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Che H  Drake JF  Swisdak M 《Nature》2011,474(7350):184-187
During magnetic reconnection, the field lines must break and reconnect to release the energy that drives solar and stellar flares and other explosive events in space and in the laboratory. Exactly how this happens has been unclear, because dissipation is needed to break magnetic field lines and classical collisions are typically weak. Ion-electron drag arising from turbulence, dubbed 'anomalous resistivity', and thermal momentum transport are two mechanisms that have been widely invoked. Measurements of enhanced turbulence near reconnection sites in space and in the laboratory support the anomalous resistivity idea but there has been no demonstration from measurements that this turbulence produces the necessary enhanced drag. Here we report computer simulations that show that neither of the two previously favoured mechanisms controls how magnetic field lines reconnect in the plasmas of greatest interest, those in which the magnetic field dominates the energy budget. Rather, we find that when the current layers that form during magnetic reconnection become too intense, they disintegrate and spread into a complex web of filaments that causes the rate of reconnection to increase abruptly. This filamentary web can be explored in the laboratory or in space with satellites that can measure the resulting electromagnetic turbulence.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet light detection by the homing pigeon   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
M L Kreithen  T Eisner 《Nature》1978,272(5651):347-348

Buffer effects occur when sites vary in quality and fluctuations in population size are mirrored by large changes in animal numbers in poor-quality sites but only small changes in good-quality sites. Hence, the poor sites 'buffer' the good sites, a mechanism that can potentially drive population regulation if there are demographic costs of inhabiting poor sites. Here we show that for a migratory bird this process can apply on a country-wide scale with consequences for both survival and timing of arrival on the breeding grounds (an indicator of reproductive success). The Icelandic population of the black-tailed godwit, Limosa limosa islandica, wintering in Britain has increased fourfold since the 1970s (ref. 5) but rates of change within individual estuaries have varied from zero to sixfold increases. In accordance with the buffer effect, rates of increase are greater on estuaries with low initial numbers, and godwits on these sites have lower prey-intake rates, lower survival rates and arrive later in Iceland than godwits on sites with stable populations. The buffer effect can therefore be a major process influencing large-scale population regulation of migratory species.  相似文献   

为了了解磁流化床内磁性湿颗粒的运动特性,数值模拟了匀强磁场作用下磁性湿颗粒的运动。数学模型上,采用离散元法(DEM)模拟颗粒运动,同时考虑磁场和液桥的双作用力模型。仅针对二维溃坝问题进行数值模拟,分别研究磁场和液桥对颗粒行为的影响。数值模拟结果发现:无磁场作用时,液体体积分数增加,颗粒运动剧烈程度相对减弱,颗粒聚集行为增强;有磁场作用时,颗粒形成平行于磁感线方向的链,显著降低了颗粒的平均速度和平均位移。  相似文献   

现有研究中常通过电磁感应方法探测接地网拓扑结构,针对该方法弱磁场测量困难,提出了一种组合源磁场叠加成像检测方法。通过多根引下线向接地网周期性轮换注入电流,不同注入方式使电流在接地网中呈现不同流向,保证了接地网不同区域载流导体都能激发有效测量磁场,结合二次开发的超宽带定位系统实时定位阵列式传感线圈测量位置,实现了对地表水平x、y方向感应磁场的扫描式测量,最后采用形态学滤波方法消除异常数据干扰,进而通过Canny边缘检测算子进行接地网拓扑提取。仿真与实验结果表明:文中所述方法能够有效提高接地网拓扑结构的成像效果,接地网网格导体定位精度误差不高于3%。  相似文献   

外磁场驱动的无线内窥镜磁场线圈的设计方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为实现外磁场驱动的无线内窥镜所需的外部磁场,提出了外部磁场线圈的设计方法.针对人体呈圆柱状外形对目标磁场在柱坐标系中进行分解,通过目标场法(target field,TF)反解出电流密度分布,并通过离散得到实际线圈的位置和电流大小.用此方法设计了一个方案,并用有限元软件进行建模仿真,计算磁体转矩的大小,与预计的理想转矩进行了对比;同时分析了均匀磁场的范围.仿真结果表明,这样的线圈和电流分布方式可以使无线内窥镜所带的永磁体在任意平面产生均匀转矩.  相似文献   

推导单圆环线圈三维空间磁场数学表达式并建立了磁场方式三维定位系统数学模型 ,在此基础上研制磁场方式三维定位装置 ,实现三维磁传感器探头六自由度实时定位及一维磁传感器探头五自由度实时定位 .该装置提供了一种利用对人体无害的磁场来测定内窥镜探头等医疗器械在人体内的三维位置及姿态的新方法 .  相似文献   

