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Summary Emericid is a new polyether polycyclic ionophore antibiotic excreted byStreptomyces hygroscopicus (DS 24 367). Active in vitro against Gram-positive bacteria, it is ineffective in vivo. At a 0.006–0.02% level in the diet it protects chickens and rabbits against coccidiosis.From a recent paper byN. Otake (Tetrahedron Lett.1970, 4147) emericid and lonomycin would be identical.  相似文献   

Summary Whereas in last instar larvae ofL. pomonella kept under long-day-conditions (LD), the JH-titer is temporarily reduced to zero, it stays relatively high in short-day-conditioned (SD) larvae which enter diapause. Application of JH or a juvenoid to LD-larvae results in diapause, if the treated insects are kept under SD-conditions. From these results it is concluded that inL. pomonella diapause is initiated by a relatively high titer of JH during the last larval instar.  相似文献   

This paper presents the main features of the treatise on magnetism written by the Jesuit Leonardo Garzoni (1543–92). The treatise was believed to be lost, but a copy of it has been recently recovered. The treatise is briefly described and analysed. The results of a comparison between Garzoni's treatise, Della Porta's Magia Naturalis (1589), and Gilbert's De Magnete (1600) are also summarized. As claimed in the seventeenth century by Niccolò Cabeo and Niccolò Zucchi, the treatise contains quite a lot of the material to be found subsequently in the Magia Naturalis and in the De Magnete. Most importantly, the treatise presents so many interesting features, well before Gilbert's work, which make it the first example of a modern treatment of magnetic phenomena.  相似文献   

Summary Segmentation of the secondary constriction region (h) of human chromosomes 1, 9 and 16 is demonstrated by a high resolution banding technique. Based on these staining properties, it is suggested that the composition of theh region in human chromosomes is heterochromatic as well as euchromatic.  相似文献   

Summary (Z)-9-Hexadecenal, a general aggregation factor of the Argentine ant,Iridomyrmex humilis, has been isolated and chemically characterized. It is implicated as a component of the trail-pheromone complex on evidence that it is a constitutent of the ventral gland secretion, and that it both activates and attractsI. humilis workers.Acknowledgments. We thank the Australian Research Grants Committee, and the Reserve Bank of Australia, Rural Credits Development Fund for financial support.  相似文献   

Summary (1)Ellobius lutescens andMicrotus oregoni show the same type of sex-chromosomes. The diploid number is odd in both sexes, seventeen.(2) The odd element ofEllobius is morphologically alike in the male and in the female. InM. oregoni, the odd element of the male is acrocentric, that of the female metacentric.(3) Following a hypothesis ofWhite, it seems very probable that the heterochromosome of the male is built of the primitiveY (short arm) and the primitiveX (long arm) linked together. In the female of the same species (M. oregoni), the sex-chromosome represents both theX fused together.(4) Only the half of the Zygotes may develope, the other half being lethal.(5) The close kinship betweenEllobius andM. oregoni is certain, a parallel evolution appearing as highly improbable.  相似文献   

