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Cox A Dunning AM Garcia-Closas M Balasubramanian S Reed MW Pooley KA Scollen S Baynes C Ponder BA Chanock S Lissowska J Brinton L Peplonska B Southey MC Hopper JL McCredie MR Giles GG Fletcher O Johnson N dos Santos Silva I Gibson L Bojesen SE Nordestgaard BG Axelsson CK Torres D Hamann U Justenhoven C Brauch H Chang-Claude J Kropp S Risch A Wang-Gohrke S Schürmann P Bogdanova N Dörk T Fagerholm R Aaltonen K Blomqvist C Nevanlinna H Seal S Renwick A Stratton MR Rahman N Sangrajrang S Hughes D 《Nature genetics》2007,39(3):352-358
The Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC) has been established to conduct combined case-control analyses with augmented statistical power to try to confirm putative genetic associations with breast cancer. We genotyped nine SNPs for which there was some prior evidence of an association with breast cancer: CASP8 D302H (rs1045485), IGFBP3 -202 C --> A (rs2854744), SOD2 V16A (rs1799725), TGFB1 L10P (rs1982073), ATM S49C (rs1800054), ADH1B 3' UTR A --> G (rs1042026), CDKN1A S31R (rs1801270), ICAM5 V301I (rs1056538) and NUMA1 A794G (rs3750913). We included data from 9-15 studies, comprising 11,391-18,290 cases and 14,753-22,670 controls. We found evidence of an association with breast cancer for CASP8 D302H (with odds ratios (OR) of 0.89 (95% confidence interval (c.i.): 0.85-0.94) and 0.74 (95% c.i.: 0.62-0.87) for heterozygotes and rare homozygotes, respectively, compared with common homozygotes; P(trend) = 1.1 x 10(-7)) and weaker evidence for TGFB1 L10P (OR = 1.07 (95% c.i.: 1.02-1.13) and 1.16 (95% c.i.: 1.08-1.25), respectively; P(trend) = 2.8 x 10(-5)). These results demonstrate that common breast cancer susceptibility alleles with small effects on risk can be identified, given sufficiently powerful studies. 相似文献
A common variant in BRCA2 is associated with both breast cancer risk and prenatal viability 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
Healey CS Dunning AM Teare MD Chase D Parker L Burn J Chang-Claude J Mannermaa A Kataja V Huntsman DG Pharoah PD Luben RN Easton DF Ponder BA 《Nature genetics》2000,26(3):362-364
Inherited mutations in the gene BRCA2 predispose carriers to early onset breast cancer, but such mutations account for fewer than 2% of all cases in East Anglia. It is likely that low penetrance alleles explain the greater part of inherited susceptibility to breast cancer; polymorphic variants in strongly predisposing genes, such as BRCA2, are candidates for this role. BRCA2 is thought to be involved in DNA double strand break-repair. Few mice in which Brca2 is truncated survive to birth; of those that do, most are male, smaller than their normal littermates and have high cancer incidence. Here we show that a common human polymorphism (N372H) in exon 10 of BRCA2 confers an increased risk of breast cancer: the HH homozygotes have a 1.31-fold (95% CI, 1.07-1.61) greater risk than the NN group. Moreover, in normal female controls of all ages there is a significant deficiency of homozygotes compared with that expected from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, whereas in males there is an excess of homozygotes: the HH group has an estimated fitness of 0.82 in females and 1.38 in males. Therefore, this variant of BRCA2 appears also to affect fetal survival in a sex-dependent manner. 相似文献
Amundadottir LT Sulem P Gudmundsson J Helgason A Baker A Agnarsson BA Sigurdsson A Benediktsdottir KR Cazier JB Sainz J Jakobsdottir M Kostic J Magnusdottir DN Ghosh S Agnarsson K Birgisdottir B Le Roux L Olafsdottir A Blondal T Andresdottir M Gretarsdottir OS Bergthorsson JT Gudbjartsson D Gylfason A Thorleifsson G Manolescu A Kristjansson K Geirsson G Isaksson H Douglas J Johansson JE Bälter K Wiklund F Montie JE Yu X Suarez BK Ober C Cooney KA Gronberg H Catalona WJ Einarsson GV 《Nature genetics》2006,38(6):652-658
With the increasing incidence of prostate cancer, identifying common genetic variants that confer risk of the disease is important. Here we report such a variant on chromosome 8q24, a region initially identified through a study of Icelandic families. Allele -8 of the microsatellite DG8S737 was associated with prostate cancer in three case-control series of European ancestry from Iceland, Sweden and the US. The estimated odds ratio (OR) of the allele is 1.62 (P = 2.7 x 10(-11)). About 19% of affected men and 13% of the general population carry at least one copy, yielding a population attributable risk (PAR) of approximately 8%. The association was also replicated in an African American case-control group with a similar OR, in which 41% of affected individuals and 30% of the population are carriers. This leads to a greater estimated PAR (16%) that may contribute to higher incidence of prostate cancer in African American men than in men of European ancestry. 相似文献
