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A quantum spin-liquid phase is an intriguing possibility for a system of strongly interacting magnetic units in which the usual magnetically ordered ground state is avoided owing to strong quantum fluctuations. It was first predicted theoretically for a triangular-lattice model with antiferromagnetically coupled S = 1/2 spins. Recently, materials have become available showing persuasive experimental evidence for such a state. Although many studies show that the ideal triangular lattice of S = 1/2 Heisenberg spins actually orders magnetically into a three-sublattice, non-collinear 120° arrangement, quantum fluctuations significantly reduce the size of the ordered moment. This residual ordering can be completely suppressed when higher-order ring-exchange magnetic interactions are significant, as found in nearly metallic Mott insulators. The layered molecular system κ-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu(2)(CN)(3) is a Mott insulator with an almost isotropic, triangular magnetic lattice of spin-1/2 BEDT-TTF dimers that provides a prime example of a spin liquid formed in this way. Despite a high-temperature exchange coupling, J, of 250 K (ref. 6), no obvious signature of conventional magnetic ordering is seen down to 20 mK (refs 7, 8). Here we show, using muon spin rotation, that applying a small magnetic field to this system produces a quantum phase transition between the spin-liquid phase and an antiferromagnetic phase with a strongly suppressed moment. This can be described as Bose-Einstein condensation of spin excitations with an extremely small spin gap. At higher fields, a second transition is found that suggests a threshold for deconfinement of the spin excitations. Our studies reveal the low-temperature magnetic phase diagram and enable us to measure characteristic critical properties. We compare our results closely with current theoretical models, and this gives some further insight into the nature of the spin-liquid phase.  相似文献   

Liquids are expected to crystallize at low temperature. The only exception is helium, which can remain liquid at 0 K, owing to quantum fluctuations. Similarly, the atomic magnetic moments (spins) in a magnet are expected to order at a temperature scale set by the Curie-Weiss temperature theta(CW) (ref. 3). Geometrically frustrated magnets represent an exception. In these systems, the pairwise spin interactions cannot be simultaneously minimized because of the lattice symmetry. This can stabilize a liquid-like state of short-range-ordered fluctuating moments well below theta(CW) (refs 5-7). Here we use neutron scattering to observe the spin liquid state in a geometrically frustrated system, Tb(2)Ti(2)O(7), under conditions of high pressure (approximately 9 GPa) and low temperature (approximately 1 K). This compound is a three-dimensional magnet with theta(CW) = -19 K, where the negative value indicates antiferromagnetic interactions. At ambient pressure Tb(2)Ti(2)O(7) remains in a spin liquid state down to at least 70 mK (ref. 8). But we find that, under high pressure, the spins start to order or 'crystallize' below 2.1 K, with antiferromagnetic order coexisting with liquid-like fluctuations. These results indicate that a spin liquid/solid mixture can be induced by pressure in geometrically frustrated systems.  相似文献   

The spin of an electron is a natural two-level system for realizing a quantum bit in the solid state. For an electron trapped in a semiconductor quantum dot, strong quantum confinement highly suppresses the detrimental effect of phonon-related spin relaxation. However, this advantage is offset by the hyperfine interaction between the electron spin and the 10(4) to 10(6) spins of the host nuclei in the quantum dot. Random fluctuations in the nuclear spin ensemble lead to fast spin decoherence in about ten nanoseconds. Spin-echo techniques have been used to mitigate the hyperfine interaction, but completely cancelling the effect is more attractive. In principle, polarizing all the nuclear spins can achieve this but is very difficult to realize in practice. Exploring materials with zero-spin nuclei is another option, and carbon nanotubes, graphene quantum dots and silicon have been proposed. An alternative is to use a semiconductor hole. Unlike an electron, a valence hole in a quantum dot has an atomic p orbital which conveniently goes to zero at the location of all the nuclei, massively suppressing the interaction with the nuclear spins. Furthermore, in a quantum dot with strong strain and strong quantization, the heavy hole with spin-3/2 behaves as a spin-1/2 system and spin decoherence mechanisms are weak. We demonstrate here high fidelity (about 99 per cent) initialization of a single hole spin confined to a self-assembled quantum dot by optical pumping. Our scheme works even at zero magnetic field, demonstrating a negligible hole spin hyperfine interaction. We determine a hole spin relaxation time at low field of about one millisecond. These results suggest a route to the realization of solid-state quantum networks that can intra-convert the spin state with the polarization of a photon.  相似文献   

