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An intranasal immunization with a A/PR8/34-isolated NA, protected mice as well as the whole virus and A/Hong Kong/1/68 virus against a subsequent infection with mice-adaptated A/PR8/34 strain.  相似文献   

The neutral and aminosugar composition has been determined by gas-liquid chromatography for two neuraminidases, either bacterial, from Streptococcus pneumoniae, or viral, from Myxovirus influenzae A/Hong Kong/1/68.  相似文献   

Summary Phagocytosis activity ofAmoeba is greatly reduced after treatment with neuraminidase, at concentrations that do not affect normal motile behavior.  相似文献   

Gastric tissue histamine concentration was determined in albino rats following daily parenteral injection of betamethasone over a period of 12 days. The result shows a highly significant fall in gastric tissue histamine concentration in comparison with that in saline-treated albino rats over a similar period.  相似文献   

Summary Gastric tissue histamine concentration was determined in albino rats following daily parenteral injection of betamethasone over a period of 12 days. The result shows a highly significant fall in gastric tissue histamine concentration in comparison with that in saline-treated albino rats over a similar period.This investigation was carried out as a part of a project supported by a research grant from Medical Research Centre, Bombay Hospital Trust, Bombay, India.  相似文献   

The degradation of the antiviral state can be delayed in vitro by antimetabolites, when added between 5-7 hours after interferon. We explore in this chronological order whether antiviral resistance induced by Newcastle disease virus (N.D.V.) in vivo could be modified by an antimetabolite. Cycloheximide was selected for this study because of its reversible biological effect and lack of toxicity in our experimental conditions. The model system employed was Syrian Hamsters, using N.D.V. as an interferon inducer and encephalomyocarditis virus (E.M.C.) as a challenge virus. A constant and significant increase in survival of animals treated with N.D.V.+cycloheximide is probably related to a delay in the degradation of the antiviral state and not to interferon superinduction.  相似文献   

Riassunto Per la prima volta viene segnalato il reperto di particelle virali in adenocarcinoma mammario spontaneo del ratto.  相似文献   

Riassunto Ratti trattati con ribosomi omologhi di fegato in «Freund adjuvant» sviluppano una condizione di refrattarietà al successivo trapianto di cellule di epatoma ascitico di Yoshida.  相似文献   

Females have received from weaning a semi-synthetic diet (0,35% Ca; 0,32% P; 0,03% Mg), with or without vitamin D (+/- D). Fertility of these females was not changed. At weaning, the young from mothers--D had lower weight, calcemia and phosphatemia, but the ash content of the femur was the same as for young from mothers + D. Young rats from mothers +/- D were given the diet with or without vitamin D. 19 days after weaning, the diet of the mother (+/- D) appears to be the principal factor for growth, calcemia and the ash content of the femur; the diet of the young (+/- D) produced only slight differences between ash contents.  相似文献   

Daily administration of synthetic ACTH (betaI-23 corticotrophine) from day 15 of pregnancy induces delay or inhibition of parturition in normal or ovariectomized Rats injected or not with estradiol. Parturition takes place at approximatively normal time, when ACTH is stopped and estradiol continued. Radio-immunological assays show an increase of blood progesterone level after ACTH administration in castrated, but not in castrated and adrenalectomized Rats. Mechanisms of ACTH action are discussed.  相似文献   

In Rats anesthetized with pentobarbital and submitted to brief asphyxic episodes, intracerebroventricular administration of dibutyryl cyclic AMP inhibits the decrease of energy charge, delays the disappearance of electrocorticographic activity (E Co G) and shortens the recovery time of E Co G.  相似文献   

Summary Denervation and local 6-hydroxydopamine injection on day 13 caused a decrease in the testicular weight by days 42 to 70, which was due primarily to a disturbance in the growth of seminiferous tubules.  相似文献   

Normal human or rat serum administered by intraventricular injection induced demonstrable changes in the rat CNS myelin as seen from an increased recovery of dissociated myelin (DM), i.e. a myelin-related low density membrane fragments, from the tissue homogenates. The yield of DM reached a maximum on the third postinjection day and returned to the control level by day 5. In spite of the increased recovery of DM, no physico-chemical alternations in myelin isolates and no histological abnormalities in the tissue could be detected. The production of DM seems to be a sensitive index of serum-induced alteration of the myelin sheath.  相似文献   

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