Weedon MN Lettre G Freathy RM Lindgren CM Voight BF Perry JR Elliott KS Hackett R Guiducci C Shields B Zeggini E Lango H Lyssenko V Timpson NJ Burtt NP Rayner NW Saxena R Ardlie K Tobias JH Ness AR Ring SM Palmer CN Morris AD Peltonen L Salomaa V;Diabetes Genetics Initiative;Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium Davey Smith G Groop LC Hattersley AT McCarthy MI Hirschhorn JN Frayling TM 《Nature genetics》2007,39(10):1245-1250
Human height is a classic, highly heritable quantitative trait. To begin to identify genetic variants influencing height, we examined genome-wide association data from 4,921 individuals. Common variants in the HMGA2 oncogene, exemplified by rs1042725, were associated with height (P = 4 x 10(-8)). HMGA2 is also a strong biological candidate for height, as rare, severe mutations in this gene alter body size in mice and humans, so we tested rs1042725 in additional samples. We confirmed the association in 19,064 adults from four further studies (P = 3 x 10(-11), overall P = 4 x 10(-16), including the genome-wide association data). We also observed the association in children (P = 1 x 10(-6), N = 6,827) and a tall/short case-control study (P = 4 x 10(-6), N = 3,207). We estimate that rs1042725 explains approximately 0.3% of population variation in height (approximately 0.4 cm increased adult height per C allele). There are few examples of common genetic variants reproducibly associated with human quantitativetraits; these results represent, to our knowledge, the first consistently replicated association with adult and childhood height. 相似文献
Genome-wide association study identifies a common variant associated with risk of endometrial cancer
Spurdle AB Thompson DJ Ahmed S Ferguson K Healey CS O'Mara T Walker LC Montgomery SB Dermitzakis ET;Australian National Endometrial Cancer Study Group Fahey P Montgomery GW Webb PM Fasching PA Beckmann MW Ekici AB Hein A Lambrechts D Coenegrachts L Vergote I Amant F Salvesen HB Trovik J Njolstad TS Helland H Scott RJ Ashton K Proietto T Otton G;National Study of Endometrial Cancer Genetics Group Tomlinson I Gorman M Howarth K Hodgson S Garcia-Closas M Wentzensen N Yang H Chanock S Hall P 《Nature genetics》2011,43(5):451-454
Endometrial cancer is the most common malignancy of the female genital tract in developed countries. To identify genetic variants associated with endometrial cancer risk, we performed a genome-wide association study involving 1,265 individuals with endometrial cancer (cases) from Australia and the UK and 5,190 controls from the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium. We compared genotype frequencies in cases and controls for 519,655 SNPs. Forty seven SNPs that showed evidence of association with endometrial cancer in stage 1 were genotyped in 3,957 additional cases and 6,886 controls. We identified an endometrial cancer susceptibility locus close to HNF1B at 17q12 (rs4430796, P = 7.1 × 10(-10)) that is also associated with risk of prostate cancer and is inversely associated with risk of type 2 diabetes. 相似文献
The MLH1 D132H variant is associated with susceptibility to sporadic colorectal cancer 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
Lipkin SM Rozek LS Rennert G Yang W Chen PC Hacia J Hunt N Shin B Fodor S Kokoris M Greenson JK Fearon E Lynch H Collins F Gruber SB 《Nature genetics》2004,36(7):694-699
Most susceptibility to colorectal cancer (CRC) is not accounted for by known risk factors. Because MLH1, MSH2 and MSH6 mutations underlie high-penetrance CRC susceptibility in hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC), we hypothesized that attenuated alleles might also underlie susceptibility to sporadic CRC. We looked for gene variants associated with HNPCC in Israeli probands with familial CRC unstratified with respect to the microsatellite instability (MSI) phenotype. Association studies identified a new MLH1 variant (415G-->C, resulting in the amino acid substitution D132H) in approximately 1.3% of Israeli individuals with CRC self-described as Jewish, Christian and Muslim. MLH1 415C confers clinically significant susceptibility to CRC. In contrast to classic HNPCC, CRCs associated with MLH1 415C usually do not have the MSI defect, which is important for clinical mutation screening. Structural and functional analyses showed that the normal ATPase function of MLH1 is attenuated, but not eliminated, by the MLH1 415G-->C mutation. The new MLH1 variant confers a high risk of CRC and identifies a previously unrecognized mechanism in microsatellite-stable tumors. These studies suggest that variants of mismatch repair proteins with attenuated function may account for a higher proportion of susceptibility to sporadic microsatellite-stable CRC than previously assumed. 相似文献
