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使用矩阵对角化方法,研究了磁场中两电子量子环自旋单态和三重态的电学和光学性质,发现磁场强度对两电子量子环的能谱和光吸收有强烈的影响.计算结果显示两电子量子环的光吸收系数可以达到107/m,这个结果要比两电子量子点高一个数量级.通过引入磁场和改变量子环半径可以获得较大的吸收系数.  相似文献   

Cook RL  Martin PJ  Geremia JM 《Nature》2007,446(7137):774-777
Quantum mechanics hinders our ability to determine the state of a physical system in two ways: individual measurements provide only partial information about the observed system (because of Heisenberg uncertainty), and measurements are themselves invasive-meaning that little or no refinement is achieved by further observation of an already measured system. Theoretical methods have been developed to maximize the information gained from a quantum measurement while also minimizing disturbance, but laboratory implementation of optimal measurement procedures is often difficult. The standard class of operations considered in quantum information theory tends to rely on superposition-basis and entangled measurements, which require high-fidelity implementation to be effective in the laboratory. Here we demonstrate that real-time quantum feedback can be used in place of a delicate quantum superposition, often called a 'Schr?dinger cat state', to implement an optimal quantum measurement for discriminating between optical coherent states. Our procedure actively manipulates the target system during the measurement process, and uses quantum feedback to modify the statistics of an otherwise sub-optimal operator to emulate the optimal cat-state measurement. We verify a long-standing theoretical prediction and demonstrate feedback-mediated quantum measurement at its fundamental quantum limit over a non-trivial region of parameter space.  相似文献   

The spin of an electron is a natural two-level system for realizing a quantum bit in the solid state. For an electron trapped in a semiconductor quantum dot, strong quantum confinement highly suppresses the detrimental effect of phonon-related spin relaxation. However, this advantage is offset by the hyperfine interaction between the electron spin and the 10(4) to 10(6) spins of the host nuclei in the quantum dot. Random fluctuations in the nuclear spin ensemble lead to fast spin decoherence in about ten nanoseconds. Spin-echo techniques have been used to mitigate the hyperfine interaction, but completely cancelling the effect is more attractive. In principle, polarizing all the nuclear spins can achieve this but is very difficult to realize in practice. Exploring materials with zero-spin nuclei is another option, and carbon nanotubes, graphene quantum dots and silicon have been proposed. An alternative is to use a semiconductor hole. Unlike an electron, a valence hole in a quantum dot has an atomic p orbital which conveniently goes to zero at the location of all the nuclei, massively suppressing the interaction with the nuclear spins. Furthermore, in a quantum dot with strong strain and strong quantization, the heavy hole with spin-3/2 behaves as a spin-1/2 system and spin decoherence mechanisms are weak. We demonstrate here high fidelity (about 99 per cent) initialization of a single hole spin confined to a self-assembled quantum dot by optical pumping. Our scheme works even at zero magnetic field, demonstrating a negligible hole spin hyperfine interaction. We determine a hole spin relaxation time at low field of about one millisecond. These results suggest a route to the realization of solid-state quantum networks that can intra-convert the spin state with the polarization of a photon.  相似文献   

Control of spontaneously emitted light lies at the heart of quantum optics. It is essential for diverse applications ranging from miniature lasers and light-emitting diodes, to single-photon sources for quantum information, and to solar energy harvesting. To explore such new quantum optics applications, a suitably tailored dielectric environment is required in which the vacuum fluctuations that control spontaneous emission can be manipulated. Photonic crystals provide such an environment: they strongly modify the vacuum fluctuations, causing the decay of emitted light to be accelerated or slowed down, to reveal unusual statistics, or to be completely inhibited in the ideal case of a photonic bandgap. Here we study spontaneous emission from semiconductor quantum dots embedded in inverse opal photonic crystals. We show that the spectral distribution and time-dependent decay of light emitted from excitons confined in the quantum dots are controlled by the host photonic crystal. Modified emission is observed over large frequency bandwidths of 10%, orders of magnitude larger than reported for resonant optical microcavities. Both inhibited and enhanced decay rates are observed depending on the optical emission frequency, and they are controlled by the crystals' lattice parameter. Our experimental results provide a basis for all-solid-state dynamic control of optical quantum systems.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated preparing and rotating single neutral rubidium atoms in an optical ring lattice generated by a spatial light modulator, inserting two atoms into a single microscopic optical potential efficiently by dynamically reshaping the optical dipole trap, trapping single atoms in a blue detuned optical bottle beam trap, and confining single atoms into the Lamb-Dicke regime by combining red and blue detuned optical potentials. In combination with the manipulation of internal states of single atoms, the study is opening a way for research in the field of quantum information processing and quantum simulation. In this paper we review the past works and discuss the prospects.  相似文献   

