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Selective agenesis of the dorsal pancreas in mice lacking homeobox gene Hlxb9.   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The initial stages of pancreatic development occur early during mammalian embryogenesis, but the genes governing this process remain largely unknown. The homeodomain protein Pdx1 is expressed in the developing pancreatic anlagen from the approximately 10-somite stage, and mutations in the gene Pdx1 prevent the development of the pancreas. The initial stages of pancreatic development, however, still occur in Pdx1-deficient mice. Hlxb9 (encoding Hb9; ref. 6) is a homeobox gene that in humans has been linked to dominant inherited sacral agenesis and we show here that Hb9 is expressed at early stages of mouse pancreatic development and later in differentiated beta-cells. Hlxb9 has an essential function in the initial stages of pancreatic development. In absence of Hlxb9 expression, the dorsal region of the gut epithelium fails to initiate a pancreatic differentiation program. In contrast, the ventral pancreatic endoderm develops but exhibits a later and more subtle perturbation in beta-cell differentiation and in islet cell organization. Thus, dorsally Hlxb9 is required for specifying the gut epithelium to a pancreatic fate and ventrally for ensuring proper endocrine cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Haploinsufficiency for human EYA1, a homologue of the Drosophila melanogaster gene eyes absent (eya), results in the dominantly inherited disorders branchio-oto-renal (BOR) syndrome and branchio-oto (BO) syndrome, which are characterized by craniofacial abnormalities and hearing loss with (BOR) or without (BO) kidney defects. To understand the developmental pathogenesis of organs affected in these syndromes, we inactivated the gene Eya1 in mice. Eya1 heterozygotes show renal abnormalities and a conductive hearing loss similar to BOR syndrome, whereas Eya1 homozygotes lack ears and kidneys due to defective inductive tissue interactions and apoptotic regression of the organ primordia. Inner ear development in Eya1 homozygotes arrests at the otic vesicle stage and all components of the inner ear and specific cranial sensory ganglia fail to form. In the kidney, Eya1 homozygosity results in an absence of ureteric bud outgrowth and a subsequent failure of metanephric induction. Gdnf expression, which is required to direct ureteric bud outgrowth via activation of the c-ret Rtk (refs 5, 6, 7, 8), is not detected in Eya1-/- metanephric mesenchyme. In Eya1-/- ear and kidney development, Six but not Pax expression is Eya1 dependent, similar to a genetic pathway elucidated in the Drosophila eye imaginal disc. Our results indicate that Eya1 controls critical early inductive signalling events involved in ear and kidney formation and integrate Eya1 into the genetic regulatory cascade controlling kidney formation upstream of Gdnf. In addition, our results suggest that an evolutionarily conserved Pax-Eya-Six regulatory hierarchy is used in mammalian ear and kidney development.  相似文献   

The gamete fusion process is defective in eggs of Cd9-deficient mice   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The cell-surface molecule Cd9, a member of the transmembrane-4 superfamily, interacts with the integrin family and other membrane proteins. and is postulated to participate in cell migration and adhesion. Expression of Cd9 enhances membrane fusion between muscle cells and promotes viral infection in some cells. Fertilization also involves membrane fusion, between gametes. In mammals, the sperm binds to microvilli on the egg surface, and sperm-egg membrane fusion first occurs around the equatorial region of the sperm head12. The fused membrane is then disrupted, and the sperm nucleus as well as the cytoplasm is incorporated into the egg. Cd9 is expressed on the plasma membrane of the mouse egg, and an anti-Cd9 monoclonal antibody inhibits sperm-egg surface interactions. We generated Cd9 mice and found that homozygous mutant females were infertile. Sperm-egg binding was normal, but sperm-egg fusion was almost entirely inhibited in eggs from Cd9 females. Intracellular Ca2 oscillations, which signal fertilization, were absent in almost all mutant eggs; in rare cases, a response occurred after a long time period. In normal animals, Cd9 molecules were expressed on the egg microvilli and became densely concentrated at the sperm attachment site. Thus, our results show that Cd9 is important in the gamete fusion process at fertilization.  相似文献   

