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Mutations in the human presenilin genes cause the most frequent and aggressive forms of familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD). Here we show that in addition to its role in cell fate decisions in non-neuronal tissues, presenilin activity is required in terminally differentiated neurons in vivo. Mutations in the Caenorhabditis elegans presenilin genes sel-12 and hop-1 result in a defect in the temperature memory of the animals. This defect is caused by the loss of presenilin function in two cholinergic interneurons that display neurite morphology defects in presenilin mutants. The morphology and function of the affected neurons in sel-12 mutant animals can be restored by expressing sel-12 only in these cells. The wild-type human presenilin PS1, but not the FAD mutant PS1 A246E, can also rescue these morphological defects. As lin-12 mutant animals display similar morphological and functional defects to presenilin mutants, we suggest that presenilins mediate their activity in postmitotic neurons by facilitating Notch signalling. These data indicate cell-autonomous and evolutionarily conserved control of neural morphology and function by presenilins.  相似文献   

W C Forrester  M Dell  E Perens  G Garriga 《Nature》1999,400(6747):881-885
Ror kinases are a family of orphan receptors with tyrosine kinase activity that are related to muscle specific kinase (MuSK), a receptor tyrosine kinase that assembles acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction. Although the functions of Ror kinases are unknown, similarities between Ror and MuSK kinases have led to speculation that Ror kinases regulate synaptic development. Here we show that the Caenorhabditis elegans gene cam-1 encodes a member of the Ror kinase family that guides migrating cells and orients the polarity of asymmetric cell divisions and axon outgrowth. We find that tyrosine kinase activity is required for some of the functions of CAM-1, but not for its role in cell migration. CAM-1 is expressed in cells that require its function, and acts cell autonomously in migrating neurons. Overexpression and loss of cam-1 function result in reciprocal cell-migration phenotypes, indicating that levels of CAM-1 influence the final positions of migrating cells. Our results raise the possibility that Ror kinases regulate cell motility and asymmetric cell division in organisms as diverse as nematodes and mammals.  相似文献   

The mammalian olfactory system mediates various responses, including aversive behaviours to spoiled foods and fear responses to predator odours. In the olfactory bulb, each glomerulus represents a single species of odorant receptor. Because a single odorant can interact with several different receptor species, the odour information received in the olfactory epithelium is converted to a topographical map of multiple glomeruli activated in distinct areas in the olfactory bulb. To study how the odour map is interpreted in the brain, we generated mutant mice in which olfactory sensory neurons in a specific area of the olfactory epithelium are ablated by targeted expression of the diphtheria toxin gene. Here we show that, in dorsal-zone-depleted mice, the dorsal domain of the olfactory bulb was devoid of glomerular structures, although second-order neurons were present in the vacant areas. The mutant mice lacked innate responses to aversive odorants, even though they were capable of detecting them and could be conditioned for aversion with the remaining glomeruli. These results indicate that, in mice, aversive information is received in the olfactory bulb by separate sets of glomeruli, those dedicated for innate and those for learned responses.  相似文献   

AIY神经元作为线虫重要的中间神经元,一般认为在线虫的温度感受中发挥功能.分别进行的苯甲醛和硫酸铜的趋向性实验显示,AIY在线虫对于这两种化学物质的感受过程中起作用,而且对于硫酸铜的感受行使抑制功能.苯甲醛和硫酸铜的抉择实验显示,AIY在线虫中能够对这两种物质引起的信号进行整合,在ttv-3突变体中AIY神经元仍然可以行使整合的功能.但是无法判断该整合的功能是否完全无缺陷.  相似文献   

Although many properties of the nervous system are shared among animals and systems, it is not known whether different neuronal circuits use common strategies to guide behaviour. Here we characterize information processing by Caenorhabditis elegans olfactory neurons (AWC) and interneurons (AIB and AIY) that control food- and odour-evoked behaviours. Using calcium imaging and mutations that affect specific neuronal connections, we show that AWC neurons are activated by odour removal and activate the AIB interneurons through AMPA-type glutamate receptors. The level of calcium in AIB interneurons is elevated for several minutes after odour removal, a neuronal correlate to the prolonged behavioural response to odour withdrawal. The AWC neuron inhibits AIY interneurons through glutamate-gated chloride channels; odour presentation relieves this inhibition and results in activation of AIY interneurons. The opposite regulation of AIY and AIB interneurons generates a coordinated behavioural response. Information processing by this circuit resembles information flow from vertebrate photoreceptors to 'OFF' bipolar and 'ON' bipolar neurons, indicating a conserved or convergent strategy for sensory information processing.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Lu H  Bargmann CI 《Nature》2005,438(7065):179-184

Phagocytosis promotes programmed cell death in C. elegans.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
P W Reddien  S Cameron  H R Horvitz 《Nature》2001,412(6843):198-202
In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans programmed cell death requires the killer genes egl-1, ced-4 and ced-3 (refs 1 and 2), and the engulfment of dying cells requires the genes ced-1, ced-2, ced-5, ced-6, ced-7, ced-10 and ced-12 (refs 3,4,5). Here we show that engulfment promotes programmed cell death. Mutations that cause partial loss of function of killer genes allow the survival of some cells that are programmed to die, and mutations in engulfment genes enhance the frequency of this cell survival. Furthermore, mutations in engulfment genes alone allow the survival and differentiation of some cells that would normally die. Engulfment genes probably act in engulfing cells to promote death, as the expression in engulfing cells of ced-1, which encodes a receptor that recognizes cell corpses, rescues the cell-killing defects of ced-1 mutants. We propose that engulfing cells act to ensure that cells triggered to undergo programmed cell death by the CED-3 caspase die rather than recover after the initial stages of death.  相似文献   