研究外加电场以及荷电杂质电场对量子环上双电子激发态的影响.结果表明:激发态对含有双电子的量子环中的能谱和持续电流具有控制作用,在某些情况下相邻能级和持续电流的振幅可增至几个数量级.该结论对于设计和研制微器件具有指导意义.  相似文献   

从理论上研究了正切平方势量子阱的光整流特性.利用有效质量近似,通过对系统的薛定谔方程的求解,得到了系统的能级与波函数.使用密度矩阵理论和迭代法,给出了系统的光整流的表达式.结果表明:随着限制势高度V0的增大,光整流的峰值逐渐变小,并且向着能量高的区域移动;当限制势宽度d逐渐增加,光整流的峰值也在增大,且向着低能量方向移...  相似文献   

Atomic clocks operating at microwave region,are divided into two categories according to the mode of operation,namely the passive mode,in which the standard frequency of a clock signal is locked on to a very narrow atomic spectral line such as in cesium beam and  相似文献   

研究了受激辐射相互作用下两原子体系的量子纠缠特性.运用量子绝热近似方法,获得了体系的有效哈密顿量,讨论了在该哈密顿量下两原子量子纠缠的动力学演化.研究结果说明,在大失谐条件下,受激辐射相互作用可以将两原子制备到最大纠缠的Bell态,在退相干时间内,原子的自发辐射及热环境对量子纠缠的影响不大.  相似文献   

利用Q-开关Nd:YAG激光器产生的1.06μm、10ns的脉冲激光聚焦在空气中的Cu靶上,观测了激光诱导的Cu等离子体发射光谱.采用激光能量为45mJ/pulse,分析了波长为440~540nm的空间分辨发射光谱.在局部热力学平衡(LTE)条件近似下,根据谱线的相对强度,得到等离子体电子温度约在10^4K以上.给出了靶面附近电子温度和谱线半高全宽的空间演化规律.  相似文献   

Anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) are slowly rotating neutron stars with very bright and highly variable X-ray emission that are believed to be powered by ultra-strong magnetic fields of >10(14) G, according to the 'magnetar' model. The radio pulsations that have been observed from more than 1,700 neutron stars with weaker magnetic fields have never been detected from any of the dozen known magnetars. The X-ray pulsar XTE J1810-197 was revealed (in 2003) as the first AXP with transient emission when its luminosity increased 100-fold from the quiescent level; a coincident radio source of unknown origin was detected one year later. Here we show that XTE J1810-197 emits bright, narrow, highly linearly polarized radio pulses, observed at every rotation, thereby establishing that magnetars can be radio pulsars. There is no evidence of radio emission before the 2003 X-ray outburst (unlike ordinary pulsars, which emit radio pulses all the time), and the flux varies from day to day. The flux at all radio frequencies is approximately equal--and at >20 GHz XTE J1810-197 is currently the brightest neutron star known. These observations link magnetars to ordinary radio pulsars, rule out alternative accretion models for AXPs, and provide a new window into the coronae of magnetars.  相似文献   

利用量子力学中的密度矩阵算符理论导出了加偏置电场量子阱中的二阶非线性光学极化率,得到了该系统的二次谐波产生系数的解析表达式。以典型的G aA s/A lG aA s量子阱为例作了数值计算,结果表明:二次谐波产生系数比相应体材料中的二次谐波产生系数大10倍以上,同时偏置电场强度对该系统的二次谐波产生系数有较大的影响,为实验上研究量子阱的非线性光学效应提供了必要的理论依据。  相似文献   

The self-assembly of semiconductor quantum dots has opened up new opportunities in photonics. Quantum dots are usually described as 'artificial atoms', because electron and hole confinement gives rise to discrete energy levels. This picture can be justified from the shell structure observed as a quantum dot is filled either with excitons (bound electron-hole pairs) or with electrons. The discrete energy levels have been most spectacularly exploited in single photon sources that use a single quantum dot as emitter. At low temperatures, the artificial atom picture is strengthened by the long coherence times of excitons in quantum dots, motivating the application of quantum dots in quantum optics and quantum information processing. In this context, excitons in quantum dots have already been manipulated coherently. We show here that quantum dots can also possess electronic states that go far beyond the artificial atom model. These states are a coherent hybridization of localized quantum dot states and extended continuum states: they have no analogue in atomic physics. The states are generated by the emission of a photon from a quantum dot. We show how a new version of the Anderson model that describes interactions between localized and extended states can account for the observed hybridization.  相似文献   

