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Yang  Wei  Yao  TanDong  Xu  BaiQing  Ma  LingLong  Wang  ZhiHui  Wan  Ming 《科学通报(英文版)》2010,55(20):2097-2102
Little is known about recent variation of temperate glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau, although they are of particular theoretical and practical interests in terms of climate change and water supply. The study of glacier mass balance and terminus variation for six temperate glaciers in the Parlung Zangbo River basin, southeast Tibetan Plateau, shows the facts of the overall negative mass balance and the continued terminus retreat from 2005/2006 to 2007/2008. The mass balances of smaller glaciers were more negative compared to larger glaciers. Referring the trend of glacier mass balance in the Hengduan Mountains, the Himalayas and glacier shrinkage in southeast Tibetan Plateau, the mass loss and recession of temperate glacier in this region are expected if the current climate condition continues.  相似文献   

冰川变化遥感监测的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结分析冰川变化遥感监测中使用的影像数据和方法,探讨全球范围内冰川变化遥感监测最新研究成果,发现分辨率较高时间序列较长的Landsat影像适合大区域长周期的冰川变化研究.ASTER影像在近几年冰川变化研究中发挥着重要作用,而分辨率达到米级的影像数据适合面积小、精度要求高的冰川变化研究.冰川边界的提取通常采用比值阈值法,同时也应尝试其他方法,以选择最佳的方案.全球范围内,现代冰川退缩速率不尽相同,新几内亚与非洲地区冰川退缩最为严重,反应了低纬度地区的小冰川对气候变化响应更为敏感;斯堪的纳维亚半岛与两极地区冰川规模大,冰川变化相对较小.  相似文献   

Grove Mountain is an important nunatak region on East Antarctic Glacier that blocks the ice flow to- ward Lambert Glacier. The existence of nunataks and subglacial mountains leads to complex ice flow patterns, which are difficult to be measured by conventional ground-based methods. In this study, several JERS-1 and ERS-1/2 SAR images covering this area are used for 3-pass and 4-pass differential interferometric processing. The ice flow field of Grove Mountain and the eastern zone are derived and validated with related knowledge. The research shows that DINSAR is an effective method for meas- uring complex ice flow in Antarctic inland glacier. L-band DINSAR is more suitable for mid or fast ice flow than C-band over this region.  相似文献   

研究能够满足出口车速平稳过渡的逐级限速方案,对提高出口区域车辆平稳运行及安全提升有重要意义。利用无人机采集高速公路出口车辆运行参数,分析出口车辆运行特征,考虑驾驶员对相邻限速标志的认知反应,构建了连续限速标志设置间距计算模型,建立了高速公路出口不同级别的限速方案,利用驾驶模拟试验对设计的不同限速方案进行分析及评价。模型的计算结果显示,二级限速方案中,限速值为60-40km/h的限速标志间距为160m;三级限速方案中,限速值为80-60-40km/h的限速标志间距分别为:300,80m,限速值为90-60-40km/h的限速标志间距分别为300,85m;四级限速方案中,限速值为100-80-60-40km/h的限速标志间距分别为295,160,80m。利用驾驶模拟器对模型结果进行验证,试验结果表明:逐级限速方案的平均减速度指标小于1.3 m/s2,均在驾驶舒适性阈值内;随着限速级数增加,车辆离散幅度显著降低,表明逐级限速方案对出口车辆运行速度有明显管控效果;四级限速方案可使在分流鼻端车速标准差、平均减速度、V85分别控制在5.23km/h、0.52m/s2、54km/h左右,极大了满足车速平稳过渡要求。可见,借助模型定量优化的逐级限速方案可以显著提高出口车速过渡的平稳性和安全性。  相似文献   

