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Balanced synthesis of light and heavy chains of immunoglobulin G   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
B A Askonas  A R Williamson 《Nature》1967,216(5112):264-267

P Burrows  M LeJeune  J F Kearney 《Nature》1979,280(5725):838-840

K Karjalainen  C Coleclough 《Nature》1985,314(6011):544-546
It is well established that B lymphocytes can achieve an almost unlimited antibody repertoire by using combinations of at least three different basic mechanisms. First, the mammalian genome has multiple, distinct germline variable (V), joining (J) and diversity (D) gene segments which can presumably combine randomly to give V-D-J joins in the heavy (H)-chain loci and V-J joins in the light (L)-chain loci during the formation of functional antibody genes. Second, the actual joining points between any two combining gene segments can vary considerably, increasing the germline diversity. Further variability is generated in the heavy-chain locus by de novo addition of extra nucleotides between the combining gene segments. Finally, somatic mutations independent from joining events can accumulate in V regions during the lifetime of B lymphocytes. Here we report that when V and J regions join in the formation of functional lambda 1 light-chain genes, 'lethal' out-of-frame joins can be compensated for by the deletion of nucleotides several bases upstream of the actual joining points; this generates small stretches of nucleotides in a new frame between the deletion and the V-J joining point, thus creating additional diversity in the third hypervariable regions of the mouse lambda 1 light chains.  相似文献   

Clustered arrangement of immunoglobulin lambda constant region genes in man   总被引:67,自引:0,他引:67  
The immunoglobulin lambda light chain locus of man contains six lambda-like genes arranged tandemly on a 50-kilobase segment of chromosomal DNA. THe sequences of three of these genes correspond to three known non-allelic lambda chain isotypes: Mcg, Ke-Oz- and Ke-Oz+. They surround a highly polymorphic and evidently unstable region that is repeatedly deleted when cloned in Escherichia coli. Three additional, but as yet unlinked, lambda-like sequences have also been cloned, suggesting that the lambda genes form an unexpectedly large family within the human genome.  相似文献   

The human lambda immunoglobulin locus displays a series of restriction fragment length polymorphisms that are readily detected in small populations of normal individuals. Similar polymorphisms appear in populations of wild mice, suggesting that the lambda locus is subject to rapid variation within a single species. Here we show that the polymorphisms seen in the human lambda locus seem to have arisen from unequal meiotic crossing over, altering the number of lambda from as few as six to as many as nine per haploid genome. This expansion and contraction in the number of human lambda genes is significant in that it may affect an individual's capacity to produce variation among lambda light chain genes.  相似文献   

van Hulst NF 《Nature》2007,448(7150):141-142

Linked groups of residues in immunoglobulin k chains   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
C Milstein 《Nature》1967,216(5113):330-332

R L O'Brien  R L Brinster  U Storb 《Nature》1987,326(6111):405-409
Initial studies of somatically acquired mutations in immunoglobulin V regions from hybridomas and myelomas that are not derived from joining aberrations, suggested a controlled and specific hypermutation process, because spontaneous mutation rates observed for other genes are extremely low. Some evidence for the idea that mutations are introduced during V-gene rearrangement came from the clustering of mutations at the joining sites, from the absence of mutations in unrearranged V genes and from the low level of mutations in only partially (D-J) rearranged nonproductive heavy-chain alleles. Another model in which mutations accumulate with each cell division, rather than being introduced all at once, was supported by the finding that immunoglobulin genes of hybridomas derived from a single mouse frequently had several mutations in common, and so might be derived from the same precursor cell whose daughters then accumulated additional mutations. But the common mutations in some cases could be due to as yet unidentified related germline genes, or could represent the effect of antigen selection for certain amino acids. To try to detect hypermutation in the absence of V-gene rearrangement, we isolated B lymphocytes with endogenous heavy-chain gene mutations from transgenic mice carrying pre-rearranged kappa-transgenes. We found that these kappa-transgenes were also somatically mutated. This and other observations indicated that: ongoing rearrangement is not required for mutation; there are signals for hypermutation in the transgenes; the mutations are found only in the variable region, so the constant region may not be a target; different transgene insertion sites are compatible with hypermutations and more than one transgene is expressed in the same cell.  相似文献   

C L Scott  J F Mushinski  K Huppi  M Weigert  M Potter 《Nature》1982,300(5894):757-760
The lambda immunoglobulin light chain (Ig lambda) locus of BALB/c inbred mice consists of two variable region gene segments (V lambda)1-3, and four constant region gene segments (C lambda)1,2,4,5. Each C lambda gene segment is associated with a unique joining segment (J lambda)2,4-7, and they are organized in two paired units, J3C3-J1C1 and J2C2-J4C4 (refs 4, 8). Using cDNA probes specific for C lambda 1 and C lambda 2 (ref. 9) we have analysed the genomic organization of the C lambda gene segments in wild-derived and inbred strains of mice. Although Southern blots of the genomic DNA of inbred mice show a constant pattern of hybridization, wild-derived mice show a high degree of variation in the number, size and intensity of hybridizing fragments. We have now found that, per haploid genome, mice of a Mus musculus musculus stock isolated from Sladeckovce, Czechoslovakia (CzII) have at least 12 C lambda segments, and mice of a Mus musculus domesticus stock 'Centreville Lights' from Centreville, Maryland (CL) have at least 8 C lambda segments. There appears to have been relatively recent amplifications of the C lambda gene segments in wild mice.  相似文献   

K Eichmann  A S Tung  A Nisonoff 《Nature》1974,250(5466):509-511

Rabbit antibody light chains and gene evolution   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
L Hood  K Eichmann  H Lackland  R M Krause  J J Ohms 《Nature》1970,228(5276):1040-1044

Variability in the lambda light chain sequences of mouse antibody   总被引:81,自引:0,他引:81  
M G Weigert  I M Cesari  S J Yonkovich  M Cohn 《Nature》1970,228(5276):1045-1047

Role of myosin light chains in calcium regulation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
J Kendrick-Jones 《Nature》1974,249(458):631-634

Non-allelic nature of the basic sequences of normal immunoglobulin K chains   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
C Milstein  C P Milstein  A Feinstein 《Nature》1969,221(5176):151-154

Sequence analysis of immunoglobulin light chain messenger RNA   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

Candidate for immunoglobulin D present on murine B lymphocytes   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
E R Abney  R M Parkhouse 《Nature》1974,252(5484):600-602

Unusual sequences in the murine immunoglobulin mu-delta heavy-chain region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The delta heavy (H) chain of mouse immunoglobulin D (IgD) is unusual both in its structure and in its differential expression relative to immunoglobulin M (IgM; reviewed in ref. 1). The region of DNA between IgM and IgD H-chain constant-region genes is probably implicated in this control. So far only fragments of the area have been sequenced. Now, however, we present the complete sequence as well as the sequence of the introns of the C delta gene. We have found several interesting features (Fig. 1), including an open reading frame (ORF) between Cmu and C delta which encodes 146 amino acids that might represent a previously unsuspected domain-like protein; three blocks of simple repetitive sequences; a 162-base pair (bp) unique-sequence inverted repeat; and a domain-like pseudogene in the large intron of C delta. We have not found, however, any sequence 5' of C delta resembling the switch (S) recombination sequences associated with class switching in other heavy chains. Moreover, we have determined the 3' deletion end point of an IgD-producing myeloma and find no sequences reminiscent of switch sites nearby.  相似文献   

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