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爱因斯坦科学哲学思想研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许多科学家、哲学家和科学史家从不同的角度解读爱因斯坦的科学哲学思想,得出不同的结论。本文对比、分析了具有代表性的弗兰克、霍尔顿、法因以及霍华德等人的观点,认为研究者的哲学倾向在很大程度上影响了他们的科学史研究。要全面、正确地认识爱因斯坦的科学哲学思想,必须把他的科学哲学思想与科学研究、宗教情怀、同时代的哲学背景等多方面的因素综合起来进行考察。  相似文献   

博物学历史悠久、内容繁杂。学界对博物学在历史发展中是否出现过"断裂"进行了广泛的争论。迈尔、法伯及罗杰等科学史家认为,生物学的基本问题没有变化,因此生物学的历史应该是一部连续的历史。另一方面,福柯、阿什沃斯等人从哲学和认识论的角度出发,认为自文艺复兴以来博物学经历过若干次断裂,形成不同的阶段。博物学的问题旨趣在不同的阶段有很大的差别。本文以连续论者迈尔和断裂论者福柯为主要考察对象,分析和评判其主要观点,力图将断裂问题置于编史学的视角下理解。结论认为,"断裂"不是生物学或生物学史问题,而应该看做一个编史学问题。关于"断裂"的讨论有助于拓展博物学史及科学史研究的多元视角。  相似文献   

从起因、机缘和途径三个方面对新一代法兰克福学派在美国的主要代表安德鲁.费恩伯格的技术批判理论的理论主题进行解读,起因是哈贝马斯和马尔库塞之间于1970年代前后关于科学技术社会作用的争论,机缘是批判理论和社会建构论的融合,途径是技术编码的解构和重构。最后指出这一理论的实质在于重构现代社会的制度规范。  相似文献   

维斯特是现代术语学的开创者和奠基人,其提出的“普通术语学”理论(TGT理论)是指导术语研究的权威理论,从20世纪30年代这个理论创立之初起,近一个世纪无人能撼动其地位。但是近年来,术语学界逐渐出现了不同的声音,对TGT理论的质疑之声渐有耳闻。在这一片质疑声中,西班牙术语学领军人物加布列博士显然又是最具代表性的人物。她所倡导的“交际术语学理论”(TCT理论)从几个最根本的方面对TGT理论提出了质疑和批判。理论一经提出,马上受到世界术语学界的高度重视。文章力图详细分析TCT理论对TGT理论进行批判的几个根本着力点,从而加强我国学界对TCT理论的认识和了解。  相似文献   

The DINA model is a commonly used model for obtaining diagnostic information. Like many other Diagnostic Classification Models (DCMs), it can require a large sample size to obtain reliable item and examinee parameter estimation. Neural Network (NN) analysis is a classification method that uses a training dataset for calibration. As a result, if this training dataset is determined theoretically, as was the case in Gierl’s attribute hierarchical method (AHM), the NN analysis does not have any sample size requirements. However, a NN approach does not provide traditional item parameters of a DCM or allow for item responses to influence test calibration. In this paper, the NN approach will be implemented for the DINA model estimation to explore its effectiveness as a classification method beyond its use in AHM. The accuracy of the NN approach across different sample sizes, item quality and Q-matrix complexity is described in the DINA model context. Then, a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimation algorithm and Joint Maximum Likelihood Estimation is used to extend the NN approach so that item parameters associated with the DINA model are obtained while allowing examinee responses to influence the test calibration. The results derived by the NN, the combination of MCMC and NN (NN MCMC) and the combination of JMLE and NN are compared with that of the well-established Hierarchical MCMC procedure and JMLE with a uniform prior on the attribute profile to illustrate their strength and weakness.  相似文献   

In this paper an algorithm is developed, which aims to find all FPCs of a dataset corresponding to well separated linear regression subpopulations. Its ability to find such subpopulations under the occurence of outliers is compared to methods based on ML-estimation of mixture models by means of a simulation study. Furthermore, FPC analysis is applied to a real dataset.  相似文献   