A Kääb  E Berthier  C Nuth  J Gardelle  Y Arnaud 《Nature》2012,488(7412):495-498
Glaciers are among the best indicators of terrestrial climate variability, contribute importantly to water resources in many mountainous regions and are a major contributor to global sea level rise. In the Hindu Kush-Karakoram-Himalaya region (HKKH), a paucity of appropriate glacier data has prevented a comprehensive assessment of current regional mass balance. There is, however, indirect evidence of a complex pattern of glacial responses in reaction to heterogeneous climate change signals. Here we use satellite laser altimetry and a global elevation model to show widespread glacier wastage in the eastern, central and south-western parts of the HKKH during 2003-08. Maximal regional thinning rates were 0.66?±?0.09 metres per year in the Jammu-Kashmir region. Conversely, in the Karakoram, glaciers thinned only slightly by a few centimetres per year. Contrary to expectations, regionally averaged thinning rates under debris-mantled ice were similar to those of clean ice despite insulation by debris covers. The 2003-08 specific mass balance for our entire HKKH study region was -0.21?±?0.05?m?yr(-1) water equivalent, significantly less negative than the estimated global average for glaciers and ice caps. This difference is mainly an effect of the balanced glacier mass budget in the Karakoram. The HKKH sea level contribution amounts to one per cent of the present-day sea level rise. Our 2003-08 mass budget of -12.8?±?3.5 gigatonnes (Gt) per year is more negative than recent satellite-gravimetry-based estimates of -5?±?3?Gt?yr(-1) over 2003-10 (ref. 12). For the mountain catchments of the Indus and Ganges basins, the glacier imbalance contributed about 3.5% and about 2.0%, respectively, to the annual average river discharge, and up to 10% for the Upper Indus basin.  相似文献   

Formic (HCOOH) and acetic (CH3COOH) acids are the chief carboxylic compounds in the troposphere[1]. Although weak acids, they contribute significantly to the free acidity, ionic balance of precipitation and the chemical reactions in the atmosphere, especially in the remote areas[2—4]. General sources for formate and acetate have been identified in the past 3 decades although a satisfactory source attribution is lacking to explain atmospheric observations[5]. Possible sources include veget…  相似文献   

高速动车组车速对弓网离线电弧放电的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高速动车组列车运行时的车体振动使得受电弓和接触线之间产生电弧放电,从而产生电磁骚扰,研究由弓网离线电弧放电形成电磁骚扰的特征,为评估电磁骚扰对动车组安全的影响提供依据.本文针对动车组极高的运行速度与高速接触网系统振动方程导出弓网的离线概率、弓网接触力和接触线动态抬升量与速度的关系;建立了弓网电弧放电模型,对弓网电弧离线放电的电磁骚扰进行仿真;最后,分析了不同车速条件下,弓网离线电弧放电电磁骚扰发生的频率、大小的变化趋势.  相似文献   

相对论等离子体的电磁涨落   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
计算了等离子体物理量的集体涨落,电场涨落,磁场涨落、库仑电场涨落引起的相空间代表点密度涨落量的二级矩。  相似文献   

等离子体集体涨落是对许多现象进行物理分析的理论基础.本文在相对论BBGKY关联动力论基础上,建立了计算相对论等离子体集体涨落的基本公式.  相似文献   

Gembris D  Taylor JG  Suter D 《Nature》2002,417(6888):506
Improvements in the results of athletic competitions are often considered to stem from better training and equipment, but elements of chance are always present in athletics and these also contribute. Here we distinguish between these two effects by estimating the range into which athletic records would have fallen in the absence of systematic progress and then comparing this with actual performance results. We find that only 4 out of 22 disciplines have shown a systematic improvement, and that annual best results worldwide show saturation in some disciplines.  相似文献   

针对滨海潜水层中存在的潮致地下水波动现象,以Kong等提出的新型Boussinesq方程为理论基础,通过摄动解析法剖析波动组成及函数表达,在此基础上分析土壤非饱和区含水层对潮致地下水波动的影响机制。结果表明:地下水波传入滨海潜水层后,主频波幅呈指数型衰减,且渗透系数越小波能衰减越快;在非线性作用下,波动传播过程中将衍生出高频波,波能从低频波向高频波迁移;当土壤的非饱和持水性较强、土壤层非饱和区厚度较小、土壤孔隙率较小时,有利于潜水层内高频波的形成。  相似文献   

