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亚里士多德技术观与两种技术伦理悖论的解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亚里士多德的技术观可表述为:技术即制作活动。过程的有限性、从人到物的关系模式、外在的目的论是制作活动的三个主要特征,三者对于消解现今技术伦理讨论中的“技术亦善亦恶”悖论和“技术伦理无善可求”悖论有着积极作用。  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,有关自然辩证法的争辩风起云涌,大体包括称谓之辩、研究范式之辩、学科性质之辩、形态之辩、正本清源之辩等等。但是如何避免称谓之辩掩盖其他争辩,以构建正本清源之辩为牵引的争辩序列;如何避免忽略自然辩证法研究内容本身,抛弃自然辩证法对人和自然关系及科学技术发展现实的反思特性等问题;如何在争辩中坚守"不辩",即树立鲜明的旗帜、坚定明确的态度、以陈述的方式回应有关自然辩证法的种种争辩;如何在"辩"与"不辩"之中谋求自然辩证法的新发展,关键在于维持"辩"与"不辩"之间的张力,做到辩之有力,不辩有理。只有这样,我们才能在充分认识自然辩证法新发展的基础上,真正实现新发展,促进自然辩证法学科建设。  相似文献   

信念悖论是信念逻辑系统中的独特现象,它基于对信念行为的某种特定理解和形式化处理。本文旨在讨论三种信念悖论:抽彩悖论,序言悖论和自我欺骗悖论。  相似文献   

本文主要从亚里士多德关于—前提为必然—前提为实然的模态三段论原文出发,对其思想进行分析和整理,指出了亚里士多德主张的十三个模态有效式,并提炼出其公理化思想。在此基础上,对亚里士多德的思想加以补充,提出了第十四个模态有效式并给予证明。  相似文献   

博弈行为中的演绎与归纳推理及其问题   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
博弈逻辑(game logic)是随着博弈论的迅速发展而形成的一个新的学科,它是一行动逻辑。博弈逻辑研究的是理性的人在互动行动中即博弈中的推理问题,在博弈行为中存在演绎推理和归纳推理。正如在传统逻辑中存在逻辑悖论一样,博弈逻辑中同样存在悖论或者“问题”。博弈参与人运用演绎推理时存在逆向归纳法悖论,而运用归纳推理时存在归纳是否有效的问题。  相似文献   

本文着重讨论知识接受问题,即命题满足什么条件才有资格成为知识?凯伯格提出的抽彩悖论长期以来是这一领域的难点问题。本文扼要介绍了凯伯格以及卡尔纳普等人对这一难题的解决方案,并指出它们的不足之比本文给出一种新的解决,并给以详尽的论证。  相似文献   

彩票悖论是一个重要的归纳悖论,关乎知识与信念的确证,动摇了我们一直赖以信任的高概率接受原则、一致性原则、合取闭合原则等哲学原则,在学界引起了较大的反响.对信念主体习惯性地忽视导致了合取闭合原则在信念上的误用,而这种误用正是彩票悖论出现的重要原因.因此在将彩票悖论作为信念悖论的前提下,将信念主体重新纳入视野中,对彩票悖论...  相似文献   

悖论与极性思维   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
真理有绝对性,也有相对性、有条件性、具体性。如果片面夸大绝对性,无视真理的具体性、相对性,则形成极性思堆。极性思维是追求简单化、齐一性的产物,科学史上主要表现为还原论、机械论。“蕴涵怪论”、“集合论悖论”、“说谎者悖论”、“秃头悖论”都是极性思维的后果。科学家们在解悖过程中建立新理论表明他们对导致悖论的极性思维的认识,对真理相对性的认识。通过解悖,克服极性思维,创建新理论,这正是解悖的意义与实质所在。  相似文献   

目前,西方逻辑悖论研究最具活力的表现是一系列“语境敏感”方案的提出,典型者当推“情景语义学”方案。它认为,把“P而非P”改变成“P1而P2”,悖论便无从产生。但是,该方案只是对一些例子而言“非常自然”,对另一些例子,如“强化谎者”悖论的解决,便很有“特设性”了。  相似文献   

