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It has recently been suggested that galaxies in the early Universe could have grown through the accretion of cold gas, and that this may have been the main driver of star formation and stellar mass growth. Because the cold gas is essentially primordial, it has a very low abundance of elements heavier than helium (referred to as metallicity). If funnelled to the centre of a galaxy, it will result in the central gas having an overall lower metallicity than gas further from the centre, because the gas further out has been enriched by supernovae and stellar winds, and not diluted by the primordial gas. Here we report chemical abundances across three rotationally supported star-forming galaxies at redshift z?≈?3, only 2?Gyr after the Big Bang. We find 'inverse' gradients, with the central, star-forming regions having lower metallicities than less active ones, which is opposite to what is seen in local galaxies. We conclude that the central gas has been diluted by the accretion of primordial gas, as predicted by 'cold flow' models.  相似文献   

五次系统的原点是星形结点,它的无穷远奇点根据条件不同分别为鞍点,结点或鞍结点,文章给出了奇点存在的条件及其分类情况。  相似文献   

Johnson TV  Lunine JI 《Nature》2005,435(7038):69-71
The orbital properties of Phoebe, one of Saturn's irregular moons, suggest that it was captured by the ringed planet's gravitational field rather than formed in situ. Phoebe's generally dark surface shows evidence of water ice, but otherwise the surface most closely resembles that of C-type asteroids and small outer Solar System bodies such as Chiron and Pholus that are thought to have originated in the Kuiper belt. A close fly-by of Phoebe by the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft on 11 June 2004 (19 days before the spacecraft entered orbit around Saturn) provided an opportunity to test the hypothesis that this moon did not form in situ during Saturn's formation, but is instead a product of the larger protoplanetary disk or 'solar nebula'. Here we derive the rock-to-ice ratio of Phoebe using its density combined with newly measured oxygen and carbon abundances in the solar photosphere. Phoebe's composition is close to that derived for other solar nebula bodies such as Triton and Pluto, but is very different from that of the regular satellites of Saturn, supporting Phoebe's origin as a captured body from the outer Solar System.  相似文献   

最近,美国天文学家新近在太阳系边缘地带观测到一个除冥王星之外个头最大的天体.发现者是加利福尼亚理工学院的迈克·布朗及其同事.新发现的这一天体的临时国际代号为"2002LM60",它绕太阳公转的周期为288年,直径约1 290 km,相当于冥王星的一半,位于太阳系边缘的"柯伊伯带".这一发现引起世人的普遍关注.太阳系有九大行星,距太阳最远的是冥王星.这是常识大家都知道.  相似文献   

Yeomans D 《Nature》2000,404(6780):829-832

太阳能保证率是太阳能热水系统的设计参数,也是判断太阳能在一个供热系统中所能发挥的作用的评价指标。近年来,在可再生能源建筑应用工程评价中,把太阳能保证率列为系统的重要评价指标。对影响太阳能保证率测量不确定性的因素进行分析,结果表明:现有的短期测量方法所测得的年保证率具有很大的随意性,并不能真实反映系统性能,检测结果没有实际价值,建议进一步完善检测方法或者取消该项检测。  相似文献   

The role of chaotic resonances in the Solar System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Murray N  Holman M 《Nature》2001,410(6830):773-779
Our understanding of the Solar System has been revolutionized over the past decade by the finding that the orbits of the planets are inherently chaotic. In extreme cases, chaotic motions can change the relative positions of the planets around stars, and even eject a planet from a system. Moreover, the spin axis of a planet-Earth's spin axis regulates our seasons-may evolve chaotically, with adverse effects on the climates of otherwise biologically interesting planets. Some of the recently discovered extrasolar planetary systems contain multiple planets, and it is likely that some of these are chaotic as well.  相似文献   

太阳系的膨胀   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着太阳质量变小 ,即随着太阳引力场变弱 ,行星椭圆轨道变大 ,轨道形状变得越来越扁平 .离太阳越远 ,行星椭圆轨道变化越显著 .太阳系正在非常缓慢均匀地膨胀 ,行星机械能增大  相似文献   