Meiotic arrest and aneuploidy in MLH3-deficient mice   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
MutL homolog 3 (Mlh3) is a member of a family of proteins conserved during evolution and having dual roles in DNA mismatch repair and meiosis. The pathway in eukaryotes consists of the DNA-binding components, which are the homologs of the bacterial MutS protein (MSH 2 6), and the MutL homologs, which bind to the MutS homologs and are essential for the repair process. Three of the six homologs of MutS that function in these processes, Msh2, Msh3 and Msh6, are involved in the mismatch repair of mutations, frameshifts and replication errors, and two others, Msh4 and Msh5, have specific roles in meiosis. Of the four MutL homologs, Mlh1, Mlh3, Pms1 and Pms2, three are involved in mismatch repair and at least two, Pms2 and Mlh1, are essential for meiotic progression in both yeast and mice. To assess the role of Mlh3 in mammalian meiosis, we have generated and characterized Mlh3(-/-) mice. Here we show that Mlh3(-/-) mice are viable but sterile. Mlh3 is required for Mlh1 binding to meiotic chromosomes and localizes to meiotic chromosomes from the mid pachynema stage of prophase I. Mlh3(-/-) spermatocytes reach metaphase before succumbing to apoptosis, but oocytes fail to complete meiosis I after fertilization. Our results show that Mlh3 has an essential and distinct role in mammalian meiosis.  相似文献   

Features of systemic lupus erythematosus in Dnase1-deficient mice   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multifactorial autoimmune disease that affects over one million people in the United States. SLE is characterized by the presence of anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) directed against naked DNA and entire nucleosomes. It is thought that the resulting immune complexes accumulate in vessel walls, glomeruli and joints and cause a hypersensitivity reaction type III, which manifests as glomerulonephritis, arthritis and general vasculitis. The aetiology of SLE is unknown, but several studies suggest that increased liberation or disturbed clearance of nuclear DNA-protein complexes after cell death may initiate and propagate the disease. Consequently, Dnase1, which is the major nuclease present in serum, urine and secreta, may be responsible for the removal of DNA from nuclear antigens at sites of high cell turnover and thus for the prevention of SLE (refs 7-11). To test this hypothesis, we have generated Dnase1-deficient mice by gene targeting. We report here that these animals show the classical symptoms of SLE, namely the presence of ANA, the deposition of immune complexes in glomeruli and full-blown glomerulonephritis in a Dnase1-dose-dependent manner. Moreover, in agreement with earlier reports, we found Dnase1 activities in serum to be lower in SLE patients than in normal subjects. Our findings suggest that lack or reduction of Dnase1 is a critical factor in the initiation of human SLE.  相似文献   

Loss of tight association between epidermis and dermis underlies several blistering disorders and is frequently caused by impaired function of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. Here we describe a new protein in mouse, Fras1, that is specifically detected in a linear fashion underlying the epidermis and the basal surface of other epithelia in embryos. Loss of Fras1 function results in the formation of subepidermal hemorrhagic blisters as well as unilateral or bilateral renal agenesis during mouse embryogenesis. Postnatally, homozygous Fras1 mutants have fusion of the eyelids and digits and unilateral renal agenesis or dysplasia. The defects observed in Fras1-/- mice phenocopy those of the existing bl (blebbed) mouse mutants, which have been considered a model for the human genetic disorder Fraser syndrome. We show that bl/bl homozygous embryos are devoid of Fras1 protein, consistent with the finding that Fras1 is mutated in these mice. In sum, our data suggest that perturbations in the composition of the extracellular space underlying epithelia could account for the onset of the blebbed phenotype in mouse and Fraser syndrome manifestation in human.  相似文献   

Male embryonic mice with mutations in the X-linked aristaless-related homeobox gene (Arx) developed with small brains due to suppressed proliferation and regional deficiencies in the forebrain. These mice also showed aberrant migration and differentiation of interneurons containing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAergic interneurons) in the ganglionic eminence and neocortex as well as abnormal testicular differentiation. These characteristics recapitulate some of the clinical features of X-linked lissencephaly with abnormal genitalia (XLAG) in humans. We found multiple loss-of-function mutations in ARX in individuals affected with XLAG and in some female relatives, and conclude that mutation of ARX causes XLAG. The present report is, to our knowledge, the first to use phenotypic analysis of a knockout mouse to identify a gene associated with an X-linked human brain malformation.  相似文献   

Sox9 induces testis development in XX transgenic mice.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Mutations in SOX9 are associated with male-to-female sex reversal in humans. To analyze Sox9 function during sex determination, we ectopically expressed this gene in XX gonads. Here, we show that Sox9 is sufficient to induce testis formation in mice, indicating that it can substitute for the sex-determining gene Sry.  相似文献   

Mutations in the gene encoding ATP-binding cassette transporter 1 ( ABC1) have been reported in Tangier disease (TD), an autosomal recessive disorder that is characterized by almost complete absence of plasma high-density lipoprotein (HDL), deposition of cholesteryl esters in the reticulo-endothelial system (RES) and aberrant cellular lipid trafficking. We demonstrate here that mice with a targeted inactivation of Abc1 display morphologic abnormalities and perturbations in their lipoprotein metabolism concordant with TD. ABC1 is expressed on the plasma membrane and the Golgi complex, mediates apo-AI associated export of cholesterol and phospholipids from the cell, and is regulated by cholesterol flux. Structural and functional abnormalities in caveolar processing and the trans-Golgi secretory pathway of cells lacking functional ABC1 indicate that lipid export processes involving vesicular budding between the Golgi and the plasma membrane are severely disturbed.  相似文献   

