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Summary For the determination of cellular total glutathione, a new method is presented based on a fluorometric procedure. The relation between reduced glutathione, mixed glutathione disulfides and disulfide glutathione will be designated the glutathione status.Supported by DFG (Ha 743/3).  相似文献   

For the determination of cellular total glutathione, a new method is presented based on a fluorometric procedure. The relation between reduced glutathione, mixed glutathione disulfides and disulfide glutathione will be designated the glutathione status.  相似文献   

Riassunto I mitocondri di fegato di ratto possiedono almeno tre gruppi di antigeni, dei quali uno è esclusivamente legato alle membrane mitocondriali, uno è presente nella frazione solubile in 0,3% desossicolato di sodio ed un altro, che, sebbene principalmente localizzato nelle membrane, è anche dimostrabile nella frazione desossicolato solubile.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die intrazellulären pH-Werte von Rattenleber wurden mit Hilfe der DMO-Verteilungsmethode untersucht. Der intrazelluläre pH-Mittelwert der Leberzellen betrug 7,17±0,09; die intra-extrazelluläre pH-Differenz war 0,23.  相似文献   

Summary We have carried out histomechanical studies on the human and bovine liver capsule under tension loading. Results: Nonlinear force-time curve under extension with constant speed, initial upper and lower summit decrease of the dynamic relaxation curve, amplitude diminution phenomenon of the dynamic relaxation in the lower nonlinear part of the extension-time curve, dynamic (cyclic) force recovery.Acknowledgments. We are grateful for helpful suggestions to Dr P. Freyer. The authors are indebted to Mrs C. Beckers and Mr W. Graulich — The experimental study was supported by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).  相似文献   

Résumé Les auteurs ont utilisé deux lots des Rates portantes. L'un d'eux a été soumis à la laparotomie et l'autre à une hépatectomie partielle le 16ème jour de la gestation. Les animaux ont été sacrifiés à des dates échelonnées après l'intervention. Le poids des embryons et celui de leur foie, ainsi que la teneur en DNA du foie ont été mésurés.L'hépatectomie de la mère ralentit la croissance des embryons sans aucun effet spécifique sur le foie embryonnaire.  相似文献   

Résumé La vitesse de régénération du foie chez le rat surrénalectomisé, irradié, est comparée à celle du rat normal radioprotégé, afin d'établir si la sécrétion des corticostéroides est en partie responsable de l'inhibition de la mitose provoquée par la radiation.Dans le présent travail, il est démontré que le rat surrénalectomisé possède une vitesse de mitose quatre fois supérieure à celle du rat normal, et ceci malgré d'importants dégâts causés au foie par la radiation.  相似文献   

Summary Prolonged administration of nonphysiological amounts of estrogen induced markedly enlarged nucleoli volumes in rat hepatocytes, indicative of increased nucleolar RNA synthesis. Physiological amounts of drug had no apparent morphological effects on the hepatocytes.I thank Dr L. Biempica, Department of Pathology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, for the electron microscopy studies.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das als Anthranilamid-5-Hydroxylase bezeichnete Enzym, das von Anthranilamid zu 5-OH-Anthranilamid hydroxyliert wird, wurde in den Mikrosomen von Rattenleberzellen lokalisiert.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of clofibrate on rat liver phospholipid biosynthesis was studied using32P as a precursor. Phospholipid classes, levels and specific radioactivity were evaluated. Significant increases in levels of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine were found and could account for the observed increase in total phospholipids. Specific activity of phosphatidylserine increased and that of phosphatidylethanolamine decreased. This fact suggests that clofibrate seems to alter the systems engaged in the transformation occurring within the different classes of phospholipids but not the de novo biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitatively, liver cytosol preparations were found to contain 2.3 times the number of prednisolone-binding proteins that were present per mg total protein in the rat gastrocnemius muscle. The liver proteins were larger molecules and, in a low ionic environment, were more chemically stable than the muscle proteins.The authors gratefully acknowledge the advice and encouragement of Dr G.A.J. Goodlad.  相似文献   

Summary Evidence has been presented to show that, like synthesis of RNA, syntheses of ribonucleotide precursors of RNA in the rat liver were stimulated for 6–18 h following whole-body X-irradiation (1000 R).  相似文献   

Summary Differential scanning calorimetry was employed for studying rat liver mitochondria and extracted mitochondrial lipids. Endothermic transition in the range 15–40°C was detected for the whole mitochondria and between 10–20°C for the extracted lipids.Acknowledgment. This work was supported in part by Volkswagen Foundation A.Z. 11-2711.  相似文献   

Résumé Le pentobarbital provoque un accroissement important de l'activité de la phosphoprotein-phosphatase extramicrosomiale du foie du rat. L'accroissement de l'activité de l'enzyme se produit dejà 20 min après l'administration du médicament (+40%) et dure autant que le traitement (+50–70%). Le niveau de l'induction dépend de la dose du pentobarbital. L'induction est bloquée par l'administration simultanée du cycloheximide ou du SKF 525-A.  相似文献   

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