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The K+ conductance in Myxicola giant axons activates in two phases which are pharmacologically separable. The fast phase of K+ activation is specifically inhibited by 4-aminopyridine and by the substitution of D2O for H2O. We suggest Myxicola giant axons, like the amphibian node of Ranvier, may possess more than one variety of K+ channel.  相似文献   

Summary At the frog neuromuscular junction tetraphenylboron produced a decrease in miniature endplate potential amplitude, accompanied by a decrease in the number but not the size of synaptic vesicles.This work was supported by NIH Grants Nos NS-07740 and NS-05707 to R. L. P. and was done during the tenure of a Research Fellowship of Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, a Wellcome Research Travel Grant and a grant from the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland to I. G. M. The assistance of Dr.R. M. Schnitzler, W. G. Boldosser andP. M. Spannbauer is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

The action of sinusoidal stretching at 1,5 Hz on primary ending frequencygrams due to repetitive stimulation of static gamma axons has been studied, in nembutalized cats, on flexor hallucis longus muscle spindles. Whenever, in static conditions, driving is elicited by the repetitive stimulation of gamma axons, the elementary components of the frequencygrams increase in amplitude during muscle stretch. This effect is not observed when the stimulation of the gamma axons gives a regular acceleration of the primary endings without "driving".  相似文献   

At the frog neuromuscular junction tetraphenylboron produced a decrease in miniature endplate potential amplitude, accompanied by a decrease in the number but not the size of synaptic vesicles.  相似文献   

Summary Electrical stimulation to the substantia nigra (Pars reticulata) produced a monosynaptic inhibition of the neurons of the ventromedial necleus of the thalamus in anesthetized cats.  相似文献   

Résumé On a enregistré des décharges de 17 fibres fusimotrices dont on suppose l'existence dans les filaments de racines ventrales des chats décérébrés. 8 fibres ont été inhibées par stimulation répétée de la portion centrale isolée du reste de la racine ventrale. Ces résultats montrent qu'il existe une inhibition antidromique dans les neurones fusimoteurs.  相似文献   

On a chronic preparation of an adult Rabbit, the cortical visual evoked response, produced by a weak luminous stimulation activating only the scotopic system is characterized by the suppression of the early surface-positive phase and by a lengthening of the latencies of the following deflection. The profile of the fields of potential corresponding to the various defletions in relation to the depth, has been investigated.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die durch sympathische Nervenreizung ausgelöste Vasoconstriktion im Hinterbein des Hundes wird durch Reserpinvorbehandlung aufgehoben. Die dazu benötigten Reserpindosen entsprechen denen, die am Herzen Verlust der Nervenfunktion und des Noradrenalingehaltes hervorrufen.

This work was supported by grants from the U.S. Public Health Service H-2205, the American Heart Association 59-G-11, and the Eugene Higgins Trust.  相似文献   

Summary 4 distinct electronic inputs can be identified in amphibian motoneurons perfused with calcium-free solution containing manganese. The differential effect of 4-aminopyridine on different electrotonic junctions may reflect the peculiarities of molecular architecture of potassium channels in different electrically excitable presynaptic membranes.We thank Prof. D. R. Curtis, of National University Canberra, for the gift of 4-aminopyridine.  相似文献   

Résumé Les potentiels conditionnants et les tests effectués sur la racine dorsale des deux cotés de la moelle montrent une sensibilité différenciée à l'asphyxie. Après le rétablissement de l'oxygénation la dépression du potentiel ipsilatéral testé est augmentée et les potentiels contralatéraux n'apparaissent qu'après un retard prolongé.  相似文献   

4 distinct electronic inputs can be identified in amphibian motoneurons perfused with calcium-free solution containing manganese. The differential effect of 4-aminopyridine on different electronic junctions may reflect the peculiarities of molecular architecture of potassium channels in different electrically excitable presynaptic membranes.  相似文献   

Summary The pulpal nerve fibres of feline incisors were examined ultrastructurally after i.v. administration of 6-OH-dopamine. The presence of degenerating unmyelinated fibres at this site provides conclusive morphological evidence that sympathetic fibres enter the dental pulp.  相似文献   

In the presence of Zn2+ (0.3 mM), carbachol (10–6 M) or histamine (10–5 M) induced the phasic response in guinea-pig taenia caeci while the tonic response was markedly inhibited. However, when the muscles were kept in Zn2+-containing medium following the first stimulation with either carbachol or histamine, neither application of carbachol nor of histamine elicited another phasic contraction. Caffeine (25 mM) did not induce contraction in the presence of Zn2+. After the washing out of caffeine in the presence of Zn2+, however, the muscle did then develop the phasic response on the application of carbachol or histamine. In conclusion, Zn2+ did not affect the carbachol or histamine-induced Ca2+ release from the storage sites. However, when Zn2+ was continuously present, Ca2+ was not supplied to the storage sites. Furthermore, carbachol and histamine mobilized a common cellular Ca2+ store, but they activated Ca2+ release channels different from the ones activated by caffeine in the Ca2+ storage sites.  相似文献   

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