对于具有阻挫作用的反铁磁自旋梯子,采用多体格林函数方法并结合Jordan-Wigner变换,计算系统中近邻双格点的纠缠,分析纠缠的奇异性与量子相变之间关系.发现随着外磁场的变化,纠缠出现奇异即发生量子相变,但在量子相变点纠缠不一定出现奇异,这说明纠缠奇异与量子相变并非一一对应,此外纠缠平台与磁化平台一一对应.  相似文献   

Hsieh D  Qian D  Wray L  Xia Y  Hor YS  Cava RJ  Hasan MZ 《Nature》2008,452(7190):970-974
When electrons are subject to a large external magnetic field, the conventional charge quantum Hall effect dictates that an electronic excitation gap is generated in the sample bulk, but metallic conduction is permitted at the boundary. Recent theoretical models suggest that certain bulk insulators with large spin-orbit interactions may also naturally support conducting topological boundary states in the quantum limit, which opens up the possibility for studying unusual quantum Hall-like phenomena in zero external magnetic fields. Bulk Bi(1-x)Sb(x) single crystals are predicted to be prime candidates for one such unusual Hall phase of matter known as the topological insulator. The hallmark of a topological insulator is the existence of metallic surface states that are higher-dimensional analogues of the edge states that characterize a quantum spin Hall insulator. In addition to its interesting boundary states, the bulk of Bi(1-x)Sb(x) is predicted to exhibit three-dimensional Dirac particles, another topic of heightened current interest following the new findings in two-dimensional graphene and charge quantum Hall fractionalization observed in pure bismuth. However, despite numerous transport and magnetic measurements on the Bi(1-x)Sb(x) family since the 1960s, no direct evidence of either topological Hall states or bulk Dirac particles has been found. Here, using incident-photon-energy-modulated angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (IPEM-ARPES), we report the direct observation of massive Dirac particles in the bulk of Bi(0.9)Sb(0.1), locate the Kramers points at the sample's boundary and provide a comprehensive mapping of the Dirac insulator's gapless surface electron bands. These findings taken together suggest that the observed surface state on the boundary of the bulk insulator is a realization of the 'topological metal'. They also suggest that this material has potential application in developing next-generation quantum computing devices that may incorporate 'light-like' bulk carriers and spin-textured surface currents.  相似文献   

The spin of a confined electron, when oriented originally in some direction, will lose memory of that orientation after some time. Physical mechanisms leading to this relaxation of spin memory typically involve either coupling of the electron spin to its orbital motion or to nuclear spins. Relaxation of confined electron spin has been previously measured only for Zeeman or exchange split spin states, where spin-orbit effects dominate relaxation; spin flips due to nuclei have been observed in optical spectroscopy studies. Using an isolated GaAs double quantum dot defined by electrostatic gates and direct time domain measurements, we investigate in detail spin relaxation for arbitrary splitting of spin states. Here we show that electron spin flips are dominated by nuclear interactions and are slowed by several orders of magnitude when a magnetic field of a few millitesla is applied. These results have significant implications for spin-based information processing.  相似文献   

The ability to control the quantum state of a single electron spin in a quantum dot is at the heart of recent developments towards a scalable spin-based quantum computer. In combination with the recently demonstrated controlled exchange gate between two neighbouring spins, driven coherent single spin rotations would permit universal quantum operations. Here, we report the experimental realization of single electron spin rotations in a double quantum dot. First, we apply a continuous-wave oscillating magnetic field, generated on-chip, and observe electron spin resonance in spin-dependent transport measurements through the two dots. Next, we coherently control the quantum state of the electron spin by applying short bursts of the oscillating magnetic field and observe about eight oscillations of the spin state (so-called Rabi oscillations) during a microsecond burst. These results demonstrate the feasibility of operating single-electron spins in a quantum dot as quantum bits.  相似文献   

Initialization and read-out of coupled quantum systems are essential ingredients for the implementation of quantum algorithms. Single-shot read-out of the state of a multi-quantum-bit (multi-qubit) register would allow direct investigation of quantum correlations (entanglement), and would give access to further key resources such as quantum error correction and deterministic quantum teleportation. Although spins in solids are attractive candidates for scalable quantum information processing, their single-shot detection has been achieved only for isolated qubits. Here we demonstrate the preparation and measurement of a multi-spin quantum register in a low-temperature solid-state system by implementing resonant optical excitation techniques originally developed in atomic physics. We achieve high-fidelity read-out of the electronic spin associated with a single nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond, and use this read-out to project up to three nearby nuclear spin qubits onto a well-defined state. Conversely, we can distinguish the state of the nuclear spins in a single shot by mapping it onto, and subsequently measuring, the electronic spin. Finally, we show compatibility with qubit control: we demonstrate initialization, coherent manipulation and single-shot read-out in a single experiment on a two-qubit register, using techniques suitable for extension to larger registers. These results pave the way for a test of Bell's inequalities on solid-state spins and the implementation of measurement-based quantum information protocols.  相似文献   

