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Sulphur is abundant at the martian surface, yet its origin and evolution over time remain poorly constrained. This sulphur is likely to have originated in atmospheric chemical reactions, and so should provide records of the evolution of the martian atmosphere, the cycling of sulphur between the atmosphere and crust, and the mobility of sulphur in the martian regolith. Moreover, the atmospheric deposition of oxidized sulphur species could establish chemical potential gradients in the martian near-surface environment, and so provide a potential energy source for chemolithoautotrophic organisms. Here we present measurements of sulphur isotopes in oxidized and reduced phases from the SNC meteorites--the group of related achondrite meteorites believed to have originated on Mars--together with the results of laboratory photolysis studies of two important martian atmospheric sulphur species (SO2 and H2S). The photolysis experiments can account for the observed sulphur-isotope compositions in the SNC meteorites, and so identify a mechanism for producing large abiogenic 34S fractionations in the surface sulphur reservoirs. We conclude that the sulphur data from the SNC meteorites reflects deposition of oxidized sulphur species produced by atmospheric chemical reactions, followed by incorporation, reaction and mobilization of the sulphur within the regolith.  相似文献   

V R Baker 《Nature》2001,412(6843):228-236
Over the past 30 years, the water-generated landforms and landscapes of Mars have been revealed in increasing detail by a succession of spacecraft missions. Recent data from the Mars Global Surveyor mission confirm the view that brief episodes of water-related activity, including glaciation, punctuated the geological history of Mars. The most recent of these episodes seems to have occurred within the past 10 million years. These new results are anomalous in regard to the prevailing view that the martian surface has been continuously extremely cold and dry, much as it is today, for the past 3.9 billion years. Interpretations of the new data are controversial, but explaining the anomalies in a consistent manner leads to potentially fruitful hypotheses for understanding the evolution of Mars in relation to Earth.  相似文献   

Malin MC  Carr MH 《Nature》1999,397(6720):589-591
The martian surface shows large outflow channels, widely accepted as having been formed by gigantic floods that could have occurred under climatic conditions like those seen today. Also present are branching valley networks that commonly have tributaries. These valleys are much smaller than the outflow channels and their origins and ages have been controversial. For example, they might have formed through slow erosion by water running across the surface, either early or late in Mars' history, possibly protected from harsh conditions by ice cover. Alternatively, they might have formed through groundwater or ground-ice processes that undermine the surface and cause collapse, again either early or late in Mars' history. Long-duration surface runoff would imply climatic conditions quite different from the present environment. Here we present high-resolution images of martian valleys that support the view that ground water played an important role in their formation, although we are unable as yet to establish when this occurred.  相似文献   

Richardson MI  Wilson RJ 《Nature》2002,416(6878):298-301
Large seasonal and hemispheric asymmetries in the martian climate system are generally ascribed to variations in solar heating associated with orbital eccentricity. As the orbital elements slowly change (over a period of >104 years), characteristics of the climate such as dustiness and the vigour of atmospheric circulation are thought to vary, as should asymmetries in the climate (for example, the deposition of water ice at the northern versus the southern pole). Such orbitally driven climate change might be responsible for the observed layering in Mars' polar deposits by modulating deposition of dust and water ice. Most current theories assume that climate asymmetries completely reverse as the angular distance between equinox and perihelion changes by 180 degrees. Here we describe a major climate mechanism that will not precess in this way. We show that Mars' global north-south elevation difference forces a dominant southern summer Hadley circulation that is independent of perihelion timing. The Hadley circulation, a tropical overturning cell responsible for trade winds, largely controls interhemispheric transport of water and the bulk dustiness of the atmosphere. The topography therefore imprints a strong handedness on climate, with water ice and the active formation of polar layered deposits more likely in the north.  相似文献   

Orbital forcing of the martian polar layered deposits   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Laskar J  Levrard B  Mustard JF 《Nature》2002,419(6905):375-377
Since the first images of polar regions on Mars revealed alternating bright and dark layers, there has been speculation that their formation might be tied to the planet's orbital climate forcing. But uncertainties in the deposition timescale exceed two orders of magnitude: estimates based on assumptions of dust deposition, ice formation and sublimation, and their variations with orbital forcing suggest a deposition rate of 10(-3) to 10(-2) cm yr(-1) (refs 5, 6), whereas estimates based on cratering rate result in values as high as 0.1 to 0.2 cm yr(-1) (ref. 7). Here we use a combination of high-resolution images of the polar layered terrains, high-resolution topography and revised calculations of the orbital and rotational parameters of Mars to show that a correlation exists between ice-layer radiance as a function of depth (obtained from photometric data of the images of the layered terrains) and the insolation variations in summer at the martian north pole, similar to what has been shown for palaeoclimate studies of the Earth. For the best fit between the radiance profile and the simulated insolation parameters, we obtain an average deposition rate of 0.05 cm yr(-1) for the top 250 m of deposits on the ice cap of the north pole of Mars.  相似文献   

