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The polyamines are small basic molecules essential for cellular proliferation and viability. An autoregulatory circuit that responds to the intracellular level of polyamines regulates their production. In the center of this circuit is a family of small proteins termed antizymes. Antizymes are themselves regulated at the translational level by the level of polyamines. Antizymes bind ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) subunits and target them to ubiquitin-independent degradation by the 26S proteasome. In addition, antizymes inhibit polyamine transport across the plasma membrane via an as yet unresolved mechanism. Antizymes may also interact with and target degradation of other growth-regulating proteins. An inactive ODC-related protein termed antizyme inhibitor regulates polyamine metabolism by negating antizyme functions. The ability of antizymes to degrade ODC, inhibit polyamine uptake and consequently suppress cellular proliferation suggests that they act as tumor suppressors, while the ability of antizyme inhibitors to negate antizyme function indicates their growth-promoting and oncogenic potential.  相似文献   

Summary The maximal velocity of the reaction (Vmax) and the half-saturation constant (K0.5) values of theS. typhimurium cytosine deaminase were altered in the presence of its effectors, pyrophosphate and orotidine monophosphate. From the kinetics of orotidine monophosphate inhibition of cytosine deaminase, it was characterized as a mixed-type noncompetitive inhibitor.  相似文献   

T P West 《Experientia》1985,41(12):1563-1564
The maximal velocity of the reaction (Vmax) and the half-saturation constant (K0.5) values of the S. typhimurium cytosine deaminase were altered in the presence of its effectors, pyrophosphate and orotidine monophosphate. From the kinetics of orotidine monophosphate inhibition of cytosine deaminase, it was characterized as a mixed-type noncompetitive inhibitor.  相似文献   

The bioluminescent dinoflagellateGonyaulax polyedra contains various indoleamines, in particular, melatonin and 5-methoxytryptamine, as well as enzymes of their biosynthetic pathway. Melatonin exhibits a high-amplitude circadian rhythm characterized by a dramatic increase shortly after the onset of darkness. The maximum of melatonin is followed by a peak of 5-methoxytryptamine. These 5-methoxylated indoleamines seem to be involved in the mediation of the information darkness.G. polyedra shows a short-day response, which consists in the formation of asexual cysts. Light break experiments demonstrate the photoperiodic nature of this reaction. Cells become sensitive to short days only upon exposure to a lowered temperature (<16°C). Melatonin mimics the short-day effect, but only at decreased temperature. 5-Methoxytryptamine is even a better inducer of cyst formation, acting also at 20°C and in any lighting schedule, including LL. Cyst induction is associated with stimulation of bioluminescence and cytoplasmic acidification. A model on the intracellular pathway of photoperiodic information transduction assumes increased deacetylation of melatonin under cyst-inducing conditions, binding of 5-methoxytryptamine to the membrane of an acidic vacuole, proton transfer to the cytoplasm, and decreased intracellular pH as the stimulus for encystment. Melatonin shows the property of a scavenger of superoxide anions. This reaction, which is efficiently catalyzed by hemin, leads to the formation of a substituted kynuramine (AFMK). Destruction of melatonin by light-induced superoxide anions in the presence of cellular hemin may represent a property which, during evolution, has made this molecule suitable as an indicator of darkness. On the other hand, AFMK, which is formed under illumination, might have become a mediator of the information light. Photoperiodism inGonyaulax shows surprising parallels to that in mammals, but allows the analysis of this phenomenon at an entirely cellular level.  相似文献   

Sialic acids consist of a family of acidic ninecarbon sugars that are typically located at the terminal positions of a variety of glycoconjugates. Naturally occurring sialic acids show an immense diversity of structure, and this reflects their involvement in a variety of biologically important processes. One such process involves the direct participation of sialic acids in recognition events through specific interactions with lectins, a family of proteins that recognise and bind sugars. This review will present a detailed overview of our current knowledge regarding the occurrence, specificity and function of sialic acid-specific lectins, particularly those that occur in viruses, bacteria and non-vertebrate eukaryotes. Received 13 December 2005; received after revision 9 February 2006; accepted 15 February 2006  相似文献   

Site- and state-specific lysine methylation of histones is catalyzed by a family of proteins that contain the evolutionarily conserved SET domain and plays a fundamental role in epigenetic regulation of gene activation and silencing in all eukaryotes. The recently determined three-dimensional structures of the SET domains from chromosomal proteins reveal that the core SET domain structure contains a two-domain architecture, consisting of a conserved anti-parallel β-barrel and a structurally variable insert that surround a unusual knot-like structure that comprises the enzyme active site. These structures of the SET domains, either in the free state or when bound to cofactor S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine and/or histone peptide, mimicking an enzyme/cofactor/substrate complex, further yield the structural insights into the molecular basis of the substrate specificity, methylation multiplicity and the catalytic mechanism of histone lysine methylation. Received 10 June 2006; accepted 22 August 2006  相似文献   

Intracellular pH (pHi) is a major regulator of various and critical cellular functions. A close regulation of pHi is thus mandatory to maintain normal cellular activity. To this end, all cells express ion transporters that carry across their plasma membrane H+ or equivalent H+ into and out of the cell. Besides pHi, these ion transporters are under the regulation of neurohormonal stimuli. This review summarises the molecular identity, regulation and function of the main membrane pH-regulatory ion transporters. Received 30 December 1998; received after revision 4 February 1999; accepted 9 February 1999  相似文献   

