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Yu Shuqiu 《自然科学进展》2007,17(9):1042-1050
The large scale character of the interannual variation of precipitation and the urban effect on local annual precipitation anomaly are investigated in this paper based on the 1960—2000 annual precipitation observations at 20 stations in the Beijing region. The results show that: the annual precipitation in the Beijing region possesses the large scale variation character with the linear trend of -1.197/10 yr, which corresponds to a total reduction of 27.82 mm in annual precipitation in the 41 years; the local annual precipitation anomalies (percent of the normal 1960—2000) show a positive center near the urban area, i.e. urban precipitation island (UPI), whose intensity increases with the linear trend of 0.6621%/10 yr, opposite to the interannual trend of large scale precipitation over the Beijing region; changes in the UPI are also associated with the intensity of synoptic processes of precipitation, and when the synoptic processes are strong (wet years), the intensity of UPI strengthens, while the synoptic processes are weak (dry years), and the UPI disappears in the Beijing region.  相似文献   

我国极端降水过程频数时空变化的季节差异   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用我国586个气象测站的逐日降水资料,在对每个站点极端降水过程阈值进行科学界定的基础上,揭示了近45年我国年和各季极端降水过程频数的线性变化趋势及其年际、年代际变化特征.结果表明:我国年和季节极端降水过程频数主要为趋势性变化,不同地区不同季节趋势性变化差异显著,极端降水量在降水总量的趋势变化中占主导地位 长江中下游、西北地区北部和西南地区西部年极端降水过程频数呈现趋势性增加,而我国华北等地区呈现趋势性减少,并且主要反映的是夏季的特征 年和季节极端降水过程频数具有明显不同的年际和年代际变化特征 我国各季极端降水过程时空变化异常型明显不同,但与极端日降水的时空变化是一致的.  相似文献   

城市化使城市下垫面属性改变,人工表面取代自然地表,导致室外热环境恶化,其形成的城市热岛效应引发的异常气候问题严重危害人类的生命健康。研究已证实植被可以通过遮荫和蒸腾等作用产生降温的生态效益,但其产生的生态效益与植被的规模或种类或分布方式等之间的联系仍没有明确量化掌握。目前,通过不同指标对绿地特征进行概括,从而精准量化绿地对室外热环境的调节作用已成为研究重点。对绿地面积、绿化覆盖率、绿地率、乔木覆盖率、三维绿量以及天空可视度六种指标调控室外热环境的研究进行综述:首先分析各绿化指标之间的区别,并分别论述各绿化指标与热环境相关研究,总结各指标在量化降温效应的特点及局限性。之后提出绿化指标互补量化研究方法,从三维空间视角为完善绿量指标研究提出三维绿量体以及三维绿量体与热环境关系研究的相关方式,从而精确地对三维绿量在空间中地具体分布进行表达,更加真实地反映绿地的植被特征。根据以往针对三维绿量的研究提出三维绿量阈值,结合三维绿量的空间分布及树种差异性,挖掘影响绿地降温效应的潜在影响因素,以便更好地量化绿地降温效果,充分发挥城市绿地的生态效益。最后论述绿视率这一新的量化指标在量化绿地降温效应的潜力,以期推动绿视率与热环境相关研究。  相似文献   

The global sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly data from 1950 to 1996 were used to analyze spatial characters of interdecadal SST variations. A wavelet transform was made for the equatorial eastern Pacific SST anomaly time series. Results show that there are three remarkable timescale SST variations: 130-month interdecadal variation, 57-month interannual variation and 28-month quasi-2-a variation. Based on this result, an El Nino event was predicted in the early part of 1997.  相似文献   