Sakuntabhai A Turbpaiboon C Casadémont I Chuansumrit A Lowhnoo T Kajaste-Rudnitski A Kalayanarooj SM Tangnararatchakit K Tangthawornchaikul N Vasanawathana S Chaiyaratana W Yenchitsomanus PT Suriyaphol P Avirutnan P Chokephaibulkit K Matsuda F Yoksan S Jacob Y Lathrop GM Malasit P Desprès P Julier C 《Nature genetics》2005,37(5):507-513
A functional variant of lymphoid tyrosine phosphatase is associated with type I diabetes 总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22
Bottini N Musumeci L Alonso A Rahmouni S Nika K Rostamkhani M MacMurray J Meloni GF Lucarelli P Pellecchia M Eisenbarth GS Comings D Mustelin T 《Nature genetics》2004,36(4):337-338
We report that a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the gene (PTPN22) encoding the lymphoid protein tyrosine phosphatase (LYP), a suppressor of T-cell activation, is associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D). The variants encoded by the two alleles, 1858C and 1858T, differ in a crucial amino acid residue involved in association of LYP with the negative regulatory kinase Csk. Unlike the variant encoded by the more common allele 1858C, the variant associated with T1D does not bind Csk. 相似文献
A putative RUNX1 binding site variant between SLC9A3R1 and NAT9 is associated with susceptibility to psoriasis 总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24
Helms C Cao L Krueger JG Wijsman EM Chamian F Gordon D Heffernan M Daw JA Robarge J Ott J Kwok PY Menter A Bowcock AM 《Nature genetics》2003,35(4):349-356
Psoriasis (OMIM 177900) is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder of unknown pathogenesis affecting approximately 2% of the Western population. It occurs more frequently in individuals with human immunodeficiency virus, and 20-30% of individuals with psoriasis have psoriatic arthritis. Psoriasis is associated with HLA class I alleles, and previous linkage analysis by our group identified a second psoriasis locus at 17q24-q25 (PSORS2; ref. 7). Linkage to this locus was confirmed with independent family sets. Additional loci have also been proposed to be associated with psoriasis. Here we describe two peaks of strong association with psoriasis on chromosome 17q25 separated by 6 Mb. Associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the proximal peak lie in or near SLC9A3R1 (also called EBP50 and NHERF1) and NAT9, a new member of the N-acetyltransferase family. SLC9A3R1 is a PDZ domain-containing phosphoprotein that associates with members of the ezrin-radixin-moesin family and is implicated in diverse aspects of epithelial membrane biology and immune synapse formation in T cells. The distal peak of association is in RAPTOR (p150 target of rapamycin (TOR)-scaffold protein containing WD-repeats). Expression of SLC9A3R1 is highest in the uppermost stratum Malpighi of psoriatic and normal skin and in inactive versus active T cells. A disease-associated SNP lying between SLC9A3R1 and NAT9 leads to loss of RUNX1 binding. This is the second example of loss of a RUNX1 binding site associated with susceptibility to an autoimmune disease. It also suggests defective regulation of SLC9A3R1 or NAT9 by RUNX1 as a susceptibility factor for psoriasis. 相似文献
The NOTCH4 locus is associated with susceptibility to schizophrenia 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
Linkage disequilibrium mapping of the MHC region in 80 British parent-offspring trios showed that NOTCH4 was highly associated with schizophrenia. The A-->G substitution in the promoter region and the (CTG)n repeat in exon 1 of NOTCH4 may be candidate sites conferring susceptibility to schizophrenia. 相似文献
Arking DE Pfeufer A Post W Kao WH Newton-Cheh C Ikeda M West K Kashuk C Akyol M Perz S Jalilzadeh S Illig T Gieger C Guo CY Larson MG Wichmann HE Marbán E O'Donnell CJ Hirschhorn JN Kääb S Spooner PM Meitinger T Chakravarti A 《Nature genetics》2006,38(6):644-651