Summary In the Corpus Aristotelicum are numerous items suggesting that the assertion of the fifth postulate in Euclid's Elements had been preceded by attempts to demonstrate this postulate itself, or some equivalent fundamental proposition, within the rigorous frame of Absolute Geometry in Bolyai's sense. Thus geometers contemporary with Aristotle tried to solve the problem which became known commonly in later centuries as the Problem of Parallels.Probably these geometers first attempted a direct solution. Only one text at our disposal supports this hypothesis: (1) Anal. Prior. 65 a 4–7. My analysis below in Chapter I shows that a mathematical meaning can be read from this somewhat obscure text only if it is interpreted as an allusion by Aristotle to those geometers who believe they are demonstrating, obviously in an absolute way, the proposition Elem. I 29, equivalent to the fifth postulate, but do not realize that in the process they are using lemmas which result themselves from the proposition to be demonstrated. Such a lemma would assert the uniqueness of the parallels, existence of which was shown in an absolute way in Elem. I 27. My conjecture and reconstruction afford a natural explanation for an inconsequence singular for Book I of the Elements, namely, the presence of the proposition Elem. I 31 in the purely Euclidean part of the book, in spite of the fact that the assertion merely repeats the absolute proposition Elem. I 27 without explicitly containing any Euclidean element.It is probable that the failure of these direct attempts led to an indirect approach to the problem through reductio ad absurdum of some hypothesis contrary to what was to become Postulate V or to some equivalent proposition. Numerous texts survive from which it is clear that geometers contemporary with Aristotle followed fairly far the consequences of an hypothesis contrary to the fifth postulate, obtaining important results which are partly identical with some theorems of Saccheri. Some of these texts attest first of all that what Saccheri called the Hypothesis of the Obtuse Angle had been stated in an independent and explicit way and that the fundamental result, identical with Prop. 14 of Saccheri's Euclides ab omni naevo vindicatus (1733), had been obtained, namely, that within Bolyai's Absolute Geometry this hypothesis leads to the remarkable formal contradiction that parallels intersect. This conclusion followed from two different formulations of the Obtuse Angle Hypothesis: (2) Anal. Prior. 66a 11–14, if the exterior angle (formed by a secant which intersects two parallel straight lines) is smaller than the interior angle (opposite and situated on the same side of the secant), and (3) 66a 14–15, if the sum of the angles in a triangle is greater than 2R. Finally, an item in (4) Ethica ad Eudemum 1222b 35–36 shows us that by investigating the Obtuse Angle Hypothesis, the Greek geometers also discovered the quadrilateral in which the sum of the angles is equal to 8R; this quadrilateral, which does not appear even in Saccheri's book, is the maximal quadrilateral of the Riemann geometry, a quadrilateral degenerated into a straight line closed upon itself (Chapter IV 20).Nowhere in the Corpus does the Hypothesis of the Acute Angle appear in an independent formulation. Nevertheless in (5) Anal. Poster. 90a 33–34 this Hypothesis is mentioned along with the other two: namely, Aristotle states that the essence of the triangle consists in the sum of its angles' being equal to, greater than or less than 2R (Chapter V 27). The formulation of the fifth postulate in the Elements allows greater probability to the conjecture of independent existence of the Acute Angle Hypothesis as well. Indeed, in its original formulation the fifth postulate is redundant, since it unnecessarily specifies in which of the half-planes (bounded by the secant) the intersection of the two straight lines occurs; this specification is itself a theorem. The Acute Angle Hypothesis must have been formulated not only symmetrically to (3) Anal. Prior. 66 a 14–15, that is, the sum of the angles of the triangle is less than 2R, as results from (5) Anal. Poster. 90 a 33–34, but also symmetrically to (2) Anal. Prior. 66 a 11–14. In the latter case the following final conclusion should have been reached in order to reduce to absurdity the Acute Angle Hypothesis: Two straight lines cut by a secant are incident if the sum of the interior angles (on the same side of the secant) is smaller than 2R, and the incidence occurs on that side of the secant where the sum of the angles is less than 2R. In the frame of the Acute Angle Hypothesis, this end conclusion is relevant only if this final specification (concerning the half-plane where the incidence occurs) is explicitly emphasised. According to my conjecture, it was precisely the practical impossibility of reaching this conclusion as a theorem of Absolute Geometry that later determined Euclid to transpose this decisive end conclusion from the Acute Angle Hypothesis, without changing its wording, and to include it among the postulates (Chapter II 13).A queer passage of Proklos (In primum Euclidis Elementorum, ed. Friedlein p. 368, 26–369, 1) in which the Acute Angle Hypothesis is presented in the form of a Zenonian paradox reinforces the conjecture that this hypothesis was studied independently by the ancient geometers (Chapter VI 33). Thus failure to solve the Problem of Parallels preceded not only the later Non-Euclidean geometry but also Euclidean geometry itself.The general undifferentiated Contra-Euclidean Hypothesis appears in the following form in all the other texts examined: The sum of the angles in the triangle is not equal to 2R. This hypothesis is nowhere qualified by Aristotle as being absurd or impossible: On the contrary, he takes it always as being just as much justified a priori as is the Euclidean theorem Elem. I 32 which contradicts it. For instance in (6) Anal. Poster. 93 a 33–35 Aristotle puts the problematical alternative: Which of the two propositions is right (or, which of the two constitutes the Logos, the raison d'être of the triangle), the one that states that the sum of the angles in the triangle is equal to 2R, or on the contrary, the one that states that the sum of the angles in the triangle is not equal to 2R (Chapter V 28)?In a number of texts the theorem Elem. I 32 itself and the general Contra-Euclidean Hypothesis are treated as being a sort of principle, and stress is laid on the idea that the logical consequences of each of these items invariantly preserve its specific (Euclidean or non-Euclidean) geometrical content [(7) 1187 a 35–38 (Chapter IV 18); (8) 1222 b 23–26 (Chapter IV 19); (9) 1187 b 1–2 (Chapter IV 18); (10) 1222 b 41–42 Chapter IV 21); (11) 1187 b 2–4 (Chapter IV 18)]; (12) Physica 200 a 29–30: If the sum of the angles in the triangle is not equal to 2R, then the principles of geometry cannot remain the same (Chapter V 25); (13) Metaph. 1052 a 6–7: It is impossible that the sum of the angles in the triangle be sometimes equal to 2R and sometimes not equal to 2R (Chapter V 24). Finally, the most important item of this sort is to be found in (14) De Caelo 281 b 5–7: If we accept as a starting hypothesis that it is impossible for the sum of the angles in the triangle to be equal to 2R, then the diagonal of the square is commensurable with its side (Chapter III).Another group of texts reveal Aristotle's attitude as regard these Contra-Euclidean theorems: (15) 1222 b 38–39 (Chapter IV 20); (16) 200 a 16–19 (Chapter VI 30); (17) 402 b 18–21 (Chapter VI 31); (18) 171 a 12–16 (Chapter VI 32); (19) 77 b 22–26 (Chapter V 26); (20) 101 a 15–17 (Chapter VI 31); (21) 76 b 39–77 a 3 (Chapter VI 31). These passages reveal Aristotle's conviction that these paradoxical Contra-Euclidean propositions (which cannot be annihilated by reductio ad absurdum) are nevertheless inacceptable as bad, probably because their graphical construction requires curved lines for representing the concept of straight lines.Finally, another group of texts show that Aristotle sensed in a way the necessity of adding to the foundations of Geometry a new postulate, from which the proposition Elem. I 32 should follow rigorously.

