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本文通过磁驰豫实验研究发现,Pr的掺杂对提高高温超导体的磁通钉扎能力有明显的作用.  相似文献   

通过对高温超导体混合态中磁通束跳跃模型的理论分析,讨论了高温超导体的非线性现象,给出了微波射频电流Irf与材料样品的微波表面阻抗△HZs之间的关系表达式:△HZs∝Irf,分析结果表明,高温超导体的非线性效应可以用磁通束跳跃模型来解释.  相似文献   

在介绍磁弛豫行为和磁滞效应等基本概念的基础上,总结了近些年已发表的镝单/多核以及配位聚合物磁弛豫体系中溶剂分子调控磁弛豫行为的研究成果,分析了溶剂分子的改变对配合物磁弛豫和磁滞行为的调控作用,探讨了溶剂分子对磁弛豫以及磁滞行为的调控机制,以期为未来分子纳米磁体领域的研究提供参考与支持.   相似文献   

基于 Anderson磁通蠕动模型 ,考虑磁通的反跳对磁通蠕动速度的影响 ,得出了超导体中不可逆线的一般表达式。进一步分析了所得结论与其他类似讨论结果的不同之处 ,认为不可逆线的实质是反映磁通钉扎势中外场 H和温度 T之间的关系 ,而与磁通格子的融化可能没有关系。并给出了验证这种解释是否合理的一种实验方案  相似文献   

利用激活弛豫技术研究了液态硅的激活能与温度之间的关系.结果表明激活能在较高的温度区间为0.2~0.3eV,几乎不随温度变化而变化;而在靠近熔点处出现陡峭的增加,增至1.0eV.与此相应,激活弛豫事件的大小随温度变化呈现相同的变化规律.这一结果在一定程度上较好地解释了实验上观察到液态硅粘度随温度异常变化的现象,同时它也表明液态硅的整体结构将在低温处出现异常变化.  相似文献   

从极值动力学原理出发,考虑极化介质内部对慢极化的束缚作用,导出了弛豫函数的基本关系式.提出了弛豫时间与束缚作用有关.认为慢弛豫来源于极化子的局域束缚作用,弛豫过程可提供微观极化信息.  相似文献   

建立一个简易的高温超导材料模型,将含有中心裂纹的超导圆柱置于下降的外磁场中.采用平面应变理论等方法,计算出超导圆柱中的洛伦兹力随时间的变化关系,采用ABAQUES有限元分析的方法,求解出随时间变化的动态应力强度因子.通过改变磁通粘滞流动速度、裂纹的长度和外加最大磁场,得到动态应力强度因子在不同条件下的变化过程.结果表明...  相似文献   

磁性弛豫铁电材料是指在一定温度范围内同时具有弛豫铁电性和铁磁(反铁磁)序的材料,弛豫铁电性和磁有序的共存使其存在内禀的磁电效应.实验上已经测出在外加磁场情况下磁性弛豫铁电材料CdCr2S4具有巨大的磁熵效应,但是理论上还没有具体解释这一现象.本文分别运用球形无规键-无规场模型(SRBRF模型)和海森堡模型(Heisenberg模型)来描述铁电子系统和磁子系统,并且考虑了两个子系统之间的耦合相互作用,研究了外加磁场及温度的大小对磁性弛豫铁电材料CdCr2S4的磁熵变化及绝热温度差的改变.研究表明,磁熵变化及绝热温度差都在磁相变温度附近具有最大值,我们的理论研究结果很好地解释了实验现象.  相似文献   

根据Ngai提出的弛豫速率函数定义,导出了KWW函数、von Schweidler函数和幂函数三种经验拟合的弛豫函数的速率函数,并归纳了统一的表达式。基于理想的弛豫动力学方程模式耦合理动力学方程中引入阻尼顶的方法,提出了适用于弛豫函数和弛豫速率函数的动力学方程。讨论了阻尼因子随时间的变化及其与Ngai的关联因子、幂函数的指数因子的函数关系。通过分析聚合物材料的结晶度对弛豫过程的影响,得到了结晶度增加使关联作用减小的结论。  相似文献   