 讨论了1965年以来云南地区强震孕育过程中地震类型的动态变化,发现:云南地区发生6.7级以上强震前数月至数年,云南省内均有2次以上5级双震或群震型地震发生;部分强震前数月至数年,至少有3次以上前主震型地震密集发生.强震发生在这些前主震、双震、群震型地震150 km以外地区.典型地区地震类型的追踪研究也表明:宁蒗地区发生5级双震、前主震型地震以及腾冲地区发生6级群震型地震,云南地区均发生6.5级和7级以上强震,但地点远在宁蒗、腾冲200 km以外地区.实验中,随着载荷的增大,岩样的破裂类型经历了主余破、孤立破→群破→前主破→破裂类型多元化的过程.震例和实验研究结果的对照显示:地震的类型不仅与发震地区地质构造有关,也与地壳介质所处的应力状态有关.  相似文献   

Jago RA 《Nature》1979,279(5712):413-415
CLOUDY taenite appears as a dark-etching rim that occurs at the high nickel border of taenite fields in iron meteorites and mesosiderites. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) shows it to consist of a foam-like association of interpenetrating single crystals of taenite and kamacite when well developed(1) with an orientation relationship between those of the Kurdjumow-Sachs and the Nishiyama(2). It occurs between compositional limits that have been reported as approximately 25-40% Ni(1) and 30-40% Ni(3). Observed taenite particle sizes range from 0.4 microm in the Estherville mesosiderite(1) to considerably less than 0.1 microm for many iron meteorites (unpublished data). The mechanism of cloudy taenite formation has not been previously explained, although it is believed(2) to be a phenomenon related to the Invar effect, which occurs in Fe-35% Ni (Invar) and several other alloy systems. Santa Catharina is a wholly taenitic anomalous iron meteorite that contains 35% Ni and 0.6% Co (ref. 4). This composition, which is very similar to that of Invar, places it well inside the range where cloudy taenite is known to form. The optical microstructure of Santa Catharina suggested that the matrix phase of the entire meteorite may consist of cloudy taenite, so I have now examined it by TEM and the results are reported here.  相似文献   

Phyllosilicates on Mars and implications for early martian climate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The recent identification of large deposits of sulphates by remote sensing and in situ observations has been considered evidence of the past presence of liquid water on Mars. Here we report the unambiguous detection of diverse phyllosilicates, a family of aqueous alteration products, on the basis of observations by the OMEGA imaging spectrometer on board the Mars Express spacecraft. These minerals are mainly associated with Noachian outcrops, which is consistent with an early active hydrological system, sustaining the long-term contact of igneous minerals with liquid water. We infer that the two main families of hydrated alteration products detected-phyllosilicates and sulphates--result from different formation processes. These occurred during two distinct climatic episodes: an early Noachian Mars, resulting in the formation of hydrated silicates, followed by a more acidic environment, in which sulphates formed.  相似文献   

The mineralogical and elemental compositions of the martian soil are indicators of chemical and physical weathering processes. Using data from the Mars Exploration Rovers, we show that bright dust deposits on opposite sides of the planet are part of a global unit and not dominated by the composition of local rocks. Dark soil deposits at both sites have similar basaltic mineralogies, and could reflect either a global component or the general similarity in the compositions of the rocks from which they were derived. Increased levels of bromine are consistent with mobilization of soluble salts by thin films of liquid water, but the presence of olivine in analysed soil samples indicates that the extent of aqueous alteration of soils has been limited. Nickel abundances are enhanced at the immediate surface and indicate that the upper few millimetres of soil could contain up to one per cent meteoritic material.  相似文献   

Space exploration: secrets of the martian soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wu C 《Nature》2007,448(7155):742-744

