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The production of large numbers of males in the thelytokous speciesEncarsia formosa was induced by feeding antibiotics to their mothers. The males induced by antibiotic treatment produce sperm and sometimes mate with females, but insemination does not occur.  相似文献   

Summary Adenine-arabinoside, a new antiviral drug with questionable bone marrow toxicity, inhibits colony formation by myeloid precursor cells in vitro. Compared to cytosine-arabinoside this cytotoxicity is roughly one third.Supported by grants of the Swiss Cancer League (FOR 101.AK.77.2) and the Swiss Science Foundation (3.3320.74).Acknowledgments. We wish to thank Prof. A. Lévy for support in providing normal bone marrow samples and Miss Beatrice Rubin for skilled technical assistance.  相似文献   

The lipopeptide lauroyl-L-Ala--D-Glu-L,L-A2pm (LtriP) increased the resistance of mice to the lethal effect of -ray irradiation. The radioprotective effect was dependent on the doses of LtriP and of radiation. Maximum survival was observed when the lipopeptide was injected on two successive days before irradiation. This activity seems to be related to immunostimulating functions, since the non-immunostimulating analog lauroyl-L-Ala--D-Glu-D,D-A2pm-Gly, containing D,D-diaminopimelic acid, was not radioprotective. The protective activity might result from an induction of cytokines, such as IL-1, TNF and M-CSF, since LtriP induced the mRNA expression and the secretion of these immunomodulators.  相似文献   

Summary Coplanar hetero-oligobases (phthalanilides), highly effective cytostatica. Bacteriometrical and physico- chemical tests on coplanar hetero-oligobases have shown the formation of a complex with DNA to be the cause of the cytostatic effect. For several of these compounds an evident correlation is demonstrated between bacteriostatic efficiency and reaction with DNA.

Ausgeführt mit Unterstützung durch den Krebsforschungsfonds des Kultusministeriums Nordrhein-Westfalen.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1-(3,4-Dichlorphenyl)-5-isopropyl-biguanid (I) besitzt cytostatische Eigenschaften, die speziesabhängig sind. I übt eine stark depressive Wirkung auf die Hämatopoese von Meerschweinchen, Katze und Mensch aus, während das Knochenmark von Maus, Ratte, Kaninchen und Hund nicht beeinflusst wird. Transplantable Tumoren von Maus und Ratte werden in ihrem Wachstum nicht gehemmt. Hingegen liessen sich beim Menschen objektive Regressionen einiger Tumorarten beobachten. Die Wirkung auf die Meerschweinchenleukopenie kann durch Formyltetrahydrofolsäure aufgehoben werden. I hemmt die Dihydrofolatreduktase der auf I empfindlichen Spezies Meerschweinchen, nicht aber das entsprechende Ferment der auf I resistenten Spezies Ratte. Der Folsäureantagonismus ist speziesabhängig, was auf eine verschiedene Empfindlichkeit der Dihydrofolatreduktasen und nicht auf einen verschiedenen Metabolismus zurückzuführen sein dürfte. Borverbindungen von I besitzen ähnliche cytostatische Eigenschaften.  相似文献   

Summary Emericid is a new polyether polycyclic ionophore antibiotic excreted byStreptomyces hygroscopicus (DS 24 367). Active in vitro against Gram-positive bacteria, it is ineffective in vivo. At a 0.006–0.02% level in the diet it protects chickens and rabbits against coccidiosis.From a recent paper byN. Otake (Tetrahedron Lett.1970, 4147) emericid and lonomycin would be identical.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Chromosomenanalyse von 3 asiatischen Säugetieren:Meriones meridianus (2n=50),Ochotona rufescens (2n=60) undSpermiophilopsis lepto-dactylus (2n=38), Deren 2n's und Karyotypen wurden mit verwandten Formen ninsichtlich der Geschlechter und Gattungen verglichen und zur Klassifizierung diskutiert.  相似文献   

Emericid is a new polyether polycyclic ionophore antibiotic excreted by Streptomyces hygroscopicus (DS 24 367). Active in vitro against Gram-positive bacteria, it is ineffective in vivo. At a 0.006-0.02% level in the diet it protects chickens and rabbits against coccidiosis.  相似文献   

Summary Tryptophan, 5-HT, MAO and 5-HIAA were determined in the first 5 segments of earthworms (Oligochaetae) where the brain and subesophagic ganglions are located. Tranylcypromine (IMAO) decreased MAO activity increasing 5-HT and decreasing 5-HIAA. Motility and survival of worms were disturbed. InAllolobophora species (young worms), parathion fumigation decreased acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity and increased Trp, 5-HT and 5-HIAA. Motility was diminished after 24 h: it worsened after 72, but returned to normal levels 40/50 days later.Publication of the National Institute of Agrarian Technology (INTA), Argentina.Acknowledgments. We are most grateful to Prof. Zlatko Tomsic (from the Lillo Institute, Tucumán) and to Leticia Alvarado (from INTA) and to Prof. Mirta P. de Matosian for earthworm classification.  相似文献   

Résumé On a trouvé que l'anesthésique M.S. 222 Sandoz est effectif sur les amphipodesCorophium volutator etMarinogammarus obtusatus. Une concentration de 0.5 g/l peut anesthésier les animaux avec un délai de 30 min. Tous les animaux des deux espèces se remettent de l'anesthésie, même après 2 h dans cette concentration.  相似文献   

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