It is an issue of great attention but yet not very clear whether lightning activities increase or decrease on a warmer world. Reeve et al. presented that lightning activities in global land and the Northern Hemisphere land have positive response to the increase of wet bulb temperature at 1000hPa. Is this positive response restricted only to wet bulb temperature or in land? What is the response of global lightning activities (in both land and ocean) to the global surface air temperature variation like? This paper, based on the 5-year or 8-year OTD/LIS satellite-based lightning detecting data and the NCEP reanalysis data, makes a reanalysis of the response of the global and regional lightning activities to temperature variations. The results show that on the interannual time scale the global total flash rate has positive response to the variation in global surface air temperature, with the sensitivity of 17±7% K^-l. Also, the seasonal mean flash rate of continents all over the world and that of continents in the Northern Hemisphere have sensitive positive response to increase of global surface air temperature and wet bulb temperature, with the sensitivity of about 13±5% K^-1, a bit lower than estimation of 40% K^-1 in Reeve et al. However, the Southern Hemisphere and other areas like the tropics show no significant correlation.  相似文献   

Diurnal variations of summer precipitation in Beijing   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
Climatic characteristics and secular trends of diurnal variations of summer precipitation in Beijing are studied using hourly self-recording rain-gauge data during 1961-2004. The results show that both rainfall amount and rainfall frequency present high values from late afternoon to early morning and reach the minima around noon. Two separate peaks can be identified in the high value period, one in the late afternoon and the other in the early morning. Taking the rainfall duration into account, it is found that the rainfall during late afternoon to midnight mainly comes from the short-duration rainfall events (an event of 1-6 hours in duration), while the rainfall during midnight to early morning is accumulated mostly by the long-duration rainfall events (an event that lasts longer than 6 hours). In the recent 40 years, the summer precipitation in Beijing has been considerably restructured. The total rainfall amount of short-duration events has increased significantly, while the total rainfall amount of Iong-duration events has decreased.  相似文献   

城市热岛效应研究进展及未来发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了城市热岛效应及其成因,从城市热岛效应的研究方法、时空特征、治理对策、预测及评估指标等方面分析了国内外城市热岛效应的研究动态,进而探讨了未来城市热岛效应研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Modeling the radiation balance of different urban underlying surfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An urban net all-wave radiation parameterization scheme is evaluated using annual datasets for 2010 recorded at a Beijing urban observation site.The statistical relationship between observed data and simulation data of net radiation has a correlation coefficient of 0.98 and model efficiency of 0.93.Therefore,it can be used to simulate the radiation balance of Beijing.This study analyzes the variation in the radiation balance for different underlying surfaces.To simulate radiation balance differences,we set four pure land-cover types(forest,grass,roads,and buildings).Keeping all other conditions inputted unchanged,we model the radiation balance by changing the land-cover type.The results show that the effects of different underlying surfaces on radiation differ,and that there is much upward long-wave radiation,accounting for 84.3% of the total radiation energy falling incident on the land surface.The annual averages of net radiation for the four land-cover types are in the range of 38.2-53.4 W/m2.The net radiation of the grass surface is minimal while that of the roads surface is maximal.Additionally,with urbanization the net radiation values of common types of land-cover change,such as conversion from forest to roads,grass to roads,and grass to buildings,all have increasing trends,indicating that net radiation usually increases with urban sprawl.  相似文献   

西宁市区的城市气候效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用西宁(代表城市)、大通(代表乡村)30多年气候资料序列,计算并分析其城乡温度、湿度等气象要素差值的长期变化,揭示了西宁市随着城市规模的发展,日益显示出热岛、干岛效应的存在.对城市发展的4个主要因子与城市气候效应的关系所作的统计分析表明,城市发展因子在城市气候形成中起着重要作用.  相似文献   

中国降水场的时空分布变化   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
 分析了全国160个气象观测站51a(1951-03~2002-02)的月季降水量距平场的时空分布变化规律得出:我国降水空间分布的主要类型是南北分布;统计降水量的时间尺度越大,则降水量的空间分布尺度也越大;冬季降水的空间分布尺度比夏季大;夏季降水空间分布的年际变化比冬季大;春、夏季的降水空间分布变化具有较为显著的正相关关系;春季降水空间分布具有2.4~3.0a的显著周期存在,冬季降水空间分布也具有2.3~2.8a的显著周期存在.  相似文献   

