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In this paper,the Josephson equation and its autonomous case are considered.It isshown that for |α|<1 and β>γ>1 or β<γ<-1,there is no periodic solution of the autonomousJosephson equation,For the nonautonomous case,some suffcient conditions for the existence ofperiodic solutions are given.  相似文献   

In this paper an existence theorem of positive radial solutions to a class of semilinear elliptic systems is proved by the Leray-Schauder degree theorem. Also, a nonexistence theorem is obtained. As an application of the main theorem, an example is given.  相似文献   

In this paper,we prove the existence of multiple periodic solutionsfor a class of singular Hamiltonian systems with sublinear terms via variationalmethods.  相似文献   

In this paper,we use the contraction principle and the Leray-Schauder principleto deal with the existence of periodic solutions of the Volterra integral differential equation.Some new existence criteria and unique existence criteria are obtained.  相似文献   

By use of maximum principle and auxiliary function method, the paper dis-cusses the blow-up sets of the solutions of the ignition model in two cases. It is obtained that the solutions blow up in single point in nonsymmetric case and that the solutions blow up totally or at a couple of points in symmetric case.  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is to derive new simple criteria for the stability of alinear non-autonomous delay system by using a difference-differential inequality.  相似文献   

In this paper the pole assignment problem of a time invariant linear control system issolved by using the Wu Elimination Method.In general,the questions are classified into(i)the poleassignment by using state feedback,(ii)the pole assignment by using output feedback,(iii)the poleassignment via dynamic compensator.The key point of all these problems is to solve a certaincorresponding system of polynomial equations.Based on algebraic geometry,the Wu methodprovides a mechanical algorithm for solving the system of polynomial equations.Therefore,a unifieddefinite algorithm for solving all these problems is given in this paper.During the procedure ofelimination,the unknowns are automatically separated into parameters and apparent variables.Thus,the freedom of the corresponding feedback can be defined as the number of parameters.Meanwhile,the explicit expressions of the apparent variables depending on the parameters areobtained.  相似文献   

Consider the regression model Y_i=u(x_i)+ε_i,i=1,2,…,n,where u(x)∈W_(2,per)~2[0,1],x_i=(i-1)/n,{ε_i}(?)are i.i.d,random variables.We use the periodic smoothing spline u_(λp)(x)toestimate u(x).Under certain conditions,strong consistency results of u_(λp)(x)are obtained,i.e.,forall 0相似文献   

In references,some authors have succeeded in obtaining existence re-sults of the superlinear wave equation without the assumption of monotonicity forthe nonlinear term.In this paper,we present existence results for this problem byusing local linking idea and improve some previous results.  相似文献   


The uniform permanence and global asymptotic stability of a class of almost periodic Lotka-Volterra type N-species competitive systems with diffusion and delays are investigated. It is shown that the system is uniformly persistent under some appropriate conditions, and new sufficient conditions are obtained for the global asymptotic stability of the unique positive almost periodic solution of the system.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionConsiderthefollowinggeneralizedLi6nardtypeequationwhereshallowing[1],thisequationwillbecalledasaLi6nard-typeequationofordern.Whenn=1,theequation(1.1)canbewrittenasthefollowingformClearly)whenfi(x)=j(x),f200=0,theequation(1.3)isreducedtothewellknownLi6nardequationx j(x)x g(x)=0.(1.4)Recently,theequation(1.3)hasalreadybeenstudiedwithparticularemphasisontheex-istenceanduniquenessofperiodicsolutionsbyseveralauthors.Forexample,needmanandKuangll],GuidorizzilZ],ZhouJinI3],andJiangJ…  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the periodic behaviours of an age-structured populationmodel.The period-similarity is proposed,which reveals a certain similar structure between thosepopulation models with distinct age structure.In addition,other results show that the fluctuations ofan age-structured population are closely related with the age structure.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionThepaPers[l-5]studythecoupledfixedp0intsofmixedmonotoneoperatorsinBanachspaces;theyshowusgeneralizationsofthefixedpoillttheoremsonincreasingoperatorsanddecreasingoperators.Applicationsoftheseresultsmaybefoundinmanyfieldsofmathematicssuchasnonlineaxdifferentialequations,illtegralequationsanddynamicprogrammingtheories.Inthispaper,westudytheekistenceofsolutionsandboundarysolutionstoasystem0foperatorequationsinpartialorderingsets.Wegeneralizeandimproveonsomeresultsaboutthecoupledfix…  相似文献   

Dynamical characteristics of an integrodifferential modelling competitive sys-tem with diffusion are investigated.In particular,we derive sufficient conditions for the permanence of species,existence of an attracting periodic solution to the periodic system.The results of Wang Ke in 1994 and 1998 are improved and extended.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionTheinfluenceofdiffusiononsystemdynamicalbehaviorhasbeenanAnportatsubjectofpopulationbiology.Morerealisticmodelsshouldincludesomeoftheststesofthesesystem,thatis,arealsystemshouldbemodeledbydmerelltialequationswithtimedelays.Kuanglllconsideredthepermanenceandpositiveperiodicsolutionofn-dimensionaldelayLotka-Volterracooperatesystem.Xiaoandafl2]discussedthepermanenceandpositiveperiodicsolutionofnonautonomous~ionLotforVolterracompetitivesystemsi.e.nit(t)=acfbi(t)--Zal,(t)xt] ZDti(…  相似文献   

1.IntroductionandNotationsInthispapertwestudytheexistenceofsolutionstothefollowingperiodicboundaryvalueproblemforthesecondorderDuffingequationwheresisarealparameter,g:[0,TIxR~RisaCarath6odoryfunctionandkER\{0}.Werecall(forexample,see[1])thatg:[0,TIxR~RiscalledaCarath6odoryfunctionifg(.,x)ismeasurableforallxERandg(t,.)iscontinuousfora.e.tE[0,TI.Theexistenceproblemfor(1.1)--(1.2)byusingtheupperandlowersolutionsmethodhasbeenstudiedbyFabryetal.in[2]foramoregeneralcasewhereacontinuousdampin…  相似文献   

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