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Summary The coagulation of fibrinogen by thrombin is delayed by yeast nucleic acid and still more by adenosin-3-phosphoric acid. This action is due to a free phosphoric acid group and can be measured already in concentrations of 6 mg% yeast nucleic acid or of 2 mg% adenosin-3-phosphoric acid, whereas ATP only becomes effective in a concentration of 75 mg %.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown in experiments on rats that the absorption of radiocerium from the site of an intramuscular injection and its excretion from the organism can be enhanced to a large extent by intraperitoneal administration of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid.  相似文献   

Summary Polygalacturonic acids (pectic acids) can easily be esterified by epoxides (ethylene oxide, 2,3-epoxy-1-propanol, epichlorhydrin, etc.) in the presence of water. Under favorable conditions the degradation of the macromolecules is negligible. Some properties of the glycol esters of polygalacturonic acid which are similar to those of the methyl esters of polygalacturonic acid (pectinic acids) are described. The glycol and glycerol esters, however, are not saponified by the enzyme pectase. These compounds react much more rapidly with formaldehyde than pectinic acid which does not possess primary hydroxyl groups.  相似文献   

Summary The oxydative desamination of amino acids in the liver of acute uremic rats is increased. Simultaneously the citric acid cycle in the liver of these rats is stimulated. It is suggested that the ketone-acids formed by the increased amino acid degradation are removed by the activated citric acid cycle.

5. Mitteilung über Untersuchungen der Rest-N-fraktionen bei Urämie

Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde mit Unterstützung des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds durchgeführt.  相似文献   

Summary Methanolysis of podophyllotoxin (I) with ZnCl2 as catalyst yields podophyllinic acid methyl ester (IV) and neopodophyllotoxin (V), a new isomer of podophyllotoxin. Neopodophyllotoxin which contains the lactone group in the 1,3-position is stereospecifically hydrolyzed by alkali to the hitherto unknown podophyllinic acid (VI).

12. Mitteilung über mitosehemmende Naturstoffe.  相似文献   

Summary M/2 up to M/500 HJO4 produces a very peculiar ductility of native erythrocyte membranes, whereas a similar effect is hardly observed on the membranes of trypsin-treated erythrocytes. This observation demonstrates indirectly, probably for the first time, the morphological existence of a loose protein-layer assumed by one of the authors to be present on the surface of erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Summary Administration of calcium pantothenate to white rats in daily doses of 50–100 mg improved the signs of experimental thyreotoxicosis and decreased the metabolic rate.  相似文献   

Summary The oxidation of succinic-, malic-, and -ketoglutaric acid by cauliflower mitochondria is slowed down by strong visible light. The cytochrome-c-oxidase activity is also inhibited by light and the pigment is completely reduced in time. It is concluded that the Krebscycle is inhibited by light.  相似文献   

Summary The proportion of purines and pyrimidines in the DNA of the Ehrlich mouse ascites carcinoma is examined and compared with the base proportion of the DNA from liver and kidney of the normal mouse. The following findings were obtained: The DNA of the ascites tumor contains more guanine and less cytosine and thymine than the DNA of the normal mouse. For guanine this difference is statistically significant. The changed base compound is discussed with regard to the changed growing rate in tumors and the altered chromosome structure in the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma.

Durchgeführt mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary Transverse osteotomies of the radius of dogs could be set and perfectly stabilized by means of pressure osteosyntheses. The primary healing process, observed radiologically, corresponds to the histological development of new osteons which, in completely opposed fragments, pass through the fracture and develop from the intact blood vessels and cells of the Haversian canals.  相似文献   

Résumé La fécondation des ufs de la truite avec du sperme mélangé influence la quantité d'acide ribonucléique au cours de la gastrulation. L'augmentation de l'acide ribonucléique est accompagnée d'une réduction de la mortalité des embryons. L'uf non fécondé ne contient pas d'acide ribonucléique chimiquement déterminable. Cet acide est synthétisé au cours du développement à partir de la fécondation des ufs. Il n'est pas certain que la fécondation avec du sperme mélangé trouble la synthèse de l'acide thymonucléique pendant la mitose.  相似文献   

Summary (1) In the isolated mammalian heart (rabbit, cat, dog) electrically induced ventricular fibrillation is stopped in practically 100% of the cases by adenosin-triphosphoric acid (ATP) in doses of 0.25–20 mg, and the normal rhythm of the heart is permanently restored (as far as the experiment extends).(2) This effect of ATP follows from a primary blocking, which leads to a complete cessation of the activity of the ventricles with diastolic dilatation of the heart.(3) In as much as adenyl acid from yeast and adenosin (in large doses) also stop ventricular fibrillation, the energetic effect of ATP seems to be of no importance in stopping it; it is a specific effect of the adenyl compounds on the bundle ofHis.  相似文献   

Summary L-Leucine is the precursor of the isovaleric acid in magnamycin, as could be demonstrated withL-Leucine-[U-14].

IX. Mitt. Zur Biogenese der Makrolide. VIII. Mitt.W. Hofheinz, H. Grisebach undH. Friebolin, Tetrahedron, im Druck.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The occurrence of Tiegel's contractures in phasic and tonic muscles is significantly influenced by the extracellular calcium concentration. 2. Muscles of both types show only small and short aftercontractures after preceding treatment with calciumfree Ringer's solution and become refractory to repeated stimuli while in the relaxed state. 3. Muscles of both types, however, which have been pretreated with calcium-rich Ringer's solution, show strong and long-lasting after-contractures and become refractory to repeated stimuli while in a state of maximal contracture. 4. The possible explanations for this different behaviour are briefly discussed and it is assumed that calcium ions have several sites of action within the muscle cell.  相似文献   

Summary The hyperplasia and hyperaemia of the thyreoidea of rats caused by thiouracil treatment can be largely avoided by simultaneous doses of vitamin-A methylether.  相似文献   

Summary Librium Roche decreases the body temperature of mice in proportion to the dose given.  相似文献   

Summary Glutamic acid does not, either in small or in large doses, inhibit the degeneration of the medullary sheath of peripheral nerves in rats, induced within 15 days by addition of 0.25% of isoniazid to their diet. The detoxicating effect of glutamic acid, as described byCedrangolo 1, thus only applies to the general toxic symptoms of the acute INH-intoxication, as is the case for vitamins B2, B12, A, E, K, and niacinamide.  相似文献   

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