The ribosomal P proteins are specific and important autoantigens in patients affected by systemic lupus erythematosus. In this study, we describe for the first time the selection and characterization of recombinant human monoclonal anti-P protein (auto)-antibody fragments from an autoimmune patient-derived phage display antibody library. The selected recombinant anti-P antibodies specifically recognize the P proteins in immunofluorescence assays on HEp-2 cells and in immunoblotting assays, and they immunoprecipitate the P proteins under native conditions. Using both anti-P-positive patient sera and the selected recombinant anti-P antibodies, the immunodominant epitope was determined and shown to be located at the C-terminal end of the P proteins (amino acids 111-115). Inhibition of in vitro protein translation demonstrated that interaction of the monoclonal patient-derived anti-P antibodies with their native epitope functionally inhibits the activity of the P proteins on the ribosome, confirming the notion that patient autoantibodies are often directed to the functional centre of their autoantigenic target.  相似文献   

Genetic instability in tumours results in cell-to-cell variability of genome which parallels the cell-to-cell variability of microscopic morphology and of behaviour (tumour cell heterogeneity) of these lesions. Genetic instability is therefore strongly supported as the fundamental process by which normal tissue cells become neoplastic. The commonest current suggestion for the mechanism of initiation of carcinogenesis is a 'direct hit' mutation of a 'cancer critical' gene in a somatic cell by carcinogenic agents. However, this mechanism does not account for the activity of carcinogens which are not mutagens, and does not explain why many mutagens are not carcinogens. This paper proposes a nonmutational (nongenotoxic) mechanism of initiation of genetic instability in previously normal cells as follows: 1) During S phase of local tissue stem cells, carcinogen binds to and disables the proofreading enzyme for a new DNA strand. 2) While it is disabled, the proofreading enzyme fails to correct illicit changes in the nucleotide sequence(s) for one or more genes for proofreading fidelity or repair of DNA in the new strand of DNA, which passes to one daughter cell. 3) When this daughter cell is a continuing stem cell, the resulting cell line remains immortal, and retains its prior differentiation commitment to produce daughter cells of a particular type. However, the acquired genetic instability in this cell line causes secondary mutations which lead to uncontrolled growth, and the heterogeneous morphologic and behavioural features of a tumour resembling the parent cell type.  相似文献   

Contact allergies are complex diseases, and one of the important challenges for public health and immunology. The German 'Federal Institute for Risk Assessment' hosted an 'International Workshop on Contact Dermatitis'. The scope of the workshop was to discuss new discoveries and developments in the field of contact dermatitis. This included the epidemiology and molecular biology of contact allergy, as well as the development of new in vitro methods. Furthermore, it considered regulatory aspects aiming to reduce exposure to contact sensitisers. An estimated 15-20% of the general population suffers from contact allergy. Workplace exposure, age, sex, use of consumer products and genetic predispositions were identified as the most important risk factors. Research highlights included: advances in understanding of immune responses to contact sensitisers, the importance of autoxidation or enzyme-mediated oxidation for the activation of chemicals, the mechanisms through which hapten-protein conjugates are formed and the development of novel in vitro strategies for the identification of skin-sensitising chemicals. Dendritic cell cultures and structure-activity relationships are being developed to identify potential contact allergens. However, the local lymph node assay (LLNA) presently remains the validated method of choice for hazard identification and characterisation. At the workshop the use of the LLNA for regulatory purposes and for quantitative risk assessment was also discussed.  相似文献   

Serine proteases exist in eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms and have emerged during evolution as the most abundant and functionally diverse group. In Gram-negative bacteria, there is a growing family of high molecular weight serine proteases secreted to the external milieu by a fascinating and widely employed bacterial secretion mechanism, known as the autotransporter pathway. They were initially found in Neisseria, Shigella, and pathogenic Escherichia coli, but have now also been identified in Citrobacter rodentium, Salmonella, and Edwardsiella species. Here, we focus on proteins belonging to the serine protease autotransporter of Enterobacteriaceae (SPATEs) family. Recent findings regarding the predilection of serine proteases to host intracellular or extracellular protein-substrates involved in numerous biological functions, such as those implicated in cytoskeleton stability, autophagy or innate and adaptive immunity, have helped provide a better understanding of SPATEs’ contributions in pathogenesis. Here, we discuss their classification, substrate specificity, and potential roles in pathogenesis.  相似文献   

In mouse ear development, two bHLH genes, Atoh1 and Neurog1, are essential for hair cell and sensory neuron differentiation. Evolution converted the original simple atonal-dependent neurosensory cell formation program of diploblasts into the derived developmental program of vertebrates that generates two neurosensory cell types, the sensory neuron and the sensory hair cell. This transformation was achieved through gene multiplication in ancestral triploblasts resulting in the expansion of the atonal bHLH gene family. Novel genes of the Neurogenin and NeuroD families are upregulated prior to the expression of Atoh1. Recent data suggest that NeuroD and Neurogenin were lost or their function in neuronal specification reduced in flies, thus changing our perception of the evolution of these genes. This sequence of expression changes was accompanied by modification of the E-box binding sites of these genes to regulate different downstream genes and to form inhibitory loops among each other, thus fine-tuning expression transitions.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird gezeigt, dass 5-(3-Pyridyl)-Tetrazol und Nikotinsäure die Menge der unveresterten Fettsäuren (UFS) bei fastenden Hunden erniedrigen. Die Tetrazolanalogverbindung der Nikotinsäure hat eine längere Wirkungsdauer als Nikotinsäure, obwohl ihre antilipolytische Wirksamkeit in vitro viel geringer als die der Nikotinsäure ist. Die verlängerte Wirkung von 5-(3-Pyridyl)-Tetrazol wird als Folge seiner Stoffwechselbeständigkeit aufgefasst.  相似文献   

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