In many statistical applications data are curves measured as functions of a continuous parameter as time. Despite of their functional nature and due to discrete-time observation, these type of data are usually analyzed with multivariate statistical methods that do not take into account the high correlation between observations of a single curve at nearby time points. Functional data analysis methodologies have been developed to solve these type of problems. In order to predict the class membership (multi-category response variable) associated to an observed curve (functional data), a functional generalized logit model is proposed. Base-line category logit formulations will be considered and their estimation based on basis expansions of the sample curves of the functional predictor and parameters. Functional principal component analysis will be used to get an accurate estimation of the functional parameters and to classify sample curves in the categories of the response variable. The good performance of the proposed methodology will be studied by developing an experimental study with simulated and real data.  相似文献   

古代印度眼科概要及其对中国影响之研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
阿输吠陀最重要的经典之一《妙闻集》的“补遗篇”中,有眼科专论19章,是了解古代和印度眼科学概貌的主要文献,该文据此对印度眼科的理论学说、疾病认识、治疗方法等给出较全面的介绍并在研究中指出较全面的介绍,并在研究中指出,这19章的内容亦有成立先后,来源不同的迹象,可知为综合各家之说的集成之作。在此基础上,复将中印两种医学体系的眼科从内容上进行比较,而知中医眼科最重要的理论--“五轮”之说,及针、烙、钩  相似文献   

先前的研究提示重复元件在产生新的嵌合基因中具有机制性的作用,这与经典的外显子洗牌模型是一致的,它依赖于非同源重组。而近期一些关于染色体异常的研究结果显示,异位的同源重组可能对于产生新基因也非常重要。本项研究通过对8种果蝇的年轻基因进行筛选和分析,从中识别出了17个重复片段,它们是在最近1200万年中通过异位重组形成的。它们中的大多数已具有功能,并进化出多样的表达类型和嵌合结构。这些结果证实,重复元件介导的非等位同源重组在产生新嵌合基因中起到重要作用。  相似文献   

布尔迪厄实践语义学契合了普特南关于可能的语义学建构需要一个精确的关于语言使用者的一般模型的思路。但普特南以语言劳动分工为基础,而布尔迪厄诉诸实践;普特南把意义定义为包含外延在内的向量,继而把决定外延的工作归给了社会,布尔迪厄则把意义界定为价格,而价格取决于语言产品的可接受性。正是这两个区分及其所暗含的社会性视角的深层异质性构成了普特南与布尔迪厄之间的最大差异,也标示了布尔迪厄实践语义学的独特理论风格及其价值所在。  相似文献   

相对年代与绝对年代之间的区别,并不在于时间精确度的高低而在于所选参照点的不同。绝对年代必须以已知时间点或时间段为参照点,而相对年代的参照点则可能是未知时间点或时间段。  相似文献   

翟胜利 《中国科技术语》2011,13(1):39-41,47
相对年代与绝对年代之间的区别,并不在于时间精确度的高低而在于所选参照点的不同.绝对年代必须以已知时间点或时间段为参照点,而相对年代的参照点则可能是未知时间点或时间段.  相似文献   

Given a set of pairwise distances on a set of n points, constructing an edgeweighted tree whose leaves are these n points such that the tree distances would mimic the original distances under some criteria is a fundamental problem. One such criterion is to preserve the ordinal relation between the pairwise distances. The ordinal relation can be of the form of total order on the distances or it can be some partial order specified on the pairwise distances. We show that the problem of finding a weighted tree, if it exists, which would preserve the total order on pairwise distances is NP-hard. We also show the NP-hardness of the problem of finding a weighted tree which would preserve a particular kind of partial order called a triangle order, one of the most fundamental partial orders considered in computational biology.  相似文献   