采用星系化学演化解析模型,结合脉冲AGB星慢中子俘获(s-过程)核合成理论,以AGB星s-过程单辐照解为前提,推导了单辐照情况下太阳系的中子辐照量分布,并将所得结果与利用参数化s-过程模型的计算结果及采用规范多事件s-过程模型的计算结果进行了比较,研究发现,计算结果与文献给出的中子辐照量分布在趋势上是一致的,但量级上有些偏差.这证明了只考虑AGB星的单辐照情况还不足以解释太阳系的中子辐照量分布,还应该考虑中子辐照量指数分布的贡献.  相似文献   

Aléon J  Robert F  Duprat J  Derenne S 《Nature》2005,437(7057):385-388
The origins of the building blocks of the Solar System can be studied using the isotopic composition of early planetary and meteoritic material. Oxygen isotopes in planetary materials show variations at the per cent level that are not related to the mass of the isotopes; rather, they result from the mixture of components having different nucleosynthetic or chemical origins. Isotopic variations reaching orders of magnitude in minute meteoritic grains are usually attributed to stellar nucleosynthesis before the birth of the Solar System, whereby different grains were contributed by different stars. Here we report the discovery of abundant silica-rich grains embedded in meteoritic organic matter, having the most extreme 18O/16O and 17O/16O ratios observed (both approximately 10(-1)) together with a solar silicon isotopic composition. Both O and Si isotopes indicate a single nucleosynthetic process. These compositions can be accounted for by one of two processes: a single exotic evolved star seeding the young Solar System, or irradiation of the circumsolar gas by high energy particles accelerated during an active phase of the young Sun. We favour the latter interpretation, because the observed compositions are usually not expected from nucleosynthetic processes in evolved stars, whereas they are predicted by the selective trapping of irradiation products.  相似文献   

为了更好解决太阳能热水工程中的防冻问题,针对恒温供水太阳能热水系统,提出了一种利用回水余热可进行多种防冻模式设置的新型控制系统;并通过实际工程的测试,对这一控制系统的防冻经济性进行了对比分析.结果表明,该控制系统在不增加系统运行成本的基础上,不但能够加强系统防冻性能,还能减少能耗和安全隐患,并且在长时间运行或系统规模较大的条件下,节省运行成本的优势更加显著.  相似文献   

fMRI evidence for objects as the units of attentional selection.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
K M O'Craven  P E Downing  N Kanwisher 《Nature》1999,401(6753):584-587
Contrasting theories of visual attention emphasize selection by spatial location, visual features (such as motion or colour) or whole objects. Here we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to test key predictions of the object-based theory, which proposes that pre-attentive mechanisms segment the visual array into discrete objects, groups, or surfaces, which serve as targets for visual attention. Subjects viewed stimuli consisting of a face transparently superimposed on a house, with one moving and the other stationary. In different conditions, subjects attended to the face, the house or the motion. The magnetic resonance signal from each subject's fusiform face area, parahippocampal place area and area MT/MST provided a measure of the processing of faces, houses and visual motion, respectively. Although all three attributes occupied the same location, attending to one attribute of an object (such as the motion of a moving face) enhanced the neural representation not only of that attribute but also of the other attribute of the same object (for example, the face), compared with attributes of the other object (for example, the house). These results cannot be explained by models in which attention selects locations or features, and provide physiological evidence that whole objects are selected even when only one visual attribute is relevant.  相似文献   

概述塔式太阳能发电系统中定日镜硬件设计及控制方式研究现状。通过对镜场控制系统分析,论述定日镜场控制方案优缺点,指出现有定日镜控制中,最大难点在于通过何种方式使定日镜实现对太阳实时、有效跟踪,诸如镜场中定日镜以何种方式排列、不同天气情况下如何控制定日镜等;提出以可编程控制器(Programm able Logic Controller,PLC)为主体的定日镜控制整体思路,并对未来塔式太阳能定日镜控制系统研究发展做出展望。  相似文献   

超高亮度LED在太阳能城市灯光系统中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍超高亮度LED的发展概况,包括超高亮度LED的研究开发、产业和市场的发展现状和水平;在绿色照明技术研究开发方面,介绍国内外超高亮度LED在研究开发中所取得最好水平以及LED在太阳能城市灯光系统中的应用,并对其未来发展趋势作出初步估计。  相似文献   