Aram Frenkian zum Gedächtnis

Vorgelegt von J. E. Hofmann  相似文献   

Summary Jaws of large individuals, over 2 m in total length, of the shark speciesCarcharodon carcharias (great white shark) andIsurus oxyrinchus (mako shark) of the family Lamnidae, andGaleocerdo cuvieri (tiger shark) andCarcharhinus leucas (bull shark) of the family Carcharhinidae were found to have multiple, up to five, layers of prismatic calcium phosphate surrounding the cartilages. Smaller individuals of these species and other known species of living chondrichthyans have only one layer of prismatic calcium phosphate surrounding the cartilages, as also do most species of fossil chondrichthyans. Two exceptions are the fossil shark generaXenacanthus andTamiobatis. Where it is found in living forms, this multiple layered calcification does not appear to be phylogenetic, as it appears to be lacking in other lamnid and carcharhinid genera and species. Rather it appears to be functional, only appearing in larger individuals and species of these two groups, and hence may be necessary to strengthen the jaw cartilages of such individuals for biting.  相似文献   

Summary A new white-spored mutant of the imperfect fungusA. niger is described. Behind the heterokaryotic heads formed with non-allelic spore colour mutants, it shows as a result of crossfeeding a uniform change of colour of the conidial heads in a band up to 4–5 mm deep. This mutation with pleiotropic effects on colour and crossfeeding occurs relatively frequently inA. niger, although it has not been reported previously.Acknowledgment. Thanks are due to Dr A. J. Clutterbuck (Department of Genetics, University of Glasgow, Glasgow) for helpful comments on this work.  相似文献   

