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This series of papers is intended to evaluate astrocladistics in reconstructing phylogenies of galaxies. The objective of this second paper is to formalize the concept of galaxy formation and to identify the processes of diversification. We show that galaxy diversity can be expected to organize itself in a hierarchy. In order to better understand the role of mergers, we have selected a sample of 43 galaxies from the GALICS database built from simulations with a hybrid model for galaxy formation studies. These simulated galaxies, described by 119 characters and considered as representing still undefined classes, have experienced different numbers of merger events during evolution. Our cladistic analysis yields a robust tree that proves the existence of a hierarchy. Mergers, like interactions (not taken into account in the GALICS simulations), are probably a strong driver for galaxy diversification. Our result shows that mergers participate in a branching type of evolution, but do not seem to play the role of an evolutionary clock.  相似文献   

科学理论的理性重构是分析派科学哲学和精确科学史的共同主题.以卡尔纳普为代表的逻辑实证主义者将其视为科学理论的规范形式,拉卡托斯则提议以之作为科学史研究的恰当编史学纲领.逻辑和科学哲学的新发展使科学知识的理性重构课题迎来新生.借助"物理/几何对应"可将经典时空理论重构为四维几何对象.通过对称群方法及其范畴学推广,得以系统...  相似文献   

概率哲学思想的几次进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概率哲学思想的发展,不仅受到社会、经济和生产力发展的影响,且同自然科学和社会科学相联系,连同本身的内在矛盾相互制约、彼此推动,促使其从对立矛盾发展到相对和谐统一,而形成了概率论的基本内容、基本形式以及方法论上的重大变革。  相似文献   

A view of evolution is presented in this paper (a two paper series), intended as a methodological infrastructure for modeling spatio-cultural systems (the design outline of such a model is presented in paper II). A motivation for the re-articulation of evolution as information dynamics is the phenomenologically discovered prerequisite of embedding a meaning-attributing apparatus in any and all models of spatio-cultural systems. An evolution is construed as the dynamics of a complex system comprised of memory devices, connected in an ordered fashion (not randomly) by information-exchanges. An information-exchange transpires when the recipient system adopts a strategy (a continuum of events) that eventually changes its structure; namely, after the exchange, it contains and conveys different information. These memory devices??sub-systems??are also similarly constructed complex system. Only a part of the information is retained by a system in its physical-memory storage, which eventually loses this function too, when the ability to retrieve a common enough structure is lost. The entire amount of information is a system??s structure of connections (information exchanges); it is contained (apparently stored) dynamically when a system is observed in a temporarily stable state. This temporary permanence??robustness and resilience??is attained dynamically; namely, enabled by changes taking place in its sub-systems and in each of their sub-systems. Therefore, for modeling such a system a multi-layer/multi-scale approach is preferable. It enables the addition and subtraction of an interim scale and the consideration of such a scale as a micro or a macro (thus initiating a maneuver up or down scale) according to an ad-hoc requirement of the model, which imitates an envisaged sub system (called an ??Inner World??), to which a certain range of decisions is relegated. This dynamics is driven (in time) by dynamically originated information growth, as defined by Shannon; i.e. by the fact that each of certain state transitions have occurred sometime in the past of the system just so and not otherwise, and by the fact that they have occurred in a certain order. Therefore, each ??history?? and memory retrieval availability of information is unique, and thus can be used to differentiate meanings. Hence, there cannot be a comprehensive solution to the meaning attribution model-design challenge. However, the observation that at the core of each envisaged complex system, moving in time according to a rounded logic, there is an information manipulating device, operating necessarily according to a Boolean logic, can be copied into the design of a model. This observation enables, therefore, the embedding of a specific, locally fitted, meaning attributing device, which is an information manipulating mechanism (it splices/attaches one segment of information to another??its meaning). However, this is just a framework; the actual solution has still to be found locally??for each subject system. Such a solution is demonstrated for the change in location or layout in the Israeli city in paper II.  相似文献   

In the present paper I develop a model of the evolutionary process associated to the widespread although controversial notion of a prevailing trend of increasing complexity over time. The model builds on a coupling of evolution to individual developmental programs and introduces an integrated view of evolution implying that human culture and science form a continuous extension of organic evolution. It is formed as a mathematical model that has made possible a quantitative estimation in relative terms of the growth of complexity. This estimation is accomplished by means of computer simulations the result of which indicates a strong acceleration of complexity all the way from the appearance of multicellular organisms up to modern man.  相似文献   

中国古代谱录类书中,载有极珍贵的科技思想文献。要注重搜集其中设计思想的精华、工艺技巧的精华、制作加工手段的精华;考订是整理工作的重点,可从思想精髓的提取,揭示技术上蕴涵的科学思想,从数据分析中得到规律等诸方面进行研究。当今,要做好几被忽视的谱录工作,应特别注意提取文献中的科技含量和考究文献中的文化品位。  相似文献   