对北京大学的三维复杂地形中尺度数值模式进行了适当改进,引入第2代陆面过程模式的参数化方案,在计算地表能量水分收支时更加注重植被的影响,根据植物生态和土壤的地理分布特征确定陆面参数。结果表明,改进后的模式在模拟夏季北京气温场、风场、湿度场时都取得令人满意的效果。模拟结果可为了解北京地区区域气候的形成、污染物的扩散及城市规划提供参考和帮助。  相似文献   

The spatial shift of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is analyzed by using the Twentieth Century Reanalysis version 2 dataset and identifying NAO action centers directly on winter mean sealevel pressure (SLP) anomaly maps. The spatial shift of the NAO is characterized by four NAO spatial shift indices: the zonal and meridional shifts of the NAO southern and northern action centers. It is found that the zonal and meridional shift trends of the NAO action centers move along a path of southwest-northwest direction. Spectral analysis shows that the four NAO spatial shift indices have periodicity of 2-6 years and the NAO index has periodicity of 2-3 years in terms of high-frequency variations. On a decadal time scale, the NAO spatial shift indices are closely (positively) related to the NAO index, which is in agreement with previous studies of the relationship between the NAO index and the spatial shift of the NAO pattern. However, there is no relationship between the NAO index and the meridional shift of the northern action center on an interannual time scale. The significant relationship between the NAO index and the interannual variability of NAO spatial shift indices is very likely to be associated with synopticscale Rossby wave breaking, which generates surface pressure anomalies and thus affects the phase and pattern of the NAO. The correlations of winter westerly winds over 90°W-0° and the NAO index and the NAO spatial shift indices have a ’+ - + -’ structure from the Equator to the North Pole. Although there is close correlation between the NAO spatial shift indices and the strength of the zonal winds in the North Atlantic region, the effect of the zonal winds on the NAO spatial shift differs at different latitudes. Hence, the role of the zonal winds is probably a result of the NAO spatial shifts.  相似文献   

应用一改进的模式对北京夏季风、温和湿度场的模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对北京大学的三维复杂地形中尺度数值模式进行了适当改进,引入第2代陆面过程模式的参数化方案,在计算地表能量水分收支时更加注重植被的影响,根据植物生态和土壤的地理分布特征确定陆面参数。结果表明,改进后的模式在模拟夏季北京气温场、风场、湿度场时都取得令人满意的效果。模拟结果可为了解北京地区区域气候的形成、污染物的扩散及城市规划提供参考和帮助。  相似文献   

The concentration of atmospheric CO2 in Beijing increased rapidly at a mean growth rate of 3.7%@a?1 from 1993 to 1995. After displaying a peak of (409.7±25.9) ?mol@mol?1 in 1995, it decreased slowly. Both the almost stable anthropogenic CO2 source and increasing biotic CO2 sink contribute to the drop of CO2 concentration from 1995 to 2000. The seasonal variation of CO2 concentration exhibits a clear cycle with a maximum in winter, averaging (426.8±20.6) ?mol@mol?1, and a minimum in summer, averaging (369.1±6.1) ?mol@mol?1. The seasonal variation of CO2 concentration is mainly controlled by phenology. The mean diurnal variation of atmospheric CO2 concentration for a year in Beijing is highly clear: daily maximum CO2 concentration usually occurs at night, but daily minimum CO2 concentration does in the daytime, with a mean diurnal difference more than 34.7 ?mol@mol?1. It has been revealed that the interannual variations of atmospheric CO2 concentration in winter and autumn regulated the interannual trend of atmospheric CO2, whereas the interannual variation of CO2 concentration in summer affected the general tendency of atmospheric CO2 in a less degree.  相似文献   