Extremes of the electrocardiographic QT interval, a measure of cardiac repolarization, are associated with increased cardiovascular mortality. We identified a common genetic variant influencing this quantitative trait through a genome-wide association study on 200 subjects at the extremes of a population-based QT interval distribution of 3,966 subjects from the KORA cohort in Germany, with follow-up screening of selected markers in the remainder of the cohort. We validated statistically significant findings in two independent samples of 2,646 subjects from Germany and 1,805 subjects from the US Framingham Heart Study. This genome-wide study identified NOS1AP (CAPON), a regulator of neuronal nitric oxide synthase, as a new target that modulates cardiac repolarization. Approximately 60% of subjects of European ancestry carry at least one minor allele of the NOS1AP genetic variant, which explains up to 1.5% of QT interval variation. 相似文献
Holm H Gudbjartsson DF Sulem P Masson G Helgadottir HT Zanon C Magnusson OT Helgason A Saemundsdottir J Gylfason A Stefansdottir H Gretarsdottir S Matthiasson SE Thorgeirsson GM Jonasdottir A Sigurdsson A Stefansson H Werge T Rafnar T Kiemeney LA Parvez B Muhammad R Roden DM Darbar D Thorleifsson G Walters GB Kong A Thorsteinsdottir U Arnar DO Stefansson K 《Nature genetics》2011,43(4):316-320
Through complementary application of SNP genotyping, whole-genome sequencing and imputation in 38,384 Icelanders, we have discovered a previously unidentified sick sinus syndrome susceptibility gene, MYH6, encoding the alpha heavy chain subunit of cardiac myosin. A missense variant in this gene, c.2161C>T, results in the conceptual amino acid substitution p.Arg721Trp, has an allelic frequency of 0.38% in Icelanders and associates with sick sinus syndrome with an odds ratio = 12.53 and P = 1.5 × 10?2?. We show that the lifetime risk of being diagnosed with sick sinus syndrome is around 6% for non-carriers of c.2161C>T but is approximately 50% for carriers of the c.2161C>T variant. 相似文献
A common polymorphism of the growth hormone receptor is associated with increased responsiveness to growth hormone 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
Dos Santos C Essioux L Teinturier C Tauber M Goffin V Bougnères P 《Nature genetics》2004,36(7):720-724
Growth hormone is used to increase height in short children who are not deficient in growth hormone, but its efficacy varies largely across individuals. The genetic factors responsible for this variation are entirely unknown. In two cohorts of short children treated with growth hormone, we found that an isoform of the growth hormone receptor gene that lacks exon 3 (d3-GHR) was associated with 1.7 to 2 times more growth acceleration induced by growth hormone than the full-length isoform (P < 0.0001). In transfection experiments, the transduction of growth hormone signaling through d3-GHR homo- or heterodimers was approximately 30% higher than through full-length GHR homodimers (P < 0.0001). One-half of Europeans are hetero- or homozygous with respect to the allele encoding the d3-GHR isoform, which is dominant over the full-length isoform. These observations suggest that the polymorphism in exon 3 of GHR is important in growth hormone pharmacogenetics. 相似文献
A functional variant of SUMO4, a new I kappa B alpha modifier, is associated with type 1 diabetes 总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23
Guo D Li M Zhang Y Yang P Eckenrode S Hopkins D Zheng W Purohit S Podolsky RH Muir A Wang J Dong Z Brusko T Atkinson M Pozzilli P Zeidler A Raffel LJ Jacob CO Park Y Serrano-Rios M Larrad MT Zhang Z Garchon HJ Bach JF Rotter JI She JX Wang CY 《Nature genetics》2004,36(8):837-841
Haiman CA Garcia RR Kolonel LN Henderson BE Wu AH Le Marchand L 《Nature genetics》2008,40(3):259-60; author reply 260-1
A common CFH haplotype, with deletion of CFHR1 and CFHR3, is associated with lower risk of age-related macular degeneration 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Hughes AE Orr N Esfandiary H Diaz-Torres M Goodship T Chakravarthy U 《Nature genetics》2006,38(10):1173-1177
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD; OMIM #603075) is the most frequent cause of visual impairment in the elderly population, with severe disease affecting nearly 10% of individuals of European descent over the age of 75 years. It is a complex disease in which genetic and environmental factors contribute to susceptibility. Complement factor H (CFH) has recently been identified as a major AMD susceptibility gene, and the Y402H polymorphism has been proposed as the likely causative factor. We genotyped polymorphisms spanning the cluster of CFH and five CFH-related genes on chromosome 1q23 in 173 individuals with severe neovascular AMD and 170 elderly controls with no signs of AMD. Detailed analysis showed a common haplotype associated with decreased risk of AMD that was present on 20% of chromosomes of controls and 8% of chromosomes of individuals with AMD. We found that this haplotype carried a deletion of CFHR1 and CFHR3, and the proteins encoded by these genes were absent in serum of homozygotes. The protective effect of the deletion haplotype cannot be attributed to linkage disequilibrium with Y402H and was replicated in an independent sample. 相似文献