为了解决水下目标磁场近程化探测中磁信号衰减快、干扰强及扰动特征不明确、无法有效探测信号等问题,提出了一种基于混合神经网络与注意力机制(Att-CNN-GRU)的工频磁场水下目标时间序列扰动信号检测方法。将CNN,GRU神经网络与Attention机制相结合拟合信号,构建分类神经网络,对目标信号进行分类识别,同时与未引入注意力机制的CNN-LSTM模型及单一CNN和LSTM网络模型的预测及检测性能进行比较。结果表明,相较于传统方法,信号拟合效果将误差分别减小了36.24%,14.44%和4.878%,目标检测准确率达到83.3%。因此,加入Attention机制的CNN-GRU模型检测性能比CNN,LSTM和CNN-GRU模型更优异,作为辅助手段,能有效解决工频磁场探测中扰动信号微弱、扰动规律不明确、背景噪声多等问题,实现对水下目标造成的工频磁场扰动信号的拟合与检测。  相似文献   

城市附加磁场与土体结构强度的磁效应机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从分析城市附加磁场的六种表现形式着手,进行了初步模拟试验,揭示了土体结构强度与城市附加磁场密切相关.提出了土体结构强度磁效应的观点,即城市附加磁场通过几何磁效应、电荷磁效应和磁化学效应以及土体磁敏性元素共同作用来实现对土体性状的影响,改变土的细观结构和结构强度.  相似文献   

Braithwaite J  Spruit HC 《Nature》2004,431(7010):819-821
Some main-sequence stars of spectral type A are observed to have a strong (0.03-3 tesla), static, large-scale magnetic field, of a chiefly dipolar shape: they are known as 'Ap stars', such as Alioth, the fifth star in the Big Dipper. Following the discovery of these fields, it was proposed that they are remnants of the star's formation, a 'fossil' field. An alternative suggestion is that they could be generated by a dynamo process in the star's convective core. The dynamo hypothesis, however, has difficulty explaining high field strengths and the observed lack of a correlation with rotation. The weakness of the fossil-field theory has been the absence of field configurations stable enough to survive in a star over its lifetime. Here we report numerical simulations that show that stable magnetic field configurations, with properties agreeing with those observed, can develop through evolution from arbitrary, unstable initial fields. The results are applicable equally to Ap stars, magnetic white dwarfs and some highly magnetized neutron stars known as magnetars. This establishes fossil fields as the natural, unifying explanation for the magnetism of all these stars.  相似文献   

介绍使用磁场方式来测定内窥镜探头在人体内三维位置及姿态角的一种方法 .根据 3个互相正交的圆环线圈在其周围空间产生的三维磁场以及附着于内窥镜探头上的 3个相互正交的磁场传感器在该磁场空间任意点以任意姿态感应磁场时所获得的信号 ,建立以空间位置 (x、y、z) ,姿态角 (a、b、c)为未知数的六元非线性方程组 .求解该非线性方程组 ,就可以由磁场传感器所获得的测量数据计算出对应的一组位置和姿态 (x ,y ,z ,a ,b ,c) 信息 ,从而实现内窥镜探头的三维定位和跟踪 .  相似文献   

内部磁场梯度对火山岩核磁共振特性的影响及其探测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在常规岩心测量和核磁共振(NMR)试验的基础上,分析顺磁性矿物对火山岩NMR测量的影响,并对部分样品进行2D NMR测量,探测到基于内部磁场梯度-横向弛豫时间的信号分布、视内部磁场梯度分布和视T2弛豫时间谱.结果表明:顺磁性矿物会在火山岩样品中产生很强的内部磁场;在磁旋动力和分子扩散的作用下,NMR测得的信号信噪比很低,计算到的孔隙度偏低,对于磁铁矿、黄铁矿含量较多的岩心差别最大;用T2-G 2D NMR方法可探测这种内部磁场梯度的分布,并用于流体的扩散分析.  相似文献   