Innate behaviours are flexible: they change rapidly in response to transient environmental conditions, and are modified slowly by changes in the genome. A classical flexible behaviour is the exploration-exploitation decision, which describes the time at which foraging animals choose to abandon a depleting food supply. We have used quantitative genetic analysis to examine the decision to leave a food patch in Caenorhabditis elegans. Here we show that patch-leaving is a multigenic trait regulated in part by naturally occurring non-coding polymorphisms in tyra-3 (tyramine receptor 3), which encodes a G-protein-coupled catecholamine receptor related to vertebrate adrenergic receptors. tyra-3 acts in sensory neurons that detect environmental cues, suggesting that the internal catecholamines detected by tyra-3 regulate responses to external conditions. These results indicate that genetic variation and environmental cues converge on common circuits to regulate behaviour, and suggest that catecholamines have an ancient role in regulating behavioural decisions.  相似文献   

Animals approach stimuli that predict a pleasant outcome. After the paired presentation of an odour and a reward, Drosophila melanogaster can develop a conditioned approach towards that odour. Despite recent advances in understanding the neural circuits for associative memory and appetitive motivation, the cellular mechanisms for reward processing in the fly brain are unknown. Here we show that a group of dopamine neurons in the protocerebral anterior medial (PAM) cluster signals sugar reward by transient activation and inactivation of target neurons in intact behaving flies. These dopamine neurons are selectively required for the reinforcing property of, but not a reflexive response to, the sugar stimulus. In vivo calcium imaging revealed that these neurons are activated by sugar ingestion and the activation is increased on starvation. The output sites of the PAM neurons are mainly localized to the medial lobes of the mushroom bodies (MBs), where appetitive olfactory associative memory is formed. We therefore propose that the PAM cluster neurons endow a positive predictive value to the odour in the MBs. Dopamine in insects is known to mediate aversive reinforcement signals. Our results highlight the cellular specificity underlying the various roles of dopamine and the importance of spatially segregated local circuits within the MBs.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial endonuclease G is important for apoptosis in C. elegans.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
J Parrish  L Li  K Klotz  D Ledwich  X Wang  D Xue 《Nature》2001,412(6842):90-94
Programmed cell death (apoptosis) is a tightly regulated process of cell disassembly in which dying cells and their nuclei shrink and fragment and the chromosomal DNA is degraded into internucleosomal repeats. Here we report the characterization of the cps-6 gene, which appears to function downstream of, or in parallel to, the cell-death protease CED-3 of Caenorhabditis elegans in the DNA degradation process during apoptosis. cps-6 encodes a homologue of human mitochondrial endonuclease G, and its protein product similarly localizes to mitochondria in C. elegans. Reduction of cps-6 activity caused by a genetic mutation or RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) affects normal DNA degradation, as revealed by increased staining in a TUNEL assay, and results in delayed appearance of cell corpses during development in C. elegans. This observation provides in vivo evidence that the DNA degradation process is important for proper progression of apoptosis. CPS-6 is the first mitochondrial protein identified to be involved in programmed cell death in C. elegans, underscoring the conserved and important role of mitochondria in the execution of apoptosis.  相似文献   

The long-term goal of this project is the elucidation of the complete sequence of the Caenorhabditis elegans genome. During the first year methods have been developed and a strategy implemented that is amenable to large-scale sequencing. The three cosmids sequenced in this initial phase are surprisingly rich in genes, many of which have mammalian homologues.  相似文献   

B R Talamo  R Rudel  K S Kosik  V M Lee  S Neff  L Adelman  J S Kauer 《Nature》1989,337(6209):736-739
Alzheimer's disease is a central nervous system disorder characterized by the presence of neurofibrillary tangles, neuritic plaques and dystrophic neurites in susceptible areas of the brain. Investigation of the mechanism and development of the disease has been hampered by the lack of an animal model and the inaccessibility of neural tissue during the illness. Deficits in odour detection and discrimination are among the signs of Alzheimer's and previous anatomical studies suggest that olfactory pathways may be involved early in the illness. Neurons in the olfactory epithelium, which are of central origin, are relatively accessible for biopsy and could be used as a source of living nerve cells for the study of Alzheimer's disease if they can be shown to have characteristics of this disease. As these neurons have the unusual property of arising from stem cells throughout the life of the organism, they are good candidates for the development of cell cultures or cell lines which may express the disorder from living patients. We report here that nasal epithelium tissue taken at autopsy shows unique pathological changes in morphology, distribution and immunoreactivity of neuronal structures in patients with Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Grill SW  Gönczy P  Stelzer EH  Hyman AA 《Nature》2001,409(6820):630-633
Cell divisions that create daughter cells of different sizes are crucial for the generation of cell diversity during animal development. In such asymmetric divisions, the mitotic spindle must be asymmetrically positioned at the end of anaphase. The mechanisms by which cell polarity translates to asymmetric spindle positioning remain unclear. Here we examine the nature of the forces governing asymmetric spindle positioning in the single-cell-stage Caenorhabditis elegans embryo. To reveal the forces that act on each spindle pole, we removed the central spindle in living embryos either physically with an ultraviolet laser microbeam, or genetically by RNA-mediated interference of a kinesin. We show that pulling forces external to the spindle act on the two spindle poles. A stronger net force acts on the posterior pole, thereby explaining the overall posterior displacement seen in wild-type embryos. We also show that the net force acting on each spindle pole is under control of the par genes that are required for cell polarity along the anterior-posterior embryonic axis. Finally, we discuss simple mathematical models that describe the main features of spindle pole behaviour. Our work suggests a mechanism for generating asymmetry in spindle positioning by varying the net pulling force that acts on each spindle pole, thus allowing for the generation of daughter cells with different sizes.  相似文献   

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