基于玻璃化转变的分子串模型的分子串哈密顿量(Hamiltonian),提出了模拟分子串的弛豫动力学的蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)模拟方案.模拟得出的直分子串的弛豫时间,与分子串模型的弛豫方程所预言的第一弛豫模式的弛豫时间完全一致,即理论预期和模拟结果相互印证.这不仅说明分子串模型的分子串弛豫方程至少是第一弛豫模式的理论预言的正确性,同时也说明本文所提出的模拟方法的正确性,并进一步明晰了分子串中分子的随机涨落和跃迁运动的图像,也为三态甚至是多态的分子串弛豫动力学研究,以及对进一步模拟分子串之间的复杂相互作用提供了依据与思路.  相似文献   

There is still no universally accepted theory of high-temperature superconductivity. Most models assume that doping creates 'holes' in the valence band of an insulating, antiferromagnetic 'parent' compound, and that antiferromagnetism and high-temperature superconductivity are intimately related. If their respective energies are nearly equal, strong antiferromagnetic fluctuations (temporally and spatially restricted antiferromagnetic domains) would be expected in the superconductive phase, and superconducting fluctuations would be expected in the antiferromagnetic phase; the two states should 'mix' over an extended length scale. Here we report that one-unit-cell-thick antiferromagnetic La2CuO4 barrier layers remain highly insulating and completely block a supercurrent; the characteristic decay length is 1 A, indicating that the two phases do not mix. We likewise found that isolated one-unit-cell-thick layers of La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 remain superconducting. The latter further implies that, on doping, new electronic states are created near the middle of the bandgap. These two findings are in conflict with most proposed models, with a few notable exceptions that include postulated spin-charge separation.  相似文献   

Balakirev FF  Betts JB  Migliori A  Ono S  Ando Y  Boebinger GS 《Nature》2003,424(6951):912-915
High-temperature superconductivity is achieved by doping copper oxide insulators with charge carriers. The density of carriers in conducting materials can be determined from measurements of the Hall voltage--the voltage transverse to the flow of the electrical current that is proportional to an applied magnetic field. In common metals, this proportionality (the Hall coefficient) is robustly temperature independent. This is in marked contrast to the behaviour seen in high-temperature superconductors when in the 'normal' (resistive) state; the departure from expected behaviour is a key signature of the unconventional nature of the normal state, the origin of which remains a central controversy in condensed matter physics. Here we report the evolution of the low-temperature Hall coefficient in the normal state as the carrier density is increased, from the onset of superconductivity and beyond (where superconductivity has been suppressed by a magnetic field). Surprisingly, the Hall coefficient does not vary monotonically with doping but rather exhibits a sharp change at the optimal doping level for superconductivity. This observation supports the idea that two competing ground states underlie the high-temperature superconducting phase.  相似文献   

Electronic charges introduced in copper-oxide (CuO(2)) planes generate high-transition-temperature (T(c)) superconductivity but, under special circumstances, they can also order into filaments called stripes. Whether an underlying tendency towards charge order is present in all copper oxides and whether this has any relationship with superconductivity are, however, two highly controversial issues. To uncover underlying electronic order, magnetic fields strong enough to destabilize superconductivity can be used. Such experiments, including quantum oscillations in YBa(2)Cu(3)O(y) (an extremely clean copper oxide in which charge order has not until now been observed) have suggested that superconductivity competes with spin, rather than charge, order. Here we report nuclear magnetic resonance measurements showing that high magnetic fields actually induce charge order, without spin order, in the CuO(2) planes of YBa(2)Cu(3)O(y). The observed static, unidirectional, modulation of the charge density breaks translational symmetry, thus explaining quantum oscillation results, and we argue that it is most probably the same 4a-periodic modulation as in stripe-ordered copper oxides. That it develops only when superconductivity fades away and near the same 1/8 hole doping as in La(2-x)Ba(x)CuO(4) (ref.?1) suggests that charge order, although visibly pinned by CuO chains in YBa(2)Cu(3)O(y), is an intrinsic propensity of the superconducting planes of high-T(c) copper oxides.  相似文献   