 利用红河流域52个观测站的43a日降水资料,针对年、湿季和干季降水量和降水倾向率等统计量,采用ArcMap的反距离加权插值法进行插值与分类处理,生成了红河流域年、湿季和干季降水量的空间分布图,实现了气候趋势特征指数的空间化处理.对红河流域年、湿季和干季降水量等的时空分异特性进行综合分析得出:43a来,红河流域年降水呈现上升趋势,空间上主要表现为除了元江干流中下游、盘龙河北部和东北部有下降趋势外,其它地区都呈上升趋势;湿季和干季间降水量变化趋势差异较大,相对于年降水量空间分布而言,湿季具有下降趋势的地区扩大到整个流域中部,而干季降水量在整个流域几乎都呈上升的趋势;因出现在干季降水量有所增加,而在雨季的降雨量有所减少,因而降低了干旱和洪灾的发生机率.  相似文献   

【目的】对常州市近30年热岛变化特征进行分析,并且分析城市热岛强度与植被、水体以及其他土地覆盖类型之间的关系。【方法】以整个常州市为研究对象,利用Artis&Camahan 的辐射校正温度反演法进行了地表温度反演,分析了常州市1988—2014年的城市热岛效应及空间变化。【结果】常州市在近30年来城市热岛范围,城区主要热岛区域与建成区保持一致,大量的人工下垫面、高密度建筑等扩张,造成高温区逐渐增多,热岛效应也越来越明显。【结论】常州市的热岛分布特征与常州市的土地利用类型有较好的一致性。低温区主要集中在植被和水体的区域,植被能够有效地起到降温的作用。  相似文献   

北京区域夏冬季风场、温度场的观测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用北京及市郊地区共14个地面气象观测站的全月数据顺序文件“D文件”提供的风场及温度资料,采用逐时月平均的方法对北京及周边地区的冬夏两季的风场,温度场特征进行了研究。研究结果表明:(1)北京区域夏季边界层风场受西北特殊地形的影响,夜间低层大气流场常表现为由北向南的下坡风,白天逐渐转为由南往北的上坡风。而在冬季,这种山地—平原的局地环流的现象消失。(2)夏季,城市西部海淀到丰台一带处在一个高温区,构成北京“热岛”的一个主要区域。而在冬季,海淀及海淀以北到丰台南部的地区是夜间的高温中心。  相似文献   

下垫面的热惯量差异是产生城市热岛效应的直接原因,不同下垫面对热岛的影响也不相同,而热岛效应的存在对人类舒适程度及健康均产生影响.本文主要研究不同下垫面类型对北京市热岛效应的影响,以及基于热岛效应并综合温度、气压、湿度等方面对人体舒适度进行评价.通过对小尺度范围内五类单一性质下垫面对地表温度变化影响以及一定区域内复合类型下垫面对人体舒适度影响进行研究,实验表明:水体、林地、草地、裸地等下垫面对热岛效应有缓解作用,一定程度上提高了人体舒适度.水泥地面、建筑区等硬化下垫面对热岛效应起到加剧作用,降低了人体舒适度.  相似文献   

基于遥感的上海城市热岛效应与植被的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选择2001年3月和7月上海地区的陆地卫星ETM+影像,利用ETM+热红外亮温计算模式将6波段影像灰度值转换成像元亮温,由此直接表征地表温度分布,对城市亮温热岛的空间分布特征、强度变化及其相关影响因素进行了概括.通过提取归一化植被指数(NDVI),并基于统计方法对不同下垫面类型的局域亮温和NDVI进行回归分析,一致证明亮温与植被水平呈明显负相关,且植被降低下垫面温度的效果夏季强于春季;对回归方程斜率的比较又揭示出植被对地面温度的影响受下垫面用地类型结构的制约;增加相同水平的植被,夏季白天降温程度在植被面积占优势的地区不及非植被或少植被区.建议应根据不同类型的下垫面环境进行针对性的植被规划.  相似文献   

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