人的二元性生存悖论决定了人总有一死。但自古以来,人类以各种方式拒斥死亡,追求长生不老。克隆技术正是人类抗拒死亡的生死大计,而这个大计其实是一个谎言,一个“生死攸关”的真实谎言。  相似文献   

This paper reviews Aristotle’s problematic relationship with modern economic theory. It argues that in terms of value and income distribution theory, Aristotle should probably be seen as a precursor to neither classical nor neoclassical economic thought. Indeed, there are strong arguments to be made that Aristotle’s views are completely at odds with all modern economic theory, since, among other things, he was not necessarily concerned with flexible market prices, opposed the use of money to acquire more money, and did not think that the unintended consequences of human activity were generally beneficial. The paper argues however, that this interpretation goes too far. The Benthamite neoclassical theory of choice can be seen as a dumbing down of Aristotle’s theory, applicable to animals, not humans. Adam Smith and Karl Marx were deeply influenced by Aristotle’s work and both started their main economic works with Aristotle: Smith ultimately rejecting, and Marx ultimately developing Aristotle’s views of the use of money to acquire more money. Possibilities for the future development of a new Aristotelian Economics are explored.  相似文献   

19世纪英国著名数学家德摩根的<悖论集>是一卷形形色色的数学狂怪的经典历史档案,是一部绝世的数学警世通言.这卷历史档案永不过时,它已将过去,现在和将来的数学狂怪刻画得入木三分、讽刺得淋漓尽致.读了<悖论集>,你一定会感到再也没有必要对今天的数学狂怪们作什么评论了.  相似文献   

Focusing on the concept of “the moral self” this essay explores relationships between Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and John Dewey’s moral pragmatism and tries to evaluate the extent to which in his work on ethics Aristotle may be considered a pragmatist. Aristotle foreshadows pragmatism, for example, in preferring virtue-based to rule-based ethics, in contending that the moral status of a person’s actions and the nature of the person’s selfhood are interdependent, and in stressing the key role of habits in character formation. Aristotle, however, may seem far from the status of pragmatist when he privileges the life of contemplation and posits a moral self that is more static than the one proposed by Dewey. This essay contends that if more attention is paid to Aristotle’s treatment of friendship and to his highlighting of the need for reciprocity then the moral self that emerges from Nicomachean Ethics becomes more dialectical and more at one with that proposed by the American pragmatist. Aristotle, then, may be regarded as setting Dewey on the path towards a model of moral self that is not only deeply concerned about the lives of others but that is also dependent on others for its own existence.  相似文献   

在回溯亚里士多德的质料及其潜能中,布洛赫把物质理解为"客观-现实的可能性",在批判继承亚里士多德左翼传统的世界质料、普遍质料概念中,布洛赫进一步把物质规定为"过程质料"。通过把亚里士多德的物质概念与黑格尔的辩证法有机结合起来,布洛赫辩证地叙述了趋向乌托邦全体的全世界的历史进程。在他那里,物质的开放性与辩证法的开放性构成乌托邦的全体的基础。在此意义上,正是亚里士多德的物质概念与黑格尔的辩证法孕育诞生了布洛赫乌托邦的希望哲学。  相似文献   

The formalism of abstracted quantum mechanics is applied in a model of the generalized Liar Paradox. Here, the Liar Paradox, a consistently testable configuration of logical truth properties, is considered a dynamic conceptual entity in the cognitive sphere (Aerts, Broekaert, &; Smets, [Foundations of Science 1999, 4, 115–132; International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2000, 38, 3231–3239]; Aerts and colleagues[Dialogue in Psychology, 1999, 10; Proceedings of Fundamental Approachs to Consciousness, Tokyo ’99; Mind in Interaction]. Basically, the intrinsic contextuality of the truth-value of the Liar Paradox is appropriately covered by the abstracted quantum mechanical approach. The formal details of the model are explicited here for the generalized case. We prove the possibility of constructing a quantum model of the m-sentence generalizations of the Liar Paradox. This includes (i) the truth–falsehood state of the m-Liar Paradox can be represented by an embedded 2m-dimensional quantum vector in a (2m) m -dimensional complex Hilbert space, with cognitive interactions corresponding to projections, (ii) the construction of a continuous ‘time’ dynamics is possible: typical truth and falsehood value oscillations are described by Schrödinger evolution, (iii) Kirchoff and von Neumann axioms are satisfied by introduction of ‘truth-value by inference’ projectors, (iv) time invariance of unmeasured state.  相似文献   