Many quantitative trait loci (QTLs) contributing to genetically complex conditions have been discovered, but few causative genes have been identified. This is mainly due to the large size of QTLs and the subtle connection between genotype and quantitative phenotype associated with these conditions. Transgenic mice have been successfully used to analyse well-characterized genes suspected of contributing to quantitative traits. Although this approach is powerful for examining one gene at a time, it can be impractical for surveying the large genomic intervals containing many genes that are typically associated with QTLs. To screen for genes contributing to an asthma QTL mapped to human chromosome 5q3 (refs 6,7), we characterized a panel of large-insert 5q31 transgenics based on studies demonstrating that altering gene dosage frequently affects quantitative phenotypes normally influenced by that gene. This panel of human YAC transgenics, propagating a 1-Mb interval of chromosome 5q31 containing 6 cytokine genes and 17 partially characterized genes, was screened for quantitative changes in several asthma-associated phenotypes. Multiple independent transgenic lines with altered IgE response to antigen treatment shared a 180-kb region containing 5 genes, including those encoding human interleukin 4 (IL4) and interleukin 13 (IL13 ), which induce IgE class switching in B cells. Further analysis of these mice and mice transgenic for mouse Il4 and Il13 demonstrated that moderate changes in Il4 and Il13 expression affect asthma-associated phenotypes in vivo. This functional screen of large-insert transgenics enabled us to identify genes that influence the QTL phenotype in vivo.  相似文献   

Succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH5A1, encoding SSADH deficiency is a defect of 4-aminobutyric acid (GABA) degradation that manifests in humans as 4-hydroxybutyric (gamma-hydroxybutyric, GHB) aciduria. It is characterized by a non-specific neurological disorder including psychomotor retardation, language delay, seizures, hypotonia and ataxia. The current therapy, vigabatrin (VGB), is not uniformly successful. Here we report the development of Aldh5a1-deficient mice. At postnatal day 16-22 Aldh5a1-/- mice display ataxia and develop generalized seizures leading to rapid death. We observed increased amounts of GHB and total GABA in urine, brain and liver homogenates and detected significant gliosis in the hippocampus of Aldh5a1-/- mice. We found therapeutic intervention with phenobarbital or phenytoin ineffective, whereas intervention with vigabatrin or the GABAB receptor antagonist CGP 35348 (ref. 2) prevented tonic-clonic convulsions and significantly enhanced survival of the mutant mice. Because neurologic deterioration coincided with weaning, we hypothesized the presence of a protective compound in breast milk. Indeed, treatment of mutant mice with the amino acid taurine rescued Aldh5a1-/- mice. These findings provide insight into pathomechanisms and may have therapeutic relevance for the human SSADH deficiency disease and GHB overdose and toxicity.  相似文献   

Angle-closure glaucoma (ACG) is a subset of glaucoma affecting 16 million people. Although 4 million people are bilaterally blind from ACG, the causative molecular mechanisms of ACG remain to be defined. High intraocular pressure induces glaucoma in ACG. High intraocular pressure traditionally was suggested to result from the iris blocking or closing the angle of the eye, thereby limiting aqueous humor drainage. Eyes from individuals with ACG often have a modestly decreased axial length, shallow anterior chamber and relatively large lens, features that predispose to angle closure. Here we show that genetic alteration of a previously unidentified serine protease (PRSS56) alters axial length and causes a mouse phenotype resembling ACG. Mutations affecting this protease also cause a severe decrease of axial length in individuals with posterior microphthalmia. Together, these data suggest that alterations of this serine protease may contribute to a spectrum of human ocular conditions including reduced ocular size and ACG.  相似文献   

Genetic disorders affecting the central nervous system (CNS) can potentially be treated by gene transfer using vectors which infect and express genes in post-mitotic neurons. Herpesviruses establish latent infections in neurons during which only one viral gene (LAT) is expressed, thus the LAT promoter may express foreign genes in latently infected CNS cells. Expression of a beta-glucuronidase gene driven by the LAT promoter was tested in mice lacking this enzyme, which are a model for a human genetic disease affecting the CNS (mucopolysaccharidosis VII, Sly disease). Cells expressing the missing enzymatic activity were present in the trigeminal ganglia and brainstems of latently infected animals, up to four months post-inoculation, demonstrating the potential of this approach for the long-term expression of foreign genes in the CNS.  相似文献   