根据Maxwell电磁场理论建立似稳磁场激发电场满足的方程,给出该方程在无界空间的解,并论证似稳磁场的涡旋电场等于多极电砀的叠加。  相似文献   

针对铁磁构件裂纹损伤检测方法和仪器应用技术现状,建立了V型裂纹漏磁场分析模型,得出了平板铁磁构件表面指定探测点的漏磁场理论表达式。采用MATLAB软件编程进行全面的仿真分析,得出了漏磁场的法向分量与裂纹开口宽度的关系曲线、漏磁场的法向分量与裂纹深度的关系曲线、漏磁场的法向分量与裂纹长度的关系曲线;得出裂纹漏磁场法向分量过零点、漏磁场垂向分量出现最大值和漏磁场切向分量出现裂纹端部过零点的漏磁场分布特性。根据理论分析得出的裂纹漏磁场特征,设计制作了阵列式的裂纹检测装置和检测平台,并对带有V型裂纹的平板铁磁构件进行检测。实验表明:文中理论分析得出的三维漏磁场与检测结果能够较好的吻合,并对裂纹的几何参数估计具有一定的指导意义,根据漏磁模型研制的检测装置能探测铁磁构件的裂纹缺陷。  相似文献   

Christensen UR 《Nature》2006,444(7122):1056-1058
Mercury has a global magnetic field of internal origin and it is thought that a dynamo operating in the fluid part of Mercury's large iron core is the most probable cause. However, the low intensity of Mercury's magnetic field--about 1% the strength of the Earth's field--cannot be reconciled with an Earth-like dynamo. With the common assumption that Coriolis and Lorentz forces balance in planetary dynamos, a field thirty times stronger is expected. Here I present a numerical model of a dynamo driven by thermo-compositional convection associated with inner core solidification. The thermal gradient at the core-mantle boundary is subadiabatic, and hence the outer region of the liquid core is stably stratified with the dynamo operating only at depth, where a strong field is generated. Because of the planet's slow rotation the resulting magnetic field is dominated by small-scale components that fluctuate rapidly with time. The dynamo field diffuses through the stable conducting region, where rapidly varying parts are strongly attenuated by the skin effect, while the slowly varying dipole and quadrupole components pass to some degree. The model explains the observed structure and strength of Mercury's surface magnetic field and makes predictions that are testable with space missions both presently flying and planned.  相似文献   

文章依据亥姆霍兹线圈原理提出了一种多绕组结构的磁场发生器设计方案,利用Maxwell软件对其进行模拟仿真分析,并制作了一套多绕组磁场发生器。通过对比实际测量数值与模拟仿真数值,证明了该设备能产生0~2T的磁场,在中心区域磁感应强度的不均匀性小于3%,得到了预期效果。  相似文献   

研制一种新型低场核磁共振孔隙介质分析仪,通过对不同直径岩样的实际测量,可以快速提供含流体孔隙介质的T2分布,T1分布,T1-T2和D-T2二维分布等重要信息,证实了仪器的合理性,有效性,及便捷性。采用Hal-bach磁体和可变尺寸开槽法拉第屏蔽螺线管天线,方便了样品制备和探测效率。低成本线性功率放大器的输出功率可达250 W,能够满足线圈激励要求,并降低成本。有源场效应管组成的隔离电路工作频率较宽,具有通用性。射频三极管组成的负反馈放大电路作为前置放大电路的第一级保证接收回路的低噪声设计,三极管集电极电流由运放为核心的虚拟电流源,使电路设计简化。DSP和FPGA作为主控电路的运算和逻辑控制单元,使回波信号提取和脉冲序列时序生成更灵活。  相似文献   

圆环电流是最基本的理论磁体单元,其周围空间任意点磁场解析计算推导过程复杂。本文借鉴“割圆法”原理,推导了一种圆环电流周围空间任意点磁感应强度数值计算方法,基于该数值计算方法进行了圆环电流中轴线、圆电流平面、圆电流平面平行面及垂直面上磁场特征数值分析,并通过对比圆环电流完全椭圆积分磁感应强度解析计算结果验证了数值计算方法的准确性。研究结果表明本文圆环电流空间磁感应强度数值计算方法推导过程简单,能够方便计算空间任意点磁感应强度且准确度高。  相似文献   

从电流观点和磁荷观点两个角度讨论了磁感应强度B 和磁场强度H 两个物理量,旨在加深对两个物理量含义的理解.  相似文献   

针对自由层与自旋极化层均为垂直磁各向异性材料的磁纳米柱结构,基于Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert-Slonczewski(LLGS)方程,利用微磁学模拟方法,研究了外磁场和电流导致的自旋转矩效应所驱动的自由层磁矩翻转特性.模拟结果显示磁矩翻转曲线中出现了多个凸起的非正常翻转状态;且凸起区域出现的位置与外加磁场大小、纳米柱尺寸和垂直磁各向异性相关,而与极化层磁矩的倾角大小无关.在自旋极化层的磁矩倾角给定时,凸起区域出现的磁矩状态有亚稳态、振荡态、稳定态3种.给出建立了它们随磁场和极化层倾角变化的参数相图.  相似文献   

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