plants and animals.How active DNA demethylation is regulated and itsrelationship with histone modification patterns is unclear.  相似文献   

本文讨论了科研过程的合作性质和意义,重点研究了著名科技杂志中论文合著率,及其所反映的合作状况,发现合作首先是受研究领域和对象的制约的产物,而不是研究者之间友谊的结果;其次取决于科学研究的劳动性质。提出合作是科学研究自组织发展的结果,同时合作的出现,又进一步激励了科学研究,因而合作研究与科学发展本身是一个交互作用的“循环”过程,合作既是科研演化的结果,又是科研演化的动力  相似文献   

人脸识别技术是一种根据人脸视觉特征进行身份鉴定的一种生物特征识别技术,是图像处理、模式识别等领域的研究热点,广泛应用于各种领域。文章对目前国内外人脸识别研究中的主要方法、发展现状、存在的问题,以及人脸识别系统的应用等作了综述报告。  相似文献   

董尔丹  胡海  洪微 《科学通报》2013,58(1):53-62
转化医学是近年发展起来的新兴医学研究模式, 旨在促进基础医学的研究成果向实际医疗应用转化. 本文从医学发展进程、基础医学与医学各学科发展之间的关系阐述了转化医学产生的必然性, 转化医学研究的目的、特点和内容; 综述了转化医学研究的现状和促进转化医学发展的策略; 分析了我国转化医学研究存在的问题, 提出了对策和建议; 最后阐述了转化医学与其他新兴医学研究模式的内在联系.  相似文献   

可靠性地理国情动态监测的理论与关键技术探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
地理国情是一个国家的社会性质、政治、经济、文化等方面的空间化、可视化的国情信息.可靠的地理国情关系到国家重大决策的正确性.地理国情监测是中国2011年制定的一个新的国家发展方向,迫切需要提出相应的技术支撑体系.本文分析了可靠性地理国情动态监测的基本概念,提出了地理国情动态监测的总体研究框架,探讨了可靠性地理国情动态监测的可靠性分析与质量控制、时空动态建模等理论和方法,研究了空天地一体化的地理国情监测体系构建、可靠性非空间信息的空间化表达、可靠性地理国情动态变化检测、地理国情时空数据动态更新与一致性维护、地理国情动态监测数据的可靠性综合分析、地理国情动态监测的可靠性空间数据挖掘、地理国情监测辅助决策建模、可靠性地理国情监测的云计算框架、地理国情可视化技术、地理国情监测中的GNSS和手持终端技术、可靠性地理国情总动态评估技术等关键技术,并总结了地理国情动态监测需要解决的核心问题.  相似文献   

李颖洁 《自然杂志》2019,41(4):299-305
人的头皮上可以通过电极采集到电信号。这些电信号是非常微弱的,只有几十微伏。1924年德国医生Hans Berger首次在人头皮上记录到这种信号,并将其命名为electroencephalogram(EEG)。如今,脑电图已经成为医院的常规检查之一,更是脑科学研究中独特的研究工具。本文简要介绍了脑电信号的发现、发展以及主要应用,并讨论了脑电信号未来的研究方向和可能的应用前景。  相似文献   

挥发性有机物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)是大气中一类重要的污染物质,即使在低浓度下也会对人类的健康造成威胁。对VOCs的治理刻不容缓,而VOCs治理关键功能材料性能的优劣是整个VOCs治理技术的核心。文章总结了近年来用于吸附法、光催化法以及催化燃烧法治理VOCs的功能材料的最新科研成果,希望以此能够为将来VOCs治理材料的设计与研发提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

高效CO_2电催化还原生产低碳燃料和有价值的化学品,正成为一个热门的研究课题,其中发展高效电催化剂是关键技术之一。尽管催化材料的研究开发以及作用机理探究等已有越来越多的报道,但在活性、稳定性、选择性以及生产成本等方面,合成的催化剂还远不能满足实际要求,需要持续寻求更新颖的材料与合成技术。近年来,在众多被探索的电催化剂中,金属硫化物表现出优异的电催化性能和应用前景。文章围绕新型金属硫化物催化剂研究的现状进行全面回顾总结,并对未来的研究方向提出展望。  相似文献   

介绍了国外大豆主要生产国和中国的大豆收获面积、单产和总产情况。针对美国、巴西、阿根廷三国大豆科研概况,各国的研究范围、研究内容及成果展开论述。联系我国大豆育种,本着吸收信息、经验、促进和防止重复研究的目的进一步展开分析,为我们今后育种提供参考。  相似文献   

杜柯  胡国荣 《科学通报》2012,(10):794-804
富锂锰基固溶体xLi[Li1/3Mn2/3]O2.(1–x)LiMO2具有超过目前所用正极材料1倍的高比容量,是很有潜力的下一代锂离子电池用正极材料,但是其他电化学性能,特别是功率特性尚不能满足应用要求.从机理研究、合成工艺和性能改进3方面综述了富锂锰基固溶体型锂离子电池正极材料xLi[Li1/3Mn2/3]O2.(1–x)LiMO2的研究现状,提出了下一步的研究思路和方向.  相似文献   

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