Understanding the nature and origin of the asteroid population in Earth's vicinity (near-Earth asteroids, and its subset of potentially hazardous asteroids) is a matter of both scientific interest and practical importance. It is generally expected that the compositions of the asteroids that are most likely to hit Earth should reflect those of the most common meteorites. Here we report that most near-Earth asteroids (including the potentially hazardous subset) have spectral properties quantitatively similar to the class of meteorites known as LL chondrites. The prominent Flora family in the inner part of the asteroid belt shares the same spectral properties, suggesting that it is a dominant source of near-Earth asteroids. The observed similarity of near-Earth asteroids to LL chondrites is, however, surprising, as this meteorite class is relatively rare ( approximately 8 per cent of all meteorite falls). One possible explanation is the role of a size-dependent process, such as the Yarkovsky effect, in transporting material from the main belt.  相似文献   

Andrews-Hanna JC  Zuber MT  Banerdt WB 《Nature》2008,453(7199):1212-1215
The most prominent feature on the surface of Mars is the near-hemispheric dichotomy between the southern highlands and northern lowlands. The root of this dichotomy is a change in crustal thickness along an apparently irregular boundary, which can be traced around the planet, except where it is presumably buried beneath the Tharsis volcanic rise. The isostatic compensation of these distinct provinces and the ancient population of impact craters buried beneath the young lowlands surface suggest that the dichotomy is one of the most ancient features on the planet. However, the origin of this dichotomy has remained uncertain, with little evidence to distinguish between the suggested causes: a giant impact or mantle convection/overturn. Here we use the gravity and topography of Mars to constrain the location of the dichotomy boundary beneath Tharsis, taking advantage of the different modes of compensation for Tharsis and the dichotomy to separate their effects. We find that the dichotomy boundary along its entire path around the planet is accurately fitted by an ellipse measuring approximately 10,600 by 8,500 km, centred at 67 degrees N, 208 degrees E. We suggest that the elliptical nature of the crustal dichotomy is most simply explained by a giant impact, representing the largest such structure thus far identified in the Solar System.  相似文献   

Selsis F  Lemmon MT  Vaubaillon J  Bell JF 《Nature》2005,435(7042):581
Regular meteor showers occur when a planet approaches the orbit of a periodic comet--for example, the Leonid shower is evident around 17 November every year as Earth skims past the dusty trail of comet Tempel-Tuttle. Such showers are expected to occur on Mars as well, and on 7 March last year, the panoramic camera of Spirit, the Mars Exploration Rover, revealed a curious streak across the martian sky. Here we show that the timing and orientation of this streak, and the shape of its light curve, are consistent with the existence of a regular meteor shower associated with the comet Wiseman-Skiff, which could be characterized as martian Cepheids.  相似文献   

A suite of observations suggests that the northern plains of Mars, which cover nearly one third of the planet's surface, may once have contained an ocean. Perhaps the most provocative evidence for an ancient ocean is a set of surface features that ring the plains for thousands of kilometres and that have been interpreted as a series of palaeoshorelines of different age. It has been shown, however, that topographic profiles along the putative shorelines contain long-wavelength trends with amplitudes of up to several kilometres, and these trends have been taken as an argument against the martian shoreline (and ocean) hypothesis. Here we show that the long-wavelength topography of the shorelines is consistent with deformation caused by true polar wander--a change in the orientation of a planet with respect to its rotation pole--and that the inferred pole path has the geometry expected for a true polar wander event that postdates the formation of the massive Tharsis volcanic rise.  相似文献   

Holzheid A  Sylvester P  O'Neill HS  Rubie DC  Palme HS 《Nature》2000,406(6794):396-399
The high-pressure solubility in silicate liquids of moderately siderophile 'iron-loving' elements (such as nickel and cobalt) has been used to suggest that, in the early Earth, an equilibrium between core-forming metals and the silicate mantle was established at the bottom of a magma ocean. But observed concentrations of the highly siderophile elements--such as the platinum-group elements platinum, palladium, rhenium, iridium, ruthenium and osmium--in the Earth's upper mantle can be explained by such a model only if their metal-silicate partition coefficients at high pressure are orders of magnitude lower than those determined experimentally at one atmosphere (refs 3-8). Here we present an experimental determination of the solubility of palladium and platinum in silicate melts as a function of pressure to 16 GPa (corresponding to about 500 km depth in the Earth). We find that both the palladium and platinum metal-silicate partition coefficients, derived from solubility, do not decrease with pressure--that is, palladium and platinum retain a strong preference for the metal phase even at high pressures. Consequently the observed abundances of palladium and platinum in the upper mantle seem to be best explained by a 'late veneer' addition of chondritic material to the upper mantle following the cessation of core formation.  相似文献   

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