Decoherence-protected quantum gates for a hybrid solid-state spin register   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protecting the dynamics of coupled quantum systems from decoherence by the environment is a key challenge for solid-state quantum information processing. An idle quantum bit (qubit) can be efficiently insulated from the outside world by dynamical decoupling, as has recently been demonstrated for individual solid-state qubits. However, protecting qubit coherence during a multi-qubit gate is a non-trivial problem: in general, the decoupling disrupts the interqubit dynamics and hence conflicts with gate operation. This problem is particularly salient for hybrid systems, in which different types of qubit evolve and decohere at very different rates. Here we present the integration of dynamical decoupling into quantum gates for a standard hybrid system, the electron-nuclear spin register. Our design harnesses the internal resonance in the coupled-spin system to resolve the conflict between gate operation and decoupling. We experimentally demonstrate these gates using a two-qubit register in diamond operating at room temperature. Quantum tomography reveals that the qubits involved in the gate operation are protected as accurately as idle qubits. We also perform Grover's quantum search algorithm, and achieve fidelities of more than 90% even though the algorithm run-time exceeds the electron spin dephasing time by two orders of magnitude. Our results directly allow decoherence-protected interface gates between different types of solid-state qubit. Ultimately, quantum gates with integrated decoupling may reach the accuracy threshold for fault-tolerant quantum information processing with solid-state devices.  相似文献   

Spin is a fundamental property of all elementary particles. Classically it can be viewed as a tiny magnetic moment, but a measurement of an electron spin along the direction of an external magnetic field can have only two outcomes: parallel or anti-parallel to the field. This discreteness reflects the quantum mechanical nature of spin. Ensembles of many spins have found diverse applications ranging from magnetic resonance imaging to magneto-electronic devices, while individual spins are considered as carriers for quantum information. Read-out of single spin states has been achieved using optical techniques, and is within reach of magnetic resonance force microscopy. However, electrical read-out of single spins has so far remained elusive. Here we demonstrate electrical single-shot measurement of the state of an individual electron spin in a semiconductor quantum dot. We use spin-to-charge conversion of a single electron confined in the dot, and detect the single-electron charge using a quantum point contact; the spin measurement visibility is approximately 65%. Furthermore, we observe very long single-spin energy relaxation times (up to approximately 0.85 ms at a magnetic field of 8 T), which are encouraging for the use of electron spins as carriers of quantum information.  相似文献   

液体光击穿激发的辐射声场   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
运用声学基本理论,对流体中光击穿时激发声场的声压规律和指向特性进行了理论和实验研究.结果表明,当观测点与光击穿区的距离r远大于柱体长度时,垂直于光传播方向的声压幅值与r成反比,与光击穿长度成正比,声脉冲信号的声压幅值最大;自来水和生理盐水沿光传播方向及其夹角θ≈29.8°时,声脉冲信号幅值最小.  相似文献   

在由N+1个相互作用的反铁磁分子环构成的量子自旋系统中,可以调控1种多体纠缠态。N个周边分子环的电子自旋和1个中心分子环的电子存在相互交换,从而在分子间形成可调的相互作用。通过整个系统的有效自旋哈密顿量解析得出系统的量子动力学行为。研究发现在量子涨落的条件下,1种高精度的形纠缠态可以被制备出来。通过控制分子间的相互作用,这种多体纠缠态也可以从一些分子环传输到其他分子环上。  相似文献   

给出了圈量子引力中的一种Hamilton约束.利用空间的三角剖分,将这种Hamilton约束对自旋网的作用进行了计算.求得了空间在这种Hamilton约束作用下的跃迁振幅的系烽.  相似文献   