为了改进异步电机调速系统中转速的测取中的不足,采取了模糊神经网络的方法,以神经网络模式识别理论为基础,结合神经网络在自动控制领域中的典型应用,并在测取信号前采用了滤波器消除一定的谐波信号,使信号更接近真实值,仿真结果表明:增加了滤波环节后,消除了谐波信号,使转速值更加准确,优化了异步电机调速系统.  相似文献   

慕士塔格峰冰川变化遥感研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以位于新疆维吾尔族自治区西南部的慕士塔格峰冰川为例,利用研究区1965年经航片校对的地形图和2001年5月的ASTER遥感影像为信息源,通过遥感图像处理技术和专家指导下的人工解译得到1965,2001年两期冰川边界图,用GIS统计该地区冰川面积,并分析冰川变化总趋势.结果表明,近36年来,慕士塔格峰冰川整体呈现退缩趋势,冰川面积减少了1.11%,而山峰西侧和南侧的部分冰川有前进的现象.  相似文献   

研究了在热涨落作用下的双结超导量子干涉器件(DCSQUID)系统,以二维的FokkerPlanck方程为基础,从理论上首次得到了DC SQUID系统的精确的定态概率分布函数,进而导出系统的各种物理量的统计表达式,利用数值计算讨论了在热涨落作用下,各种参数对DC SQUID系统特性的影响。  相似文献   

旋转阀的转速控制关系到钻井液压力信号的产生。旋转阀负载力矩随旋转角的变化规律是影响转速控制的关键。根据旋转阀转子的受力情况分析了旋转阀负载力矩的组成及影响因素。通过理论分析结合计算流体力学(CFD)仿真分析建立了负载力矩的计算模型。研究表明,旋转阀负载力矩随旋转角呈严重的非线性变化,负载力矩与钻井液流量的平方有关,与钻井液密度呈线性关系,与钻井液黏度无关。负载力矩的非线性特性对旋转阀转速产生严重影响。基于负载力矩的计算模型,采用负载力矩的前馈补偿进行旋转阀转速控制系统的线性化校正,通过转速负反馈形成PID(比例-积分-微分)闭环实现旋转阀转速的快速随动控制。MATLAB/Simulink仿真结果表明,旋转阀转速闭环控制系统具有快速跟随调相脉冲变化的能力;同时对流量测量误差及负载力矩计算模型偏差产生的干扰影响具有较强的抑制作用,可以满足对32 Hz的压力载波进行相移键控(PSK)调制,实现16 bit/s的数据传输速率。  相似文献   

Pedersenbreen is a small polythermal valley glacier, located in Svalbard, which has been one of the two glaciers monitored by Chinese Arctic expedition members since 2004. This study estimates its area and volume and analyzes its change during 1936-1990-2009, using field collected GPS/GPR data in 2009 and historical topographic maps published by the Norwegian Polar Institute. We have found that Pedersenbreen is just like many other valley glaciers in Svalbard, having experienced a significant recession since the end of Little Ice Age in the early 20th century. The glacier tongue has retreated more than 0.6 km, while ice volume has decreased by approximately 13%. The overall thinning rate of Pedersenbreen has shown acceleration during the recent decades. Further analysis shows that the ice tongue in the downstream area of Pedersenbreen is melting at the highest rate, while a simultaneous accumulation occurred in the upstream. However, as global temperatures increase, the accumulation area is reducing year by year.  相似文献   

浅议安全航速   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从探讨安全航速的含义出发,分析安全航速与限制速度之间关系、安全航速与缓速之间关系;介绍安全航速的使用范围以及在决定安全航速时应考虑的因素.  相似文献   

对随机抽取的10只上市公司股票,基于粗糙集理论,分析了这些公司所公布的相关数据对于股价的重要性及以及股价关于这些数据的支持度.这些分析对于政府部门科学地规范证券市场以及广大股民理性地投资证券市场有着一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

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