经典技术哲学分为前后不同的两个阶段,前一阶段以工程学的传统为主,其学科范式特征表现为人类学的、唯物论的和技术乌托邦主义的倾向;后一阶段以人文主义的传统为主,其学科范式特征表现为视域的多元化、理论基础上的后现代性和方法上的规范性。两种传统的融合促进了技术哲学的"经验转向"。  相似文献   

运用形态学的方法将西方工程伦理作为一个有机整体进行理论分析和逻辑整合发现:西方工程伦理形态沿着三条螺旋式上升的主线演变,即"德性-规则-德性"、"道义-功利-道义"和"经验-理性-经验"。西方工程伦理形态的演变,实质是西方工程伦理在思想理念上的演变,在价值行为选择上的演变。伦理形态的演变规律,对于当下工程伦理的理论研究以及工程伦理的实践探索具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

We propose a framework for analyzing the development, operation and failure to survive of all things, living, non-living or organized groupings. This framework is a sequence of developments that improve survival capability. Framework processes range from origination of any entity/system, to the development of increased survival capability and development of life-forms and organizations that use intelligence. This work deals with a series of developmental changes that arise from the uncovering of emergent properties. The framework is intended to be general, but we see a potential to apply it to scientific topics such as the exploration of the origin of life or the search for life beyond Earth, and to understand some biological issues in evolution and symbiosis, and also to apply to social systems that do not seem to be operating well, to determine their problems and correct them.
N. J. WoolfEmail:

布哈林是卓越的马克思主义理论家、杰出的科学管理者.作为政治活动家,他一生命运曲折多舛;作为苏联科学院的第一批共产党人院士,人们对他的了解则很少.他曾经担任苏联科学院自然科学和技术史研究所第一任所长,在科学史研究领域是一位具有重要影响的人,引领苏联学者开创了科学外部史研究的新路向,为独具特色的苏联科学动力学派的形成奠定了基础.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代开始,一些社会生物学家开始试图从进化的角度来说明人类利他行为,但却不愿意复活达尔文自然选择的残酷涵义.因此在其基础上先后建立了群选择和亲选择理论,在群体和亲族的范围内解释了利他主义行为.艾利奥特·索伯和大卫·斯洛恩·威尔逊在他们<向着他人:非自私行为的进化论和心理学>一书中,从生物学和心理学上给我们一种新的视角,即将群选择理论精致化,细分为群内选择和群间选择.根据这一进化模型,尽管在群内选择中利己主义占有优势,但在群间选择中利他主义占有优势.从全球范围看,利他主义将得到进化.  相似文献   

崔崑  朱彬  于渤 《自然辩证法研究》2006,22(7):77-80,112
科技风险投资是一种支持创新的投资制度,对企业的技术创新活动,尤其是对国家发展拥有自主知识产权的创新技术具有至关重要的作用。在我国科技风险投资组织效率普遍不高的情况下,从促进国家科技发展的角度出发,合理借鉴发达国家经验,设计有利于自主创新的科技风险投资组织演进模式是十分必要的和有意义的。  相似文献   

谈术语及术语系统之系统性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统性是最重要的术语理论问题之一。俄罗斯术语学派把概念结构及相应的语言结构两个方面结合起来考察术语系统的系统性,使术语获得理据性,并通过术语的语言形式展现术语所命名概念的特征以及该概念与其他相关概念的联系。  相似文献   

新文化运动时期的科学主义思潮:路向、特质及影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新文化运动时期,科学主义在中国思想界不仅有着丰富的表现,而且在一定程度上发生了变异,形成了不同于西方科学主义的特质。中国近代科学主义思潮是同崇尚科学、倡导科学精神和科学方法的新文化运动交织在一起的,我们很难在科学主义与追求和崇尚科学之间划出泾渭分明的界线。科学主义思潮时中国近现代思想界的影响,既有其消极的一面,也有其积极的一面。科学主义在近代中国思想界的出现,盖源于实用主义地理解科学。因此,在中国消解科学主义之路,不在于反对把科学作为“新权威”、“新信仰”,而在于培养我们民族真正的科学精神。  相似文献   

人类文化思想史中的休闲--历史·文化·哲学的视角   总被引:52,自引:4,他引:52  
休闲在人类文明进化的历史中具有重要的文化价值,是人类精神的一种境界。考察休闲研究兴起的社会背景和学术背景,我们可以看到人类“文化自觉”意识的觉醒。休闲研究(leisure studies)的兴起,其实质是对人类前途命运的一种思考,是对现代人类文化精神和价值体系发生断裂的现状做某些补救工作的一种努力,是试图通过对休闲与人生价值的思索,重新厘清人的文化精神坐标,进而促进人类的自省-未来的路如何走?人生的意义和价值究竟是什么?更多的意义是让我们学会思索-如何“成为人”,成长快乐、自由、富有创造力和具有追求真善美能力的人。休闲是人类先进文化的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

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