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Mining the draft human genome   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Birney E  Bateman A  Clamp ME  Hubbard TJ 《Nature》2001,409(6822):827-828
Now that the draft human genome sequence is available, everyone wants to be able to use it. However, we have perhaps become complacent about our ability to turn new genomes into lists of genes. The higher volume of data associated with a larger genome is accompanied by a much greater increase in complexity. We need to appreciate both the scale of the challenge of vertebrate genome analysis and the limitations of current gene prediction methods and understanding.  相似文献   

Guide to the draft human genome   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wolfsberg TG  McEntyre J  Schuler GD 《Nature》2001,409(6822):824-826
There are a number of ways to investigate the structure, function and evolution of the human genome. These include examining the morphology of normal and abnormal chromosomes, constructing maps of genomic landmarks, following the genetic transmission of phenotypes and DNA sequence variations, and characterizing thousands of individual genes. To this list we can now add the elucidation of the genomic DNA sequence, albeit at 'working draft' accuracy. The current challenge is to weave together these disparate types of data to produce the information infrastructure needed to support the next generation of biomedical research. Here we provide an overview of the different sources of information about the human genome and how modern information technology, in particular the internet, allows us to link them together.  相似文献   

晏几道是北宋著名的小令词人,他的《小山词》情感真挚,感人肺腑,具有强烈的情感色彩,作为一位“古之伤心人”(冯煦语),他的词中有很深的“悲苦”情结.从真情、深情、和长情三个角度来分析,他词的这种悲苦现象不但和他的经历、性格有关,而且更是他自己的选择,他甘愿在情感的痛苦品味中,感受真实的自我价值存在.  相似文献   

晏几道是北宋著名的小令词人,他的《小山词》情感真挚,感人肺腑,具有强烈的情感色彩,作为一位“古之伤心人”(冯煦语),他的词中有很深的“悲苦”情结。从真情、深情、和长情三个角度来分析,他词的这种悲苦现象不但和他的经历、性格有关,而且更是他自己的选择,他甘愿在情感的痛苦品味中,感受真实的自我价值存在。  相似文献   

Parasitic diseases have a devastating, long-term impact on human health, welfare and food production worldwide. More than two billion people are infected with geohelminths, including the roundworms Ascaris (common roundworm), Necator and Ancylostoma (hookworms), and Trichuris (whipworm), mainly in developing or impoverished nations of Asia, Africa and Latin America. In humans, the diseases caused by these parasites result in about 135,000 deaths annually, with a global burden comparable with that of malaria or tuberculosis in disability-adjusted life years. Ascaris alone infects around 1.2 billion people and, in children, causes nutritional deficiency, impaired physical and cognitive development and, in severe cases, death. Ascaris also causes major production losses in pigs owing to reduced growth, failure to thrive and mortality. The Ascaris-swine model makes it possible to study the parasite, its relationship with the host, and ascariasis at the molecular level. To enable such molecular studies, we report the 273 megabase draft genome of Ascaris suum and compare it with other nematode genomes. This genome has low repeat content (4.4%) and encodes about 18,500 protein-coding genes. Notably, the A. suum secretome (about 750 molecules) is rich in peptidases linked to the penetration and degradation of host tissues, and an assemblage of molecules likely to modulate or evade host immune responses. This genome provides a comprehensive resource to the scientific community and underpins the development of new and urgently needed interventions (drugs, vaccines and diagnostic tests) against ascariasis and other nematodiases.  相似文献   

<正>我是一名老科技工作者,在我几十年的科研生涯中,我经历了无数次科学攻关。每经历一次科学攻关,我对科技创新就有一次新的感悟。我愿将我曾经历的一次科研创新的感悟表达出来,与青年科技  相似文献   

从事非标设备设计制造的企业,因为所涉及图样量大,因而图样管理难度也较大,如果没有明确的制度规范,势必造成管理的混乱。所以,需要依据本企业的产品性质,针对图样设计编号、CAD图保存、打印出图、校对审核签字、复印分发、底图归档、借阅、完工图回收处理等各环节进行制度化、规范化管理。  相似文献   

文章阐述了决定诗歌创作成败的重要命题——诗人审美感受的概念内涵.从感觉、情感、智性等三个层面剖析了审美感受的结构组成,并对如何有效捕获新颖、独特的审美感受问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文在文献[1] [2]所提出的血管位移波的基础上,进一步考虑了切脉时,血管受一指力作用时的情形。通过对指力的数学模拟得到了对应于切脉时“重取、中取、浮取”三种不同施力情况的挠动脉位移波,从而分析阐明了中医切脉时,对不同脉象所得到的感觉。  相似文献   

鲁迅的《野草》以浓郁的象征手法向我们展示了一个个奇异的意象。在这些意象中记录着鲁迅心灵的奥秘,折射着他丰富的情感体验。无论是落尽了叶子的枣树,还是那彷徨于无地的影,都已不是一个简单的物象,而是蕴含着鲁迅生命中所体验到的寂寞感、虚无感以及荒诞感等情感特征。  相似文献   

歌曲的情感处理在声乐演唱中占重要的地位,训练学生唱歌时的情感处理,应从熟悉歌曲风格、理解歌词、掌握歌曲旋律等方面入手,引导学生充分运用演唱技巧和丰富的感情对歌曲进行艺术再创造。  相似文献   

齿轮的测绘及复制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了机械设备中损坏齿轮的测绘及复制问题。给出了直齿圆柱齿轮及斜齿圆柱齿轮基本参数的测绘方法及相应的计算公式,并举例说明了其应用。  相似文献   

浅析中国民族民间舞的情感教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中国民族民间舞教学中,应找到技术、形式、情感、内容间通渡的法则,通过情感的诱导来增添舞蹈的动力,达到"形与心"的统一.关注舞蹈教学中情感培养的重要性,积极采取中国民族民间舞情感教学的方法,是最基本最核心的问题.从情感教学的教学现状入手,探寻其在教学全过程中每一个环节上的作用,得出能够促进中国民族民间舞教学的经验与意义.  相似文献   

休谟认为,美不在外物而在人心中,它根源于人类心智的特定结构。心智特定结构与客体表象形式之间的同形共构或同情共感关系是审美愉快的真正根源。这便是休谟在美感根源问题上的基本观念。  相似文献   

英语学习是一种技能性的学习,只有当学习能够积极主动参与到学习过程中时,语言学习才会发生。学习需要教师的指导与帮助,但自主是前提,自主的精神是个人发展的根基。学习只有培养自主学习的能力,才能使英语学习更见成效。同时,对英语学习的良好积极的情感态度,又有助于增强学习动机,对自主学习能力的形成有着重要的作用和影响。情感自主学习是学习英语的最好方法。  相似文献   

色彩是油画的灵魂。一个当代画家的绘画创作活动的主要目的,在于使色彩能充分表达画家的情感意念和内心体验。仅凭画家的感觉创作出的绘画色彩,已不能满足于现代人的审美需要。因此研究和探索油画色彩的情感表现是当今油画创新与发展的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

Computational comparison of two draft sequences of the human genome   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Aach J  Bulyk ML  Church GM  Comander J  Derti A  Shendure J 《Nature》2001,409(6822):856-859
We are in the enviable position of having two distinct drafts of the human genome sequence. Although gaps, errors, redundancy and incomplete annotation mean that individually each falls short of the ideal, many of these problems can be assessed by comparison. Here we present some comparative analyses of these drafts. We look at a number of features of the sequences, including sequence gaps, continuity, consistency between the two sequences and patterns of DNA-binding protein motifs.  相似文献   

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