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Zusammenfassung Im Tagesrhythmus der Proliferationstätigkeit von Darmepithelien wurde in drei verschiedenen Parametern um 02.00 Uhr ein Maximum gefunden. Mögliche Mechanismen werden erörtert.  相似文献   

Riassunto Il solfato di idrazina inhibisce l'effetto citopatico e la moltiplicazione sia del virus polio che di quello vaccinico. Tale azione non deriva nè da un effetto sulla particella virale nè da un danno cellulare.  相似文献   

The developing molar tissues of the lower jaw of 13, 14 and 15 day Mouse embryos were removed and cultured in vitro. Complete molar dentition differentiated.  相似文献   

12:12-h cycles of presence and absence of mother mouse act as a 'zeitgeber' and entrain the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in the pups of Mus booduga under continuous darkness or continuous dim light. Continuous higher illumination of 15-25 lx abolishes this impressive maternal entrainment.  相似文献   

Summary 1212-h cycles of presence and absence of mother mouse act as a zeitgeber and entrain the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in the pups ofMus booduga under continuous darkness or continuous dim light. Continuous higher illumination of 15–25 lx abolishes this impressive maternal entrainment.Acknowledgment. We are grateful to the DST, Government of India, for financial support under their IRHPA scheme. N.V. is the recipient of a Senior Research Fellowship of CSIR, New Delhi. We thank Dr. R. Subbaraj for discussions.  相似文献   

Summary Mouse eggs (12–14%) and hamster eggs (87–94%) appear normal upon thawing after having been stored for 30 min to 25 h at –70°C and –196°C. While 89–98% of the normal appearing hamster eggs are capable of fertilization in vitro, only 4–13% of the mouse eggs can be fertilized. The ability of fertilized eggs to develop in culture and their viability upon transfer to pseudopregnant recipients is under investigation.This work was supported by grants from the U.S. Public Health Service and the Ford Foundation. Sincere thanks are due to Prof.Y. Nishikawa of Kyoto University, Japan, for advice and to Mrs.Rose Bartke and Ms.D. M. Hunt for assistance.  相似文献   

Mouse oocytes, liberated from ovarian follicles, resume meiosis in the obligatory presence of Ca++. PHMPS exerts a toxic effect on this mechanism. m-RNA synthesis, in contrast to that of r-RNA. seems to be required during the first hours of maturation in order to ensure realization of the following steps: in addition the 2nd maturation period, corresponding to the first polar body extrusion, depends on the presence of proteins synthesized during the chromatin condensation process and germinal vesicle breakdown. We suggest that it might be a factor responsible for microtubule formation in metaphase I.  相似文献   

Résumé On a isolé chez la souris, d'une souche deStreptococcus hemolyticus une fraction lipidique qui inhibe complètement le développement de la tumeur ascitique d'Ehrlich quand la fraction lipidique est préincubée avec les cellules de la tumeur avant inoculation.  相似文献   

Resumen El aparato de Golgi de las células a prolactin de la pars distalis de la hipofisis del ratón, presenta un desarrollo variable en distintos momentos de un período circadiano. Está muy desarrollado y contiene numerosos gránulos en formación en animales sacrificados al mediodía, mientras que está muy poco desarrollado en los animales sacrificados a la medianoche.

This investigation was supported with a grant from the Comisión de Investigación Científica de la Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Thanks are due to the members of the technical staff of the Institute for their technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary In vitro associations of the non-legumeLycopersicum esculentum andRhizobium sp. cowpea 32H1 were established. Tomato plants induced rhizobial nitrogenase activity. Induction of nitrogenase activity was possible through a membrane which was impermeable for bacteria.  相似文献   

Résumé Dihydroelatericine A administré par voie buccale à des souris femelles au moins pendant deux semaines, empêche la fertilisation. L'éxamen histologique des ovaires démontre que la substance prévient l'ovulation.  相似文献   

Summary The phagocytic activity on in vitro cultured mouse peritoneal macrophages derived from animals treated with 6-alpha-methyl-prednisolone was examined. The statistical evaluation of results showed an increase of phagocytic activity of macrophages derived from treated animals in comparison with controls.  相似文献   

Riassunto Le cellule C (parafollicolari) della tiroide di cane conservano in vitro, in coltura organotipica, i loro caratteri istochimici ed ultrastrutturali. Tali cellule, cui viene attualmente attribuita la funzione di produrre calcitonina, reagiscono ad una elevazione del contenuto in calcio del terreno di coltura, con modificazioni istochimiche (perdita della argirofilia e metacromasia) e ultra-strutturali (diminuzione fino a scomparsa dei granuli di secrezione). Questi studii fanno ritenere possibile che la secrezione di calcitonina venga direttamente regolata dal livello del calcio.  相似文献   

Résumé L'action adrénocorticotrope d'un polypeptide à 25 acides aminés, comprenant 3 modifications de structure par rapport à la séquence 1–25 de l'ACTH naturelle est étudiée et démontrée. La destruction enzymatique de ce pentacosapeptide paraît être plus lente dans le sang que dans les tissus musculaire et sous-cutané. L'augmentation de la dose injectée produit un allongement de la durée de stimulation de la cortico-surrénale.  相似文献   

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