Choi KS  Goban A  Papp SB  van Enk SJ  Kimble HJ 《Nature》2010,468(7322):412-416
Quantum networks are composed of quantum nodes that interact coherently through quantum channels, and open a broad frontier of scientific opportunities. For example, a quantum network can serve as a 'web' for connecting quantum processors for computation and communication, or as a 'simulator' allowing investigations of quantum critical phenomena arising from interactions among the nodes mediated by the channels. The physical realization of quantum networks generically requires dynamical systems capable of generating and storing entangled states among multiple quantum memories, and efficiently transferring stored entanglement into quantum channels for distribution across the network. Although such capabilities have been demonstrated for diverse bipartite systems, entangled states have not been achieved for interconnects capable of 'mapping' multipartite entanglement stored in quantum memories to quantum channels. Here we demonstrate measurement-induced entanglement stored in four atomic memories; user-controlled, coherent transfer of the atomic entanglement to four photonic channels; and characterization of the full quadripartite entanglement using quantum uncertainty relations. Our work therefore constitutes an advance in the distribution of multipartite entanglement across quantum networks. We also show that our entanglement verification method is suitable for studying the entanglement order of condensed-matter systems in thermal equilibrium.  相似文献   

建立以无相互作用的自旋为1/2的粒子组成的自旋系统为工质,由两个绝热和两个等温过程组成的量子卡诺制冷循环模型。应用量子主方程和半群逼近,研究了循环的一般性能特性,导出了制冷循环的制冷系数、制冷率和输入功三个重要参数的一般表达式。特别是详细讨论了在高温极限下自旋量子卡诺制冷循环优化性能,导出了最大制冷率和相应的制冷系数。所得结论可为低温制冷机的优化设计提供理论基础。  相似文献   

利用圈量子引力中自旋网顶角定义的一种新的体积不变量,给出"2+1"维和"3+1"维空时单形跃迁的振幅.得到了自旋网跃迁过程中空间体积膨胀的结果.将这一结果引入空间编织理论之中,提出了一种基于空间跃迁中由于体积本征值改变的宇宙量子膨胀模型.同时利用量子四面体提供的量子信息,对引力场的产生提出了一种解释.  相似文献   

The spin of a single electron subject to a static magnetic field provides a natural two-level system that is suitable for use as a quantum bit, the fundamental logical unit in a quantum computer. Semiconductor quantum dots fabricated by strain driven self-assembly are particularly attractive for the realization of spin quantum bits, as they can be controllably positioned, electronically coupled and embedded into active devices. It has been predicted that the atomic-like electronic structure of such quantum dots suppresses coupling of the spin to the solid-state quantum dot environment, thus protecting the 'spin' quantum information against decoherence. Here we demonstrate a single electron spin memory device in which the electron spin can be programmed by frequency selective optical excitation. We use the device to prepare single electron spins in semiconductor quantum dots with a well defined orientation, and directly measure the intrinsic spin flip time and its dependence on magnetic field. A very long spin lifetime is obtained, with a lower limit of about 20 milliseconds at a magnetic field of 4 tesla and at 1 kelvin.  相似文献   

在2个量子位(qubit)的体系中,对Kane固体量子计算机模型的通过电子状态与核子自旋状态的交换进行测量的方法进行了研究。从2个量子位系统的Hamilton量出发,根据总自旋在外磁场方向的总投影分成5个不变子空间,构造它们的块对角矩阵形式。分析了它们所有的本征值和本征态随电子之间交换相互作用的大小的变化关系。结果表明:利用核自旋和电子自旋交换来测量核自旋的方法是有一定适用范围的,在2个量子位与2个电子的系统中的16个态中,只有4个可以利用这种方法来测量。  相似文献   

在经典极限条件下,量子化的Dicke模型表现为混沌动力学特征.通过研究量子纠缠和量子自旋压缩特性,得到以下结论:线性熵对于初态函数的选择,在相空间的不同区域有不同的表现,混沌区域的量子纠缠明显增大,规则区域则减弱;量子自旋压缩在相空间也表现出对混沌和规则区域的敏感性,混沌区域与规则区域相比较,存在自旋压缩的可能性较大;相同条件下,线性熵和压缩系数的变化趋势具有相似的表现行为.  相似文献   

研究半导体量子点中温度差和电压趋近于零条件下的线性热电效应,用非平衡格林函数方法计算了系统的电导率、热导率、塞贝克常数和品质因子.发现在量子点与铁磁引线耦合的器件中,流过系统的电子将变得自旋极化,从而对以上物理量产生非常显著的影响.表明电子的自旋自由度可以用于调整低维半导体器件中的热电效应及器件的工作条件.  相似文献   

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