Chaotic capture of Jupiter's Trojan asteroids in the early Solar System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Morbidelli A  Levison HF  Tsiganis K  Gomes R 《Nature》2005,435(7041):462-465
Jupiter's Trojans are asteroids that follow essentially the same orbit as Jupiter, but lead or trail the planet by an angular distance of approximately 60 degrees (co-orbital motion). They are hypothesized to be planetesimals that formed near Jupiter and were captured onto their current orbits while Jupiter was growing, possibly with the help of gas drag and/or collisions. This idea, however, cannot explain some basic properties of the Trojan population, in particular its broad orbital inclination distribution, which ranges up to approximately 40 degrees (ref. 8). Here we show that the Trojans could have formed in more distant regions and been subsequently captured into co-orbital motion with Jupiter during the time when the giant planets migrated by removing neighbouring planetesimals. The capture was possible during a short period of time, just after Jupiter and Saturn crossed their mutual 1:2 resonance, when the dynamics of the Trojan region were completely chaotic. Our simulations of this process satisfactorily reproduce the orbital distribution of the Trojans and their total mass.  相似文献   

关于太阳系行星轨道分布规律的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文用类似于量子力学的观点和方法探讨了行星轨道的分布规律,得到了一个和Bode定则不同的新的行星轨道分布公式:a=0.044n2AU.它和天文观测数据相当 符合;用类似的公式讨论了几个卫星系的情况。最后,用旋量波动方程探讨了太阳系 的行星和卫星的角动量密度分布。  相似文献   

Dai ZR  Bradley JP  Joswiak DJ  Brownlee DE  Hill HG  Genge MJ 《Nature》2002,418(6894):157-159
Grains of dust that pre-date the Sun provide insights into their formation around other stars and into the early evolution of the Solar System. Nanodiamonds recovered from meteorites, which originate in asteroids, have been thought to be the most abundant type of presolar grain. If that is true, then nanodiamonds should be at least as abundant in comets, because they are thought to have formed further out in the early Solar System than the asteroid parent bodies, and because they should be more pristine. Here we report that nanodiamonds are absent or very depleted in fragile, carbon-rich interplanetary dust particles, some of which enter the atmosphere at speeds within the range of cometary meteors. One interpretation of the results is that some (perhaps most) nanodiamonds formed within the inner Solar System and are not presolar at all, consistent with the recent detection of nanodiamonds within the accretion discs of other young stars. An alternative explanation is that all meteoritic nanodiamonds are indeed presolar, but that their abundance decreases with heliocentric distance, in which case our understanding of large-scale transport and circulation within the early Solar System is incomplete.  相似文献   

以地球运动规律、太阳辐射理论以及数学归纳法为基础,通过MATLAB软件的图形用户接口开发环境,对基于太阳跟踪装置设计和安装的太阳跟踪评价系统进行开发。所开发的太阳跟踪评价系统能够快速分析拟设计太阳跟踪装置的太阳高度角和方位角运动范围、太阳光到达地面的总辐射量、太阳跟踪装置的最优安装间距,以及对当地安装太阳跟踪装置的必要性进行评级,为太阳跟踪装置的设计和安装提供参考。  相似文献   

Rotational breakup as the origin of small binary asteroids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Walsh KJ  Richardson DC  Michel P 《Nature》2008,454(7201):188-191
Asteroids with satellites are observed throughout the Solar System, from subkilometre near-Earth asteroid pairs to systems of large and distant bodies in the Kuiper belt. The smallest and closest systems are found among the near-Earth and small inner main-belt asteroids, which typically have rapidly rotating primaries and close secondaries on circular orbits. About 15 per cent of near-Earth and main-belt asteroids with diameters under 10 km have satellites. The mechanism that forms such similar binaries in these two dynamically different populations was hitherto unclear. Here we show that these binaries are created by the slow spinup of a 'rubble pile' asteroid by means of the thermal YORP (Yarkovsky-O'Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack) effect. We find that mass shed from the equator of a critically spinning body accretes into a satellite if the material is collisionally dissipative and the primary maintains a low equatorial elongation. The satellite forms mostly from material originating near the primary's surface and enters into a close, low-eccentricity orbit. The properties of binaries produced by our model match those currently observed in the small near-Earth and main-belt asteroid populations, including 1999 KW(4) (refs 3, 4).  相似文献   

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