In the 1687 Principia, Newton gave a solution to the direct problem (given the orbit and center of force, find the central force) for a conic-section with a focal center of force (answer: a reciprocal square force) and for a spiral orbit with a polar center of force (answer: a reciprocal cube force). He did not, however, give solutions for the two corresponding inverse problems (given the force and center of force, find the orbit). He gave a cryptic solution to the inverse problem of a reciprocal cube force, but offered no solution for the reciprocal square force. Some take this omission as an indication that Newton could not solve the reciprocal square, for, they ask, why else would he not select this important problem? Others claim that ``it is child's play' for him, as evidenced by his 1671 catalogue of quadratures (tables of integrals). The answer to that question is obscured for all who attempt to work through Newton's published solution of the reciprocal cube force because it is done in the synthetic geometric style of the 1687 Principia rather than in the analytic algebraic style that Newton employed until 1671. In response to a request from David Gregory in 1694, however, Newton produced an analytic version of the body of the proof, but one which still had a geometric conclusion. Newton's charge is to find both ``the orbit' and ``the time in orbit.' In the determination of the dependence of the time on orbital position, t(r), Newton evaluated an integral of the form ∫dx/x n to calculate a finite algebraic equation for the area swept out as a function of the radius, but he did not write out the analytic expression for time t = t(r), even though he knew that the time t is proportional to that area. In the determination of the orbit, θ (r), Newton obtained an integral of the form ∫dx/√(1−x2) for the area that is proportional to the angle θ, an integral he had shown in his 1669 On Analysis by Infinite Equations to be equal to the arcsin(x). Since the solution must therefore contain a transcendental function, he knew that a finite algebraic solution for θ=θ(r) did not exist for ``the orbit' as it had for ``the time in orbit.' In contrast to these two solutions for the inverse cube force, however, it is not possible in the inverse square solution to generate a finite algebraic expression for either ``the orbit' or ``the time in orbit.' In fact, in Lemma 28, Newton offers a demonstration that the area of an ellipse cannot be given by a finite equation. I claim that the limitation of Lemma 28 forces Newton to reject the inverse square force as an example and to choose instead the reciprocal cube force as his example in Proposition 41. (Received August 14, 2002) Published online March 26, 2003 Communicated by G. Smith  相似文献   

Summary A study of transferrins of the eel by paper electrophoresis, using a serum labelled with Iron 59, was carried out on 340 different individuals. The phenotypes of transferrins thus determined are differently distributed in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) and in the American eel (A. rostrata); the difference between these 2 species is thereby made clear. Within the same species (A. anguilla), it is also possible to observe different distributions of phenotypes according to the geographical origin of the individuals under study (French Atlantic coasts, French and Greek Mediterranean coasts).  相似文献   

MDA-MB-468 is a human mammary adenocarcinoma cell line that overexpresses the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor and undergoes programmed cell death (apoptosis) in response to EGF treatment. Programmed cell death was shown to be greatly enhanced when cells were growth-arrested prior to EGF treatment. Apoptosis was characterized by an initial rounding up and detachment of the cells from their substrate starting about 12 h after EGF treatment, followed by chromatin condensation, nuclear fragmentation and oligonucleosomal fragmentation of the DNA at about 24 to 48 h. Cell death was dependent on de novo protein synthesis. We found a rapid induction of c-fos, c-jun and junB at the mRNA level after about 30 min of EGF treatment and a more delayed upregulation of fosB and fra-1. The junD gene was expressed in the absence of EGF, and it was moderately induced within 30 min of growth factor addition. The increase of the different fos and jun mRNAs were paralleled by an increase of activator protein-1 (AP-1) DNA binding activity. A characterization of the AP-1 complex revealed similar levels of several Fos and Jun proteins. Based on the kinetics of AP-1 accumulation and cell death, it seems likely that AP-1 contributes to the apoptotic cell death of EGF receptor-overexpressing MDA-MB-468 cells. Received 21 July 1997; received after revision 6 November 1997; accepted 6 November 1997  相似文献   

It has been suggested that a common sex pheromone composition may account for interspecific sexual interactions observed with certain moths in the Arctiidae. In this study, it is demonstrated that the sex pheromones released by females of the Scarlet Tiger Moth,Callimorpha dominula L., and the Cinnabar Moth,Tyria jacobaeae L., have similar activities and elute at the same retention time on analysis by coupled gas chromatography (GC)-electrophysiology with males from each species. Peak enhancement on GC, chiral GC and coupled GC-mass spectrometry using authentic compounds show that the sex pheromone for bothC. dominula andT. jacobaeae is (3Z,6Z,9S,10R)-9,10-epoxyheneicosa-3,6-diene.  相似文献   

Human Hep27 was originally isolated from growth-arrested HepG2 cells and identified as a member of the superfamily of short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases (SDR). Its substrate specificity has not been determined, but a cross-species comparison suggests that it occurs in widely divergent species, such as human, Cenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila and Arabidopsis thaliana. In this study, Hep27 was expressed as a His6 fusion protein, and subjected to a substrate screen, using a compound library of SDR substrates, comprising steroids, retinoids, sugars and carbonyl compounds. Whereas no steroid dehydrogenase or retinoid activity was detected, it was found that Hep27 catalyzed the NADPH-dependent reduction of dicarbonyl compounds, like 3,4-hexanedione and 1-phenyl-1,2-propanedione with similar turnover numbers as DCXR (a mitochondrial dicarbonyl reductase/xylulose reductase). In contrast, Hep27 does not convert sugar substrates like xylulose or threose. Based on its substrate specificity and expression in endothelial tissues, it is suggested that Hep27 functions as a dicarbonyl reductase in enzymatic inactivation of reactive carbonyls, involved in covalent modification of cellular components. Received 16 January 2006; received after revision 28 February 2006; accepted 31 March 2006  相似文献   