要理解和谐社会理念,必须正确地认识悖论.悖论的历史同逻辑一样久远.悖论同矛盾一样,是客观存在的关系反映.辩证逻辑是认识矛盾性关系的工具,数理逻辑则是处理悖论性关系的工具.在全球化时代,和谐社会必然建立在信息技术基础上.悖论的逻辑地位的确立,为逻辑结构从完全性结构向不完全性结构转型提供了必要的说明.  相似文献   

To Aristotle, spoken words are symbols, not of objects in the world, but of our mental experiences related to these objects. Presently there are two major strands of interpretation of Aristotle’s concept of the linguistic sign. First, there is the structuralist account offered by Coseriu (Geschichte der Sprachphilosophie. Von den Anfängen bis Rousseau, 2003 [1969], pp. 65–108) whose interpretation is reminiscent of the Saussurean sign concept. A second interpretation, offered by Lieb (in: Geckeler (Ed.) Logos Semantikos: Studia Linguistica in Honorem Eugenio Coseriu 1921–1981, 1981) and Weidemann (in: Schmitter (Ed.) Geschichte der Sprachtheorie 2. Sprachtheorien der abendländischen Antike, 1991), says that Aristotle’s concept of the linguistic sign is similar to the one presented in Ogden and Richard’s (The meaning of meaning: A study of the influence of language upon thought and of the science of symbolism, 1970 [1923]) semiotic triangle. This paper starts off with an introductory outline of the so-called phýsei-thései discussion which started during presocratic times and culminated in Plato’s Cratylus. Aristotle’s concept of the linguistic sign is to be regarded as a solution to the stalemate position reached in the Cratylus. Next, a discussion is offered of both Coseriu’s and Lieb’s analysis. We submit that Aristotle’s concept of the linguistic sign shows features of both Saussure’s and Ogden and Richards’s sign concept but that it does not exclusively predict one of the two. We argue that Aristotle’s concept of the linguistic sign is based on three different relations which together evince his teleological as well empiricist point of view: one internal (symbolic) relation and two external relations, i.e. a likeness relation and a relation katà synthéken.  相似文献   

A renewed concern with Aristotle’s thought about the economic aspects of human life and society can be observed. Aristotle dealt with the economic issues in his practical philosophy. He thus considered ‘the economic’ within an ethical and political frame. This vision is coherent with a specific ontology of ‘the economic’ according to Aristotle. In a recent paper, I analysed this ontology and left its consequences, especially for Ethics and Politics, for another paper. In this article, I firstly summarise the reasoning and conclusions of the aforementioned paper. Then, I extract the ethical and political “lessons” of the Aristotelian conception. I finally add a section with epistemological “lessons”, and consequences for the teaching of Economics.  相似文献   

对语言意义的分析古希腊就已开始。亚里士多德用分析能力表示自己的主张,其分析的初始环节是语词分析。《范畴篇》通篇讨论语词的涵义与指称。作为命题主词,亚氏的第一实体与弗雷格的对象表面类似,实质不同。亚氏关于第二实体可作命题主词的主张与其通名理论密切相联。属种关系分析在亚氏理论中占有极重要地位。对量词的不同分析结果根源于对存在的不同理解和解释。虽然亚氏未分析命题主词所指的存在并不全面,但逻辑分析学派把主词所指局限于现实世界同样有失偏颇。对于提高分析能力来说,掌握方法固然重要,但更重要的是对语言分析宗旨的明确。  相似文献   

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