A functional switch from lung cancer resistance to susceptibility at the Pas1 locus in Kras2LA2 mice
Pulmonary adenoma susceptibility 1 (Pas1) is the major mouse lung cancer susceptibility locus on chromosome 6 (ref. 1). Kras2 is a common target of somatic mutation in chemically induced mouse lung tumors and is a candidate Pas1 gene. M. spretus mice (SPRET/Ei) carry a Pas1 resistance haplotype for chemically induced lung tumors. We demonstrate that the SPRET/Ei Pas1 allele is switched from resistance to susceptibility by fixation of the parental origin of the mutant Kras2 allele. This switch correlates with low expression of endogenous Kras2 in SPRET/Ei. We propose that the Pas1 modifier effect is due to Kras2, and that a sensitive balance between the expression levels of wild-type and mutant alleles determines lung tumor susceptibility. These data demonstrate that cancer predisposition should also be considered in the context of somatic events and could have major implications for the design of human association studies to identify cancer susceptibility genes. 相似文献
A Mal functional variant is associated with protection against invasive pneumococcal disease, bacteremia, malaria and tuberculosis 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Khor CC Chapman SJ Vannberg FO Dunne A Murphy C Ling EY Frodsham AJ Walley AJ Kyrieleis O Khan A Aucan C Segal S Moore CE Knox K Campbell SJ Lienhardt C Scott A Aaby P Sow OY Grignani RT Sillah J Sirugo G Peshu N Williams TN Maitland K Davies RJ Kwiatkowski DP Day NP Yala D Crook DW Marsh K Berkley JA O'Neill LA Hill AV 《Nature genetics》2007,39(4):523-528
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and members of their signaling pathway are important in the initiation of the innate immune response to a wide variety of pathogens. The adaptor protein Mal (also known as TIRAP), encoded by TIRAP (MIM 606252), mediates downstream signaling of TLR2 and TLR4 (refs. 4-6). We report a case-control study of 6,106 individuals from the UK, Vietnam and several African countries with invasive pneumococcal disease, bacteremia, malaria and tuberculosis. We genotyped 33 SNPs, including rs8177374, which encodes a leucine substitution at Ser180 of Mal. We found that heterozygous carriage of this variant associated independently with all four infectious diseases in the different study populations. Combining the study groups, we found substantial support for a protective effect of S180L heterozygosity against these infectious diseases (N = 6,106; overall P = 9.6 x 10(-8)). We found that the Mal S180L variant attenuated TLR2 signal transduction. 相似文献
Painter JN Anderson CA Nyholt DR Macgregor S Lin J Lee SH Lambert A Zhao ZZ Roseman F Guo Q Gordon SD Wallace L Henders AK Visscher PM Kraft P Martin NG Morris AP Treloar SA Kennedy SH Missmer SA Montgomery GW Zondervan KT 《Nature genetics》2011,43(1):51-54
Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease associated with pelvic pain and subfertility. We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in 3,194 individuals with surgically confirmed endometriosis (cases) and 7,060 controls from Australia and the UK. Polygenic predictive modeling showed significantly increased genetic loading among 1,364 cases with moderate to severe endometriosis. The strongest association signal was on 7p15.2 (rs12700667) for 'all' endometriosis (P = 2.6 × 10??, odds ratio (OR) = 1.22, 95% CI 1.13-1.32) and for moderate to severe disease (P = 1.5 × 10??, OR = 1.38, 95% CI 1.24-1.53). We replicated rs12700667 in an independent cohort from the United States of 2,392 self-reported, surgically confirmed endometriosis cases and 2,271 controls (P = 1.2 × 10?3, OR = 1.17, 95% CI 1.06-1.28), resulting in a genome-wide significant P value of 1.4 × 10?? (OR = 1.20, 95% CI 1.13-1.27) for 'all' endometriosis in our combined datasets of 5,586 cases and 9,331 controls. rs12700667 is located in an intergenic region upstream of the plausible candidate genes NFE2L3 and HOXA10. 相似文献