Shukla V  Coumoul X  Wang RH  Kim HS  Deng CX 《Nature genetics》2007,39(9):1145-1150
Premature fusion of one or more of the cranial sutures (craniosynostosis) in humans causes over 100 skeletal diseases, which occur in 1 of approximately 2,500 live births. Among them is Apert syndrome, one of the most severe forms of craniosynostosis, primarily caused by missense mutations leading to amino acid changes S252W or P253R in fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2). Here we show that a small hairpin RNA targeting the dominant mutant form of Fgfr2 (Fgfr2(S252W)) completely prevents Apert-like syndrome in mice. Restoration of normal FGFR2 signaling is manifested by an alteration of the activity of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2), implicating the gene encoding ERK and the genes downstream of it in disease expressivity. Furthermore, treatment of the mutant mice with U0126, an inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase kinase 1 and 2 (MEK1/2) that blocks phosphorylation and activation of ERK1/2, significantly inhibits craniosynostosis. These results illustrate a pathogenic role for ERK activation in craniosynostosis resulting from FGFR2 with the S252W substitution and introduce a new concept of small-molecule inhibitor-mediated prevention and therapy for diseases caused by gain-of-function mutations in the human genome.  相似文献   

X-linked dominant disorders that are exclusively lethal prenatally in hemizygous males have been described in human and mouse. None of the genes responsible has been isolated in either species. The bare patches (Bpa) and striated (Str) mouse mutations were originally identified in female offspring of X-irradiated males. Subsequently, additional independent alleles were described. We have previously mapped these X-linked dominant, male-lethal mutations to an overlapping region of 600 kb that is homologous to human Xq28 (ref. 4) and identified several candidate genes in this interval. Here we report mutations in one of these genes, Nsdhl, encoding an NAD(P)H steroid dehydrogenase-like protein, in two independent Bpa and three independent Str alleles. Quantitative analysis of sterols from tissues of affected Bpa mice support a role for Nsdhl in cholesterol biosynthesis. Our results demonstrate that Bpa and Str are allelic mutations and identify the first mammalian locus associated with an X-linked dominant, male-lethal phenotype. They also expand the spectrum of phenotypes associated with abnormalities of cholesterol metabolism.  相似文献   

High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) are anti-atherogenic lipoproteins that have a major role in transporting cholesterol from peripheral tissues to the liver, where it is removed. Epidemiologic studies have shown that low levels of high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) are associated with an increased incidence of coronary heart disease and an increased mortality rate, indicating a protective role of high concentrations of HDL-C against atherogenesis and the development of coronary heart disease. HDL-C level is influenced by several genetic and nongenetic factors. Nongenetic factors include smoking, which has been shown to decrease the HDL-C level. Exercise and alcohol have been shown to increase HDL-C levels. Decreased HDL-C is often associated with other coronary heart disease risk factors such as obesity, hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, hypertriglyceridemia and hypertension. Although several genes have been identified for rare forms of dyslipidemia, the genes accounting for major variation in HDL-C levels have yet to be identified. Using a multipoint variance components linkage approach, we found strong evidence of linkage (lod score=3.4; P=0.00004) of a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for HDL-C level to a genetic location between markers D9S925 and D9S741 on chromosome 9p in Mexican Americans. A replication study in an independent set of Mexican American families confirmed the existence of a QTL on chromosome 9p.  相似文献   

Cancer predisposition in hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) is caused by defects in DNA mismatch repair (MMR). Mismatch recognition is attributed to two heterodimeric protein complexes: MutSalpha (refs 2, 3, 4, 5), a dimer of MutS homologues MSH2 and MSH6; and MutSbeta (refs 2,7), a dimer of MSH2 and MSH3. These complexes have specific and redundant mismatch recognition capacity. Whereas MSH2 deficiency ablates the activity of both dimers, causing strong cancer predisposition in mice and men, loss of MSH3 or MSH6 (also known as GTBP) function causes a partial MMR defect. This may explain the rarity of MSH6 and absence of MSH3 germline mutations in HNPCC families. To test this, we have inactivated the mouse genes Msh3 (formerly Rep3 ) and Msh6 (formerly Gtmbp). Msh6-deficient mice were prone to cancer; most animals developed lymphomas or epithelial tumours originating from the skin and uterus but only rarely from the intestine. Msh3 deficiency did not cause cancer predisposition, but in an Msh6 -deficient background, loss of Msh3 accelerated intestinal tumorigenesis. Lymphomagenesis was not affected. Furthermore, mismatch-directed anti-recombination and sensitivity to methylating agents required Msh2 and Msh6, but not Msh3. Thus, loss of MMR functions specific to Msh2/Msh6 is sufficient for lymphoma development in mice, whereas predisposition to intestinal cancer requires loss of function of both Msh2/Msh6 and Msh2/Msh3.  相似文献   

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