古德曼的绿蓝悖论一经提出,便激起了来自逻辑学领域的回应,并给出了各种解决方案。但这些方案却在逻辑层面上不约而同地走入了困境,使我们不得不重新面对“绿蓝悖论有解吗”这个问题。本文试图通过对绿蓝悖论的代表性解决方案的考察,以文本解读为基探寻逻辑解决困境的根源,并借助于对绿蓝悖论的哲学重置,揭示其深层哲学蕴含从而给出一种哲学的回答。  相似文献   

在可行能力方法的框架下,对世界价值观调查数据的中国部分进行分析,归纳总结出七种具有代表性的可行能力。以主观幸福感作为衡量人们幸福生活的标准,可行能力指标作为解释变量,采用描述性统计分析和回归分析进行检验。结果显示:具有代表性的可行能力对中国国民的主观幸福感有显著影响,其中经济满意、健康状态和自由选择贡献较大,应给予优先关注。教育需要在收入得到保证的前提下发挥作用。  相似文献   

费氏与第二代SSK后现代科学知识观既相通又不尽相同."告别理性"表征了费耶阿本德的激进历史主义科学知识观,而"制造知识"可谓SSK建构主义科学知识观的典型特征.从前者到后者的历史演变体现了后现代科学知识观的必然进路.后现代科学知识观不仅没能促进科学与人文的统一,反而陷入了非理性主义的泛文化主义泥潭.  相似文献   

首先对内格尔的经典还原模型和金在权的功能还原模型做了比较,并指出,内格尔模型是在认识论或方法论的层面提出的,而金在权模型是在实践论或本体论的层面提出的;因此,这两个还原模型不是对立的,而是互补的。接着深入到个别事件的内部结构,对金在权的局部还原理论做出分析和评价,并指出其困境和出路。在金在权的三元有序组的事件结构的基础上提出四元有序组的事件结构,据此对功能意义和功能结构作出区分,进一步揭示了功能整体与其实现者之间的随附性关系。最后强调功能实在论的本体论立场,并借助实体-偶性和原因-结果这两对先验范畴对功能实在论和随附性概念给以形而上学的说明和辩护。  相似文献   

The character and OTU stability of classifications based on UPGMA clustering and maximum parsimony (MP) trees were compared for 5 datasets (families of angiosperms, families of orthopteroid insects, species of the fish genusIctalurus, genera of the salamander family Salamandridae, and genera of the frog family Myobatrachidae). Stability was investigated by taking different sized random subsamples of OTUs or characters, computing UPGMA clusters and an MP tree, and then comparing the resulting trees with those based on the entire dataset. Agreement was measured by two consensus indices, that of Colless, computed from strict consensus trees, and Stinebrickner's 0.5-consensus index. Tests of character stability generally showed a monotone decrease in agreement with the standard as smaller sets of characters are considered. The relative success of the two methods depended upon the dataset. Tests of OTU stability showed a monotone decrease in agreement for UPGMA as smaller sets of OTUs are considered. But for MP, agreement decreased and then increased again on the same scale. The apparent superiority of UPGMA relative to MP with respect to OTU stability depended upon the dataset. Considerations other than stability, such as computer efficiency or accuracy, will also determine the method of choice for classifications.  相似文献   

Probabilistic D-Clustering   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We present a new iterative method for probabilistic clustering of data. Given clusters, their centers and the distances of data points from these centers, the probability of cluster membership at any point is assumed inversely proportional to the distance from (the center of) the cluster in question. This assumption is our working principle. The method is a generalization, to several centers, of theWeiszfeld method for solving the Fermat–Weber location problem. At each iteration, the distances (Euclidean, Mahalanobis, etc.) from the cluster centers are computed for all data points, and the centers are updated as convex combinations of these points, with weights determined by the above principle. Computations stop when the centers stop moving.  相似文献   

《两岸科技常用词典》根据《汉语拼音正词法基本规则》,给出了19 500条科技名词的拼写形式。重点探析了科技名词拼写中概念整体性、分连写、连接号使用等方面的难点,交代了处理这些难点的具体方法,并阐明之所以这样处理的思路和依据。  相似文献   

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