Summary Analysis by GC-EAG indicates that abdominal tip extracts of femalePrays oleae contain a tetradecenal. Synthetic (Z)-7-tetradecenal elicits a strong EAG respones from maleP. oleae and field tests it to be comparable in attractancy with the virgin female moth. (Z)-9-Tetradecenal also produces a strong EAG response but it is not an attractant and, when added to (Z)-7-tetradecenal, markedly reduces trap catches.Acknowledgments. The authors are indebted to Mr N. Psylakis, Agricultural Research Centre, Chania, Crete, and to Dr D. Vassilopoulos, Benaki Phytopathological Institute, for providing facilities for this work. They thank the Commonwealth Institute of Entomology, London, for moth species confirmation.  相似文献   

“The last remnant of physical objectivity of space–time” is disclosed in the case of a continuous family of spatially non-compact models of general relativity (GR). The physical individuation of point-events is furnished by the autonomous degrees of freedom of the gravitational field (viz., the Dirac observables) which represent—as it were—the ontic part of the metric field. The physical role of the epistemic part (viz. the gauge variables) is likewise clarified as embodying the unavoidable non-inertial aspects of GR. At the end the philosophical import of the Hole Argument is substantially weakened and in fact the Argument itself dissolved, while a specific four-dimensional holistic and structuralist view of space–time (called point-structuralism) emerges, including elements common to the tradition of both substantivalism and relationism. The observables of our models undergo real temporal change: this gives new evidence to the fact that statements like the frozen-time character of evolution, as other ontological claims about GR, are model dependent.  相似文献   

Summary (1) The present paper deals with the chromosomial cytology of 11 species and underspecies ofMuridae. (2) The diploïd number being the same (2N=42), there are striking differences between two species ofBandicota, B. indica showing about 20 big metacentric chromosomes which are lackingB. bengalensis. (3)Meriones blackleri is characterized by 72 chromosomes, the species previously described possessing either 44 or 60 elements. (4) The study ofPhenacomys ungava confirms the view that 56 (54) is the primitive number in theMicroti. There is an interesting parallelism between the morphological and the cytological data. (5) A missing link betweenMicroti andEllobii has been found inMicrotus oregoni which possesses 17 chromosomes, its digamety belonging to the typeX-O, X-X. (6) Owing to the fact thatM. oregoni is more fossorial than the otherMicrotus, it is a morphological intermediate betweenMicroti andEllobii. (7) The genusChilotus (Baird) is also fully valid.  相似文献   

Cisplatin-induced genes as potential markers for thyroid cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the uncontested role of p53 in cycle arrest/cell death after cisplatin treatment, to date the question whether wild-type p53 confers a resistant or sensitive status on the cell is still a matter of debate. Isogenic and isophenotypic human thyroid papillary carcinoma cell line variants for p53 differently expressed cycle genes after cisplatin treatment. Seven genes (CDC6-related protein, CCNC, GAS1, TFDP2, MAPK10/JNK3, WEE1, RPA1) selected after expression on an Atlas human cell cycle array were analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR. While cisplatin treatment increased their expression in p53 wild-type cells it decreased it in cells with inactivated p53 and had no or less effect on cells with mutated p53. These results show that in a well-defined system, different alterations of p53 can lead to a different regulation of genes and hence to either resistance or sensitivity to cisplatin. Moreover for the first time, MAPK10/JNK3 was identified in human thyroid cells and tissue. Four of the genes (CDC6-related protein, CCNC, GAS1 and TFDP2) were decreased in human papillary carcinoma tissues. Relevance of these genes (especially a decrease in GAS1 in thyroid papillary carcinoma) in various malignant pathologies has already been shown. These genes may be explored as new markers in advanced thyroid cancer such as metastatic and anaplastic forms displaying p53 alterations.Received 26 July 2004; received after revision 14 September 2004; accepted 26 October 2004  相似文献   

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