Weak cross-Kerr media provides additional degrees of freedom of qubits in quantum information processing. In this paper, by exploiting weak cross-Kerr nonlinearity, we propose an optical implementation scheme of one-dimensional quantum random walks. The random walks are described by the interaction of single photons with cross-Kerr media. The proposed scheme can also be used to implement one-dimensional quantum random walks on an infinite line.  相似文献   

In this study, we have constructed a simple, sensitive and rapid biosensor for detection of acetylcholine esterase (AChE) based on CdTe quantum dots (QDs). The detection limit of AChE by one-step enzyme reaction based on the thiolglycolic acid (TGA) stabilized QDs (TGA-QDs) was 10 U/L and the linear range was 10-100 and 100-1200 U/L, respectively. The detection limit of AChE by two-step enzyme reaction based on the 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MGA) stabilized QDs (MGA-QDs) was found to be 20 U/L and the linear range was 100-2500 U/L. The experimental conditions of biosensors were optimized, and the detection mechanism was studied. We also detected AChE in serum samples based on TGA-QDs or MGA-QDs. The linear range was 10-140 and 50-1000 U/L, respectively. The excellent performance of this novel biosensor demonstrated that this strategy has prodigious potential to be applied in practice detection of AChE.  相似文献   

设Λq是特征不为2的域k上的二元量子外代数的Z2-Galois覆盖.Λq的Hochschlid上同调环的乘法结构被用平行路的语言加以刻画,从而确定其上同调环.  相似文献   

利用连续激光激发钠原子,在钠原子D1谱线的激发谱中发现了两个凹, 研究了相干驱动场激励下的三级级系统激发谱并进行计算和分析,给出了激发谱的变化规律,得到了与实验一致的结果,实验与理论分析表明,激发谱中的凹陷与量子干涉效应密切相关。  相似文献   

Optical frequency comb generation from a monolithic microresonator   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Optical frequency combs provide equidistant frequency markers in the infrared, visible and ultraviolet, and can be used to link an unknown optical frequency to a radio or microwave frequency reference. Since their inception, frequency combs have triggered substantial advances in optical frequency metrology and precision measurements and in applications such as broadband laser-based gas sensing and molecular fingerprinting. Early work generated frequency combs by intra-cavity phase modulation; subsequently, frequency combs have been generated using the comb-like mode structure of mode-locked lasers, whose repetition rate and carrier envelope phase can be stabilized. Here we report a substantially different approach to comb generation, in which equally spaced frequency markers are produced by the interaction between a continuous-wave pump laser of a known frequency with the modes of a monolithic ultra-high-Q microresonator via the Kerr nonlinearity. The intrinsically broadband nature of parametric gain makes it possible to generate discrete comb modes over a 500-nm-wide span (approximately 70 THz) around 1,550 nm without relying on any external spectral broadening. Optical-heterodyne-based measurements reveal that cascaded parametric interactions give rise to an optical frequency comb, overcoming passive cavity dispersion. The uniformity of the mode spacing has been verified to within a relative experimental precision of 7.3 x 10(-18). In contrast to femtosecond mode-locked lasers, this work represents a step towards a monolithic optical frequency comb generator, allowing considerable reduction in size, complexity and power consumption. Moreover, the approach can operate at previously unattainable repetition rates, exceeding 100 GHz, which are useful in applications where access to individual comb modes is required, such as optical waveform synthesis, high capacity telecommunications or astrophysical spectrometer calibration.  相似文献   

全无机钙钛矿CsPbI3量子点具有发射谱线窄、荧光量子产率高和稳定性强等特点,在红光LEDs和新型太阳电池领域具有广阔的应用前景.本文通过热注入法在正己烷溶剂中合成了CsPbI3 量子点, 并对其结构和光学特性进行表征,结果表明,量子点主要的发光机制是量子限制区自由激子复合.通过改变溶剂的种类(正己烷、甲苯、乙酸乙酯、乙酸甲酯)对量子点的光学特性进行了调整,研究发现随着溶剂极性的增加,发光峰位从615 nm红移至660 nm,这是因为极性溶剂对量子点表面具有修饰作用,通过改变溶液极性实现CsPbI3量子点发光峰位调节的条件为制备波长可调的光电器件提供了一定的实验参考.  相似文献   

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