Quantum criticality is associated with a system composed of a nearly infinite number of interacting quantum degrees of freedom at zero temperature, and it implies that the system looks on average the same regardless of the time- and length scale on which it is observed. Electrons on the atomic scale do not exhibit such symmetry, which can only be generated as a collective phenomenon through the interactions between a large number of electrons. In materials with strong electron correlations a quantum phase transition at zero temperature can occur, and a quantum critical state has been predicted, which manifests itself through universal power-law behaviours of the response functions. Candidates have been found both in heavy-fermion systems and in the high-transition temperature (high-T(c)) copper oxide superconductors, but the reality and the physical nature of such a phase transition are still debated. Here we report a universal behaviour that is characteristic of the quantum critical region. We demonstrate that the experimentally measured phase angle agrees precisely with the exponent of the optical conductivity. This points towards a quantum phase transition of an unconventional kind in the high-T(c) superconductors.  相似文献   

One view of the high-transition-temperature (high-Tc) copper oxide superconductors is that they are conventional superconductors where the pairing occurs between weakly interacting quasiparticles (corresponding to the electrons in ordinary metals), although the theory has to be pushed to its limit. An alternative view is that the electrons organize into collective textures (for example, charge and spin stripes) which cannot be 'mapped' onto the electrons in ordinary metals. Understanding the properties of the material would then need quantum field theories of objects such as textures and strings, rather than point-like electrons. In an external magnetic field, magnetic flux penetrates type II superconductors via vortices, each carrying one flux quantum. The vortices form lattices of resistive material embedded in the non-resistive superconductor, and can reveal the nature of the ground state-for example, a conventional metal or an ordered, striped phase-which would have appeared had superconductivity not intervened, and which provides the best starting point for a pairing theory. Here we report that for one high-Tc superconductor, the applied field that imposes the vortex lattice also induces 'striped' antiferromagnetic order. Ordinary quasiparticle models can account for neither the strength of the order nor the nearly field-independent antiferromagnetic transition temperature observed in our measurements.  相似文献   

基于Ampère环路定律和Bean临界态模型,通过分析超导体内部屏蔽电流穿透深度的变化,考虑高温超导悬浮系统的强磁滞特性和磁化历史,讨论了系统的磁刚度.针对实验和计算方法中与磁刚度密切相关的小滞回距离选取标准展开讨论,给出了合理的小滞回距离范围;指出磁刚度曲线具有明显的滞回性质,这主要源于超导悬浮系统的磁滞特性;详细讨论系统物理与几何参数(如临界电流密度、超导体厚度和半径等)对磁刚度的影响.计算结果可以为高温超导悬浮系统的稳定性设计提供有效可行的方法和参考依据.  相似文献   

Puzzling aspects of high-transition-temperature (high-Tc) superconductors include the prevalence of magnetism in the normal state and the persistence of superconductivity in high magnetic fields. Superconductivity and magnetism generally are thought to be incompatible, based on what is known about conventional superconductors. Recent results, however, indicate that antiferromagnetism can appear in the superconducting state of a high-Tc superconductor in the presence of an applied magnetic field. Magnetic fields penetrate a superconductor in the form of quantized flux lines, each of which represents a vortex of supercurrents. Superconductivity is suppressed in the core of the vortex and it has been suggested that antiferromagnetism might develop there. Here we report the results of a high-field nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) imaging experiment in which we spatially resolve the electronic structure of near-optimally doped YBa2Cu3O7-delta inside and outside vortex cores. Outside the cores, we find strong antiferromagnetic fluctuations, whereas inside we detect electronic states that are rather different from those found in conventional superconductors.  相似文献   

A change in 'symmetry' is often observed when matter undergoes a phase transition-the symmetry is said to be spontaneously broken. The transition made by underdoped high-transition-temperature (high-Tc) superconductors is unusual, in that it is not a mean-field transition as seen in other superconductors. Rather, there is a region in the phase diagram above the superconducting transition temperature Tc (where phase coherence and superconductivity begin) but below a characteristic temperature T* where a 'pseudogap' appears in the spectrum of electronic excitations. It is therefore important to establish if T* is just a cross-over temperature arising from fluctuations in the order parameter that will establish superconductivity at Tc (refs 3, 4), or if it marks a phase transition where symmetry is spontaneously broken. Here we report that, for a material in the pseudogap state, left-circularly polarized photons give a different photocurrent from right-circularly polarized photons. This shows that time-reversal symmetry is spontaneously broken below T*, which therefore corresponds to a phase transition.  相似文献   

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